I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 764 The period of the rise of domestic products

The last heat wave finally dissipated after a heavy rain.

The summer heat is gradually disappearing, the green leaves are gradually withering, and the earth is getting a bit cooler.

[Taozhu.com] The Double 10 event is already in full swing.

Advertisements on various platforms are already everywhere. As soon as you open the relevant cooperation platform, you will see a mandatory pop-up window about the Double 10 event.

Not only that, TV advertising is also the most important aspect of [Taozhu.com]. In order to discuss a CCTV advertisement, Ma Yunhua personally went to the CCTV Building to talk to the person in charge of the CCTV Commercial Department about the Double 10 advertisement.

From October 3 to October 5, Chen Jun from [Taozhu.com] went to CCTV almost every day.

However, CCTV's attitude is very ambiguous.

He neither refused nor agreed. The ambiguous attitude made Chen Jun frown involuntarily.

On October 5th, Chen Jun finally realized something.

"Mr. Ma...are we abandoned?"


Chen Jun knocked on Ma Yunhua's office, and then said these words in a bitter voice.

Ma Yunhua remained silent, just looking at the slightly gloomy sky.

[Taozhu.com] The Double 10 event is still very popular. For this event, they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in just a few days.


Vaguely, Ma Yunhua always felt that when he looked up, he saw an invisible barrier, which restrained him severely and made him breathless.

[Taozhu.com] Over the years since starting her business, Ma Yunhua has naturally met countless senior officials...

Every time they have smiling faces, some of them even have flattering expressions, but recently, these smiling faces have become less and less.

Still enthusiastic, but a little more distant, as if he had become the purest businessman and official.

Seeing that he was silent, Chen Jun didn't know what to say for a moment, but he didn't dare to leave the office. The atmosphere was so strangely silent.

I don't know how much time passed, but Chen Jun looked at Ma Yunhua and turned around: "We launched [Tiangu Mall], but we still can't retain those merchants?"


This time, Chen Jun was silent.

"How much is the box office of "The Truman"?"

"Five days after the release, the total box office has exceeded 80 million, and the total number of moviegoers has exceeded 2.28 million..."

"What about "Demon World"?"

"280 million, the total number of moviegoers is about 4 million..."


In terms of box office.

The box office sales of the two movies are very different, but if we look at the number of moviegoers, the gap is always shrinking.

After all, the average movie ticket for "The Devil" is 70 yuan a piece, while the average movie ticket for "The Truman" is about 35 yuan, which is half the price.

After hearing this data, Ma Yunhua felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart again, but he always maintained his usual calmness in front of Chen Jun.

"You can make an appointment with some of our [Taozhu.com] major mainstream brand merchants, and I will talk to them personally..."

"Mr. Ma, you..."

"Go make an appointment."



At the beginning of the millennium, domestic brands.

Perhaps it is because of some historical issues, or perhaps it is because of technical and various issues that have always been unpopular with mainstream platforms.

However, after 2010, many excellent domestic brands have actually begun to emerge under the pressure of capital.

[Taozhu.com] In the large conference room.

Dozens of large domestic brand merchants that [Taozhu.com] cooperates with are gathered in the conference room.

Among them are sports brands, clothing brands, cosmetics, and some electronic and electrical appliance brands...

Ma Yunhua looked at these people with a sincere expression on her face.

"For a long time in the past, when we [Taozhu.com] were expanding wildly, some omissions inevitably occurred..."

"I know that you all have some affection for us [Taozhu.com], and I am also very happy that you can come over and discuss with me what to do next for our e-commerce..."


Ma Yunhua's rare sincere voice suddenly made some people feel a little complicated.

Afterwards, everyone stood up one after another, saying that they had always supported [Taozhu.com] and just wanted to get better rights.

Ma Yunhua looked at everyone's reactions, and it seemed that everything was within his reason.

He told everyone more frankly that the current situation of [Taozhu.com] is relatively complicated. Although it is listed, he still lacks the absolute right to speak.

However, he is willing to use his own money to push your brands to the most prominent position in the Double 10 event of [Taozhu.com] through traffic advertising. The exposure will not be worse than that of any international brand.

At the same time, he also asked Chen Jun to bring over an agreement from [Tiangu Mall], and told everyone that as long as they signed this agreement, he would unconditionally support the Double 10 event, and would support them in the future [Tiangu Mall] It will be the mainstay of the entire mall.

Outside the window...

A cool breeze blew in.

In the conference room.

Everyone looked down at the contract almost immediately.

In his ears, Ma Yunhua lowered his attitude and almost treated them like family members.

Some people were infected by Ma Yunhua's sincerity and signed the contract on the spot.

Although other people were moved in their hearts, when their thoughts came to reality, they gradually calmed down.

They didn't pick up the pen and sign the contract. They just said that they couldn't reply today.

Ma Yunhua did not insist on this.

After the meeting, Chen Jun walked into Ma Yunhua's office with a heavy face and half of the agreement.

Ma Yunhua did not read the agreement, but asked Chen Jun to pay attention to the trends of merchants who did not sign the agreement.

Chen Jun nodded and left the office.

About an hour later, Chen Jun knocked on the office door again.

"Their journey seems to be heading towards Yanjing..."

"Zhang Sheng is in Yanjing..."


When Ma Yunhua heard this, he felt a little heavy and increasingly suffocated, making him restless.

On the opposite side, Chen Jun's face became increasingly ugly, as if there was something unspeakable.

"what else?"

"We... cooperate with brands, and many of them have gone to Yanjing to find Zhang Sheng for cooperation..."



[Elegance Shampoo] appeared in the movie "The Truman" about three times!

From October 1st to October 5th, this brand, which had been squeezed out of the market in 10 years with no hope, actually sold more than two million bottles of shampoo, More than one million yuan of soap, 700,000 yuan of shower gel, nearly one million yuan of toothpaste...

[Shenchuan Computer], which has been featured in "The Truman", sold more than 200,000 new notebooks, 300,000 desktop computers, and over one million computer accessories in five days...

The female advocate Panpan used a strange expression in front of the camera to advertise [Chaoque Coffee]. In just five days, the number of people importing in stores across the country was almost queued. The sales volume of [Chaoque Coffee] brand coffee supplies on the Internet Well over five million, this new brand, which was originally unfamiliar to countless people, suddenly became popular overnight...

A piece of amazing data...

In front of countless brand owners.

Countless brand owners almost went crazy after reading it!

No one would have thought...

An advertising film called "The Truman" not only performed extremely well at the box office, but also made the brand owners who sponsored the film in the early stages a lot of money.

What is even more unexpected is that the box office of "The Truman" in Europe and the United States is even more amazing. It has exceeded 10 million US dollars in box office in 5 days, and is on its way to breaking the historical record of 20 million US dollars for domestic movies!

The box office sales in Europe and the United States have made countless Chinese brand logos appear in Europe and the United States...

On Twitter, there are even a group of netizens purchasing [domestic brands] through various channels.

Within 5 days…

According to online statistics, the export units of the domestic brands that cooperated with [Truman] have almost doubled. After the financial crisis, they have created a miracle of a few domestic product exports rising against the trend!

On the Internet, the voices that once questioned "The Truman" and Zhang Sheng suddenly disappeared...

Those filmmakers who had criticized "The Truman" began to apologize for their previous words and deeds. After apologizing, they each posted another film review worth nearly 10,000 words.

"The Truman" is called the first perfect combination of business and art in the Chinese film industry!

"Mr. Zhang, we are a domestic brand. Although we have foreign investment, we are also an authentic domestic brand!"

"Mr. Zhang, our foreign investment ratio is relatively small, we are really domestic products!"

"Mr. Zhang, we [Fengsheng] have less foreign investment. We have a long history. We were established 20 years ago. It has not been easy for us in recent years. This time, we are very sincere..."

"Mr. Zhang, please help us promote it, we also want to win glory for domestic products!"

"Mr. Zhang, we have already opened a store in [Qiangsheng Online Mall], but we still hope that we can cooperate further. We have money now!"


Early morning on October 6th.

The entrances of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [NC Entertainment] were crowded with countless brand owners vying for the first place.

Those [fake foreign brands] who were once looked down upon and wished they could wear a few foreign brands crowded into the crowd and shouted at the top of their lungs.


Always the craziest stuff!

In the office.


"We have minimized the influence of Lao Ma's Double 10. Nearly half of the domestic brands on [Taozhu.com] have already come to us!"

"In addition, there are many joint venture brands. Just say something in the conference room..."

"They are all large brands... As long as you are willing to nod and sign an agreement with them, they will immediately disconnect from [Taozhu.com] and become a part of our system..."


Zhang Sheng was sitting in the office drinking tea.

He looked calmly at the people below.

The world is bustling with people, all for fame and fortune.

"After drinking this cup of tea, I'm leaving..."

"Where...are you going?"

"Our research and development in the western laboratory comes at a critical time..."

"Then this year... CCTV hopes that you can serve as the general director of this year's Spring Festival Gala. You..."

"My path no longer lies in these things...As this year's chief director, you ask Director Bi to find a way."


"I still say that you can do well! This time, even if I don't come here, you can still do well! I just give you some confidence, that's all..."


Looking at the sunshine outside the window.

Zhang Sheng put on some clothes, then stood up and walked out of the office under Li Bin's gaze.

Before leaving, Zhang Sheng paused slightly.



"Spring Festival Gala, WeChat red envelopes will continue to be distributed. In addition to red envelopes, you will also conduct a [Qiangsheng.com] activity to collect five blessings..."


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