I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 765: Old Ma is defeated and the empire is cracked

"Old horse..."

"This time, there's really nothing we can do."

"Lao Ma, we may have been pushed into a big pit by Zhang Sheng!"

"[The sharing economy] may be a big pit!"


"Of course, maybe, we are going in the wrong direction..."



For Ma Yunhua, this is the most hopeful and most desperate year.

This year……

This was supposed to be the year in which he expanded and harvested his capital empire and gained control of his true voice.


At this moment!

But he could only watch as [Taozhu.com] continued to lose merchants and its active users dropped sharply, but there was nothing he could do.

In fact, the capital team that was once proud of itself is now stuck in the quagmire amid the storms, burning huge amounts of money into the abyss of the market. In the darkness and madness, it can never find a way out.


Several Chinese spokespersons [Hongtian Capital] and [Hongsen Capital] want to have a truce and integrate their respective industries with each other.

However, there has been endless turmoil about how to act as CEOs of each other after integration, and who will take the lead. In the end, they had to continue to fall into the quagmire of capital.

October 8th.

[Taozhu.com] In the office.

Ma Yunhua received calls from several friends.

After answering the phone, the already suppressed emotions became heavier and heavier.

He gradually realized that the [sharing economy] abandoned by Zhang Sheng seemed to be a sinkhole.

[Bicycle sharing] The business format he envisioned is very good.

On the one hand, the system can be used to increase the payment volume; on the other hand, a new business format can be recast.


After actually doing it for a period of time, Ma Yunhua deeply realized that [the sharing industry] requires more capital investment than he imagined.

First, the market competition is cruel, and [Tengji Technology] is still staring at that small size and refusing to let go.

Second, it’s so messy!

This kind of chaos is not only due to countless capitals swarming into this track, but also because the entire market is somewhat deformed.

When bicycles were first launched on the market, many people took shared bicycles home because the measures in various aspects were not perfect. There are actually a lot of these unqualified people in China. As time goes by, many new users will find that Most of the shared bicycles on the market are broken, and they cannot be repaired for a long time. Countless people scanned the QR code and found some broken bikes...

This is not only true for shared bicycles, but also for shared battery vehicles...

Although the chaos of battery theft did not occur in 2012, many seats were still damaged and even became unrideable for a time...

Every month, no, it should be every day’s after-sales maintenance projects, all cost a sky-high price!

Thirdly, relevant departments also began to rectify the city appearance across the country in September. Battery cars and bicycles parked indiscriminately are often the focus of relevant departments. Often a new batch of battery cars are launched today, and not long after, This batch of battery cars was detained...

The atmosphere in the office is getting more and more depressing.

Ma Yunhua inevitably felt a sense of loneliness.

Looking up at the fallen leaves outside the window again, I felt the corners of my mouth growing bitter.

Although he knew that he had fallen into a trap, Ma Yunhua had no way to separate the [Sharing Economy]. If he did so rashly, it would easily have a huge impact on his [Payment System]. When they [Zhilibao] lost what they were most proud of, After paying the market, what else is waiting for them?

"Mr. Ma, the total number of users of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has exceeded 100 million, and the number of active users has exceeded 30 million."


Chen Jun's cautious voice came to his ears.

"From now on, let's not pay attention to what other people do!"

"Say hello to everyone below, and tell them that this time, as long as it reaches 14 billion, I can meet all their requirements!"

"Break 15 billion! Give out red envelopes to everyone!"


Ma Yunhua has taken a step back.

The target has been reduced from 15 billion to 14 billion.

After Chen Jun looked at Ma Yunhua's complicated expression, he finally nodded.

Silently left the office.

Ma Yunhua sat on the chair for a long time.


The China Double 10 event in 2012 was very lively.

Pop-ups from countless media online popped up again.

Even Ma Yunhua came forward in person, claiming that they were about to once again create a new, even global, e-commerce history.


do not know why.

Some people who knew Ma Yunhua well realized that Ma Yunhua was anxious.

In the early morning of October 10, 2012.

Li Zongyao of [Hongtian Capital] did not rest, but stayed in front of the computer, watching the Double 10 event of [Taozhu.com].

As the bell rang in the early morning, Li Zongyao saw that the entire interface of [Taozhu.com] had changed and became particularly festive. Countless brands suddenly rushed to the homepage...

The web page also got stuck for a while.

"The number of visits has exceeded 200 million, which has doubled compared with last year's Double 11 event."


The analyst's voice came from the side.

After Li Zongyao heard the doubling, he was not surprised at all, but stared at the data silently.

"In 5 minutes, [Taozhu.com]'s sales officially exceeded 100 million. Last year's Double 11 event only reached 50 million in 8 minutes! Another new historical record!"


"In 8 minutes, [Taozhu.com] sales exceeded 150 million..."


“In 15 minutes, sales exceeded 200 million!”


Behind the seemingly astonishing sales figures, Li Zongyao was not surprised at all. Instead, he asked about the situation of Qiangsheng Online Mall.

When he learned that [Qiangsheng Online Mall], which did not participate in the Double 10 event and had no previous publicity, had sales exceeding 50 million in 15 minutes, Li Zongyao's pupils shrank sharply.

“Can [Taozhu.com] achieve its goal of 14 billion?”


Li Zongyao asked the analyst next to him.

The analyst's glasses flashed with various data, and he fell into deep thought for five minutes, and then said: "The data on the Internet is changing rapidly. If it is not operated, it will be difficult for 12 billion..."

Li Zongyao did not say anything, but the analyst continued: "During this period, [Taozhu.com] has organized some fraud teams. Even if it does not reach 15 billion, it will reach 15 billion! I have no doubt that Mr. Ma He will put money into it, after all, for him, this battle cannot be lost! "

Li Zongyao nodded.

Then turned off the computer.

"I'm going to rest first. It's been a hard day."

"Mr. Li, what are you talking about..."



October 10th.

Ma Yunhua locked herself in the office.

No one was seen except Chen Jun.

Even Chen Jun felt a sense of fear when he saw Ma Yunhua and did not dare to stay in the office longer.

From early morning to 7am.

[Taozhu.com] has once again set a sales record for the entire Chinese e-commerce system, exceeding 5 billion.

You must know that last year, when the event was held, [Taozhu.com] only had more than 4 billion...

But there was no excitement at all on Ma Yunhua's face. Instead, his eyes were bloodshot, staring at groups of data with red eyes.

He saw that the sales curve of [Taozhu.com] had dropped.

He saw that [Qiangsheng Online Mall], which had not done any activities, had sales exceeding 800 million...

Groups of data touched his heart, and he even deduced how crazy [Qiangsheng Online Mall] would be during next month’s Double 11 [Domestic Products Festival]!

6 billion, maybe really let him do it?

The rise and collapse of empires seemed to happen overnight...

The high spirits and countless applause of listing on the New York Stock Exchange at the beginning of the year still seem like yesterday.

Ma Yunhua took a sip of tea.

The tea became more and more bitter.

Time passed little by little. During this period, the assistant came in with takeout, but at this moment, Ma Yunhua couldn't eat anything at all.

Until the sun sets...

In the evening, when the total sales of [Taozhu.com] exceeded 10 billion, Ma Yunhua took a slight breath.

There are 5 billion more!

However, the next 5 billion is already difficult.

As the consumption trend of the Double 10 event gradually fades away, it is simply impossible to complete this figure unless there is a huge order at a certain moment.

"Has the brushing started?"

"It started in the afternoon."

"Is there water in 10 billion?"

"There's some moisture."

"how many?"

"About two billion..."


Ma Yunhua hung up the phone.

I feel like I have no strength left in my whole body.

He stared at the ceiling in confusion.

Scenes of his previous entrepreneurial experiences flashed through his mind like a fleeting glance.

At this moment, everything has turned into despair.

The darkness outside the distant window is getting thicker and thicker, and the haze is getting heavier and heavier.

that's all……

In this dazed mood, I waited until early morning.

When he looked at the data of [Taozhu.com] again, he saw the data of 15 billion, which was just reached.

On Weibo, he announced the historical record of 15 billion sales of [Taozhu.com].


But I feel like my heart is bleeding.

The sales data of 15 billion and the data of nearly 6 billion are all generated by fraudulent orders...

The crazier the data, the more he subsidizes merchants, and at the same time, the more he pays.

In fact, this time's efforts made him unable to fight [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] for a long time, and he may even die slowly!


He had no choice but to hold on to his last dignity and create a false historical record, which was buried in the soil amidst shining exclamations.

He couldn't afford the liquidation of his empire collapsing overnight and the falling stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.


The phone rings.

The phone number is an unknown number.

He hangs up.

But then, it rang again.


"Mr. Ma, congratulations on breaking through 15 billion and contributing to China's e-commerce industry!"


A familiar, disgusting, and defense-breaking voice sounded in Ma Yunhua's ears.

This is……

Zhang Sheng’s phone number!

"Thank you! I hope that after you invest billions in the photovoltaic industry, you can also burst into a market of tens of billions. I hope your efforts will not be in vain!"


After Ma Yunhua answered the phone with a cold face, she responded briefly and hung up the phone before slamming the phone down!


His cell phone rang.

The call was from Li Bin.

After seeing the number, Ma Yunhua immediately smashed her phone!

These two people are like debt collectors!

Disgusting, despicable, shameless!


October 11th.

The data of 15 billion is certainly beautiful and shocked countless netizens in China.

However, the next day, [Taozhu.com]’s entire system experienced a rush of returns...

With the rush of returns, the stocks on the New York Stock Exchange gradually began to fall. Of course, they rose back in the afternoon...

However, many organizations are suddenly starting to wake up.


I have gradually become less enthusiastic about [Taozhu.com]...

The empire collapsed...

Or not overnight...


It has gradually cracked.

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