Chapter 357 Reincarnation and Reincarnation

“Then, according to your meaning, that Elder Demon is back in the Netherworld?”

Someone stood up and asked Yu Feng.

“I don’t know where it went, maybe.” Yu Feng replied somewhat unsurely.

At this time, everyone frowned, obviously feeling that things were a little tricky.

“Kowloon, you look at him here first.”

“Everyone else rushed with me to the Nether in search of the Elder Demon.”

They didn’t hesitate for too long, and immediately decided to go down and track down the so-called Elder Demon.

And Yu Feng looked at them and believed in themselves for the time being, and his heart was immediately relieved.

Gu Jiulong’s face was full of puzzlement, and he didn’t expect that 18 things would develop to this point.

He looked at Yu Feng carefully, and seemed to have some skeptical attitude towards Yu Feng.

“It’s really strange, I just didn’t feel that you have any so-called Elder Demons.” Gu Jiulong suddenly asked Yu Feng at this time.

Yu Feng’s mind was naturally very meticulous, even if Gu Jiulong suddenly asked a question, there was no panic in his heart.

“I don’t actually know what’s going on, I didn’t notice any big demons and no demons, anyway, I forgot everything at the time, I just remember this.”

Yu Feng was completely like an ordinary person who didn’t know anything.

Looking at Yu Feng’s appearance, Gu Jiulong could only sigh and believe Yu Feng for the time being.

The main thing is that this virtue of Yu Feng has nothing to do with the so-called big demon.

At this time, Yu Feng looked at what kind of realm this Gu Jiulong was.

“Target combat effectiveness: 67 million.” , When he saw the value given by the system, Yu Feng’s whole heart was shocked.

He didn’t expect that Gu Jiulong in front of him would have half more strength than himself.

With such strength at his age, it seems a little unreal.

“Are you a cultivator?” Where is it? What state are you? At this time, Yu Feng pretended not to understand and asked Gu Jiulong.

“This is the Upper Realm, your position is the Netherworld, and when you reach the Immortal Realm in cultivation, you will be able to come here, but looking at your appearance should be that there is no hope in this life.”

You might as well take advantage of this period of time to cultivate well here, and maybe you can have unexpected gains. ”

Gu Jiulong looked at Yu Feng, but there was no contempt for Yu Feng in his eyes because of Yu Feng’s realm.

In his opinion, Yu Feng’s current realm was actually not even necessary to despise it, because it was too low.

“The upper boundary? I didn’t expect that there was such a heaven and earth, so what was the highest realm of a cultivator? Yu Feng pretended not to understand anything at this time, and asked Gu Jiulong as if it were a blank piece of paper.

“Cultivation? Cultivation will eventually reach the sixth order of the Immortal Realm Heavenly Realm, and then it will be reincarnated, and after the reincarnation is the reincarnation realm, and the reincarnation realm can be reincarnated, as long as it reaches more than seven times, it is the great reincarnation realm, and when it reaches nine times, it will come to an end. ”

160 Raising the question of cultivation, Gu Jiulong couldn’t help but raise his head.

Looking at this piece of heaven, in his eyes, it seemed that he had a great attachment to cultivation.

“So how many reincarnations are you in now?” Yu Feng asked curiously.

“Me? I’ve had it once now.

Alas, if you don’t understand anything, just talk to you.

Once the Immortal Realm is reincarnated, the realm will be greatly reduced, but it will slowly increase over time.

At the same time, man will also enter another world of reincarnation…

When he said this, Gu Jiulong suddenly paused.

Then he set his eyes on Yu Feng’s body, and his eyes gradually turned from the initial carelessness to panic! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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