Chapter 358 results are only two

There are too many meanings in this look.

Gu Jiulong seemed to suddenly remember something.

“You! You are a reincarnation! Gu Jiulong looked at Yu Feng in horror, his face full of disbelief.

Yu Feng knew that this kind of thing could not be hidden, so he did not deny it at all.

“You’ve been through reincarnation before, and you should be able to understand me, right?” Yu Feng asked Gu Jiulong at this time.

He originally thought that as a reincarnation, Gu Jiulong might be able to understand himself more.

But he never expected that Gu Jiulong could only look at his own gaze with endless vigilance.

It was as if he were his mortal enemy.

Just seeing him, he immediately drew a long sword.

“Wait a minute! You are also a reincarnation, can’t we help each other, maybe you will go to my side in the future? ”

When Yu Feng saw him like this, he immediately slightly recognized some of them.

He didn’t want to die like this, it was really sad.

“You are the first reincarnation, do you know what the world chosen by reincarnation represents?”

Gu Jiulong glared at Yu Feng, and his eyes seemed to be able to spew out fire.

Yu Feng was really stunned by this question, and did not reflect what Gu Jiulong meant.

“On behalf of… What the? He asked Gu Jiulong incomprehensibly.

In this source of time and space, the world chosen by reincarnation, that is, the world that the source considers worthless and can be discarded.

And when you enter samsara, you are taking on this mission in the Source.

You come here, then there are only two results, one is that we kill you, proving that our world is still valuable. ”

Gu Jiulong stared at Yu Feng with eyes that were as big as a cow’s nose.

At this time, Yu Feng completely understood what was going on in this reincarnation.

If it weren’t for Gu Jiulong’s explanation, he really wouldn’t understand why reincarnation had to destroy the world if it wanted to succeed.

“So what’s the other result?” Yu Feng frowned and asked Gu Jiulong.

“Another result… The other result is that you kill all beings in this world and destroy this world. In this way, you have completed your mission, and the Origin of Time and Space will give you a generous reward. ”

When Gu Jiulong said this, he almost gritted his teeth and said it.

At this time, Yu Feng completely understood why Gu Jiulong had reacted this way.

If he were in the Dragon God Continent, I am afraid that he would do his best to kill the reincarnation.

At this moment, Yu Feng didn’t know what to do, and now his combat strength was simply not enough to deal with Gu Jiulong.

Even if it reached the peak of its combat strength, it was impossible to deal with Gu Jiulong.

Knowing this, he would rather not tell the truth, even if it was after his realm was fully restored, maybe there was some possibility of introduction.

“.You … Want to kill me? Yu Feng asked Gu Jiulong.

“Of course, if we don’t kill you, we’ll all die!” Gu Jiulong’s answer was very affirmative, looking at his posture as if he was going to start in the next second.

“Can you do me a favor before you do?” Yu Feng asked at him.

This Gu Jiulong hesitated, “What’s the hurry?” He asked curiously at Yu Feng. ,

“When I first came into this world, there was no cultivation existence, but there was a woman on the road who saved me, and she was in the place where you caught me, and I wanted to personally go over and thank her.”

Yu Feng opened his mouth as if he had seen through the red dust, and said very sincerely.

Gu Jiulong thought about it, when the reincarnation first arrived in this world, there was indeed no realm, and it was in a very dangerous situation. _

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