Ling Yan said slowly.

Although the opponent's strength is good for the second grade, let alone suppressing the level, even if it is not suppressed, it is not necessarily Ling Yan's opponent.

This battle of suppressing the level, doesn't it mean that Ling Yan is bullying an honest person?

"If you don't challenge me, then I will! I've been displeased with him for a long time, so today is a good time to teach him a lesson!"

Hearing that Ling Yan had no interest in Queslo, Murong Xingyu shrugged his shoulders and then directly clicked on Queslo's name on the list.

In the sky, Queslo seemed to have sensed something, and he opened his Apocalypse backstage in confusion.

【Tip! You have received a challenge from Murong Xingyu, and you are ranked first in the battle order! Do you want to start the challenge? 】

Quisi Luo raised his eyebrows when he saw this tip.

He looked at Murong Xingyu below.

It was indeed this girl.

""Sister Murong, it seems that you are not happy with me!

However, the more unhappy you are, the happier I am, hahahaha!!

How about we make a bet? If you lose, you will agree to my pursuit!"

In the sky, Queslo smiled and spoke to Murong Xingyu below.

As soon as he said this, everyone around him became interested.

"Murong Xingyu actually challenged Queslo, isn’t she only SSS level?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, who knows, but this suit of Murong Xingyu is the Hell Three-Headed Thunder Dragon Suit! It is extremely powerful! Even if it is suppressed to gold, it is far beyond the ordinary gold suit."

"By the way, I heard that this Queslo’s father, Dark Martial God, was a classmate of Murong Tu from the Flame God Galaxy.

This Queslo has been pursuing Murong Xingyu since he was a child, but I don’t know if it’s true!"

"There's a good show to watch! There's a good show to watch!"


In an instant, people around started gossiping.

"You want to lose? I will beat you like a dog and make you howl on the ground!"

Murong Xingyu cursed without any elegance.

When Ling Yan heard it, he couldn't help but look at Murong Xingyu with a baby face and big body in surprise.

Although this damn girl is really pretty, she is definitely a violent girl. How come so many people like her?

"Ling Yan, what does that look of dying mean to you?

Wait till I beat this Queslo to death, and you'll be next."

Sensing Ling Yan's gaze, Murong Xingyu couldn't help but curse at Ling Yan.

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected, there is something wrong with people's aesthetics!

How come so many people like violent women?"

Ling Yan couldn't help but shook his head and said with emotion

"Ah! Ling Yan, you are looking for death!!"

Hearing Ling Yan's sarcasm, Murong Xingyu shouted angrily and was about to attack Ling Yan.


However, the next moment, her figure disappeared due to a wave. When she appeared again, she had already arrived on a suspended arena in the sky.

Opposite her was Queslo.

"Why did you teleport me here? I want to kill Ling Yan!"

Murong Xingyu yelled at Queslo on the other side.

"Uh, isn't it you who challenged me? I can't possibly refuse!"

Quislo's mouth twitched, and he refuted in a low voice.

At this time, his realm and equipment level had been suppressed to the same level as Murong Xingyu.

"I don't care, then you take the beating for him!"

Murong Xingyu pulled out the giant axe behind him and rushed towards Queslo.

"Why me?"

Quislo was stunned, but he didn't dare to be careless when he saw the huge axe coming at him. He quickly picked up the staff in his hand and raised it.


Instantly, with a surge of dark energy, he turned into a ball of black mist.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The huge axe fell fiercely, directly cutting a deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters on the ground!

But although the black mist was cut in half, it recovered instantly and condensed into the shape of Queslo.

Murong Xingyu snorted coldly, holding the huge axe and attacking the opponent madly, trying to hack him to death.

Unfortunately, she mainly used physical attacks to meet the opponent's dark mage who was almost immune to physical attacks. It was like hacking the air, and she couldn't hurt the opponent at all.

The more she fought, the louder Murong Xingyu's tone became.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The dark power and the shattering power were output crazily.

The entire aerial arena was shattered.

In the end, Queslo was not hurt at all.

"Sister Xingyu, forget it, you can't hit me!"

Quislo smiled softly at Murong Xingyu opposite him.

It was completely different from his arrogant attitude towards other people.

But this hypocritical smile made Murong Xingyu feel sick.

Finally, the breathless Murong Xingyu glared at the other party fiercely and put away his weapon directly.

"I won't fight anymore, I won't fight anymore, you just know how to hide, like a turtle!"

Murong Xingyu snorted coldly and chose to admit defeat directly.


In an instant, her figure disappeared from the ring. She reappeared next to Ling Yan.

"Your use of the dark power is too shallow. You also have the dark power, the breaking power and the great axe mastery.

But you can't beat him, aren't you too bad! ?"

Ling Yan couldn't help but tease Murong Xingyu when he saw her.

Murong Xingyu, who was already angry, was even more angry when he heard Ling Yan's words.

"He is a pure dark genius of SSS+! He has been in the Ultimate Academy for a year. Wait for two months, I will beat him up!"

Murong Xingyu glared at Ling Yan angrily.

After hearing this, Ling Yan rarely refuted this damn girl.

Although this damn girl is only a SSS-level talent, in her previous life, because of her powerful fighting talent, even SSS+ geniuses were not her opponents.

Therefore, if she is given two months, this Queslo, with the same level and equipment, may not be her opponent.

"Oh, don't you have dark power too? Why don't you go up and beat him up, or he will think he is the best in the dark world!"

Suddenly, Murong Xingyu's eyes lit up.

"Forget it, I have a goal!"

Ling Yan shook his head directly.

However, Murong Xingyu did not follow martial ethics and suddenly hugged Ling Yan's arm, making Ling Yan's arm soft.

"Brother Yan, just go ahead! If you win, I will agree to what you said before and become your girlfriend, okay?!"

At the same time, a coquettish voice reached everyone's ears.

"Damn, I didn’t expect Ling Yan also likes Murong Xingyu!"

"Nonsense, although Murong Xingyu is a little fierce, her breasts are definitely beautiful!"

"Wow, this is going to be a good show!"



In an instant, the people around looked at Ling Yan and Queslo as if they were watching a fun event.

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