One was the first in the previous session, and the other was the first in this session.

They were very curious about who would win.

Although Queslo had a greater chance of winning, the other party's behavior just now made these freshmen stand on Ling Yan's side.

Sure enough, Queslo in the sky's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Just now, he saw Ling Yan and Murong Xingyu standing together somewhat intimately.

However, he thought of Murong Xingyu's character and didn't think much about it. He didn't expect Ling Yan to dare to touch the person he liked. He was simply courting death!

Ling Yan looked down at Murong Xingyu who blinked at him, and his head suddenly became big.

Well, this girl has a grudge against himself and Queslo in the sky. As long as the two of them fight, no matter who wins or loses, this dead girl will not lose.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan suddenly laughed.

"You said this, don't regret it later!"

Ling Yan looked at Murong Xingyu with a smile.

After saying this, Murong Xingyu's smile froze slightly.

"That, that……"

She wanted to take back what she had just said.

"Ling Yan, if you are a man, challenge me!!"

Suddenly, Queslo in the sky interrupted Murong Xingyu's words coldly.

"Why is he talking again?"

Murong Xingyu's face darkened when she was interrupted.

"Okay, I challenge you!"

Ling Yan smiled and chose to challenge Queslo directly.

As for Zhuge Jiantian?

Ling Yan was afraid that if he challenged him, he would accidentally kill him.

Let's talk about it after we come out of the red copy.


As expected, the second after Ling Yan clicked the challenge button, his figure disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already on the suspended arena in the sky.

The arena had been completely repaired and its range had been expanded a lot.

"The battle between the first-year Potential Dragon List and the first-year Potential Dragon List?"

"It's interesting, even in the entire school, Quislo's talent ranking is in the top three.

It would be funny if he lost to a freshman!"

"Quislo’s understanding of the dark power is the best among the younger generation. It is almost impossible for him to lose!"

"But Ling Yan’s strength is also not weak. It is said that he has killed Murong Xingyu in seconds before!"

"Stop talking, they're going to fight!"


In an instant, not only all the freshmen, but also more and more old students came.

Everyone came to watch the fun. After all, it is possible that while watching the fun, it will be their turn to be challenged.

The college instructors also looked at the fighting arena curiously.

In the endless void, the God of War Ling Zhan was looking at the square with great interest.

Of course, his eyes were not on Ling Yan but on Murong Xingyu.

"Well, this kid has good taste. The previous Su Miaoran and this Murong Xingyu are both good-looking and talented.

But, isn't it a bit bad to play with two girls at the same time?

It seems that I have to teach this kid a few tricks to pick up girls in my spare time."

Ling Zhan thought shamelessly, but he didn't know that this guy was a practice maniac and a fighting maniac. He was more than 10,000 years old and only found a wife. He even had the nerve to teach Ling Yan a few tricks.




As Ling Yan was teleported, he also appeared on the other side of the ring.

The moment Ling Yan appeared, the level of Queslo on the opposite side instantly increased to LV100.

Similarly, Ling Yan's equipment was downgraded to three golds and one dark gold, and the Eye of the Ice and Fire Evil Dragon was directly sealed.

However, the blessing of the attribute fruit on Ling Yan's body did not decrease at all.

After all, it was only the external force that was sealed, and things that belonged to Ling Yan completely would not disappear.

The blessing of the dark gold attribute fruit has surpassed the attribute blessing of the gold equipment.

Ling Yan's total attributes are at least more than twice that of the opponent.

"Ling Yan, right? I know Sister Xingyu is just using you to piss me off! So wait, I will go easy on you!"

Looking at Ling Yan, Queslo spoke confidently.

In his opinion, he has top talent and a top family background.

Besides not being as handsome as Ling Yan, how could Murong Xingyu possibly look down on Ling Yan?

But when he talked about going easy on him, his tone was particularly cold.

"Thank you very much, go ahead, I can give you three moves!"

Ling Yan also spoke, but as soon as he said this, Queslo's face darkened instantly.

"Arrogant, even the number one genius on the Heavenly Ranking would not dare to ask me to take three moves!"

Quisi Luo snorted coldly, and did not waste words with Ling Yan. He raised the staff in his hand instantly.

"Dark Hell Prison!!"

A roar burst out directly from Queslo's mouth.


Instantly, violent dark power burst out from his staff.

The dark power instantly enveloped the sky for hundreds of kilometers, turning into a huge prison.

In an instant, Ling Yan felt that his whole body was rapidly bound by the surrounding dark power.

The speed was rapidly decreasing.

"A dark gold-level binding skill? What a good skill, but it can't be used!"

Ling Yan looked at Queslo with some regret.

Under this skill, Ling Yan's speed was only one tenth of the original. It can be said that it is extremely powerful.

"Unfortunately, although it is dark gold, and the level is more than LV1, the binding skills are just a side job compared to the domain skills!"

Ling Yan spoke slowly.

After speaking, ten kinds of elemental power burst out from his body instantly.

The elemental power instantly condensed into a powerful dark gold level domain.

The moment the domain appeared, the surrounding dark power was madly absorbed, and the restraints on Ling Yan disappeared instantly.

"Dark gold-level domain, how is this possible?!"

However, after seeing the domain on Ling Yan, Queslo's face changed drastically.

And as the domain enveloped him, Queslo instantly felt his whole body begin to rot crazily, and all attributes were directly reduced to one-third of the original.

At least tens of millions of damage values popped up from his head every second.

In the domain, his elementalization was useless.

Even if he used the golden-level domain, it was instantly swallowed up.

"I give up, I give up!"

At this moment, Queslo screamed in fear.

If he didn't give up, he would die!

And his speed dropped to less than one tenth of his speed.

He couldn't run away from the huge area that had been expanded by Ling Yan to a diameter of ten kilometers.

"Thank you for letting me do this!!"

Ling Yan smiled slightly and immediately retracted his domain.

The last bit of blood left on Queslo's skin instantly stopped.

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