"Oops! Kankuro run! Temari shouted.

The cold sweat on Hinata's forehead remained, "I'm off now."

She turned to both Naruto and Sasuke and shouted, "Naruto! Sasuke! Run!

Naruto scratched his head in confusion, Sasuke seemed to smell the danger, pulled Naruto and ran away, "Stupid! Stop being in a daze! Hinata

pulled out the short knife, there was not even blood on the blade, and the hole that had been poked out of my body was quickly patched up by sand.

Soon, my Ailuo's body size kept getting bigger!

Hinata didn't hesitate much, turned around and was about to run, and at this moment, a long brown tail hit Hinata.

"Void Raid!"

Hinata seemed to have disappeared directly, the whole human world disappeared in place, and when Hinata appeared again, it was already a hundred meters away.

It seems to be quite good, the Chakra consumed by the Void Raid is not much, but it is not too little.

At this time, my Ai Luo's body has changed into a human and a ghost, his speed is very fast, and one of his arms has turned into an oversized claw as strange as the color of sand.

That claw grabbed the tree trunk hard, and with a swoosh, it flew out of my Ailuo's whole person.

My Iro's target was the fleeing Hinata, who heard the wind howling, "Void Raid!" Once

again, the second paragraph of the Void Raid opened, "It's okay!" It's just that based on the remains, it seems that Shouhe is still in a sealed state. Hinata rejoiced.

If it was just based on the remains, then she might still have the ability to fight with one, but she still had a chance to choose a knife.

Hinata shouted at Iroh, "I Ailuo! You don't come back again!

"If you come again, I'm welcome!"

"Sand San!" I Iroh slapped the ground hard with that strange oversized arm, and one sandegg after another floated up from the ground.

I Ailuo, who turned into a dependent body, looked very terrifying, with a hideous face, half a face and half a beast face.

Hinata put on a defensive stance and stared at Aira deadly.

"When it rains," I roared.

A large number of round sandshells were fired at Hinata, which resembled the bullets of a machine gun.

"Gossip! Go back to heaven! "

Bang bang! One after another, the sanded eggs hit Hinata's return to the sky, and those sanded eggs were directly ejected and hit the trees, punching one big hole after another.

Pongpongpong, those sanded eggs fell to the ground like a grenade exploding, kicking up smoke and rubble on the ground.

After the sand egg was finished, Iroh once again pounced on Hinata.

Hinata was not particularly flustered, and threw two shots of Ku Wu at my Airo, and my Ai Luo's huge arm swung hard, and Ku Wu was directly ejected.

With the speed of Ai Luo, Hinata was very reluctant to keep up with the other party's movements, and she used the ancestral sword technique of the Qimu clan.

The short knife wielded in his hand was called an elegance, and when it hit with the tentacles of my Ailuo, it actually made a sound of gold and iron.

"I love Ro! You did it all yourself! You're welcome! Hinata said coldly.

She decided to try what her short knife could trigger today.

After another distance between her and my love, she put the short knife in front of her.

"This knife! Named! "

She slashed straight at my Ailuo!" It's called Lake Toya! "

No, what the hell, how is it Lake Toya, isn't Lake Toya the wooden saber of the silver time."

With a bang, Lake Toya smashed into my Airo's head.

Hinata looked at me Ai Luo blankly, and I Ai Luo also looked at this guy with a confused face, what was she doing.

Is she attacking herself, or is she tickling herself?

"Aaaaaa I'm sorry! I was wrong! Hinata turned around with a short knife and ran.

But fortunately, this short knife turned into Toya Lake did not consume her much Chakra.

I Ai Luo is still in a daze, was he humiliated by that guy with a wooden knife just now, and he was still reading the lines so much, this knife is named.

Abominable fellow, definitely want to make you look good!

Soon, Airo caught up with Hinata, and his strange tentacles swung hard at Hinata, who was unsteady on one foot, stumbled forward two steps, and fell directly to the ground.

Just dodged this violent swing of my Ai Luo, "Aaaaaaaa "I, Ailuo, who was evaded by the attack, was even more angry.

Hinata quickly got up from the ground, she was really afraid that she would die if she crawled on the ground for a while.

"I love Ro! There is something to say! Stop chasing me!

"You chase me again! You're really welcome this time! "

Whoever was out of control would hear her say these words, and one sandball after another hit Hinata.

Hinata could only dodge back and forth, she gasped for air, no, she couldn't run like this anymore.

Sooner or later, Hinata turned to look at Airo.

She put on a very handsome posture, her arms were open, one in front and one behind, and her legs were separated one after the other.

A green gossip mark appeared on the ground, "Soft Fist Method!" Gossip thirty-two palms! "

I'm Ai Luo, because his speed is too fast, and he directly fell into Hinata's attack range.

With the advantage of white eyes, Hinata slapped palm after palm on the acupuncture points on my Airo's body.

Snap! Palm after palm, even if it becomes a dependent body, I Ai Luo can't bear it.

Soon, the thirty-two palms were finished, and I Ai Luo, who relied on the body, had already been knocked over on the ground and could not get up at all.

"Hmph! And fight me! I'm a famous crown princess! Hinata said with an arrogant look.

"Blah blah! It's not the crown princess! I'm straight! How can you bend me. Just

as she was talking to herself, the earthly I-Ai Luo moved again, and the I-Ai Luo who relied on the body could be defeated so easily.

"All right! I'll go first! I don't bother! "

Before Airo could get up from the ground, Hinata was already gone.

When I got up, I looked around, not to mention Hinata, there wasn't even a ghost.

Then I Iroh began to vent to the surrounding woods, and a large area of trees fell into the yellow sand.

"Abominable fellow! If I see you again, I will definitely crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" On

the other side, the medicine man was digging a hole there with a shovel.

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