With a clatter, the medicine master dropped the shovel, knelt on the ground at once, and crawled over to hold the big snake pill in his arms.

"Woooo Lord Orochimaru! You don't want to die! "The medicine man crying is heartbroken.

"Lord Orochimaru, how can I live without you! You died so miserably!

At this moment, the comatose big snake pill coughed twice, "Ahem! Medicine Master, if you don't take me back, I'm really going to die!" "

Ah! Orochimaru-sama, you are not dead! It's so bad, no, it's great! The medicine master pocket said as he carried the big snake pill on his shoulder.

The speed of the medicine master pocket was very fast, and the big snake pill was turned upside down on his shoulder, probably not dead, and when he returned to the base, the big snake pill was also turned up by him.

And I'm Ailuo, after venting to the surrounding trees, also changed back to human appearance, and then fainted on the ground.

Temari and Kankuro waited next to me for a long time before daring to approach my Aira, and then helped me Aira bandage the wounds on his body.

Hinata Hinata was happy, the reward was also obtained, and he bullied Xiao Aiai, "I don't know where Naruto and the two of them ran, I won't have anything if I'm not around them."

Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke didn't know where they ran to, "Sasuke! You say, Hinata she should be fine, right? Naruto asked.

Sasuke thought for a moment and replied, "It should be fine, Hinata she never does anything that she is not sure of."

Naruto thought for a moment, it seemed to be right, even Shiro's powerful opponent was defeated by Hinata, what else did he have to worry about.

"Sasuke! I'm so hungry! Let's catch fish and eat it. Naruto said, looking at a river.

Purr~, Sasuke's stomach growled, he hadn't eaten a single thing since last night until now, Sasuke nodded.

Sasuke found a wooden stick and a fish in one stick, while Naruto collected a lot of firewood nearby.

Two people make a fire in place to grill fish, and the aroma of grilled fish is very tempting.

Naruto sniffed, "It's so fragrant, I can't help but want to eat it."

"Stupid guy, it's not ripe yet." Sasuke spoke.

Soon, the two of them finished the grilled fish and began to hurry, the scrolls were all on Hinata, they were planning to go directly to the central tower.

Hinata should also go to the tower, just wait for Hinata there.

The surrounding foliage is very luxuriant, and the slightest sunlight can't penetrate it, which looks a little gloomy.

Shash~, Naruto always feels as if there is some monster hiding in the shadows, and he will rush out at any time to eat himself.

At this moment, Sasuke suddenly stopped, "Naruto! Wait a minute! There seem to be people around! One

after another dark shadows emerged from the trunks of trees and the ground, they looked exactly the same, dressed in black, and wore rain shields on their foreheads.

Naruto and Sasuke were back to back, both holding kunai in their hands, looking around warily.

"What's going on, what are these guys?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Don't know, be careful, Naruto." Sasuke reminded.

One after another, the black shadows leaned towards Naruto and the two of them, and Naruto smiled slightly, "It's just coming!"

The black-clad doppelganger spoke, "Hurry up, hand over the scroll!"

"It's like catching turtles in an urn."

Naruto didn't care so much, "Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Technique!" "

Bang bang! A large group of shadow doppelgangers who looked exactly like Naruto appeared out of thin air, "It's going to be on!" "


Sasuke quickly shouted, "Wait first!" Naruto!

Naruto's shadow doppelganger rushed out and couldn't come back, Naruto's shadow doppelganger took the kunai, and easily cut the belly of the surrounding black doppelganger.

The place that was pierced by Kumu was like a black slime, flowing to the ground.

After a while, those black wounds grew a body that looked the same as the doppelganger.

Naruto was shocked in his heart! "What's going on, why hasn't it disappeared! Doesn't the shadow avatar disappear if it is damaged?

Sasuke also looked incredulous, "Let me see through you!" The eyes of the writing wheel are open! Seeing

that the doppelganger was about to stab Naruto with Kumu in his hand, Sasuke threw two shurikens and hit him.

The doppelganger's black arm was like jelly, and it was directly shattered, and the kunai in his hand fell to the ground.

"Naruto! Be careful! This is not a real enemy, we fall into each other's illusions.

Sasuke suddenly felt a tingling pain in his neck, "Ah!

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a worried expression, "Is Sasuke okay!" "

It doesn't matter." Sasuke shook his head.

"Abominable fellow! I'm going to get you out! Naruto's shadow doppelgangers rushed forward again, and these black doppelgangers could easily be blasted.

In the shadows, two Yu Shinobi were secretly watching here, "Keep struggling, sooner or later you will exhaust your physical strength." Coming

and going, Naruto and Sasuke were tired and panting.

Both of them gasped, "Whew! Damn endless, you can't finish killing.

At this moment, these black phantoms in front of him began to gradually disappear.

Two Yuyin with respirators jumped out of the grass, "Finally caught you!" You killed our companions!

"What about that little girl among you? One less person! At

this moment, a figure fell from the sky, and the sharp short knife directly cut the necks of the two people.

"Are you looking for me? I'm here haha! Hinata said with a smile.

Putting the knife into its sheath, the two bodies of Yu Shinobu smashed heavily on the ground.

With a flutter, Naruto and Sasuke walked out of another grass at this time, "Ah! Hinata, how did you find us?

Hinata thought for a while, and said, "I opened my eyes and saw a large number of Chakra fluctuations here, so I rushed here."

Looking at Sasuke's look of kidney weakness, Hinata said with concern: "Sasuke, don't use the Sharingan recently, let's talk to Kakashi-sensei when this exam is over."

Sasuke nodded, "Okay, since we've converged, let's leave for the Central Tower now." Hinata spoke.

The three of them encountered no trouble along the way and soon arrived at the central tower.

At the central tower, there are two red gates with seals on them, "Go in." Hinata spoke.

Naruto twisted the doorknob, pushed the door and walked in.

"Huh? How come there is nothing. Naruto said suspiciously.

It was empty, except for a pair of brushes hanging on the wall not far away.

Sasuke observed it carefully, "Naruto, Hinata, open the scroll of heaven and earth."

Naruto said in surprise, "Do you really want to open it?"

Sasuke nodded, and when the two men opened the scroll, a puff of white smoke came out of it.

"Throw it out!" Sasuke shouted.

"We're not going to be eliminated, are we?" Naruto spoke.

As the white smoke cleared, a figure appeared, and that person was...

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