I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 127 Goodbye Gryffindor Abandoned Disciple, second year!

Chapter 127 Gryffindor Abandoned Disciple—Goodbye, second year!

It is undeniable that Irving definitely has the ability to persevere, treat everyone equally, and be creative when it comes to making money.

After beating up the talkative Ron.

The next day, there were three more statues in front of the entrance to Hogwarts.

You can tell with your butt that those are the statues of the founders of the other three colleges.

oops! To make money, of course, you have to get the rain and dew. Ravenclaw is almost squeezed dry by him. It is the Slytherins who have the money. Most of them are pure-blood wizards, and their families have at least hundreds of thousands of galleons.

Except for a certain Gunter family.

The days during exam week were the happiest days Owen had ever spent.

After class every day, he would go and sit on the steps outside the entrance hall, listening to the crisp sound of gold Galleons falling into the box.

A refreshing feeling, more transparent than drinking a pick-me-up.

In the highlands where Hogwarts is located, the weather is just like in the mountains, changing casually like a child. If it is a rainy day, Owen will choose to sit on a chair in front of the gate of Hogwarts.

Listening to the sound of wind and rain, I also watched the confused little wizards.

He looked at the various moods they had, and bought the incense they saved from the ashes of the Acromantula from the Twins' stall. One by one, they braved the wind and rain, and lined up in a long line in front of several statues. When the time comes, he will show a meaningful smile.

Him! I really love every little wizard who kneels down and worships me equally!

Especially the two who worked for him for free.

Haha, the silly twins actually proposed to Professor McGonagall the idea of ​​transferring to another hospital.

Upon hearing this, Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, and then became surprisingly angry.

Since Teacher Meow became the Head of Gryffindor, no little wizard has ever left Gryffindor to go to another house. This is simply an insult to her!

Then her mood became sad again. Was there something she hadn't done well enough?

Professor McGonagall had also heard about the complaints made by the little Gryffindor wizards about her. Most of them complained about why she couldn't treat the Slytherin students like Snape did.

After feeling disappointed, Teacher Meow suddenly had an epiphany.

This is a good thing!

Professor McGonagall was instantly ecstatic.

Both of them were approved that day.

Professor Cat and Cat assigned several senior wizards (supervisors) and elves (workers) to throw all the twins' belongings out of Gryffindor Tower.

Then changed the Gryffindor password.

It wasn't until the cold icy rain patted down George and Fred's thin bodies indiscriminately in the latter half of the night that the two living treasures realized that they seemed to have done something stupid.

They don't seem to be transferring to another hospital

On the contrary, it feels like being fired

Merlin's beard! ! !

George and Fred, who understood everything, immediately went to Professor McGonagall's office, crying and shouting, and almost broke the door of the office.

"Professor we are wrong!"

"Professor, someone has cast the Imperius Curse on us!"

"Professor, we really love you and Gryffindor!"

"Professor~~~" The heartbreaking voice rang all night.

Unfortunately, Teacher Meow seems to be serious this time.

Or maybe he wanted to thoroughly punish these two lawless guys, even if they screamed at each other, they would not be moved.

The spell blocked the sounds outside the room, and Professor McGonagall slept particularly soundly that night.

So George and Fred, two poor fellows, pitched a tent in the Room of Requirement for two weeks.

In the end, Hannah just couldn't stand it anymore. The kind soul from Hufflepuff made it unbearable for her to see people suffering in front of her. Then - Owen, who was watching the show, happily mentioned two new roommates.

Professor Sprout's usual compassion made her not object to the two Gryffindor outcasts living in Hufflepuff.

But it lasted more than a month.

It wasn't until Gryffindor defeated Slytherin in the first Quidditch match that Professor McGonagall softened her tone a little.

Of course, the thirty years of Hedong and Thirty Years of Hexi in the traditional online novel did not happen, because from the time George and Fred moved into Owen's dormitory, there were yelling letters from Mrs. Weasley one after another.

It can be summed up in one sentence.

Mrs. Weasley said more tactfully that if George and Fred did not return to Gryffindor this semester, life in the following summer vacation might affect their height.

——Because she will break their legs


Hmmmm - from the current point of view, their legs can be saved.

The twins who became traitors to Gryffindor finally returned to their loyal Gryffindor after 41 days (Quidditch match, Gryffindor narrowly defeated Ravenclaw).

After a round of social beatings, these two guys finally became honest and never mentioned the transfer to another hospital.

This is how the friendship (employment) with Irving was established.

But rather than saying it’s a part-time job, it should actually be said that I’m a partner.

After all, they can also get a share of every leftover piece of magic creation sold.


Time passed slowly, and although everyone was reluctant, the exam came.

In the first week of June, general examinations begin.

For Owen, the only things that could stump him in his second-year exam were Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

One is because Snape doesn't want Bilian.

The other is that Snape doesn't want Bilian.

Because of Lockhart's incident, all the professors took turns teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts classes in the second half of the year.

This means that all professors will participate in the exam, and then they will give the defense against dark arts test questions to the young wizards of each grade according to their free time.

In other words, some unlucky guy met Snape and proctored the exam.

That's pure bad luck.

This is what Irving is afraid of. His luck has not been very good since he was a child.

If he's lucky, there won't be a second round. The first week has already been sitting on the chair in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, ruling the roost.

On Thursday, he walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with a worried heart. To be honest, he saw so many people worshiping the master that he had this idea. He really didn't want to see the old bat's face.

Afterwards, I don’t know which boss showed up. The black magic professor in charge of Owen’s grade was Teacher Meow.

Well, not Professor Sprout, but - Teacher Meow would do! We don't choose.

And the Potions exam on Friday will inevitably involve dealing with Snape.

As soon as I walked into the Potions Master, the temperature dropped eight degrees.

There was only the test content - the old bat first asked a group of young wizards to purify a gallon of Acromantula venom, then peeled off their fangs, bristles, and bones, and finally took a test that required Acromantula venom. Potion.

Starting from nine o'clock in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon

Snape just highlights that free labor is not used in vain.

Finally, after everyone's exams felt like visiting a grave, that boring week was finally over.

The following time is the last crazy moment for the little wizards.

After a peaceful yet poignant week, the exam results have finally been released.

As expected, Owen easily ranked first in his grade with perfect scores in all subjects (potions class was automatically excluded).

Hermione followed closely behind.

Then there was a little wizard from Ravenclaw.

Harry, Ron, and Hannah are also on the list, firmly in the top ten in their grade.

Justin is considered the most useless among them, ranking sixteenth in the whole grade.

It sounds very high, but there are only less than forty people in the second year of Hogwarts.

As a member of the Hufflepuff trio, Owen felt very embarrassed about this.

But everything didn't end so perfectly - because Hermione, Harry, Ron, Hannah, Justin, and Luna suffered huge points deductions.

Slytherin House won the House Cup this year without any pressure.

This made Harry, who had won consecutive Quidditch championships, quite unhappy.

Finally, after a hearty dinner.

The second grade finally ushered in its final chapter.


Huge steam rises from the sky in the early morning.

The little wizards stepped on the fresh green grass and rushed down the mountain.

Mountains of stubborn branches dot the vast earth.

The greenery spreads into the distance.

The river water drawn from the Black Lake flows lazily, and the piled river pebbles are enjoying the sun.

Looking around, the mountains here seem to be a grand canyon. The sharp peaks on both sides are covered by greenery, and a waterfall pours down from the cliff like silk.

Looking further in the direction, you can vaguely see the outline of the mountain peak. A towering giant peak towers into the sky, standing upright like Optimus Prime.

This is Scotland, where Hogwarts is located, rough and magnificent.

The Hogwarts Express runs across the plains of Scotland.

The early morning sunlight shines through the window on the faces of the seven or eight people in the box.

There are so many people crammed into one cubicle.

The temperature in the hot breath rises very quickly.

But no one was bothered by this.

Everyone talked and laughed.

Ron also lit the Supreme Magical Incense newly developed by Weasley. After lighting it, in addition to emitting a very nice scent of roses, the rising blue smoke would also transform into the appearance of Ms. Ravenclaw.

That elegant smile and elegant posture seem to be an annotation of an era.

"What are your plans for the summer vacation?"

This is the most talked about topic among the little wizards.

The answers they got varied. Hermione said that their family was going to France for a summer vacation.

Luna said that she and her father would go to Ireland during the summer vacation to search for a magical animal that had never been discovered before.

Ron said that if nothing unexpected happened, he would spend his summer vacation at the Burrow.

Hannah said that during the summer vacation, her family was going to spend some time with a relative in America.

Justin didn't need to say more. This kid said with a grimace that he was going to Eton Middle School to make up for his classes during the summer vacation - and then he would visit a company in the United States to study.

As for Harry, he will still go back to the Dursleys, although he is extremely reluctant, but there is no other way out.

As for Owen, hey! During his summer vacation, he could only spend two boring and boring months in a boring villa of more than 400 square meters under the care of Dobby.

He wanted to run out and go to the Far East—to the United States—to Russia.

Unfortunately, it is particularly troublesome for a young wizard to go abroad, especially a young wizard like him without a guardian. Although he can board a plane to go abroad as a Muggle, he will be noticed by the local Aurors after landing.

All in all, it's quite troublesome. He won't go out unless necessary.

Hey - I once dreamed of traveling to the end of the world with my sword, but later I found that the bed was very comfortable~

The wind and rain in my dream can't touch me, and there are still many girls living there~

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