I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 128 The mystery of life experience

The scorching sun gradually rose, stretching everything in the castle.

The figure standing outside the courtyard became increasingly clear.

In a daze, the wind seemed to hear a sigh from the man.

Then in the steam of the train everything became unreal.

Looking back, Owen finally couldn't see clearly. He couldn't see clearly the castle, the forest, or the sinking scenery on the horizon.

He couldn't see clearly how the old man under the door was looking at the group of people who were about to leave.

The scorching sun in midsummer did not bring any warmth to the already empty castle. Anyway, the wind in the hall was a little cold.

Professor Dumbledore walked through the familiar halls, spiral staircases, classrooms and every place where students might suddenly appear.

There used to be a lot of laughter here.

The old principal finally couldn't help it anymore, stretched out his hand and touched the ancient walls.

His eyes seemed to penetrate time.

Wherever he looked, the stories that had happened in the past few decades were all reviving before his eyes.

Suddenly, a young wizard from the Lion Court appeared in front of him. He was cursed by someone, and long fangs grew out of his mouth. He looked ferocious and terrifying.

But the little wizards around him, those friends wearing red bow ties, were not afraid of his appearance. Afraid of him, they were all laughing.

Laughter is like the whisper of the wind passing through the woods.

The contagious power finally affected the little wizard. He didn't have time to wipe away the tears in his eyes, dragging his long fangs with both hands, and giggled.

That way, as funny as it is

Among the crowd, a red-haired little boy laughed the loudest. The bridge of his nose that had not been injured yet highlighted his handsome face.

The old principal also laughed out loud unintentionally.

Hogwarts never lacks for laughter.

Like a dream, always full of happiness.

A few hours later, the tall and thin figure turned and left. The bleak figure was lengthened by the setting sun and filled the entire corridor. Professor Dumbledore said nothing more, only the quiet voice remained in the wind: " A school should have students."

Finally, the setting sun could not withstand the waves of the sea. When the last red light in the sky dispersed like clouds, Professor Dumbledore finally took his eyes away from the castle.

He has more important things to do.

A visitor is coming to visit him today.

The principal's office was cleaned, and the messy magic gadgets on the table were taken away.

Instead there were flowers and steaming pastries.

Professor Dumbledore sat on a chair with a cup of fragrant black tea in front of him.

On the other side of the unoccupied seat, there was a glass of butterbeer on the table.

It was just getting dark at this time.

The appointed time has not yet been reached.

The old principal was wearing a purple robe. He was holding up his tea cup and quietly looking at the two legendary magic items in front of him.

Ravenclaw's golden diadem, Gryffindor's sword.

As the most personal treasures of the four founders, Owen gave him some inspiration, that is, these things may indeed hide secrets that he does not know yet.

"Squeak!" Just as the old principal was deep in thought, the oak door of the principal's office was pushed open.

Professor Dumbledore just glanced at the visitor.

There was a noticeable change in his expression.

Helplessness was mixed with a hint of disappointment.

"You are disappointed to see me." The visitor pointed out Dumbledore's sudden change of expression without mercy, without giving the greatest wizard any face.

"I didn't expect to see you again." On the chair, Dumbledore slowly stood up, put away the treasures in front of him, and then waved his hand. The glass of beer floated and disappeared into nothingness, and then a cup of fragrant coffee appeared. on the table, "Please sit down!"

"We haven't seen each other for about fifty years!"

"Could it be that I'm dead?" The person coming was a witch.

Wearing a top hat with black lace trim and a dark green slim-fitting robe.

Wearing a pair of black high heels, she sat on the chair with her arms raised high.

The whole body is full of French elegance.

Her red lips parted slightly, and she continued: "I should hate you, I shouldn't be here."

"But--obviously, I'm here." She crossed her arms and sat in the chair, never once looking at the cup of coffee.

"What happened?" Dumbledore asked calmly. Behind the half-moon glasses is a cold moon that even the light cannot escape.

Wenda Rozier declined to comment.

She raised her hand slightly, and there seemed to be a pocket at the cuff, and then a green viper about 12 feet long and as thick as a human thigh came out.

A trace of surprise flashed in the old principal's eyes, and he immediately asked: "This is - Nagini? Where did he find it?"

"Albania's primeval forest." Wenda replied coolly.

"He's been looking for traces of Voldemort, Dumbledore."

"In the forest of Albania, he met a remnant soul. He wanted to destroy that thing, but was unable to do anything. In the end, the soul escaped, but he accidentally met her in the process."

Nagini on the ground had long lost her memory as a human being. At this time, it was like a wild beast, raising its head and staring at the two of them eagerly.

Snake Xinzi kept confiding, and from time to time he would make a terrifying hissing sound.

"She seems to be yours! Dumbledore." Wenda said lazily, with a slightly sarcastic look under her black slanted hat.

"The blood curse has been deeply rooted in her body. All I can do is to try my best to ensure that her descendants will not inherit this disease." The old principal sighed, and his thoughts returned slightly to the past fifty years. forward.

After he said this to Nagini.

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes showed endless sadness.

Gradually, even the sadness disappeared, leaving only numbness. (Credence was dead by this time.)

Nagini left Hogwarts the next day.

For fifty years now, he has not seen the girl with the sorrow written on her eyebrows again.

Dumbledore, freed from the painful memories, slowly stretched out his hand.

Then little golden light spots sprinkled down and fell on Nagini's body.

Afterwards, the snake visible to the naked eye became no longer ferocious, but more sleepy.

After a few seconds, its bulging body sank.

Nagini fell asleep.

"That's why Gale sent you."

"Don't call him that, Dumbledore." Wenda's face showed a look of disgust, "You make me sick!"

"Huh!" Black Rose took a deep breath, seeming to calm down the anger in her heart.

"You spoke to me calmly. Do you feel guilty because you trapped him with your own hands and imprisoned him for more than forty years?"

Her cold eyes were mixed with anger and unwillingness, "How could the great Grindelwald be defeated? It was you who betrayed him."

Fifty years had not erased her hatred for the man in front of her.

Instead, the accumulated hatred turned into wine, making it even richer.

"As for the purpose."

"He thought Hogwarts might have something of Voldemort's, something that could keep his soul immortal."


"You know?" Wenda was stunned for a moment, then relieved. As a wizard who could rival Grindelwald, Dumbledore knew about Horcruxes, so it was no big deal.

"In addition -" the arrogant French Black Rose turned around gracefully, stood up, and walked around the room, "The kid named Owen is also my goal."

"Him?" The old principal's expression changed slightly, and there was a sharp light in his eyes.

"Sanchez, it's just a false last name." She looked at the layout of the office, put away the anger and sarcasm on her face, and returned to her usual proud and elegant look.

But there seemed to be something else in his eyes, some escaping glances.

It really fell into Dumbledore's eyes.

"If he had a last name. It would probably be - Rozier, Owen Rozier."

"Is he your descendant?" Dumbledore blurted out.

Then I got Wenda, who looked like an idiot.

"My heart belongs."

She said coldly. His tone sounded like he was going to kill Dumbledore with one big bite.

"I can't say more about his life experience, but -"

"I don't understand what Grindelwald thinks. If it were me, I would kill the child when he was born."

"What do you mean?" The old principal's tone became colder.

He looked at the woman in front of him, his gaze behind the half-moon glasses somewhat unable to penetrate the woman's thoughts. she seems


"That's a monster.

If you had seen him as a child, you would know that a terrifying 'thing' that can manipulate people's hearts at will and turn them into puppets, often without human form, can never be called a 'human being'. "

"Oscurus?" Listening to Wenda's description, Dumbledore immediately thought of a terrifying creature that had no human form and originated from the little wizard's body.

Gellert found another Obscurial?

No - in just one second, Professor Dumbledore overturned his guess.

Owen is healthy, and there is no Obscurus aura about him.

"No - that's not it." Dumbledore was very sure that Credence decades ago made him understand Obscurus far better than ordinary wizards.

If Owen was the Obscurus, he would have recognized him the first time he saw him.

Besides - with that child's flamboyant temperament and unconventional ideas, it would be impossible for Obscurus to be born.

Facing the professor's questioning look, Wenda seemed to be caught in some kind of entanglement, hesitation and fear.

This made Dumbledore even more interested in the mystery of Owen's life experience.

As the oldest pure-blood wizard family, the Rozier family does not have many branches.

Apart from the British lineage, the only French and Wenda lineage remains.

If Irving is a member of the Rozier family, it is impossible for him not to relate to the woman in front of him.

Unless—suddenly the old headmaster suddenly remembered Grindelwald’s notes and the letter Newt sent him after Christmas.

"Gellert, what did he do?"

Go~take off~

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