I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 532 End of semester (Happy Children's Day)

"It's not that bad, kid." Dumbledore said gently, and he quickly condensed the most urgent from the history that Owen said. "At least we now know that the Outer Gods can be defeated. As for the Supreme Will, it may not still be watching us."

Dumbledore's words made Owen fall into a brief silence.

Because he was right. The Supreme Will was not necessarily watching them.

Just like the indescribable things in most stories.

Tens of thousands of years have passed. If the Supreme Will has been watching them, Owen doesn't believe that this world can last so long.

But this feeling is not good and makes him very uncomfortable.

Before that, although he also lived in a daze, at least at that time, the road ahead was clear, and the silver moon shone on a dark path, but it was just leading to death, which was no big deal. He was not afraid of death. On the contrary, for a person who can live a second life, every breath now is a victory, but if he is facing some indescribable things, he will be transformed into a non-self. On the road to death, filled with treacherous monsters, taking the opportunity to eat his soul. This is absolutely unacceptable to Owen.

"Maybe, we can only pray." Owen said indifferently.

In the office, the flickering amber light of the candle suddenly trembled slightly, as if something ominous had broken in.

The light reflected on the boy's pale, delicate face. He has a high nose, long eyelashes, and contoured cheeks. He doesn't look sharp, but looks very three-dimensional. Cuibi's eyes are like gems, and through those eyes you can see a very lingering smoke swirling. He has a good figure, not fat or thin, and the slim clothes look elegant on him. He has an elegant and lazy temperament. And this is the strange thing. Obviously, the boy himself should be very panicked or terrified at this moment, but you can't see a trace of it from him. He stood there, perfect as if he had been carved by the greatest artist. The fierce collision between temperament and reality gave people an indescribable sense of disharmony.

The air became solemn.

Dumbledore had noticed this a long time ago.

He talked to Grindelwald about it.

If we continue to gather the power of the Outer Gods in the God Granting Tower to one person, will it create something terrible?

At least after the [Battle of Poseidon] in Italy, the child has not shown any abnormality.

So he didn't pay attention to it at that time.

The magic world is undergoing earth-shaking changes, and he doesn't have so much energy to pay attention to these seemingly ridiculous things.

But since the end of the Brazilian incident. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that a change, a subtle change, suddenly appeared in the boy. At first it was only very subtle, but after last summer vacation, this change became unconcealable.

Miss Granger discussed this issue with him a few months ago. At that time, he didn't think it was wrong. Even ordinary magic would have an impact on wizards, let alone the magic of the Outer Gods?

This is still controllable, just as Owen himself thought. Merlin's plan is not complicated, and he and Grindelwald can think of the ultimate goal. To deal with a god, that is to use the power of God, and there is nothing wrong with this logic.

But now it is different.

A new enemy appears, coming from the other side of the stars. Although its eyes may not be on this place at the moment, what about the final battle? The battle to defeat the Outer God will definitely be earth-shattering. If it attracts its attention at that time.

"Finally, it's about Regulus and my parents." Owen spoke again.

"They should have been exposed to the truth of history, but the subsequent events are still a mystery. But we can guess that they may want to use ancient magic to defeat Voldemort, who was in his heyday at that time. At least Regulus's purpose should be this. As for my parents' purpose. Maybe my grandmother knows."

"This is considered to have solved a mystery." Dumbledore said after a moment of silence, "The manufacturing of road stones is not difficult. There was also an organization called the God's Favored Cult before. Some of them should have been exposed to the truth in that city a long time ago. Maybe somewhere else, there are notes of their research."

"I'm afraid that the God's Favored will not worship the Outer God." Owen sneered, "It's getting more and more complicated. Maybe we shouldn't know so much. There's nothing wrong with living in confusion."

"Someone has to face it." The old principal sighed.

"But for those who are awake, the truth is too cruel."

"Okay." The old headmaster waved his hand, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his blue eyes. He slowly sat down on the chair and said, "At present, our focus is still Tom. There is news that he may have returned."

"Maybe?" Owen scoffed, "Maybe."

What if he comes back? When people have seen the sea, they will not be shocked and vast by a pool of water.

Besides, what is it that has come back?

Is it a human or a ghost? Or an outer god?

He saw it clearly before, but now - who knows.

Dumbledore glanced at Owen.

He knew very well what Owen was worried about, because this was also what he was worried about.

But after Voldemort's resurrection this time, the power of the Death Eaters was reshuffled, and many secret guards could not be inserted.

Even Snape hadn't contacted Voldemort for several months. He had no idea what the other party was doing.

It takes time to gather intelligence, and we have to wait for Voldemort to make any big moves. The current situation can only be said to be calm on the surface. As for the undercurrent under the lake, how can people on the shore see it clearly?

Afterwards, Dumbledore discussed with him the Death Eaters and Voldemort, as well as the dark wizards who betrayed Voldemort and joined Senior Tom.

Of course, there was also the former Minister of Magic, Barty Crouch. After several months of indirect attack, Dumbledore seemed to have mastered some of his secrets. The reason why the old principal did not use certain means should be that he wanted to win him over, but such a pull was time-limited. Owen estimated that the summer vacation was probably Barty Crouch's last deadline.

Then he left the principal's office.

Outside, even the air in the corridor was full of ominous signs. In the midst of the sensitive, it seemed that something was peeping at him in the shadow of the cracks in a higher dimension.

Owen was a little impatient. He walked out of the spiral staircase and came to the door of the principal's office on the third floor. He walked in a hurry and accidentally bumped into a girl.

She was a third-year girl from Ravenclaw. Owen had seen her before. Her name seemed to be Orla Quirk, who entered Hogwarts in the year of the Goblet of Fire.

The girl who fell to the ground got up from the ground in a panic.

She looked at Owen with an unnatural expression on her face, as if she was terrified. Then she wanted to leave in a panic.

"Hey--" Owen stopped her. "Where is she?"

"What?" The little witch showed her slender hand, lifted the broken hair on her forehead, and looked at him with floating eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, where did you take Orla Quirk? I warn you, Draco, if you transform into a girl and run around in the castle like this again, I will throw you out."

Owen frowned and read out the girl's real name directly.

Although the other party was almost identical to the real Ola Quirk and did not show any extraordinary behavior, he still recognized the other party's true identity at a glance.

As for the reason, Owen would say that the smell of magic on the girl in front of him was not Ola Quirk, but his old acquaintance Draco.

"You" Ola Quirk immediately showed panic, she looked at Owen in disbelief, "How did you see that, this is impossible-"

"Nothing is impossible." Owen was a little irritated, "Mortals can't deceive the gods. Okay-you put on a fake skin again, what do you want to do?"

"I" Draco paused, then said, "I will leave Hogwarts today and leave from Hogsmeade Village. I must disguise myself and not alert anyone."

"I understand." Owen said lightly, "I'm afraid of being retaliated. So you have been brewing polyjuice potion to pretend to be someone else during this period, and you also have this meaning? To sneak out of the castle?"

"Yes." Draco said.

"Well, what about Orla Quirk?" he asked again.

"Room of Requirement. I gave her a dose of Life and Death Water. It's enough for her to sleep until tomorrow morning."

"Well--" Owen waved his hand. He saw Hermione walking towards this side, "Let's go. Don't die outside, don't provoke Voldemort, he is no longer a human being."

Hearing the voice, Draco, who was pretending to be Orla Quirk, looked at him deeply for the last time, then turned around and ran away.

The direction was exactly outside the castle.

It seems that he must have heard that he had woken up before leaving, so he secretly turned back.

"I heard Draco's name." Hermione rushed over.


As smart as Hermione was, she immediately realized something, and then said, "So, that Orla Quirk, she was Draco pretending to be? Polyjuice Potion? Is he the person we were looking for that day?"

"It doesn't matter--" Owen directly grabbed Hermione's arm and pulled her into his arms.

The little witch hadn't had time to react.

Then, her lips were covered.

A hint of sweetness seeped into her mouth.

Then came the violent demands.

The boy's fingers entangled her hair. Compared with the past, the girl's shyness had been reduced by half. She loved more passionately. Rather than exploring the secrets in him, she wanted to give up her reason and let herself sink. She hugged him tightly as if she would never let go for the rest of her life, telling him in this way - I love you.

Owen felt his cheeks were a little wet.

It was the girl's clear eyes, tears that could not be contained.

He reached out and wiped away her tears.

Then, he pulled her away from here.


Many miles away, the mist that had floated over the Forbidden Forest not far from Hogwarts was now floating on a dirty river. The river was winding, with weeds and garbage piled up on both sides. A huge chimney, a relic left by an abandoned mill, stood tall, gloomy and ominous.

There was no sound but the murmur of the dark water, and no sign of life except for a lean fox that stole down the bank and sniffed hopefully at a few fish and chip wrappers in the deep weeds.

At this time, with a soft popping sound, a slender figure wearing a hood appeared out of thin air by the river. The fox was stunned, staring at this strange new figure with a pair of alert eyes. The figure seemed to be figuring out its position, and after a moment, it walked forward with brisk steps, its long cloak rustling across the grass.

There was another pop, louder than the previous one, and another hooded figure appeared.


The fox was almost lying in the low bushes at this moment. Hearing this hoarse cry, he was even more frightened. It swooped out from its hiding place and ran to the shore. There was a flash of green light, a scream, and the fox fell to the ground, dead.

The second figure kicked the fox with its toes, turning it over.

"It turns out it's just a fox," a woman's disdainful voice came from under the hood, "I thought it was an Auror - Sissy, wait a minute!"

However, the person she was chasing just stopped to look at the flash of light and was heading towards

The fox climbed up the riverbank where he had just fallen.

"Cissy—Narcissa—listen to me—"

The second woman caught up with the first and grabbed her arm, but she pulled away.

"Go back, Bella!"

"You must listen to me!"

"I've heard it. I've made up my mind. Leave me alone!"

The woman, Narcissa, crawled to the river bank, where an old railing separated the river from a narrow cobbled alley.

Another woman, Bella, followed immediately. They stood side by side, looking at the rows of dilapidated brick houses on the other side of the alley. The windows on the houses looked dark and lifeless in the dusk.

"He lives here?" Bella said in a contemptuous tone, "This? A Muggle garbage bag. Dumbledore didn't even arrange a good home for his loyal dog."

Narcissa automatically filtered out Bella's sarcasm. She had slipped through a pot hole in the rusty railing and was hurrying through the alley.

"Sissy, wait a minute."

Bella followed, her cloak flowing behind her. She saw Narcissa dart through an alleyway between houses and turn onto another, almost identical street.

Several street lights were broken.

Two running women are illuminated by lights and sometimes shrouded in darkness.

Just as the woman in front passed another street corner. The one behind caught up with her, and this time he finally focused on her arm and pulled her around, so that the two of them stood face to face.

"Sissy, you shouldn't have come here. That monster has returned to England. Do you know that you are in danger now?"

"Same for you!" Narcissa said without mercy.

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