I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 533 Negotiation

"We are the same, but - I have the ability to protect myself, and you - if you are discovered, you will only lose your life." Bella said even more bluntly.

"Then I am willing to do it too!"

"I don't want to!" Bella panted. She looked around to see if there was anyone, her eyes flashing under the hood. "There are few people in the British Ministry of Magic who can be trusted. All the wizards who betrayed him have evacuated here. We have built fortresses in other places. There may be his spies here. You know the relationship between that guy and him! Dumbledore will never let him get rid of that relationship."

"Didn't you say he was a double agent?"

"So, that monster might secretly send someone to monitor him. Once we show up, we will immediately step into the trap."

"No-I don't care." Narcissa lowered her voice, revealing a hint of hysteria in her tone, "I must see Draco. Even if I die."

"If you don't come, Draco is more likely to be alive. The Saints may have other plans."

"They?" Narcissa's face was pale, "How much fighting power can they have against the current mysterious man? He made an agreement with me, an unbreakable curse. Bella. You know, he can't resist and must protect Draco."

"That's a joke!" Bella's eyes were filled with strong anger. Ever since she was deceived by Owen, she no longer believed in any contract-type spells.

"Maybe." Narcissa was unmoved. She didn't know what happened to Bella. At least now, she still believed in the unbreakable curse.

"I am your sister. Sissy. When have I ever hurt you?"

"If you stop me, that's it." After saying that, Narcissa turned around and rushed in.

Bella rubbed her hands and followed her again.

She knew she couldn't convince her anymore.

Finally, Narcissa walked quickly onto a street called Spider's End Lane. The tall mill chimney stood in the sky like a huge finger raised to warn. She walked past the dilapidated windows nailed with boards, and her footsteps on the cobblestones echoed.

She came to the last house, and a dim light shone through the curtains of a room downstairs.

When Bella caught up with her cursing, she had already knocked on the door. They stood outside the door together, waiting, breathing heavily, smelling the smell of the sewage river blown by the evening breeze.

After a few seconds, they heard a movement behind the door, and then the door opened a crack, and a man looked out at them, with long black hair hanging like curtains on both sides, and a sallow face and a pair of black eyes in the middle.

Narcissa pulled her hood back. Her face was so pale that it seemed to glow white in the night, and her long golden hair fell down her back, making her look like a drowned person.

"Narcissa!" the man said, opening the door a little wider, so that the light not only shone on her, but also on her sister. "What a surprise and joy!"

"Severus," Narcissa whispered nervously, "I'm here to pick up my son."

"I know." He stepped back and let her in. Her sister, still wearing her hood, followed in, although she was not invited.

"It's been a long time, Snape," she greeted simply as she passed him.

"Bellatrix," Snape replied. Thin lips twisted into a slightly sarcastic smile, and the door clicked shut behind them.

They walked straight into a small living room that had the feel of a dim, soft-walled cell. Books lined the walls, most of them in old black or brown leather covers; a candle-lit lamp hung from the ceiling, casting a dim circle of light in which a worn, fuzzy sofa, an old armchair, and a rickety table were crowded together.

The place had a desolate and deserted air. It seemed that no one usually lived there.

Snape motioned for Narcissa to sit on the sofa. Narcissa took off her cloak and threw it aside, then sat down, staring at her pale, trembling hands folded on her knees. Bellatrix slowly lowered her hood. Her sister was strikingly pale, but her skin was darker, with thick eyelids and a wide chin.

She walked over and stood behind Narcissa, never taking her eyes off Snape.

"It seems that my appearance here surprises you?" Bella looked at Snape coldly. From the beginning, she felt that this guy was a spy, but the Dark Lord did not listen to her and insisted on staying.

"No." Snape said, "I had a hunch that you would come, so I came here to wait for you in person."

"You sound so smart." Bella sneered, "Maybe you will die in the next second."

"You can try."

"Okay!" Narcissa frowned and interrupted the two, "Where is Draco? I didn't see him."

"Here." He pointed his wand at the wall of books behind him, and with a bang, a secret door opened, revealing a narrow staircase leading to an underground space.

A strange smell of potion came from inside.

Then a girl bent down and walked down the last few stairs and came to the room.

She was a very beautiful girl with a pair of striking gray eyes, a high nose, and delicate features.

"Mom--" The girl said in a light voice, "Aunt?"

"This" Narcissa was stunned and looked at Snape.

"Polyjuice Potion." Snape said lazily, "There are many eyes on Hogwarts. If you want to see a corpse, you can go to King's Cross Station."

Narcissa waved her hand, hugged the transformed Draco into her arms, and then held her forehead and kissed her deeply.

Such a warm scene, but soon attracted another person's rude interruption.

"Oh! By the way." Snape said in a slick tone, "After you go back, I suggest you take him to a therapist for a check."

"What?" Narcissa's face sank, "He was poisoned?"

"No-I mean the test is psychological." Snape said with a sneer, "After all, being obsessed with a boy is a bit sick."

"I didn't!" Draco's face changed, and he immediately jumped out to refute.

"Shut up." Snape said coldly. "You've been paying too much attention to him since the third grade - no - the second grade. Don't use Potter as an excuse. Do you want me to tell you everything you did after taking the Polyjuice Potion this year?"

"You -" Draco's face suddenly became abnormal. He glared at Snape fiercely, eager to give him an Obliviate. Since he knew that he secretly made magic, all his secrets could not be hidden.

His mother seemed to have reached an agreement with him at the beginning of this semester, but Draco didn't care. He didn't want to accept Snape's help.

He found a book "Advanced Magic Potion Making" at home, and the Polyjuice Potion was on it. At that time, he already had a plan.

"Boy?" Narcissa's eyes flashed with suspicion, and her eyes fell on Draco who was pretending to be a girl. Suddenly, she seemed to realize something, and her heart sank into her stomach. However, she did not continue to delve into this topic. If there was anything, she would go home and talk about it, so as not to embarrass herself in front of outsiders.

"Okay Draco - your potion needs someone to take care of it." Bella said coldly, her meaning was clear.

Narcissa also nodded to Draco.

The boy looked unhappy, but did not resist. He just left here in a huff and returned to the hidden room.

Then, Snape waved his wand and the bookshelf closed again.

"Okay." Bella's eyes fell on Snape again. "It's time to talk about something serious - if you are still loyal to the Dark Lord."

"You said -" Snape neither admitted nor denied, he skipped Bellatrix's question.

"We need to know about Canada, don't tell me you don't know." She sneered, "How could you, Dumbledore's most trusted loyal dog, not know."

"What do you want to do?" Snape asked.

"This is not what you should ask."

"Of course--" Snape's expression became unpredictable, "If you know the Outer Gods and the Tower of God, you should know what is there."

"You don't need to explain. Of course I know." Bellatrix said, "When I was still the subordinate of that monster, I came into contact with many hidden things. What I want to ask is the thing that Dumbledore brought out of the tower."

"Thing?" Snape said, "Ancient magic?"

"Not ordinary ancient magic."

Bellatrix showed a superior expression and said proudly, "It should be solid enough, maybe solid, or liquid. Don't try to deceive me. I know all the technology of the [Purifier] and the technology of the goblins. They have excavated similar ones in the Tower of God."

Hearing this, Snape's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes turned away. He waved his wand, and a tray slowly floated out from the hidden room where Draco walked out, with a dirty wine bottle and three glasses on it.

He put the tray on the rickety table, poured out three glasses of blood-red wine, and handed two glasses to the sisters.

Narcissa muttered a "thank you", Bellatrix said nothing, she put the glass aside, and continued to glare at Snape.

"Don't you want to taste it?" Snape smiled playfully, "Although it has a high alcohol content, it is not spicy."

As he said, he raised the glass and drank it all.

Narcissa also drank a glass, and Snape filled her glass again.

"I don't want to drink." Bellatrix said, and then put the glass in her hand on the table beside her.

"Don't want to or can't?" Snape looked at her meaningfully, "Maybe I should remind you. I have some talent in potions. Similarly, I know many of the methods of the healer."

Narcissa keenly heard the hidden meaning of Snape's words. She also looked at Bella and asked, "What? Are you sick?"

"No-she's not sick." Snape said, "She's just pregnant."

"Pregnant!" Narcissa stood up immediately in shock. With an expression of disbelief, she seemed at a loss in panic.

She was stunned for a few seconds before reacting.

Then she reached out and pressed on her sister's belly.

"You," she said tremblingly, "whose child are you pregnant with?"

"Hmph--" Bellatrix raised her head, stroked her belly with her right hand, and said proudly, "This is my greatest treasure."

"Oh my God--" Narcissa took a breath. She knew about Senior Tom. But after going through so many things, especially after Bella chose to betray that monster, she naively thought that her sister finally saw the man clearly, but unexpectedly, it actually seemed deeper.

"This" Narcissa was speechless. Reason told her that Bella shouldn't have this child. Merlin, that was the child of the Dark Lord. God knew what kind of trouble would arise in the future. But as a mother, especially a mother who had just experienced meeting her "son", she couldn't say those cruel words at all.

However, her uneasiness did not last long, because Snape soon rescued her.

"You want the crystallization of ancient magic, you want to repeat the technology of [Purifier]. Do you want to train your child to be the next wizard like - um - Coatl Stewart?"

Snape naturally knew the secrets of human alchemy.

He even knew more than Owen in this regard.

Due to some cruel experiences that Wenda Rosier had, some things could not be told to Owen.

But he knew.

He knew that after Grindelwald's defeat, Wenda Rosier fled to the United States after hiding in Europe for several years. With the help of the Purgers, she took root in Port Isabela and helped them decipher the stone tablets with ancient runes excavated from the Brazilian Divine Tower.

Before that, the Purgers had mastered a human alchemy technology that could inject ancient magic into ordinary wizards, but that technology had major flaws, and the transformed wizards would almost die within a few hours.

The death was very scary, because the whole body collapsed directly from the inside out.

It was Wenda Rosier's arrival that changed their technology. She didn't know where she learned human alchemy, which might be Grindelwald's legacy. In short, the technology she mastered at first was not inferior to that of the Purgers. After the two sides reached a cooperation, the technical strength has been unprecedentedly developed.

After more than ten years of research, a feasible path has finally been summarized.

This technology, among other things, is that the target of being "eroded" by ancient magic is best to choose the fetus still in the mother's body, because in this way the mother can help the fetus resist some of the mutations caused by ancient magic.

This is a very cruel and inhuman technology. Port Isabela, the bottomless sea, and the piled-up deformed monsters are getting smaller and smaller. This is a sin that Wenda Rosier can never erase.

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