I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 535 Preparation


Polyjuice potion?

I always feel that it is familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere this year.

Without waiting for the little wizards to ask questions.

Dumbledore continued to explain: "If Tom still has his sanity, he will not attack all the little wizards, so the main target may only be you guys."

He looked at Owen and Hermione.

Indeed, especially Hermione, she is the biggest target.

"So, you plan to let them pretend to be me?" Hermione frowned and said, "But this way-wouldn't it be too dangerous."

"There is danger." Mad-Eye Moody said, his eyes staring at Hermione, "but there is no better way than this."

"The mysterious man needs a big scene to announce his return. Of course, developing power secretly is also a good choice, but I don't think he will, because of shame-"

"Shame?" Hermione repeated it several times, and then understood.

"Yes, I think you have figured it out." Moody continued, "He was killed by Muggles, and died silently. This is a great shame for him, so he will definitely choose revenge after he is resurrected, and you are his primary target. If we choose other ways to send you away this time, such as: the door key. Then he will probably kill Muggles or wizards indiscriminately without a target."

"Are we bait?" Harry said unhappily, "Well, I'm used to it anyway, just like the time on the top of the Azkaban Tower."

"Harry." Sirius walked over and looked at him solemnly, "They are no safer than you. I hope you can understand that this is not exploitation, but fighting side by side."

"I know." Harry pursed his lips, "I'm just complaining."

"Okay." Mad-Eye Moody interrupted their conversation, "Time is limited. I need your hair, kids. Quick."

"But" Hermione wanted to argue a few more words, but Tonks on the side had come behind her.

The little witch's hair was fluffy and thick, and a few strands would fall off if she touched it casually.

Others, Harry and Ron, also reluctantly pulled a few strands of hair from their heads and handed them to the others beside them.

Finally, it was Owen.

He also handed over a few silver threads.

"Okay, now you go get ready. Everything is as usual, get on the train." Moody ordered.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were dragged out reluctantly.

And Owen.

When he turned around, he was stopped by Dumbledore.

"Owen, stay for a moment." The old headmaster said, and then looked at the others. "Everyone go get ready. It is difficult to brew the Polyjuice Potion. This year, thanks to the help of a little wizard, we have some reserves."

"But it is still not enough. On average, the amount of medicine each of you has can only last for less than an hour. Before that, you have to get on the Hogwarts Express first, don't attract attention."

"I think Tom should attack the train at King's Cross Station."

"Then see you at King's Cross Station." Moody said simply, and strode out of Snape's office. His alchemical mechanical leg looked extremely light, and he walked without limping.

And the others also left one after another.

Soon, only Owen, Dumbledore and Snape were left in the office.

"What's wrong, professor?" Owen said.

"It's like this." Then, Dumbledore told Owen about Bellatrix's deal in very concise words.

"Huh--" Owen then snorted coldly, "I knew she knew where the ring was."

"Well--" After thinking for a moment, he said, "It can be traded. Since she wants her child to jump into the abyss of ancient magic, let her jump. No need to stop her."

"This matter can be left to my grandmother, she has experience in this area."

"I think so too." Dumbledore said, "For now, the main thing is to eliminate Tom. Other things can be decided later."

"It's really unexpected that she actually has a child, and it's senior Tom." Owen chuckled and said with a teasing tone.

In the book "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child", Voldemort and Bellatrix did have a daughter. Her name was Delphic Riddle.

She was born before the Battle of Hogwarts.

Calculating the time, she was conceived at this time.

She was a very good witch, both in beauty and strength. She looked like a capable and lively and cheerful cute girl, with a charming voice, silver hair with blue tips, brown eyes with blue eyeshadow, and very beautiful. In fact, she was vicious and determined, had a strong sadistic tendency, and inherited Slytherin's Parseltongue and Voldemort's magical talent. She had never been to Hogwarts, but at the age of seventeen, she easily defeated Harry Potter, who was already the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the time. Although Harry was defeated by her sneak attack because he underestimated the enemy in that battle, it was enough to prove that her magical talent was definitely not lower than that of her father.

In that timeline, Delphic Riddle wanted to go back to the past to stop her father Voldemort from going to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry Potter, so as to change the future.

Although she failed in the end, she did change part of the past.

Three years ago, Owen explained to Luna that the time-twister only repeated what had happened and could not change history.

Owen did not observe stowaways from the future during these years, so "The Cursed Child" will not happen.

After all, if everything goes well, Senior Tom might still be alive in this world. Since the family is neat and tidy, how could traveling through time and saving the past happen?

On the other side, a rare smile appeared on Dumbledore's face. He looked at Owen and said, "Good thing, good thing."

"Real life, it seems Tom finally understands its true meaning.

Working hard to live a short life and leaving the achievements to future generations, human beings grow slowly and repeatedly in this way, which is really amazing.

Tom's life is finally on the right track. "

"Perhaps." Seeing that Dumbledore was about to make another cliche about love and family, Snape interrupted with a straight face. Regarding the young boy Tom, his attitude has always been that he can be used. If he has no value anymore, he will find an opportunity to kill him.

As for the rest, he didn't think about it at all.

"Take this." With a cold face, he took a bottle of mud-like stuff from the table. In addition, there is a silver-gold hair.

"Polyjuice potion? Draco's?" Owen, who had already learned the whole story from Dumbledore, naturally knew what it was.

"Find someone to disguise him, or do it yourself. You-Know-Who will not focus on him." Snape said.

"Why let me come?"

"Hmph -" Snape showed an impatient look, "Think about it! He pretended to be you for half a year, don't you want to take revenge and go back?"

"No!" Owen said decisively. He was afraid of getting dirty!

"This is none of my business. Unless you are unwilling to cooperate with that woman." With that, Snape forced the bottle of polyjuice potion and hair into his arms and drove him out of the office.

Owen returned to the corridor and stared blankly at the polyjuice potion in his hand.

I don't know how many times I scolded Snape.

But for the sake of the grand plan - he had no choice but to endure it.

Moreover, he won't really do it by himself.

There are many excellent candidates.

Immediately, Owen quickly headed to the auditorium.

Breakfast service has not yet ended at this time.

The auditorium was filled with little wizards.

Everyone's expressions may be worried or excited. Although the professors have inexplicably conveyed a strong pressure and worry over the past month, today is a holiday, the last day at Hogwarts, and summer vacation starts tomorrow. At the beginning, everything seemed to be about to have a new look.

Much of the cloud cast by the professors has dissipated.

"Hey - Owen, here!" As soon as he walked into the auditorium, Owen saw Harry waving to him.

Most of the members of the D.A. were sitting around them.

It seemed that Harry wanted to reveal a little bit about the attack plan so that the little wizards could prepare in advance.

"What did Professor Dumbledore say to you again?" Hermione pulled him and asked him to sit next to her.


With that said, Owen simply told the others about Draco. The part about the Horcrux and Bella was concealed. After all, it was a secret. There were too many young wizards around, so it would inevitably spread.

He simplified the story to say that the Malfoys had betrayed Voldemort, so the Death Eaters might attack him, so Draco also needed someone to pretend.

"Haha——" After listening to Owen's story, Ron was the first to make the news. He smiled disdainfully and said sarcastically, "Why, the eldest young master is being hunted, and we have to send a few scapegoats? Let me tell you, Their family just deserved it, and they just pretended to be in another camp because the wind was blowing.”

"Say less about Ron." Hermione complained, because the situation they encountered was not much more noble than Draco's.

Ron also reacted.

He didn't continue to taunt, he just laughed a few times and stopped talking.

"Didn't Dumbledore arrange anyone?" Harry asked.

"No, I think it has something to do with Snape." Owen glanced at Hermione, "Bad taste——"


Hermione understood, and she immediately said softly, "We can't put other people in danger, we don't have the power, let me do it."

Owen's eyes widened, "Seriously?"

"Of course!" Hermione nodded firmly, "I'm just pretending to be someone else. It's not like I've never pretended before."

"Don't—" Owen said, leaning back, "I can't accept it. I originally planned to ask Harry to come, and I thought he would definitely be interested in pretending to be Draco."

"I" Harry raised his head, but was interrupted by Hermione before he could make any comments. "If you don't want to do it yourself, you shouldn't let others take the risk." She said seriously, "Let me do it. I'm serious."

"No." Owen still refused, "If it were you, then I might as well do it myself."


To Owen's surprise, Hermione suddenly became very excited. She stood up suddenly, put her hands on the table, and said loudly, "Absolutely not!"

The scene fell silent, and all the little wizards in the auditorium looked towards this place.

Harry, Ron, and Ginny next to them, and Neville all looked at Hermione with strange eyes.

"Oh -" Hermione hesitated, blushed slightly and said, "You know what I mean - I mean that I have the ability to protect myself. It's not that I - in short, you can't become Malfoy. "

God - that Malfoy guy had been pretending to be Owen for months, and she'd almost caught him on several occasions, and she'd been shocked to learn the truth at the entrance to the Headmaster's office yesterday.

But despite being shocked, I silently felt that it was somewhat reasonable.

How could she not see what Malfoy was thinking? She's not a fool.

That's why Owen can't pretend to be him. If the two people change their identities - maybe something strange will come out.

Anyway, the girl's mind was churning wildly at this moment, and all kinds of strange things appeared in Hermione's little head.

As for Owen, he is destined not to understand.

He was confused by Hermione's vehement opposition to his pretending to be Draco.

"Then you can't." Although Owen didn't understand why Hermione was so opposed, he agreed and objected to her pretending to be Draco. Just kidding, it was Polyjuice Potion. It would be fine if she transformed into another girl. Draco ——Boys! He would have to be crazy to agree.

Seeing that he and Hermione were at a stalemate.

At this time, Harry said softly, "Otherwise, I'll do it."

"Okay, no problem, come on." With that said, Owen quickly handed Harry all the polyjuice potion and hair in his pocket.

Then he looked at Hermione again and said, "Look, this time he did it voluntarily and it's none of my business."

"You" the little witch was a little angry, "Harry——"

"Needless to say, you are a girl, how can you become a boy - well, the time before does not count." Harry said and suddenly remembered the time in the second grade when the three of them pretended to be Owen.

When I was young at that time, I didn’t realize the difference between men and women at all.

The young wizard usually starts his love affair after the fourth grade.

But now - he certainly couldn't let Hermione pretend to be a man.

"I'm just pretending to be Malfoy. He is not the main target of the Death Eaters. Maybe I pretend to be him, but it is a kind of protection."

Then, Harry put the hair in his hand into the mud-like liquid. As soon as the hair touched the surface of the liquid, the potion began to bubble and smoke, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a somewhat turbid pale golden color.

"Better than I thought," Harry said.

The flavor of Polyjuice Potion is primarily related to the person being transformed.

The more twisted a person is, the more disgusting and weird the potion tastes. Harry originally thought that Malfoy's potion must be a black viscous substance that smelled like a smelly sewer, but now it turned out to be just a turbid light golden color and smelled like wet vines. This was completely beyond the realm of possibility. beyond his expectation.

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