I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 536 On the train

"Okay, Harry, you just stay with us." Hermione said solemnly.

"Shouldn't we stay away from us? Especially you." Owen rubbed his chin and said, "How about you pretend to be someone else?"

"No -" the little witch refused sternly, "They have already taken risks for us, how can we pretend to be others with peace of mind."

"Having one more self can create more illusions."

"Okay." Owen shrugged indifferently. As long as Hermione stayed by his side, no one could hurt her.

“Justin, come here—” He waved. Turning to Harry, he said, "Once you get in the car Harry, you will sit with Justin, Hannah and Susan."

"No problem!" Justin patted his chest and vowed, "Leave it to us."

"I think I can still help," Harry argued.

"No, we are not the protagonists in this battle." Owen said with a smile: "As long as we show our faces. Do you think Professor Dumbledore, the Ministry of Magic, and the Federation will remain indifferent after receiving the information!"

"Look, this will be a big battle. If Tom comes too, it may be no less than a decisive battle."

"Yeah - that's right." Hermione and Harry nodded.

Immediately, most of the worries in my heart dissipated.

These two little fools thought they were going to face the Death Eater Voldemort in this battle!

How can this be!

From the beginning to the end, they were not the protagonists of this battle. The Polyjuice Potion plan was just for fear of accidents.

"It's almost time. We should go."

It's about nine o'clock now.

It was almost ten o'clock when we arrived at Hogsmeade Station.

It's time for the train to arrive.

Walking out of the castle, the open space was lush and vibrant. The long-lasting mist in the Forbidden Forest in the distance seemed to have dissipated a lot. The mountains and fields became crystal clear.

The bright sunshine shines through the clouds on the castle spiers and windows, shining with golden light.

From time to time, sirens jump out of the water in the Black Lake. After showing off their proud figure for a moment, they fall into the lake, causing a splash of water.

Owen and Hermione were riding in a Thestral carriage.

After passing through the leafy forest road, we stopped at a fork in the road.

Further ahead is the direction of the station, and on the right hand side downwards, a path blocked by vines leads to the Black Lake.

New students all take the boat to Hogwarts via this road.

The train has stopped at the station.

From a distance, they saw steaming water vapor in the distance.

After getting on the bus, Hermione and Owen found a compartment to sit down.

Ron and Ginny sat in the same cubicle with them.

Harry followed Justin and the others to other compartments.

"What's wrong? I see you are restless."

On the chair in the cubicle, Owen assumed a comfortable position and leaned back.

When they were in the Great Hall, he noticed that Ron's attention was not entirely focused on them. Except for a few words about Draco with Harry at the beginning, he was in a daze the rest of the time.

"He was worried about Coatl." Hermione revealed the truth in one word.

"Yeah - yes, she is also one of the targets of the Death Eaters." Owen said, it was she and Ron who ruined Voldemort's good deeds back then.

"But I think the Death Eaters don't have that many people to attack two places at the same time. He probably hates us more than the Muggle Prime Minister. So she should be fine."

"Uh-" Ginny curled her lips, "Is this really good for you to explain?"

"Okay." Owen said, "The Death Eaters may not really come today. Information will always be information until it actually happens, and it is full of variables."

"That's right. But..."

But the professors are making such a big fuss that it is difficult to reassure people.

Ginny sighed, feeling extremely nervous.

More than anyone else, they had all faced Voldemort, either actively or passively, and successfully escaped. She had never faced Voldemort alone.

Even during the Battle of Hogsmeade in the third grade, because she was young at the time, she only glanced at the battlefield from a distance and did not participate at all.

Strictly speaking, if Voldemort really attacks the train today, this will be the first time she faces him.

Hermione spoke to comfort her.

Although she has little experience in this area, at this time, as the backbone, she still needs to be strong.

The train started running half an hour later.

After a journey of more than four hours, it was now their last peaceful time.

About halfway through the train, there was a sudden knock on the compartment door.

Hermione and Ginny raised their wands nervously, their eyes full of worry.

"It's me." Tonks' voice came from outside.

After opening the door, it turned out to be the pink-haired rebellious witch.

"It's time to tell all the little wizards the truth," she said. "Go to the prefects' carriage. The prefects from each college are waiting for you."

"Okay." Hermione nodded on behalf of Owen.

Then he got up and left.

Ron is also going to follow. He is the prefect of Gryffindor.

Ginny followed at the end as it wouldn't be safe to be alone in the compartment once they left, so Hermione decided to take her with her.

The carriage was quiet.

Very unusual.

It seems that what they talked about in the auditorium has been spread to other people's ears through the D.A. little wizards.

Tonks' actions were unnecessary.

However, there may still be some young wizards who do not know the truth, and repeating what others say may lead to distorted information, so it is still necessary to explain again.

When Owen and his friends entered the prefect's compartment, the others had already arrived.

Hermione told everyone the general situation.

In addition, she also needed to personally pass on the message to the Slytherins, because their prefect Draco did not come, and only the prefects of the other three houses were present.

After hearing Hermione's story, everyone became worried.

Hermione could no longer say anything comforting, and could only repeat what Owen told her, such as: most young wizards are not targets, the protagonists of the war are Dumbledore and the Aurors, and the attack may not happen, etc.

However, this did not cheer up the spirits of the young wizards, and they were still full of worries.

When leaving the compartment, they ran into Pansy Parkinson.

She was in front of the door, probably eavesdropping.

"Where's Draco?" Pansy said nervously, "I'm here to find Draco. Are you bullying him?"

"No one is bullying him!" Hermione said nonchalantly, "He didn't come here, he's in another compartment. Maybe he doesn't want to see you. Well - if it's okay, we have other things to do."

"You're talking nonsense." Pansy became excited, "How could he not want to see me, he's my boyfriend!"

"Hehe - then you'd better take care of your boyfriend." Hermione said in a threatening tone. Then he ignored her and walked straight past her.

"Hey - wait -" Pansy wanted to find out Draco's specific location, but Hermione didn't give her a chance at all.

She still had to go to the compartment where the Slytherins gathered to pass on the message.

On the other side, Owen went to find Harry.

In another hour, the train will arrive at King's Cross Station.

Harry had to pretend to be Draco in advance and walk around the compartment a few times to prove that he was there.

He easily found Hannah's compartment.

Then he told Harry to drink the potion.

The polyjuice potion irritated Harry's throat, causing him to gasp and grin.

Then, his facial features began to wriggle and deform like hot wax. He grew taller, and his hair changed from black to platinum. His face became thinner and more three-dimensional.

"I must look ugly now." Harry rubbed his cheeks and took off his glasses. "It feels a bit strange."

"Don't be weird." Owen interrupted, "You don't look like Draco at all, just the same appearance, but the temperament is completely different."

"Imagine what he looks like in normal times."

"What does Malfoy look like in normal times?" Harry was stunned, then thought for a while, then raised his head, raised his eyebrows, and tried to look arrogant.

Unfortunately, no matter how he manipulated his facial features, he couldn't make that kind of contemptuous, condescending expression. Instead, he made a weird expression, which made Hannah and the others laugh.

"Okay - it turns out that being sarcastic and domineering is not so easy to pretend." Harry sighed and rubbed his stiff face, "I'll just leave it at that. Anyway, the Death Eaters and Malfoy are not familiar with each other, and they can't tell the real from the fake."

"Okay -" Owen said, and led Harry out of the compartment and went to other carriages to show his face.

"Hey - Owen." When he walked to the carriage where the Ravenclaws gathered, a ethereal voice suddenly sounded.

"What's wrong, Luna?"

Luna passed him and walked straight to Harry as if in a dream, staring at him with her silver eyes.

Harry felt a little scared.

"Okay, Harry, you don't look like Malfoy at all. The taste is different. But there are a lot of harassment flies gathered around your heads, which is similar."

"Harry flies?" Harry took a step back and said uncomfortably. After being in contact with Luna for so long, he also learned the words of this nervous little witch.

In his opinion, the harassment flies mentioned by Luna represent troubles. If she says that there are a lot of harassment flies gathered around your head, it means that you are very troubled and your thoughts are very chaotic.

In addition to harassment flies, there are also nymph hooks, fire elves, invisible demons, etc.

In short, these things represent something specific in Luna's eyes. Ordinary people will feel strange and confused at first, thinking that she is crazy and talking nonsense. But in fact, you only need to replace the strange things she said with the correct meanings they represent to understand what she means.

These are what Owen told him.

Owen can always chat happily with Luna, saying things that others think are nonsense. And only they understand the true meaning.

"I didn't know Malfoy had so many worries." Harry said disdainfully, "Oh, yes! Lucius betrayed Vol-You-Know-Who, I think he's probably worried about that."

"He was tripped by the Invisibility Demon." Luna said vaguely, "They dug a lot of deep pits for him. I've seen him mysteriously fall into the deep pits several times, and each time he would emerge from somewhere else. I suspect the Invisibility Demon is secretly digging tunnels in the castle, and they want to join forces with the Fire Elves to attack Hogwarts."

"Huh?" Harry was a little confused, there was no decoding for this paragraph in the code book that Owen gave him.

"That's because Draco always took Polyjuice Potion and pretended to be someone else in the castle, so he looked mysterious and always appeared from other places." Owen explained. "Okay, Luna, you should get ready. The master of the fire elf may be coming."

"Oh - really?" Luna raised her head and blinked unnaturally as she said, "They have become bolder. I want to catch one and study it and publish it in The Quibbler."

Luna's voice continued.

But Harry had automatically filtered out her voice and looked towards the end of the aisle. It was Ginny and Hermione walking over.

"Oh - Merlin!" Ginny exclaimed in surprise. Then he ran towards Harry quickly.

Harry had already opened his arms. According to the normal plot, they would hug each other and then say words of comfort to each other.

But unfortunately, there was an accident this time.

Ginny stopped ten inches from Harry.

Then he said with a weird face, "Well - Harry - I'm sorry, the way you are now - makes me a little bit..."

"I know." Harry lowered his arm with interest, "It's disgusting, so am I."

"Actually, it's not bad." Ginny quickly comforted: "You look nothing like him. Even if it's in Malfoy's face, I can still recognize you at a glance. You are you."

"Thank you -" said Harry.

Suddenly, a high-pitched and sharp voice sounded from behind them.

Everyone turned around and recognized Pansy Parkinson. She raised her trembling arms and screamed: "Get away from him, you bastard. Get out of here -"

Harry frowned and almost took out his wand, but considering the identity he was pretending to be.

He can reveal his true identity in front of Hermione, Hannah, and Luna, because they are all trustworthy, but he cannot reveal his true identity in front of the Slytherins, because these people may be related to Voldemort.

"Shut up, Parkinson! Didn't anyone in your family teach you manners?" Hermione said angrily.

But at this time, Parkinson had obviously lost his mind.

She pulled out her wand and stared at Ginny.

Owen felt a sense of frustration. Humiliation irritation and anger after having been defeated.

Because the reason is simple, Pansy herself is ugly. Well - I can't say he's ugly, I can only say he's very stylish, with a face shaped like a poodle. Malfoy would choose her to be his girlfriend entirely because of his family background and the fact that there was no other girl in his small circle.

But once Malfoy breaks out of his small circle and no longer sets his sights on pure blood and pro-Death Eater forces, it will be easy to find a beautiful girlfriend with his handsome appearance.

That's why Pansy reacted so violently after seeing Ginny and 'Harry' being so close.

Because this means that Draco who steps out of the small circle will never choose her again.

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