I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 537: Unexpected Attack

Pansy's sudden appearance disgusted all the young wizards present.

But on the other hand, this was also a good thing. At least after this fight, everyone would know that Draco was on the train.

Compared to Hermione, Ginny obviously didn't have such a good temper.

She took out her wand and swish a spell.

Pansy was caught off guard and was hit by the petrification spell. Suddenly, a grayish-white color surrounded her body, like cement slowly solidifying and fixed in place.

"Don't worry about her." Harry, who was dressed as Draco, said, "We have to get ready. I can see London."

After Harry's reminder.

Everyone hurriedly looked out through the window.

In the distance, the clear weather when they set off from the Scottish Highlands had been completely replaced by a kind of dimness.

The heavy sky, pressing on the city's skyline, gave rise to a strange and uneasy atmosphere.

The air seeping in from the window was filled with a damp and decayed smell, as if it was the unclean filth left after the body and soul had decayed for centuries.

The whispers of the wind, the murmur of the earth, and the whining of the train all made the surroundings more bizarre and evil.

Although this may be some kind of psychological suggestion.

But the feeling of uneasiness and anxiety is still particularly real.

"It seems that it is inevitable."

At this moment, no matter how many words are explained, they are pale.

Anyone who witnesses all this will deeply feel that danger has come, and the attack of the Death Eaters is by no means groundless.

"It is indeed necessary to prepare early." Owen said calmly.

The speed of the train began to slowly decrease.

The surrounding buildings became clearer and clearer.

They drove into the steel forest, like sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

Although everyone did not want the train to stop, and even hoped that it could continue like this for a whole summer, so that they would never reach King's Cross Station. But in the past few years, the little wizards have understood a harsh rule: when something unpleasant is waiting ahead, time will not slow down, and it will even speed up.

In just a blink of an eye, the Hogwarts Express stopped at Nine and Three Quarters Station.

On the train, the young wizards all leaned out their heads and looked out the window. No one dared to leave.

For some reason, the station was foggy. The smoke was not like water vapor. It gave people a very light feeling, not as thick as water vapor.

Several figures were vaguely revealed in the fog.

It was too blurry to see clearly.

"Flying sand and rocks."

Hermione took out her vine wand and cast a spell out of the window.

Then a gust of yellow sand blew up, and the violent wind blew away the fog, and then they saw - Amelia Susan Bones.

Susan's face on the train instantly changed to a look of horror.

Amelia Susan Bones was her grandmother, and also the director of the Department of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic.

She was a witch with a wide figure and a square chin, with short gray hair, wearing a monocle, and a terrifying expression on her face. Tonks once commented that Amelia was a fair and honest person.

At this time, her stiff body was roughly nailed to the wall of the station with a spear. Her glasses were missing, and her old face was filled with grief and resentment.

Blood flowed down from her heart and dripped onto the ground, making a silent wail.

Except for Amelia, there was a cold corpse hanging on every arched pillar of the station. It seemed that the perpetrators used them as specimens.

On the train, the young wizards stood there for a long time, silent as if they had been slapped.

Only Susan, her tears were like pearls that had broken off the string, rolling down her trembling hands, and her sharp and piercing cries resounded in the ears of every young wizard on the train.

Panic, anxiety, wishing to beat her chest and stamp her feet, crying to the sky. But the thousands of thoughts in her mind turned into silent wail in the end. In front of her, more than a dozen Aurors from the Ministry of Magic died in front of her, silently. And this might just be an appetizer sent by the Death Eaters. It was a deterrent and also a mockery.

Suddenly, at least forty or fifty hooded figures walked out of the fog that had not yet dissipated in the distance.

Some of them stood on the stands, and some hovered in the air. They surrounded the train from all directions.

There was no sign. More than a dozen figures rushed out of the train. Owen didn't see their faces clearly. He only looked out through the window of one section of the train and couldn't see the whole picture.

But almost the next moment, dazzling green light and some sharp and ear-piercing sound broke out.


A huge collision sounded.

In the carriage, Hermione Owen rushed out in a hurry.

In front, a large hole was blown open at the junction of the two carriages.

A burly man in a black cloak walked in.

A creepy laugh sounded, but it only lasted for a while and then stopped abruptly.

Owen stretched out a hand, and the broken iron pieces beside the big hole suddenly creaked, or turned into sharp daggers, and rushed towards the man.

This process was extremely fast.

It was activated almost in a breath.

The man was startled.

He suddenly wanted to cast the Apparition Spell, but Owen was faster. The moment his figure became illusory and distorted, the Anti-Apparition Spell was activated instantly, like a hook, pulling the man back from the illusion.

The next second, all the daggers stabbed the man.

The powerful recoil directly knocked it out.

"Hmph——" the silver-haired young man snorted.

His emerald eyes looked out through the window of the corridor.

The man was stabbed with daggers all over his body, seven or eight in total, and was firmly nailed to the wall.

But he was still not dead. When Owen and the young wizards were watching, he actually raised his head with a provocative expression.

This time, everyone finally saw the man's face clearly.

It was an extremely pale face.

His cheeks, eyes and forehead were slightly bulging, as if he had gained weight after being soaked in water.

His expression was very stiff. You can even see the bones under the skin and flesh, and the way they moved with difficulty.

He was not a human at all.

It was a machine.

Or——a corpse?

"Avada Kedavra!"

Without any hesitation.

Owen pulled out the crystal wand, and the dazzling green light broke through the glass and rushed straight to the laughing monster.

The Grim Reaper raised his sickle and swung it mercilessly.

The green light suddenly lit up, and after a moment.

All the onlookers were silent.

Because - the laughter did not stop, and the man did not die.

"He is not alive!" Hermione is not stupid. She naturally understands why Owen used the killing curse.

This magic that only attacks the souls of living beings is a good way to detect the dead and the living. Although it is a bit evil.


Countless swallowing sounds were heard around.

The young wizards stared at the man blankly, watching him pull out the daggers from his body one by one.

There was no blood--even no wounds--except for the torn clothes that could prove the damage Owen had just caused, he was almost intact.


I don't know who yelled.

Those young wizards in the lower grades.

Then they began to flee madly.

"Hermione, go and maintain order." At this time, a figure flashed in front of everyone, and the silver hair passed through the hole blown up by the man outside and stood back.

Hermione couldn't tell who the man in Owen's outfit was, but in a flash, she understood her responsibility.

More and more members of the Order of the Phoenix appeared in the carriage.

They fled in the guise of Owen, Hermione, Ron, and Harry, attracting a large number of black-robed men to chase them.

As for the real Owen, he cast a Disillusionment Spell on himself, Hermione, and Ron.

Although this magic was just a trick, it could not be hidden from the weird wizards outside if carefully identified, but it was enough in such a chaotic battlefield.

The members of the D.A. gathered together and began to stabilize the young wizards in the carriage, and were ready to fight at any time to welcome the intruders.

"They won't be in trouble, right!"

In the crowd, the disguised Hermione said worriedly.

Although they knew the plan, they couldn't tell who drank the Polyjuice Potion.

So even if they were worried now, they didn't know who to worry about.

"Maybe." Owen was not sure, Voldemort's magic was even more terrifying. He may have improved the [Disguiser] magic again, and the wizard who swallowed the [Death Root] has become a monster.

The past technology, the first generation of [Disguiser] magic used by the high priest of Lavyu Voodoo, is also the first generation of [Disguiser] mastered by the [God-favored] cult.

There are various limitations. For example, changing a body requires sacrifice to the foreign gods, and half of the souls taken cannot be retained and need to be offered to the foreign gods.

Their bodies are still "human", and they will die under the killing curse.

In essence, the first generation of [Disguiser] magic mastered by the [God-favored] cult is a kind of sacrifice to the foreign gods, or a sacrificial activity for the foreign gods to collect souls.

Possession is just an incentive reward to make the subordinates work hard and not exhaust the pond.

But now, Voldemort's subordinates are no longer like "human beings". They can't even be called living things.

It is hard to guarantee that Voldemort, who has returned again in the past few months, has obtained some magic from the foreign gods and improved it.

"However, they are not the protagonists of this battle." Owen continued, "They are just baits to attract the Death Eaters away from the train. Don't let the war spread to the little wizards. Escape a distance and wait for the effect of the Polyjuice Potion to end, then you can escape quietly. I guess this duel may be related to Dumbledore and Tom."

"You mean Vol-Tom may come in person?" Hermione said.

"Yes, with such a big scene, he will definitely show up. He needs a battle to declare his return and strength."

"." Harry, who was disguised as Draco, clenched his fists involuntarily.

He wanted to rush out and join the war outside immediately, but reason told him not to attack rashly because it would destroy Dumbledore's plan.

But-hiding here really made him uncomfortable.

About two or three minutes later.

Suddenly a voice suddenly appeared in the carriage.


Dozens of wands were raised.

Pointing in one direction together.

Neville, Ginny, Seamus and others swallowed their saliva.

Hannah, Justin, Ernie and others gritted their teeth.

Luna and Qiu Zhang looked at the door of the carriage from afar, and the latter almost cried. But he still didn't put down his wand.

The door of the carriage was opened.

But the person who appeared was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Mr. Grindelwald?" Harry shouted.

"And Professor Victor!"

The young wizards breathed a sigh of relief.

Owen looked at Grindelwald cautiously. Although he could easily feel the magic power coming from him as familiar as usual, it was a war after all, so it was always right to be cautious.

He raised his wand and said to Grindelwald, "Wait - what do we need to go to Canada?"

"We need road stones." Grindelwald said calmly.

Owen put away his wand.

He looked behind Grindelwald, and more than a dozen wizards appeared one after another.

There were those he was familiar with, Garona, Winston, Kent, Aunt Roy, and Professor Victor.

In addition, there were more than a dozen wizards he didn't know.

He saw the shadow of his grandmother Wenda Rosier from the faces of several of them. I think they should be wizards from the Rosier family.

"Is it so serious?" Owen frowned and said, "The Ministry of Magic is completely untrustworthy?"

The fact that his grandfather could appear here can only mean one thing, that is, the Ministry of Magic is completely untrustworthy.

Otherwise, the Ministry of Magic Aurors should be responsible for picking them up. How could a man like Rufus Scrimgeour agree to let outsiders participate in such work?

"The ones who are credible are all on the wall outside." Grindelwald waved his hand, and the wizards around him dispersed, and they began to protect the little wizards from getting off the train one after another.

Pass through the wall and leave the station.

In this process, the professors of Hogwarts also participated.

Owen saw Professor Sprout directing the team of junior Hufflepuffs.

Professor Flitwick waved his wand and collected the bodies of the poor Aurors on the wall of the platform.

Susan collapsed and knelt on the platform, and in front of her was her grandmother.

Every little wizard who left witnessed death and the crazy killing.

Heavy, mountain-like pressure weighed on everyone.

"Huh - maybe this will be a good thing?"

Owen looked at the lost crowd and murmured.

There were more and more wizards on the scene.

The reinforcements from the Ministry of Magic also arrived. Rufus Scrimgeour led the team himself. At least the Aurors he led could be trusted.

But the professors obviously didn't think so.

They refused to let the Aurors get close to the little wizards, because the tragic deaths of Amelia Susan Bones and others must have been leaked by someone, allowing the Death Eaters to ambush them in advance.

The professors couldn't tell the loyal from the treacherous, and could only kill them all at once, and even had a conflict with Scrimgeour. In short, they didn't let him get close.

This made the Minister of Magic very angry.

He had a dark face throughout the whole process, and the veins between his eyebrows were bulging. If it weren't for the legendary wizard Grindelwald here, if the war around him was not still going on, if he was not short of manpower, he would have to fight with Professor Flitwick who led the team.

Owen heard the insults he made to Professor Flitwick, such as goblin blood, bastards, etc. The two sides broke up completely.

In addition, ordinary British wizards and relatives of young wizards also gathered at the station. Although most of them couldn't even use an armor charm. But with such a large number, the Death Eaters could still be forced to be cautious. Unless they were willing to go to war with the entire magical world.

Owen, Hermione and Ron, under the care of Mrs. Weasley, went to the Black ancestral house without stopping, where it was safe enough.

Harry was taken care of by Grindelwald himself, and returned to Privet Drive with his uncle who came to pick him up.

The young wizards evacuated quickly.

In less than half an hour, there was no one in King's Station.

The battle between the Federation and the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters continued, and there was even a trend of expansion. The whole of London became their battlefield.

The sky was full of black fog-like figures.

The battle intensified until the saints and some Aurors of the Ministry of Magic joined in after escorting the young wizards, and the situation began to turn to one side.


Hermione and the others spent a sleepless night at No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

No one slept that night. They gathered in the living room and watched the lights until dawn.

Koyatel also returned here in the afternoon.

Originally, she had her own house, and the British government prepared a place for her to live, but in view of the current situation, Mrs. Weasley still took her back to No. 12 Grimmauld Place, where it would be safer.

In the early morning, the cold white light shone into the living room.

On the sofa, Hermione leaned on Owen's arms, yawning, staring at the fireplace in front of her with a strong spirit.

Before, she was holding her ancient rune notebook and recording those complex magic patterns, but she couldn't read it after only half an hour because of her restless heart.

The tea table on the side was filled with various potions.

They were all the treatment drugs she prepared, such as white fresh, antidote, glimmer potion, etc.

If there were injured people coming at night, they could be treated as soon as possible.

But——after a whole night, no one came.

It seemed that this place was isolated from the world.

Owen wanted to go out to find out, but Hermione would not allow him to do so, so he had no idea what was going on outside.

"Sir, sir!"

The quiet living room was suddenly broken by a few screams.

The four looked at the door and found that Dobby had come here.

"Dobby, what's going on outside!" Hermione jumped up from the sofa.

In the early morning, they suddenly remembered that the elf would not get the attention of Voldemort or the Death Eaters, and then they quickly found Dobby and asked him to go out to investigate.

As it was dawn today, it was already dawn at five o'clock in late June.

That is to say, it had been five hours since Dobby went out.

"Oh no!" Dobby ran over in panic, stumbling and tripping over the carpet, but he didn't care at all. He immediately got up and almost shouted, "It was a duel. The big evil who cannot be named dueled with Mr. Dumbledore and Mr. Grindelwald, and he won! Dobby saw Mr. Dumbledore fall from the sky with his own eyes."

"What?!" The four were shocked when they heard it!

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