I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 538: At the Black Ancestral House

(This chapter has been modified)

Dobby looked very panicked, and he walked to the center of the living room tremblingly.

He said anxiously, "It was a duel. The big devil who cannot be named dueled with Mr. Dumbledore and Mr. Grindelwald, and he won! Dobby saw Mr. Dumbledore fall from the sky with his own eyes."

Like a stone thrown into a calm lake.

The ripples instantly swept everyone present.

"What?!" The four people were shocked!

Even Owen was a little surprised.

In the original book, Voldemort and Dumbledore's magic level was equal. When they fought, with the help of Phoenix Fawkes and the Elder Wand, the old headmaster could even gain the upper hand.

This is why Voldemort has always been afraid of Dumbledore. Facing this legendary wizard, he did not have an absolute chance of winning. Although with the help of the Horcrux, he was confident that Dumbledore could not do anything to him, but he had been avoiding dueling with Dumbledore alone from beginning to end.

In the original book, his grandfather Grindelwald was weaker than Dumbledore and Voldemort.

But in this world, Grindelwald left Nurmengard early, and even because he defeated part of the essence of the Outer God in the Indian Tower of Divine Grant, he was contaminated with some ancient magic, so his strength should be stronger than the original book.

Owen didn't know what kind of power Voldemort, who returned again, got from the Outer God, but facing two legendary wizards, Voldemort was able to remain undefeated and even defeated one of them, which was enough to shock the entire magic world.

"Did you see it with your own eyes? What happened after Professor Dumbledore fell to the ground? Where is Grindelwald?" Hermione stood up on the sofa and asked hurriedly.

"Dobby saw Mr. Grindelwald leave with Mr. Dumbledore. The demon who can't even be named seemed to be injured. He was very angry and blew up many buildings. Then-left."

"The battle is over?" Koyatel asked.

"No." Dobby shook his round head. "It's more intense. There are wizards everywhere. The Death Eaters seem to have been rewarded by the devil and have become more powerful than before - it's terrible." Dobby shuddered, and his two pointed ears drooped.


Everyone in the living room was silent.

Dobby brought back very bad news. Dumbledore's reputation in the wizarding world is unparalleled. His defeat will lead to many things developing in an unknown direction.

"We have to do something!" Hermione said anxiously.

Staying here and doing nothing is suffocating.

"No-" Owen stopped her. "I guess Tom's attack on London this time, in addition to announcing his return, is for us."

"A few of us?" Ron said. "Does he want revenge?" Voldemort must be brooding over the matter of the Tower of Divine Providence in Brazil. He believes that if there is a chance, the other party will definitely seek revenge on him.

"I don't know if it's revenge!" Owen said calmly, "If I guess correctly, his purpose should be to seize ancient magic - Harry won't mention it for now. Ron and Coatl, you both exposed your ancient magic because of the previous battle in the Brazilian God-granting Tower. Although it was only temporary, Tom didn't know. And Granger - even if Tom now knows that you are not the heir to the ancient magic, but in the last Muggle War, you were crowned a princess by the Queen and attracted too much attention. He will definitely regard you as a thorn in his side, and the magic level you have shown is very powerful. He may contact the ancient magic - as for me , even if Tom doesn't know that I'm the heir, the Purgers know too well what silver hair represents. "

Owen paused, slowed down for a moment, and then said: "Before, the connection between the Death Eaters and the Purgers was entirely handled by Bellatrix, and many things were concealed and not told to Tom, but that was only temporary. Now even if he still doesn't know that I'm the heir, he can guess that I have some contact with ancient magic. "

"So as long as we don't show up, Tom won't get too deeply entangled with the Order of the Phoenix and the Union. But if we appear on the battlefield, it will definitely intensify the intensity of the war. "

Owen said it very clearly.

The other three also fell silent one after another.

Because they all knew it in their hearts.

"But--" Hermione pursed her lips and said unwillingly: "Are we hiding here forever?"

"For now, the most important thing is to find out the situation of Professor Dumbledore." Owen walked over and patted her shoulder and said: "And I don't believe that Professor Dumbledore has no plan at all. Tom is a brainless fool no matter how powerful his magic ability is. Maybe retreat is part of Professor Dumbledore's plan?"

"Now, let's not attack rashly."

"Hermione--" Coyate looked at Miss Granger, "He is right. Intelligence is the most important thing now."


Can the little witch not know what is the most important thing now?

She is-she doesn't want to just stand in the house and look out. Just watch.

The girl raised her head, and the boy's appearance was reflected in her brown eyes.

Just like what he had concealed from himself.

In the end, Owen did not let Dobby go out to inquire.

The scale of the war outside has expanded. Even if he is an elf, he may be targeted by someone unexpectedly.

In the living room, everyone continued to wait in confusion.

But it was as if No. 12 Grimmauld Place was isolated from the world, and no news came.

No more wizards came.

At first they thought it was because the battle was very fierce, but later they realized that this was probably deliberately arranged by the Order of the Phoenix.

The purpose is to prevent them from contacting the outside world.

A few days later, Sirius and Owen's aunt Roy came over once, and they told Hermione that her parents had been picked up with the help of the Order of the Phoenix and the Saints. It should have arrived in New Zealand by now.

No matter how they pressed afterward, the two did not reveal more. After taking something from the room, they left in a hurry.

On the fifth day of the summer vacation, Coatl couldn't wait to go back to Downing Street.

The good news is that Downing Street was not captured by the Death Eaters, but the bad news is that many places in London were attacked and they suffered heavy losses.

The photos of ruined buildings and the death toll across London brought back from Coyatl can give you a sense of how horrific that battle was.

In the following days, Owen took Hermione to Hogsmeade secretly.

As expected, the village now has few gates and few people coming and going on the streets. If it weren't for the fact that there were still a few lights on in the buildings along the street, Owen would have thought this was an empty city.

The threat of war caused many wizards to flee Britain.

Dumbledore's defeat was a huge blow to ordinary wizards.

"I feel that Hogwarts may lose half of its people in the second half of the year." Hermione has been saying this since she came back from Hogsmeade.

Owen didn't explain too much because her prediction was still too conservative. It was not certain whether they would be able to return to Hogwarts in the second half of the year.

Now it is mainly about the Ministry of Magic - as long as Voldemort has not captured the Ministry of Magic, many things can be done.

For example - picking Harry up from his aunt's house.

According to the plan made by the Order of the Phoenix, they were going to pick up Harry on his birthday and escort him to the Burrow.

But this news is just smoke and mirrors.

In order to prevent Death Eaters from ambush that day, they would definitely evacuate a few days in advance.

This creates some problems.

If Harry were evacuated early, Harry would not be seventeen years old. The Ministry of Magic could trace his location through traces. Although the Ministry of Magic could do so in the past, it was because Dumbledore was there, so they turned a blind eye. Eye. But now if the magic tribe falls into the hands of Voldemort, then the Death Eaters will definitely pursue Harry through traces.

If Harry sets out after he reaches the age of seventeen, the spell that protects him will become ineffective and the location of Privet Drive will be immediately exposed, making it easy for Death Eaters to find him.

So we can only choose to leave early.

The Ministry of Magic is not trustworthy. No one knows how many infiltrated Death Eaters, officials controlled by the Imperius Curse, and wizards who tend to support Voldemort.


"Is there anything in the newspaper?"

Although life at No. 12 Grimmauld Place was like being in prison, Dobby could still be asked to buy newspapers every day. Many pure-blood wizards had this habit of asking servants to buy newspapers every day without anyone being suspicious.

But even so, for the sake of safety, Owen still asked Dobby to avoid crowds and peaks as much as possible. Don't come back immediately after going out. Instead, walk around outside a few times and buy other things to create an illusion.

Nowadays, Dobby brings his purchases back around afternoon.


Owen is in his room at No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

He renovated it during the summer vacation last year.

There are changes in furniture and house size.

There are various magical plants on the windowsill, all brought back from school.

There is a surveillance mirror on the bedside table on the right, which can monitor the outside of the room door.

He also added several magic traps to the gate. Once someone wants to use magic to enter violently, they will be tricked.

Of course - it's not a death trap. What if a little wizard comes to him and habitually opens the door with a wand?

Hermione was covered with a thin blanket and her back was propped up with pillows. She opened one of the thick newspapers on the bedside table.

Almost two weeks have passed.

The Daily Prophet has always avoided mentioning that battle, and the news it publishes every day is useless junk news.

This disappointed Hermione.

Even the news that Dumbledore failed in the duel with Voldemort leaked from the mouths of some Aurors or officials in the Ministry of Magic. In fact, it has never been officially acknowledged.

But they didn't deny it, and this was enough to scare ordinary wizards.

But on the other hand, at least the Daily Prophet has not completely led to Voldemort, which shows that the Ministry of Magic is not in his hands yet.

"Well, Muggle Studies professor Caredi Bubbaji has resigned. That's strange, isn't it?" Hermione said, "I remember she wrote an article a few days ago, condemning...the dark demon. The pure-blood theory said that she wanted to stay at Hogwarts, and now she suddenly resigned!"

"Well -" Owen, who was sitting at the desk, responded and said simply, "Then she may be dead."

He is writing a letter.

Two letters, one to Snape and one to Aunt Roy.

For one thing, to cooperate with Bella.

Since she wanted her child to obtain ancient magic power, this matter needed to be handled by her grandmother, and she had to ask her aunt to inform her immediately.

"What?" Hermione frowned, put down the newspaper, and glanced across the top edge of the newspaper, landing directly on Owen who was writing furiously. "how come--"

She was familiar with Professor Caridi Bubage.

Because she had taken her Muggle Studies course in her third year.

She wanted to see how Muggles were interpreted from the perspective of the magical world, and she thought it would be interesting.

However, she only took this course for one year.

She gave it up in her fourth year.

She knew Professor Caridi Bubage very well. There was no doubt that he was a kind person. He often said that there was no difference between Muggles and wizards, and he devoted his life to promoting communication and reconciliation between the two worlds.

Because of similar values, she liked this professor very much.

Now, the little witch was a little overwhelmed to hear that the other party was dead.

"It's obvious." Owen looked back at the girl, and then fell silent in the letter in his hand. "The current situation is not a theoretical dispute. It is not smart to openly express your love for Muggles and oppose Voldemort without taking any protective measures... Besides, she has left Hogwarts - so -"

"But -" Hermione hesitated. She knew in her heart that what Owen said was right, but - "Professor Dumbledore is still alive, and Hogwarts - the Order of the Phoenix - the Ministry of Magic - the Federation -"

She said a lot, but her voice became smaller and smaller, because she found that she couldn't even convince herself.

"Things are very clear. Although we don't want to admit it, it seems that the Death Eaters have the upper hand at present." Owen stood up from the chair and waved his hand. The two letters on the table automatically folded and jumped into the envelope.

He walked to the bed and sat down. "Senior Tom must have obtained unknown power from the Outer Gods. More powerful, power from the past."

Owen frowned. "This is very troublesome. The history of magic is 100,000 years, and there are countless powerful spells left. Only one in ten or even one in a hundred can survive to the present. The power he obtained may completely exceed the limit that can be imagined now."

"Besides, defeating Voldemort is useless."

"Useless?" Hermione put down the newspaper and said.

"What we need is to defeat the Outer Gods. Even--" He smiled and didn't say the wishful thinking in his heart. "Any more news?"

Owen changed the subject.

The little witch looked at him suspiciously, and then picked up the newspaper again.

"It's all some fragmentary news. Someone found traces of Death Eaters in Godric's Hollow, Diagon Alley was attacked by them, and many shops were destroyed. Among them is Ollivander's Wand Shop--hum--" Hermione snorted coldly: "The Ministry of Magic is still talking nonsense about the situation being under control."

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