I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 539 Honesty

(This chapter has been modified)

"Oh——" Owen caught the key news instantly, "Olivander's Wand Shop was attacked? Where is Garrick Ollivander himself?"

"I don't know." Hermione said, "The newspaper said he was missing."

"Missing?" Owen said, "Then he might have been taken away by the Death Eaters."

"Why did the Death Eaters want to capture him?" Hermione asked puzzled.

"Maybe it has something to do with the Deathly Hallows. I'm not sure." Because Owen was not sure whether Voldemort still wanted the wand to enhance his power. So he was a little hesitant.

"Deathly Hallows?" Hermione was stunned. "What is that?"

"You haven't heard of it?" Owen was a little surprised, because the story of the Deathly Hallows is almost a household name in the wizarding world.


Suddenly Owen remembered that the story about the Deathly Hallows was mainly recorded in "The Tales of Beedle the Bard", which is a children's story collection similar to "Grimm's Fairy Tales". Hermione is a little witch of Muggle origin, and she must have never read "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" when she was a child. After going to school, it was even more impossible for her to find a book of magic fairy tales to read. You have to know that when Hermione was eleven years old, the extracurricular books she used to pass the time were already books like "Famous and Important Magical Events in Ancient Times".

So Hermione had never heard of the story of the three brothers.

"The Deathly Hallows are three powerful magic items that three brothers got from the hands of the god of death. The story of the three brothers is recorded in The Tales of Beedle the Bard. It is a story collection that is like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty for Muggle children. The three magic items are the Elder Wand, the Philosopher's Stone and the Invisibility Cloak." Owen explained slowly: "You have seen the Invisibility Cloak. The one Harry has is one of the Deathly Hallows. Tom should want the Elder Wand, which is a powerful wand with magic power far exceeding other wands. When Tom fought with Harry before, several times because of the problem of the wand, the spells of both sides were entangled and could not attack each other. I think if he wants to change a wand, he will definitely look for the most powerful one."

"This-does it mean that the children's stories in the magical world are true?" Hermione said anxiously, "Then I have to find one quickly. I remember there is a library in Black's basement. I will go and look for it later."

"No-" Owen stopped her. "Most of them are fake, but more are half-true and half-false, such as the Deathly Hallows, the Fountain of Good Luck, the Fountain of Youth, the Sea Cucumber Trident, etc. - perhaps such magic props did exist in the past, but as time passed, their effects were exaggerated."

"But the Deathly Hallows are indeed wonderful, and a considerable part of the legends about it are true."

"Then we have to stop the Death Eaters quickly. Tom has already gained such a powerful force. If we get the Elder Wand, can we still beat him?"

"No need -" Owen said with a smile, "Someone will plan the Deathly Hallows. I believe this will also be an opportunity for Tom to fail in the end."

Hermione opened her mouth.

This is it again - this is it again!

He always didn't finish his words and told her the truth.

If it were before, maybe she wouldn't have pestered him again, because although disasters often broke out at that time, they always gave people a feeling of being far away.

But this time - especially when Dumbledore was hurt.

It was as if the shield between them and death had disappeared.

Hermione had never felt so uneasy as she did now.

Especially when Owen said that the Deathly Hallows came from the Death God - God - God - God again.

The Outer Gods were watching covetously, and now another Death God appeared.

"Huh -" Hermione, who was thinking in a complicated way, took a deep breath. Calming down the uneasiness in her heart, she raised her head and said with a burning gaze: "Don't you have any idea about defeating the Outer Gods? You always say that it is Merlin's business, and he has arranged everything long ago, but I don't believe you can't guess his plan at all."

"Owen -" she called, "Will we get through it safely?"


The room fell into a brief silence, and the air seemed to solidify. Owen's eyes became deep, and he seemed to be thinking about how to answer this question, or weighing how much information to reveal.

Finally, under the little witch's gentle gaze that could melt the ice, Owen slowly spoke: "Yes - I guessed some of Merlin's plans. Not only me, but also Professor Dumbledore and Grandpa guessed it."

"That's why they don't show much concern about the Outer God."

Hermione listened and asked, "Can you tell me?"

The little witch's voice was almost begging.

She didn't beg Owen to tell her. That begging was full of eager expectations for the future. She begged for Owen to hear the result of a safe reunion.

But - this is destined to be an eager expectation.

Owen reached out and gently took the newspaper from Hermione's hand. His eyes followed the movement of the newspaper and finally stopped on Hermione's face.

Then, he slowly approached her.

The eyes gradually approached.

He smelled the fragrance emanating from the girl, which was a faint rose fragrance, but not pure. Compared with the delicate rose, her smell has more pride, independence and unyielding tenacity.

And this is what makes her attractive.

Those gentle and delicate ones are all the same, only this independent and free soul is the most charming.

He approached her and finally put his lip prints together with hers.

It was very cool, like suddenly tasting a mouthful of cool spring water in the hot summer.

But in just a moment, the spring water became restless and full of ripples.

His fingers brushed the girl's cheek, then her hair, and he pressed her closer, pressing his whole body against her.

His lips became hot, from tasting to demanding.

Hermione felt as if she was about to be drowned by a tsunami that was overwhelming. His breath had never been so clear.

No - she thought.

Because this kiss had already told her the answer.

An answer she didn't want to face directly.

After a few minutes - entangled kisses, reluctant separation.

Owen lifted the blanket and leaned against her.

Then he hugged her whole body. As if he wanted to integrate her into his body and temper her into his bones and blood.

Finally, a voice sounded.

"There are two ways to defeat the Outer God." Owen murmured, his voice was very gentle, and it sounded calmly in the girl's ears.

Hermione didn't respond. She just buried her cheek in the boy's chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"The history of the past is so complicated that I can't describe it accurately." Owen said, "Perhaps we can think of the Outer God as a lake."

"A lake with underground rivers flowing into it."

"Lake." The girl read the two words again.

"Well - lake - and the water in the lake will rise and spread every once in a while. The specific manifestation is that the influence of the Outer God on this world begins to deepen, and at this time there will be two ways." Owen said patiently: "The first one, which is also the most commonly used by successive heirs and the method thought up by the remaining gods, is to pump out the overflowing part of the lake, build a reservoir, and keep it properly. And the God-granting Tower is this reservoir."

Hermione nodded.

Owen continued, "There are currently seven divine towers in the world, but this does not mean that the lake has flooded seven times in total. There may be more, because the divine towers built in the early days will definitely face various technical difficulties. Those reservoirs may not have been passed down to the present."

"What about the second method?"

"The second method" Owen took a deep breath, "The second method is my guess."

"I guess Merlin's plan is to hope that I can collect all the overflowing lake water in this world and use it as capital to fight against that lake."

"Tens of thousands of years have passed. If the overflowing lake water exceeds the total amount of the original lake, I can defeat the Outer God. If not-"

"." Hermione is not a fool. She has had some inexplicable guesses since a long time ago. Guess that the boy she loves may not be with her forever.

She raised her head, blushing and worrying, broken and affectionate appeared on her face at the same time.

"Don't worry-" Owen stretched out his hand and brushed the little witch's cheek.

Kissed her forehead and said, "I don't think the second method is reliable now."

"Why-" The corners of the little witch's mouth trembled slightly, and her voice was choked with sobs. The body trembled slightly, like a leaf swaying and falling in the wind.

"It's very simple." Owen tried to make his tone of voice relaxed and casual. "Normally, no matter how powerful the powerful senior Tom is now, he only got one power left by the Outer God, and I have five. If the logic of the lake is correct. Then the power I have now should be able to easily wipe out senior Tom."

"But the fact is that my magic power has indeed increased several times, but I still don't have absolute strength. This is very abnormal-"

Owen's words made Hermione feel a little relieved, but the worries in her heart did not completely dissipate.

"So, what you mean is..." Hermione's voice was a little hoarse, and it was obvious that the emotional fluctuations just now had a great impact on her.

Owen took a deep breath, as if to calm down some kind of uneasiness in his heart, and he whispered: "I guess there may be a deeper secret behind that lake. A secret that we don't know yet."

It may be related to the [Supreme Will].

But Owen didn't intend to tell Hermione about this.

Because he didn't want the girl to really fall into despair.

The room calmed down.

It was late at night when the moonlight was gone. Hermione leaned against him, looking through the window of the room into the deep darkness outside.

She knew in her heart that Owen had reservations about her.

She was a smart girl. She saw through some things but didn't say them, because apart from tears, everyone knew what the right choice was.

The love between them was very different from that of the general public.

She regarded the union of most people as a kind of "house elf" style, a boring and cheap love where one party asked for something from the other party and the other party provided a simple emotional response.

Even if many people think that after going through hardships, the two people are united, know each other well, trust each other, and have no reservations - the feeling is called love.

But in fact, it is not.

Just as she has always pursued, to give elves respect, independence and freedom. This is also her attitude towards Owen. It is also what she hopes for her.

They are not house elves. They are free elves with great souls.

She would not ask Owen to be honest with her and tell her the cruel truth. Just like she was unwilling to accept it from the bottom of her heart. She did not think she had superhuman wisdom, could be smarter than legendary wizards like Merlin, Dumbledore, and Grindelwald, and could find a way out of the chessboard that might be a dead end.

In the end, she would accept it.

At the end of the game - between life and death, she would choose the one he wanted.


The next morning, Owen woke up very early.

He asked Dobby to deliver the letter to Snape and Roy last night.

He got up so early because he accompanied Hermione to the library in the basement to find useful magic books.

After all, Black is a big family that has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are countless magic books in the collection. Perhaps some of them are useful.

In fact, Miss Granger wanted to go to the library last night.

According to her habit, she would stay up all night.

However, under Owen's persistence and various teasing, Hermione had to give up this idea.

When they came back from the library, they ran into Ginny in the living room.

Ginny seemed to be holding a wand, very alert.

Because there were only two of them in the room. Ron only stayed here for a week and left at the same time as Coyote. So when she came in just now, she couldn't find anyone and thought something unexpected had happened.

"Bill is going to marry Fleur!" After seeing Hermione, Ginny finally relaxed.

Then she told them the news very happily.

"Ah!" Hermione was a little surprised, "At this time."

"Right now!" Ginny nodded and said solemnly: "Maybe we can't hold on to the end, but at least we can walk into the marriage hall with the one we love."

"Fleur said. Mom agreed. The wedding will be simple, and only some relatives and friends will be invited to attend. It won't be a big deal, just come to the Burrow."

"Originally Fleur and Bill didn't plan to hold a wedding. After all, it's too dangerous to have too many people at this time. But Mom still hopes that someone can come to witness it. Even if it's just the least relatives and friends."

"We will also participate." Hermione said, and her eyes couldn't help but fall on Owen beside him.

"Why?" Owen responded with a smile, "Maybe we can discuss with Mrs. Weasley and hold the wedding of two couples.

I'm an adult. Um-seventeen years old and more than two weeks."

"Oh? Are you going to get married too?" Ginny was interested, her eyes lit up, "Of course. Mom will definitely agree. If..."

As she said, a trace of regret suddenly surged on her cheeks. She was only sixteen years old, and Harry was not yet seventeen years old.

Otherwise, there should be three couples at the wedding.

"No -" Hermione suddenly panicked, "I - no, I mean - too fast -"

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