I Honor

Chapter 1189

Ghosts and Spirits

The pupils of Meng Qi, the patriarch of the Wang family in the age of mythology, shrank slightly, inexplicably horrified. ,

Although the Wang family intentionally concealed it, and the ancient events involved many secrets, they were either erased or sealed in the long river of history by the big figures, and his legends are often vague, but the most basic situation is still known to the world.

He obtained Luoshu, understood the principles of heaven, and created a sutra comparable to “Fuhuang Bagua”; he exhausted all the secrets, and established an eternal foundation;

And such a man with great supernatural powers actually uttered such a shrill and frightening scream before dying, which reverberates through the ages and cannot be completely wiped away.

What did he meet and see before sitting down?

What’s even more frightening is that this kind of encounter was not accidental. Every ancestor of the Wang family, as long as he had attained the dharmakaya, would utter a similar scream before sitting down. Among the exercises, as long as you practice, you will either die young at fifty or not die well

For some reason, the words “unlucky death” kept lingering in Meng Qi’s mind, scarlet and ferocious.

Feelings of doubt and horror in his heart were like blisters, and grunts emerged continuously. He subconsciously wanted to ask questions, but he realized that it was related to the secrets of the Wang family, and it was the ancestral hall of the Wang family. It was impossible for an outsider like himself to find out, so he restrained himself. After thinking about it, looking at the trembling He Xiang, he smiled and said: “Since it is a common occurrence, why be afraid?”

He Xiang pouted: “You don’t understand, the girl will be scared if she hears it ten thousand times.”

Meng Qi smiled, and was about to go back to his room when a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind: Wang Siyuan has always been a “magic stick”, and he doesn’t talk too much, but he doesn’t mean anything. Does he have other meanings in letting himself stay overnight tonight and talk about it tomorrow?

Knowing that there will be obsessive screams from the ancestral ancestral hall in the middle of the night, he arranges himself in the nearby Tianji Building instead of the guest courtyard far away. Based on the management of the Jiangdong Wang family since ancient times, the grand layout of the ancestral house is complete. It is difficult to think about the second place in the world. If you live a little farther away, with layers of forbidden laws weakened, unless you eavesdrop on purpose. Otherwise, you won’t notice it at all.

In other words, he allowed himself to stay in the Tianji Building so that he could hear the screams.

And let yourself hear the screams for what?

Thinking of this festival, Meng QiTurning his head, he looked at He Xiang: “I admire all the ancestors of the Wang family, and now I have the opportunity to come here. I want to pay respects to a stick of incense, but I don’t know if I have the opportunity now.”

This kind of request is unreasonable, not to mention that there are many sloughs left by the powerful members of the Wang family. For any family, the ancestral ancestral hall is the most important thing, and it is mainly open to family members. If outsiders have a real reason, they may bring incense sticks as appropriate But it must be daytime, and I have never heard of people going to other people’s ancestral halls in the middle of the night. And it’s not to the head of the family, but to a maid.

However, He Xiang showed a smile: “Shangjiao Su respects my ancestors of the Wang family so much, and the entire Wang family is delighted. My servant girl will take you to the ancestral hall to offer incense.”

Sure enough, Meng Qi thought to himself, said nothing more, and followed He Xiang down the Tianji Building, passing through the Pen Washing Pond, passing through the pines and cypresses, and arrived at the solemn and solemn old building.

The gate of Wang’s ancestral hall was closed. There were two guards in black armor guarding the door, with only one pair of eyes exposed. Their aura was covered by the armor, but those eyes were as black as ink. It seems that the secrets of heaven have been hidden in it, which is quite extraordinary.

“The Wang family of Jiangdong really has a profound background, and there are countless hidden strong men who don’t travel in the rivers and lakes.” Meng Qi nodded secretly, watching He Xiang took out the token and opened the door.

At least according to the legend of the ancestors of the Wang family, they must have one or more caves. There must be no lack of opportunities to sharpen, and whether you walk in the rivers and lakes or not will not hinder your children’s promotion.

What is the foundation of establishing a family through the ages? This is

Walking into the ancestral hall, Meng Qi suddenly felt a chill, as if he had stepped into a mausoleum that had been built for many years. There were many long tables in the hall in front of him, and the tables were filled with black-bottomed tablets, densely packed with names and taboos written on them, as if a Both eyes were looking at him, inexplicably frightening.

Jiangdong Wang’s family has been established for at least 200,000 years. Even if the longevity is long in ancient times, it is unknown how many ancestors have accumulated up to now. Those who have achieved dharma bodies and those who have not become dharma bodies are here, forming a forest of tablets

The front is the most open area, and there is only one tablet on the incense table, the black is rich, the gold characters are solemn, and there are a few large characters on it: “The ancestor of the Wang family”.

What about his name? Could it be that his name is already inauspicious? The Wang family dare not mention it? changing.

In an instant, Meng Qi found himself in front of a tomb mountain. The mountain was pitch black and full of cliffs, and many caves were dug out of each cliff, and there was a coffin of bronze or black wood. In front of them are the tablets I saw just now.

This cemetery has only one road leading to the top of the mountain. On both sides of the road are coffins and memorial tablets. On the top of the mountain is an ancient bronze coffin that feels extremely heavy. It is bound by nine purple-black chains and stands quietly. On the top is a black tablet that looks like the night sky, and the seal script of “the ancestor of the Wang family’s family” is written in gold letters.

Nine purple and black chains stretched into the graveyard, seeming to spread to the core of the earth, connecting itself with this world as one.

“The ancestral hall of the Wang family is a cave of the Wang family. It’s sad that the ancestors of the past generations can be buried.” Meng Qi understood, but his brows were still slightly frowned. This arrangement seemed to be suppressing the ancient bronze coffin.

The backlash suffered by the ancestors of the Wang clan was so terrible that even if he himself died, it would continue to the descendants. If he did not suppress it, he would even directly exterminate

At this time, He Xiang had a red lantern in his hand, and the flickering candles inside illuminated the surroundings, but it made this “ancestral hall” even more gloomy.

“Isn’t Master Su going to offer incense?” He Xiang asked with a smile.

Meng Qi didn’t know what Wang Siyuan’s plan was, nodded lightly, followed He Xiang up the mountain road, and climbed slowly.

The coffins on both sides are like forests, giving people a strong sense of oppression, and the screams reverberate from time to time, making it more terrifying.

At this moment, Meng Qi’s ears moved, and he heard a creaking sound coming from a black wooden coffin next to him, as if someone was scratching the lid inside.

Meng Qi stopped immediately, holding the Jue Dao in his right hand, and felt astonished. Could it be that the screams were not enough before sitting down, and turned into a fierce undead monster after death?


The lid of the coffin was opened little by little, Meng Qi looked solemn, and stood in front of He Xiang, whose legs were limp from fright, and was about to draw out his sword.

Cough cough cough Suddenly, a familiar cough came from inside the coffin.

Meng Qi’s expression suddenly became strange. He saw a thin white figure struggling to get up, with sickly red cheeks, so weak that it seemed that he could fall back into the coffin at any time. He looked like the eldest son Wang Siyuan.

“Young Master Wang, how can you play tricks?” Meng Qi let out a hey, and the little girl He Xiang almost fainted from fright.

Wang Siyuan came out, said with a faint smile, “This is the coffin I picked for myself, what do you think?”

“It’s not bad,” Meng Qi said casually, and added meanly, “It’s more stylish to use bronze.”

“Fan” Wang Siyuan waved his hand to signal He Xiang to leave the grave, and then walked forward slowly without saying a word.

Meng Qi didn’t speak either, and waited for the magic stick to speak. The two of them were silent all the way, and walked side by side to the peak, and stopped in front of the bronze coffin of the ancestor of the Wang family.

It wasn’t until then that Meng Qi discovered that there was a roll of pitch-black paintings in front of the coffin, tightly bound by thin golden ropes.

“Picture of ghosts and gods and true spirits.” Wang Siyuan’s voice was erratic and gloomy, as ifGhosts, “The ancient heaven fell, the list of gods returned to blank, and the gods who achieved the godhood one after another got out of trouble one after another, and those who still had relatives and old friends relied on help to reshape their dharma bodies. Ahem, those who are alone are extremely miserable. They The divine power comes from the list of gods and comes from the heavens. Once lost, they can only become lonely ghosts. The ancestors took pity on them and refined this picture scroll to store them.”

About the list of gods Meng Qi really wanted to say that he only saw the real list of gods.

It’s a pity that after Xiaobai came to the real world, he was so curious that he wandered around on the way from Langya to Jiangdong, otherwise Wang Dashen would be surprised if he hit the magic whip here.

Wang Siyuan took a long time to recover before recovering: “Unfortunately, the night they re-entered the True Spirit Map, this scroll mysteriously disappeared, and it suddenly reappeared more than 20 days ago.”

Meng Qi took a light breath.

Wang Siyuan’s old illness is related to this

Suddenly, he heard another creaking sound coming from the bronze coffin in front of him.

This is the coffin of the ancestors of the Wang family.

Wang Dashen stick pretended to be a ghost again and Meng Qi looked at Wang Siyuan in astonishment.

Wang Siyuan said with a half smile but not a smile: “I just let you get used to it.”

There was no smile in his eyes, only madness to be continued.


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