I Honor

Chapter 1190

: Wang Siyuan’s Request

The sharp and piercing sound came from the ancient bronze coffin accompanied by Wang Siyuan’s words. Compared with the sound of nails scratching the blackboard that Meng Qi had heard before, it made the scalp numb, the teeth sore, and the whole body felt uncomfortable. Some even scratched his heart. Feel.

Just now is to let you get used to it. Meng Qi stared at the coffin of the “ancestor of the Wang family”, and felt it tremble slightly, but the power was dispersed by the nine purple-black chains and transferred to the depths of the earth, bringing the entire cave to heaven. There seemed to be a vibration.

It means that similar things happen from time to time, day after day throughout the ages

The ancestors of the Wang family really encountered terrible things before they died and turned into terrifying monsters

And if a similar situation can happen to an at least legendary power, the progression of this matter may be on the “other shore”

The Lingtai returned to Qingming, and the heart lake was calm again. Meng Qi took advantage of the situation and asked, “What is buried inside?”

Wang Siyuan coughed twice, and spit out a mouthful of blood, which was no longer bright red, but purple-black, and fell to the ground, stained a piece, shocking, and very in line with the scene here and now.

“Every ancestor who achieved Dharma body and sat down, in addition to making similar screams before death, will rise again seven days after death, becoming a monster claiming to be the way of heaven.” Wang Siyuan seemed to speak much more smoothly after spitting out this dirty blood, ” The only luck is that the first ancestor was not the first to sit down. With the previous experience, he was fully prepared. If he failed to resist, he would be sealed by the ancient soul coffin, and the entire cave would be moved by the nine prehistoric locks. force to suppress.”

The self-proclaimed “Heavenly Dao” monster Meng Qi took a deep breath. It was the first time he had heard of such a thing. What is the Dao and what is the Heavenly Dao? Except for the two detached people who have proved the Dao and Fruit, who can explain clearly

And this kind of monster is obviously not a good thing. Although Wang Siyuan never mentioned the harm and loss it caused, it can be seen from the fact that the first ancestors of the Wang family chose to seal their own remains.

This is the consequence of being backlashed by the “Day of Heaven” Meng Qi, who became a monster called “Dao of Heaven”, felt amused at first. Afterwards, I felt abnormally inconsistent, inexplicably horrifying, and had an indescribably weird feeling.

His eyes subconsciously swept to the simple and unadorned bronze coffin, and he sighed in his heart, not even being able to resist at least the legendary power. Can’t escape?

This ancient town soul coffin and nine prehistoric land locks can seal a monster of the “Day of Heaven” transformed by a legendary power. Even with the power of the entire cave, I am afraid that it is close to the peerless series. Most of them are refined from the remaining items after the destruction of the ancient era.

Is it possible that things related to Taikoo are so unknown, so mysterious, so eerie, so crazy, so terrifying? Meng Qi secretly sighed, sure enough, the unknown is the most frightening, even though the ancient times have undergone great changes, they are often hidden. Not known to the world. It is full of secrets and frightening. Compared with the many eras of the ancient times that have long been shattered and gone, it also looks like a normal time. There are really very few news related to these old eras, and it is difficult to pave the simplest historical picture.

For example, Meng Qi only knows very few things about the ancient times: Sanqing is the oldest person from the other side, and has existed since the earliest era of the ancient times, especially Yuanshi Tianzun. Before there was the concept of “existence”; Yaohuang, Amitabha Buddha, Bodhi Ancient Buddha and other people from the other side became enlightened in ancient times, but I don’t know which era. They have all lived to the ancient times, and they are likely to live to the present; a few great supernatural beings such as the Yaosheng and the Zhenwu Emperor have also experienced many eras. In the hands of Daoist; Jinao Island has a fragment of the ancient prehistoric era

Fuhuang, the emperor suspected of being from the other side, was active from the last era to the early years of ancient times. Later, he didn’t know whether he fell or went into hiding. I don’t know in which era there was a human emperor who left an ancient tomb. He was sent by the demon emperor Su Daji and others Guardian of the Yaozu, as for whether he is Emperor Fu, Meng Qi dare not say yes or no

Haotian God and Donghuang Taiyi once fiercely competed for the position of ruler of Jiuchongtian in the ancient times. The latter was defeated and fell, and the Donghuang Bell was broken.This son shows that an emperor who oppressed the Three Realms once existed; the monsters suppressed by the nine immortal mausoleums of the Snow Mountain School make people crazy, screaming the name of Taiyi or Taiyi. Judging from this atmosphere, Meng Qi’s preliminary judgment is “Taiyi”

The world changes, the vicissitudes of life, the time of a thousand years can wipe out many things, not to mention this kind of era that has gone through billions of kalpas and shattered many epochs, and the remaining news is all due to some great supernatural beings and the vitality of things is too strong

Thinking about the ancient things, Meng Qi immediately thought of the “demonic blood peach” on his own body. This product is said to be an evil thing left over from the ancient times, and it has a certain “temperament” with the “Heavenly Dao” monster sealed in the ancient bronze coffin. Based on the similarity in the above, it is estimated that it is indeed “produced by Taikoo”.

I don’t know what will happen if you take out the little peach and put it on the soul coffin in Taigu Town at this moment. The “Day of Heaven” monsters that can be transformed into escape, let the Yao Yi Xuetao go berserk, and take out the “Tree of the Great Way” by themselves, but it may not be able to deter them.

Therefore, you can’t make trouble in other people’s ancestral halls, at least now the Yaoyi Xuetao has no response

In just a short moment, Meng Qi’s thoughts turned all over, while Wang Siyuan coughed again, his voice echoing on the graveyard with only the corpses in the coffin forest, it was extremely gloomy and desolate.

“With the experience of the first ancestor, every ancestor of the Wang family who has attained the dharma body will seal it either by himself or by others before sitting down, and they have all turned into monsters of the heavens without exception. Ananda Pure Land died under the influence of karma, lost all traces of existence, and completely vanished into ashes, cough, so he did not become a monster.” Wang Siyuan coughed lowly, the corners of his mouth were a little scarlet, and smiled lightly, “Fortunately, Ananda’s realm was still mature at that time. I don’t know how long I have been immersed in karma, and I can choose the easiest one to bear from the most important ones, otherwise I really want to see what will happen to him if he takes on this karma of heaven.”

Compared with what he saw in the daytime, Wang Siyuan’s speech is much smoother now. It’s not that his condition has improved or he was pretending before, but that the flame called “crazy” is burning in his eyes and inside his body, supporting his thin and weak body. From the beginning, the certainty of speaking is like seeing it with one’s own eyes, but it is also in line with the deduced result

Then there will be no me!” Meng Qi slandered. It was not until today that he solved a doubt in his heart.

I can choose the second burden of karma in front of the dharmakaya, so how could Ananda not be able to do so in the face of counting saints?

Even if there is a reason for “the cause of all effects”, Ananda is not an easy-going lamp. Buddhism is also good at the way of cause and effect, and Tathagata God’s Palm contains similar content. Even if it is inferior to “the cause of all effects”. But his state is much higher than his own, not to mention the understanding and grasp of karma, the ability to choose independently should be far stronger than his own, how could he directly accept the karma of protecting the Wang family?

Now it seems that Ananda has no choice but to choose, and the other causes and effects are enough to kill the legend, and it can also be used to lay down the pawn of the Wang family. Multiple subordinate forces. why not

“Unexpectedly, the Wang family, which is so prominent through the ages, is far from being as beautiful as it appears on the surface.” Meng Qi sighed.

Wang Siyuan didn’t mention the characteristics and dangers of “heavenly monsters”, and he didn’t talk about specific things. The magic stick can only speak ambiguous and deliberately misleading words.

Wang Siyuan took a deep breath and pointed at the “Picture of Ghosts, Gods and True Spirits” again: “This time I came back suddenly, the essence has been upgraded, and there is no real spirit inside. Do you know what it means?”

Before Meng Qi could answer. He said to himself: “The end of the catastrophe is coming, and the Wang family has to add bricks and tiles to it.”

The words “adding bricks and tiles” are extremely low. It seems that once it is loud, it will cause boundless killing.

Sure enough, the end of the catastrophe came, and all the ghosts and snakes appeared. Meng Qi once again realized what the end of the catastrophe is: “The chess game has just unfolded, and the real big shots have not yet appeared on the stage. Can k still come directly?”

For some reason, Meng Qi always felt that Wang Siyuan was implying that “Monsters of the Dao of Heaven” and “Picture of Ghosts, Gods and True Spirits” were two different things.

Wang Siyuan turned around and looked down at the entire cemetery from the top of the peak: “For the sake of magic, the Wang family will make corresponding records of what happened and changed, so as to make deduction accurate.”

“Do you know how many times the river has changed its course? Seventy-nine times. Although the strong can change the terrain and prevent it from changing its course, since ancient times, due to catastrophe, duels, and changes in the world, the river has been diverted seventy-nine times. Second, in the past, Huanzhou was originally an inland sea, but now it is known as the first state in the southwest, and Ningpingfu, which is nearby, used to be just a river channel, but due to the diversion of the river, the soil was silted up and gradually washed away, and it was governed by the government.”

“Do you know how many families the Wang family has witnessed rise and fall? It can be called a wealthy family for a hundred years, and a family for a thousand years. But since the Wang family established a family, a full two hundred and seventy-five thousand years have passed.”

His eyes became brighter, his tone became smoother, and he said these seemingly ordinary words with an attitude of indifference but not looking down. Time flies.

“Do you know how many magic soldiers the Wang family has collected over the years? They are all buried and suppressed here. There are many, many more fighting for battle than in the world today.”

Did you know, did you know, did you know? If it weren’t for seeing that you were about to “become a ghost”, Meng Qi would have clenched his fists in a funny way, and laughed at himself, WangThe great magic stick has once again manifested itself in front of me, but this is the real thing. Seeing them building tall buildings, seeing their buildings collapse, I am still standing still, and the vicissitudes of life will not change

Wang Siyuan sighed suddenly: “This is not to show off, but to tell you, heck, with such accumulation and background, it is easy for the Wang family to have a superior mentality of looking down on the world’s aristocratic sects, but every time there is such a sign, it will be rejected. The echoing screams, the desolation of fifty premature deaths and the harsh sounds of scratching the coffin boards faded away.”

“Under the countless scenery is the corresponding pain and suffering.”

“You said these things because you want to find a way to get rid of them,” Meng Qi asked seriously.

Wang Siyuan’s face was pale, his cheeks were sickly red, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and he said with a light smile, “I’m a lunatic, since I can’t see a way out, I should use my own death to light a fire, go crazy, and see what happens.” What changes have occurred.”

Sure enough, this is Meng Qi who is not crazy and can’t survive. He looked at Wang Siyuan quietly, waiting for him to continue talking.

“If you don’t come to me, I will send someone to look for you, please do me a favor.” Wang Siyuan said frankly.

Meng Qi nodded: “What’s the matter?”

The flames of madness in Wang Siyuan’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and his body in white was crumbling: “Seven days later, at three quarters of the hour, come to this ancestral hall and cut me down with a single knife.” To be continued.


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