I Honor

Chapter 013

Eleven The Knife

After hearing this scream, Jiang Zhiwei’s body visibly tightened, and the long sword sped up, breaking through the defense on the opposite side in two or three strokes, and stabbing their temples respectively, causing the two men in black to groan as they died. It’s time to make a half sound.

Awakened by the wailing, Meng Qi jumped off the stone wall without thinking, and ran to the other side of Jiang Zhiwei.

Until now, Meng Qi had no time to wonder why the two men in black who had been in a stalemate for a while were solved so easily by Jiang Zhiwei. Did she retain her strength before?

The death of Yan Wujiang obviously stimulated Zhang Yuanshan, Qing Jing, Qi Xia and others, and the attack became more and more fierce. In just a dozen or so breaths, the men in black were swept away like a storm, leaving only a few survivors.

Huh, Qi Xia walked up to Yan Wujiang, stared at it for a while, and let out a long breath: “Master Yan Xiang has always been afraid of death, and because of Senior Fei Tian Yasha, we only let him do some things to guard the casino, who You know, he was the one who died first this time.”

Zhang Yuanshan squatted in front of Yan Wujiang’s corpse, checked the wound, touched the tip of his nose, confirmed that he was dead, and said solemnly, “He’s really dead.”

Qing Jing, Jiang Zhiwei, Meng Qi and others had the same heavy expressions. The “Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation” did not deceive everyone. This is not a game, not an illusion. If you die, it is a real death

“We can’t delay any longer.” Qing Jing was a little impatient.

Zhang Yuanshan waved his hand: “It’s easy to make mistakes when you are impatient. Let’s torture the living again to confirm that the news just now is correct. Moreover, with so many people chasing and killing us, I’m worried that the castle master already knows we are coming, and there will be more and more enemies in the future. The stronger it is, so the plan has to be changed accordingly.”

“Junior Sister Qi, I’m sorry to trouble you.” He turned his head and said to Qi Xia.

Qi Xia glanced at Yan Wujiang’s corpse again: “Senior Feitian Yasha has always protected his weaknesses, even if Lord Yanxiang doesn’t get along with him, hey, I don’t know what troubles will arise.”

As she spoke, she walked up to the living mouth and used the “Thirteen Hands of Soul Search” torture again.

“It seems that the layout of the Yinhuang Castle obtained earlier is correct.” Zhang Yuanshan listened to the statements of the victims one by one, and truly confirmed the first information, then he frowned and said, “Why did the owner of the Yinhuang Castle call at this time?” master handGo to the central hall, and close the door to prevent anyone from approaching, making these black-clothed crowd leaderless.”

“Isn’t this a good sign? At least before rushing to the central hall, we don’t have to worry about reinforcements from experts, and we don’t have to worry about the castle master directly taking action.” Qing Jing said not too concerned.

Qi Zhengyan suddenly interjected: “But we will go to the central hall after all. If we don’t figure out the castle master’s conspiracy, we may suffer a lot by then.”

“The point is, do you figure it out now or do you have more time to investigate?” Qing Jing looked sideways at the stone wall next to him.

At this time, several people stood in the center of the corridor, away from the stone wall, and Meng Qi, one of the two burdens, saw his “similar” die without bounds, inevitably felt sad in his heart, and was not in the mood to speak for a while.

Jiang Zhiwei held the long sword tightly, and a drop of blood slowly dripped from the tip of the sword: “Don’t quarrel, act according to the original plan, and speed up. No matter what conspiracy the castle owner has, we will try to reach the central hall before he starts.”

“That’s the only way.” Zhang Yuanshan stood up abruptly, looked at Qingjing and Qi Zhengyan and said, “Let’s go.”

While talking, the three of them flicked through the corridor with their toes lightly tapping the ground and the walls, and quickly disappeared at the fork in the road.

Qi Xia looked at Jiang Zhiwei, then at Meng Qi, and said with a smile, “Zhiwei, how old am I? Please call you sister Zhiwei. From now on, I will follow your orders.”

Jiang Zhiwei nodded without a smile: “Sister Qi, let’s go too, be careful with hidden weapons.”

Seeing them walking forward, Meng Qi quickly bent down and picked up a fine steel long sword from a corpse.

“Change a knife, a sword is hard to learn, but a knife is easy to use. For you, using a knife is at least twice as good as using a sword.” Jiang Zhiwei reminded casually, among the popular views in Xijiange, there is no years of hard work, long-term The decorative effect of the sword is better than the actual combat.

Meng Qi thought for a while, and seemed to have heard this saying before, so he threw away the long sword and picked up a thick-backed long knife.

Although with his stature, it would be very beneficial to use a short knife to get close to him, but it is better to be longer if one inch is shorter. Anyway, this body is not weak, and it is not difficult to wield this long knife.

Affected by Yan Wujiang’s death and the killing scene just now, the two girls were quite depressed and kept silent. Meng Qi had already recovered, but he didn’t dare to speak casually, so he could only follow Jiang Zhiwei with all his strength. Watching her fly poisonous arrows with a sword, watching her sword light kill many men in black like a shuttle, and she even crossed a passage full of traps by her collar.

“It should be here soon.” Qi Xia looked around and confirmed the current location.

These words broke the long silence, Jiang Zhiwei looked at Shimen in front of him and said, “Be careful of poisonous gas.”

After Meng Qi “established the foundation in a hundred days”, his mind was clear and his memory was good. He clearly remembered that there was a corridor behind the stone gate with dragon claws on it. At the end of the corridor is the secret room where “Hero Cheng Yongcheng” is trapped.

Qi Xia pushed open the stone door, lowered her head, and carefully observed the arrangement of stone bricks.

“Sister Qi’s family has a long history, and she is also a master of organ techniques.” Jiang Zhiwei explained to Meng Qi.

In fact, if she didn’t say anything, Meng Qi could guess it, because Qi Xia had cracked the organs in several places before.

Qi Xia smiled while watching: “Sister Zhiwei is overrated, my martial arts are not as good as yours, so I have to fight against these heretics.”

Jiang Zhiwei forced a smile and didn’t answer her, but turned to look at Meng Qi with a slightly sad face and said: “I only learned how to deal with all kinds of sneak attacks and protect myself in the sect, but I’m really not good at protecting others. I have to make this point clear.”

She obviously thought of Yan Wujiang’s death.

Meng Qi’s heart was cold, but on the surface he still pretended to be righteous, Bo Yuntian said, “It’s okay, without Miss Jiang’s care, I can’t walk a single step, and I have already followed in the footsteps of Yan Xiangzhu.”

This time he was talking about Miss Jiang on purpose.

“Jiang Benefactor.” Jiang Zhiwei corrected her tirelessly, and finally there was a smile on her face.

Qi Xia suddenly laughed: “Sister Zhiwei, there is a secret door in this passageway, which should lead directly to another secret room. From the topographical map, it may be the place where Ding Changsheng and Hero Ding are trapped.”

“You want to split things up.” Jiang Zhiwei keenly heard what she meant.

Qi Xia nodded: “All the masters in the castle have gone to the central hall, and there is this shortcut, I want to try it to improve the chances of winning in the end.”

Jiang Zhiwei pinched her black hair hanging down to her shoulders with her left hand, thinking that she was only blocked by men in black with ordinary martial arts on the way, and she didn’t see any masters, so she ordered, “Be careful.”

“Forget it.” Qi Xia held the stinger tightly, and said to Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi: “Three from the left and four from the right, if you pass in this order, the poisonous gas will not be triggered.”

She casually chipped off a large stone chip and threw it there, but there was no movement at all. Then, she tiptoed to the ground, and swept across it beautifully, opened a stone door in the middle of the corridor, and disappeared into the darkness.

“Let’s go rescue Cheng Hero too.” Jiang Zhiwei walked to Meng Qi’s side, and was about to lift his collar and lead him there.

Of course Meng Qi didn’t want to stay where he was, lest a few men in black appear and kill him, but there was always a question in his heartHe could solve it, but he didn’t dare to follow Jiang Zhiwei alone.

After thinking about Jiang Zhiwei’s character and style from the first meeting until now, Meng Qi decided to take a risk and ask: “Miss Jiang, I have a question, I don’t know if I should ask it or not.”

“What’s the problem?” Jiang Zhiwei looked at Meng Qi suspiciously.

Meng Qi gritted his teeth: “Miss Jiang, when you met the men in black for the second time, why were you unable to fight two of them for a long time? With the strength you showed later, you should be able to easily deal with them.”

This question made Meng Qi anxious all the time.

“Ah…” Jiang Zhiwei let out an ah, her expression varied and varied.

Then, she put on a pretty face: “Let’s say it first, don’t laugh.”

It was rare to see Jiang Zhiwei showing a girlish expression, Meng Qi only felt that the tension in his heart had disappeared a lot, and swore an oath that he would never laugh.

Jiang Zhiwei looked up at the stone wall above, her pretty face flushed red: “That was the first time I killed someone. After seeing the enemy’s blood spurting out and falling to the ground weakly, I felt a little soft.”

Pfft, Meng Qi almost burst out laughing, it turned out to be such a simple reason, I was too worried

Seeing how hard Meng Qi was enduring a smile, Jiang Zhi snorted lightly: “In the sect, I only practiced the courage to kill by killing chickens. I have never killed a living person.”

“Um, Miss Jiang, how many chickens have you killed?” Meng Qi changed the subject casually.

Jiang Zhiwei thought for a while: “I have been successful in learning swordsmanship for two years. During this period, I killed two chickens every day, and occasionally pigs, cattle, sheep and other living things.”

Meng Qi’s thought flashed, and he said “seriously,” “Miss Jiang, I’ve already thought about your nickname after you become famous.”

“What?” Jiang Zhiwei asked curiously.

Meng Qi said solemnly: “The Sword God of Butchering Chickens.”

Pfft, Jiang Zhi smiled slightly: “Oh, I can’t see that you, a little monk, are still a little cunning, and also, tell Master Jiang to be careful that the Buddha punishes you”

She smiled like a flower, but quickly calmed down, grabbed Meng Qi by the collar, and led him to the other side of the corridor. After talking and laughing just now, the relationship between the two of them has become much closer.

Qi Xia’s mechanism skills were really good. Along the way, the wind and the sea were calm, and Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi successfully arrived in front of Shimen.

“This stone door cannot be opened inside.” Jiang Zhiwei studied for a while, and motioned Meng Qi to hide behind him, so as not to have any dark arrows flying out after the door opened.

There was a heavy friction sound between the stone door and the ground, and it slowly opened back without any accidents.

“Which friend will save you?” A surprised male voice sounded.

Jiang Zhiwei observed for a while, and after confirming that there was no ambush, she walked into the stone room, while Meng Qi guarded the gate for her.

In the middle of the stone room, a middle-aged man in plain green straight gown showed surprise on his face and said: “Cheng Yong, thank you for saving me, I don’t know whose sect you are from”

He knows all about the characters in the world, but he has never seen this immature girl who is as beautiful as a fairy.

“Master Cheng, the juniors and others are from the hidden sect, because Master was secretly invited by Ma Daxia, so he came here to help you eliminate demons and defend the way.” Jiang Zhiwei made up a lie indiscriminately.

Cheng Yong nodded slightly when he heard Ma Lianghan’s name, and turned to Jiang Zhiwei: “I haven’t asked the girl’s name yet.”

“Jiang Zhiwei, my junior.” Jiang Zhiwei came from a famous school, so under normal circumstances, he would not lose his etiquette.

Cheng Yong walked up to Jiang Zhiwei, smiled and said, “Heroes are young, okay, let’s set off to save others, um, this is”

Jiang Zhiwei half turned around and said, “His dharma name is definitely determined.”

At this time, Meng Qi saw Cheng Yong’s eyes were suddenly clouded with greenness, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

And at this moment, Jiang Zhiwei also sensed something, exerted force on her feet, and backed up her body.

Cheng Yong’s left hand was like a fish swimming in the water, nimble and nimble, from bottom to top, it hit Jiang Zhiwei’s lower abdomen as fast as lightning.

“Duoxin Pill” For some reason, this term popped up in Meng Qi’s mind.

Jiang Zhiwei’s reaction was half a beat slow, and the speed of her back could not be compared with Cheng Yong’s left hand, and she was pressed on the lower abdomen in an instant.

At this time, she can only reduce the damage through techniques such as shrinking her abdomen and qi resistance.

But Jiang Zhiwei’s face suddenly revealed a resolute and decisive look, and as soon as he sent the long sword, he didn’t even evade, and chose to fight to the death

Crack, Jiang Zhiwei was blown into the air, hit the stone gate, vomited blood and fell to the ground, while Cheng Yong’s chest was pierced deeply by the long sword, and blood flowed out like pours.

He He, Cheng Yong tapped the acupuncture points on his chest a few times to initially stop the bleeding, then he seemed to have become a wild beast, completely ignoring his own serious injuries, and pounced on Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi with difficulty.

Jiang Zhiwei’s sword just now caused Cheng Yong to shrink subconsciously between life and death, and the strength of his palm was greatly reduced, failing to injure her severely, but the lower abdomen is the key point of the dantian, and it is connected to the lower body, so she couldn’t pull up all the strength for a while , and his legs were even numb.

“Little monk.” She yelled, hoping that Meng Qi could overcome his fear and strike. Cheng Yong was stabbed in the left chest by herself, and he was absolutely in bad condition. He might have died after a few breaths.

Seeing that Cheng Yong was covered in blood, his eyes were blue, and he rushed towards him like a ghost.

Meng Qi was fighting with two legs, almost in the midst of a nightmare.

At this time, Jiang Zhiwei’s call woke him up, thinking of Yan WujiangThinking of the killings he had experienced, and the joy and gains of practicing boxing on weekdays, Meng Qi’s courage rose, his body trembled, he clenched his teeth, and slashed out.

At this time, the knife is better than the sword:

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