I Honor

Chapter 014

The First Battle

With the power of madness bursting out of fear, fear, and trembling, the thick-backed long knife slashed at Cheng Yong with the momentum of cutting Huashan alone.

Cheng Yong raised his palms, staggered back and forth, and he was going to fight hard to fly the long knife. His martial arts were far superior to Meng Qi’s, and so was his eyesight. The timing of his moves was just right. Affecting the injury on the left chest, the blood flowed out faster, the movement was stagnant, the palms were temporarily weak, the long knife broke through the past, and slashed towards the front door.

He is a man who has experienced many battles, and he did not panic when he was in danger. He fell backwards following the knife’s momentum. A lazy donkey rolled over to avoid Meng Qi’s knife, but Meng Qi really had no fighting experience, so he hesitated for a moment and didn’t take advantage of it. Sheng pursued and attacked in a row while Cheng Yong was rolling on the ground.

Cheng Yong’s lazy donkey rolled halfway, pressed his palms to the ground like a toad, and kicked his right foot backwards and upwards obliquely, pointing directly at the heart of the imaginary enemy.

This is his trick to turn defeat into victory after being forced to roll over many times, and he also wants to use this to end the battle at this time.

The right foot touched the air, Cheng Yong took advantage of the momentum to jump up, just in time to see the little monk with red lips and white teeth looking at him, looking at him, looking like a beginner who has never had any experience in fighting.

Mother’s Cheng Yong cursed inwardly. His tried and tested trick failed because the opponent was a rookie and missed the opportunity to pursue him. The blood flowed more and more, and I felt exhausted. Gold stars appeared in front of my eyes, as if it would become dark at any time.

“No, we have to treat the wound first.” Although he became reckless and impulsive after taking Duoxin pills, and he was afraid of the torture of the medicine and dared not disobey the orders of the master of Yinhuang Castle, Cheng Yong still had normal reason, otherwise those who were controlled The leaders of the various factions have long been seen through.

At this time, he clearly knew that if he didn’t treat the wound, and he had to breathe a few more times, he might be seriously injured and unconscious, and become a fish in the little monk’s case.

Just when he was about to tear off his skirt to bandage the wound, he suddenly heard the little monk let out a low growl of dissatisfaction, and he stepped forward quickly, and then struck with the long knife.

Bastard, why didn’t you chase after Cheng Yong just now? You couldn’t, so you had no choice but to deal with Meng Qi, trying to resolve the battle as soon as possible to deal with the wound.

Jiang Zhiwei sat on the ground, leaning against the stone gate, and saw that Meng Qi looked like a mad tiger, and his sword was as fast as a sword. His form was slow, and he couldn’t seize the opening between the knife’s movements to bully Meng Qi.

“Fist the old master to death.” Jiang Zhiwei somehow thought of this common saying, and then her heart moved, and she shouted loudly: “Slant upwards.”

Although she was hit in the dantian of the lower abdomen, she was temporarily powerless, but her eyesight was still there after opening her eyes, and she could naturally see the flaws in Cheng Yong’s body skills, and Cheng Yong’s speed was slow at this time, allowing her to “point out” Meng Qi, Otherwise, the masters will fight each other in a flash, and I am afraid that the opportunity will be missed before the words are spoken.

Meng Qi slashed for a while, and saw that his saber was like a storm, forcing Cheng Yong so close that he couldn’t get close, and he immediately had the illusion that he was a master of the generation.

“This is the Chaotic Cloaking Saber Technique,” Meng Qi thought to himself, a little proud of himself. Of course, he still clearly knew that this was not the Chaotic Cloaking Saber Technique, but the “Chaotic Slashing Saber Technique”. If Cheng Yong hadn’t been seriously injured, he would have Was killed on the spot.

“Push up diagonally.” Suddenly, Meng Qi heard Jiang Zhiwei’s voice, but Meng Qi, who was fighting for the first time in actual combat and had no experience in cooperating with Jiang Zhiwei, really couldn’t convert what he heard into thoughts in his brain immediately. Then quickly reflect the thoughts in the brain to the hands, and then continue to cut out horizontally as before.

Cheng Yong on the other side could naturally hear Jiang Zhiwei’s voice, his heart moved, and he lowered his body and hit Meng Qi’s lower abdomen.

The knife flashed, blood spurted out, Cheng Yong clutched his left arm, stumbled and rolled back.

Then, he jumped straight up and glared at Meng Qi angrily. In that leap just now, he directly landed on Meng Qi’s long knife, and his left arm was severely injured.

What about “slanting upwards”?

Meng Qi responded to his glaring innocently, probably also understood the change just now, and said intentionally, “I’m sorry, my reaction was too slow, I disappointed you.”

Pfft, Cheng Yong was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Haha.” Jiang Zhiwei clutched her lower abdomen, laughing so hard that she was about to twitch, I knew it would be like this haha, even if I was killed together with the little monk, I would die laughing

Cheng Yong was furious, and he tapped the Chengzhi sword with his right hand on his chest a few times, and the blood stopped immediately. Although the wound was too deep, he was just drinking poison to quench his thirst. After ten breaths, the wound would burst out again, and he might die directly at that time, but I don’t care about so much, if I continue to entangle with this nasty little monk, I may be dragged to death or pissed off

Seeing Cheng Yong’s actions, and seeing his expression that seemed to have a sworn hatred with him, Meng Qi’s smile subsided, and his heart sank slowly, knowing that there would be a difference between life and death.

The heavy pressure enveloped him, and then he subconsciously moved forward, swinging the knife vertically.Jiang Zhiwei stopped laughing, supported Shimen, and tried to stand up with difficulty to help Meng Qi, but the dantian was the source of energy storage, even though it was not seriously injured or destroyed, it was still not lightly injured. In a short time, she There is no way to sort out the scattered infuriating energy.

After Cheng Yong’s wound stopped bleeding temporarily, his feet staggered, and his left hand was badly injured, and his right hand swung a half circle, facing Meng Qi’s long knife, as if he wanted to use his bare hands.

Meng Qi murmured inwardly, and exhausted all his strength to turn the vertical chop into a slanted chop, avoiding Cheng Yong’s right hand, but his left hand pressed the blade, and it rushed in forcefully, and he backed up a few steps involuntarily. .

Cheng Yong rubbed his body and followed, his palms pierced through Meng Qi’s saber several times, Meng Qi was in danger all of a sudden, if not for Cheng Yong still worried about the sharpness of the long saber, and he couldn’t bear another heavy injury, I’m afraid Meng Qi has already been killed by his hands.

No, if I keep procrastinating, I must be dead because my premonition of great danger and the shadow of death hit Meng Qi’s heart, making his eyes slightly red, the long knife still dancing in his hand, but his mind was full of thoughts.

“Why haven’t I learned the sword technique before?” Meng Qi knew very well that if he had started with the sword technique, with Cheng Yong’s condition, no matter how bad he was, he would be able to hold on until his injury relapsed or Jiang Zhi could finish adjusting his breath. But now, he can only hack and chop randomly for a while, and he is full of frustration.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Meng Qi’s mind, and then he thought of Cheng Yong’s attempt to grab the sword just now.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes were wide open, his eye sockets were almost cracked, and the long knife slashed vertically again, looking as if he wanted to die with Cheng Yong.

Cheng Yong sneered secretly, drew a circle with his right hand, raised his left hand, and clamped it towards the blade, but Meng Qi was so strong that he had no energy left to change the blade’s posture.

The long knife was pinched by Cheng Yong’s palms, and immediately fell into his hands. When Cheng Yong grabbed the knife with all his strength, he felt that the opposite side was empty, and he was just fighting against the air.

Not good, this made him lose his balance and staggered slightly. At the same time, he was stunned to see the little monk take two steps forward with strict steps, and punched out his left fist.

As soon as the long knife entered Cheng Yong’s hands, Meng Qi let go of his right hand and gave up the long knife directly.

Then, taking advantage of Cheng Yong’s opportunity to open the gap between his chest and abdomen, he rubbed his body and used his left hand to perform the “Heihu Heartbreak” in the Arhat Fist.

Pa, Meng Qi’s left fist hit Cheng Yong’s left chest wound hard. Suddenly, the wound burst open, and blood gushed out like a waterfall, spraying Meng Qi’s head, face, and body.

Cheng Yong groaned loudly, gripped the long knife with both hands, stepped back a few steps, and looked at Meng Qi, whose face was blood-stained, with an expression of disbelief and astonishment.

I actually fell for a little monk who could only hack and slash, and was killed by him with ordinary martial arts

Putong Cheng Yong fell to the ground on his back, causing dust to fly, his eyes widened, and he could not rest in peace.

“Hahahaha.” Meng Qi laughed like crazy, fear, awe, depression, trembling and other inexplicable things poured out, coupled with the blood all over his face, he was extremely ferocious, “I don’t know. I know how to use swords, but I know how to box, what a fool.”

After venting out laughing, Meng Qi gasped for breath, feeling exhausted and extremely tired.

“Little monk, you have violated the precept, how can you call yourself old, old?” Jiang Zhiwei was also relieved when the enemy was removed, and she was overjoyed. She laughed and joked, but she felt that girls should not swear She has never been able to say the word “Lao Tzu”.

“If you survive a catastrophe, the Buddha will be happy for me, and you won’t blame me.” Meng Qi said happily, “Miss Jiang, how is your injury?”

Seeing that he was about to turn his head, Jiang Zhiwei hurriedly stopped him: “Leave me alone, pick up my sword, and give him a slap between the eyebrows to prevent a surprise attack.”

Jiang Zhiwei had been taught how to deal with similar situations.

Meng Qi nodded, took a few steps back, looked at Cheng Yong intently, squatted down and picked up Jiang Zhiwei’s long sword, then approached Cheng Yong cautiously, and stabbed him between the eyebrows from a distance.

The long sword pierced through the eyebrows, Meng Qi completely relaxed, and Cheng Yong couldn’t die anymore

At this time, Jiang Zhiwei was in the mood to comment: “Little monk, you are very talented. For the first time in actual combat, you can calmly and keenly grasp the situation, set traps, and overcome your fear. Throwing swords and punches will kill him.” With one blow, you may not be able to become a generation of masters in the future.”

“Hey.” Meng Qi smirked slightly complacently when he heard Jiang Zhiwei, who was highly skilled in martial arts, praise him. He didn’t look like a fool learning martial arts.

At this time, the blood on the ground suddenly squirmed and turned into words:

“Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi rescued Cheng Yong from the sea of ​​misery controlled by Duoxin Pill, completed one of the side missions, and each rewarded ten good deeds.”

That’s okay too. Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei looked at each other, as if they heard each other’s heart, killing each other is also called saving

But if you think about it carefully, being controlled by Duoxin Pills is indeed worse than death

“Our previous analysis was a bit wrong. In this way, where can we find help?” Jiang Zhiwei frowned slightly, “Maybe we don’t need help.”

Meng Qi was puzzled and distressed: “Then what’s the point of this side mission?”

“Maybe it doesn’t make sense.” Jiang Zhiwei suddenly exclaimed, “No, sister Qi”:

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