I Honor

Chapter 1310

“Immortal World” Experience

The bright moon is in the sky, the smoke waves are faint, and the big lake is like a mirror with silver scales, so quiet and refreshing.

A figure stood proudly on the top of the peak, looking down at the night view of the lake, the sea of ​​clouds hung upside down in the mid-air, spinning into buckets, the weather was empty, magnificent and magnificent.

“Twenty years have been like a day, and the ups and downs of the world are nothing to worry about.” The figure let out a sigh of emotion and joy.

There were more than a dozen or twenty people standing behind him, including tutus with shaved hair, monks in cassocks, Taoist priests in plain robes, and men and women in various Jianghu costumes.

One of the men who looked like a scholar smiled and said: “The ups and downs of the world are nothing to the leader. You have broken through the difficulties of life and death, understood the magic of vacuum, touched the gate of the fairy world, and your mood has really stepped up to a new level.”

“Leader Yu no longer needs to be drawn by other people’s aura, and he can fly away anytime and anywhere. He is the first person in the world for thousands of years. Of course, the ups and downs of the world are nothing to worry about.” feelings, but quite a bit of resentment.

Yu Banshan is the head of the Jinhu faction and the leader of the contemporary martial arts alliance. Since his debut, he has shown a strong posture. He has swept the world within ten years without encountering an opponent. He is known as the first person in the millennium. Competing with oneself, fighting with the sky, spent ten years, and finally surpassed the predecessors, and reached the realm of self-ascension. Today, I invite old friends to make friends just to say goodbye.

He turned around, dressed in simple clothes, with a blue jade ruler hanging from his waist, he was almost young but not old, on the contrary, he added a mature charm to the original Mr. The unfathomable depth makes all the masters of the rivers and lakes feel insignificant and powerless in the face of the world.

“When I have come to this point, if I don’t open the door in front of me and see what is at the end of martial arts, I will die with regret. No matter how reluctant I am, I will take this step.” Yu Banshan looked up at the sky, his breath pulled, the sea of ​​clouds rolled, towering spectacular.

He bid farewell to old friends.

The woman in the palace costume who spoke just now felt unresolved melancholy and loss, forced a smile and said: “I don’t know what the fairyland will be like, do you see immortals everywhere?”

Thinking about the fairyland and the situation after flying through the sky is a common thing for every warrior. Now Yu Banshan is going to “there” and experienced it personally, and everyone present is inevitably curious.

Legend has it that the fairyland is full of exotic flowers and plants, spiritual treasures and fruits, and the immortals who come and go have great powers, boundless mana, and their longevity is as long as the sky.

Yu Banshan chuckled: “The fairy world must be different.In the secular world, I only hope to sit and discuss the Tao with immortals. ”

His tone was full of leisurely fascination.

After saying goodbye one by one, Yu Banshan stared at the woman in palace attire, and said with a smile: “Jinxiu, I will bear half of your life with you, may you go to the fairy world with me?”

Everyone around “Let’s Go to the Immortal Realm” lost their voices, and Yu Banshan could not only fly through the sky without pretending to be others, but he could also bring a person with him

What kind of cultivation, what kind of state is this

Qi Jinxiu, a lady in palace attire, froze in place, her eyes were suddenly clouded with mist, she nodded and choked up after a long time, and said, “I know, I know you are devout in martial arts, this, these past ten years, I have never really blamed you.”

Looking at Yu Banshan’s outstretched right hand, she stepped forward, held her hand, and stood side by side, with her back against the cliff, surrounded by misty waves, like a couple of gods and immortals.

Yu Banshan nodded again and said goodbye, wrapping his arms around Qi Jinxiu’s waist, the surrounding situation suddenly changed, and the moonlight was obscured.


A purple thunder struck down in mid-air, mighty and unstoppable, and illuminated the lake as if it were daytime, but only the edge of the cliff was thick with fog, which was difficult to clear, and a slight aura of supremacy was revealed.

When the lightning passed away and everything was peaceful, Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu had already disappeared.

Everyone sighed for a while, thinking about the fairy world, or lost or hesitated.

After today, Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu will be in the immortal class

The void split open, and the depths formed a whirlpool. Yu Banshan seized the fleeting opportunity and rushed through the barrier of time and space.

Yuanshen was dizzy and his vision was blurred. When he recovered his senses, he found that he and Qi Jinxiu were in a barren mountain, surrounded by green and lush trees, and the world was full of aura, which made people feel relieved.

“This is the fairyland.” Qi Jinxiu looked around curiously.

This is the legendary fairyland

Yu Banshan closed his eyes and sensed for a while, and said with a little joy: “It should be in the fairyland, the vitality is immersed in the body, and one month of cultivation here is better than the previous year.”

“Really…” Qi Jinxiu tried to breathe out, and immediately beamed with joy, “As expected of a fairyland”

Here, I hope to break through the difficulties of life and death, and understand the magic of vacuum.

“And look at the sky.” Yu Banshan pointed to Gaokong again.

Qi Jinxiu stared and saw that the night sky was full of bright stars, but each star was as big as a wind lamp hanging in front of his eyes, and it seemed that the distance was not far away, and it could compete with the bright moon, which was not like the original world.

“Sure enough, it’s the fairyland.” Qi Jinxiu was no longer in doubt.

At this time, she swept her eyes and found that there was an ordinary Taoist temple not far away, which was covered by the shade of trees and hidden in the night.

“Brother Yu, there is a Taoist temple over there. It’s dark now, and you and I don’t know each other well in the fairy world. Why don’t you go to lodge and wait for the dawn?” Qi Jinxiu suggested.

Yu Banshan pondered for a while and said: “The fairy world is so full of aura, there must be many beasts that have become spirits. It is really dangerous to walk through the barren mountains and wild mountains in the middle of the night. Let’s go there.”

Hearing that Yu Banshan agreed, Qi Jinxiu hesitated instead: “Brother Yu, it is difficult for the master of the Taoist temple to know good and evil, so it is equally dangerous to stay overnight rashly.”

Yu Banshan smiled and said: “It’s okay, if the master of the Taoist temple is stronger than me, he has already noticed it at this time, and we can’t escape if we turn our heads and walk away. If we come, we will be safe.”

Once Qi Jinxiu’s long-cherished wish of many years is fulfilled, it is the stage when he feels that he will die without any regrets. Seeing that he is determined in Banshan, he no longer speaks, like a young couple, walking towards the Taoist temple arm in arm.

When they got close, they finally saw the plaque clearly, and there were three large characters written on it:

“Yuxu Palace”

“The name of the temple is quite Taoist.” Yu Banshan became more and more convinced that the master of the Taoist temple was not a villain, and knocked on the door lightly under the starry sky.

Boom boom boom.

The knock on the door echoed, and after a while, a lazy voice came:

“Who is it?”

“My wife and I passed by here and lost our way. We didn’t dare to go again after late at night, so we had to come here to stay overnight and ask the Taoist priest to make it easier for us.” Yu Banshan didn’t dare to disclose the matter of Feisheng’s arrival because he was not familiar with the place.

After waiting for a while, the door creaked and opened slowly.

“Ah…” as soon as the door opened, Qi Jinxiu let out an exclamation, took a step back, and almost fell down the steps, but was fortunately caught by Yu Banshan.

Behind the door is a monster covered with green branches green green monster

Yu Banshan endured the ripples in his heart, stared at the opponent cautiously, and did not make a rash move.

“What do you mean I haven’t seen a big green root become a spirit?” The monster who opened the door muttered, “The master asked you to go to the guest house to rest.”

Originally, the people here could drive the mountain spirit and tree monster to guard the gate. As expected of the fairy world, Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu looked at each other. Seeing the monster’s aura was not scary, there was less fear and more emotion.

Under the guidance of Daqinggen, they bypassed the screen wall, walked through the courtyard, and were about to go to the guest room. At this time, Yu Banshan, who had a keen sense, saw a pool of lotus flowers in full bloom through the hollow wall. It smelled fragrant, and there was a Taoist in green robe sitting by the pool, with a wooden hairpin on his head, holding up his left hand, as if he was talking to him, while his right hand was playing with a fruit that seemed to reflect starlight.

“He is the master of this Taoist temple.” Yu Banshan nodded thoughtfully. At the same time, he listened attentively, as if he heard the master asking: “What is the origin of this fruit and what is its function?”

Following his gaze, Qi Jinxiu also saw this scene, and after entering the guest house, sent Daqing awayThen she smiled and said, “The temple master seems to be talking to his left hand.”

Does he think his left hand has turned into a human?

“You can’t speculate about things in the fairy world.” Yu Banshan didn’t say much, after all, he was in other people’s Taoism.

Qi Jinxiu said: “Brother Yu, should we visit the temple master and find out about the fairy world?”

“Not for the time being, it will expose our own situation. After leaving this Taoist temple and entering a crowded place, let’s inquire slowly.” Yu Banshan Jianghu has rich experience and is cautious.

Qi Jinxiu nodded and said: “Besides, this Taoist temple is ordinary, and most of them can’t find out anything important.”

There was nothing to say all night, both of them meditated and adjusted their breath. At dawn, they left the guest house and failed to meet the temple master. Under the guidance of Daqinggen, they finally found the way to leave the mountain, and they arrived in half an hour. The city at the foot of the mountain.

Before entering the city, Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu saw figures flying by in midair, some sitting on birds made of copper and iron, some with wings inlaid on their backs, some with feet on auspicious clouds, and some hiding with sword lights.

This made Qi Jinxiu, who was still unable to fly away, widen his eyes, and sighed after a long time:

“It’s a fairytale atmosphere”

Facing this scene, Yu Banshan was also full of hesitation, and his mood was agitated.

As soon as the two of them stepped into the city hand in hand, there was a document handed over by an idler, and they stared at it, and it was the “Weishan School Enrollment Brochure”.

What is the enrollment brochure? The two looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is the custom of the fairy world


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