I Honor

Chapter 1311

: The Deep Clouds Don’t Know Where

Going to the countryside to do as the Romans do, not wanting to reveal the difference from others, Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu did not refuse, took over the “Weishan School Enrollment Brochure”, hurried into the city, found a secluded alley, and only then carefully read it, confirming that the words in the fairy world and what they knew similar:

“This faction has a long history. It started from the legend of the third generation patriarch of Cangjian Tower. It has friendship with all major forces. The force of this faction is quite strong. At present, there are fifteen strong outsiders, including one grand master. Most of them are born because of the Spark Dafa Qiang, he has rich experience in this area and is extremely good at giving advice. There are many disciples who have nine orifices. In the future, they will go to the location and achieve great achievements. They are called masters. It is not a delusion. Even with the perfection of Xinghuo Dafa, there is hope of being among the immortals.”

This method of recruiting disciples was unheard of by Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu, and he was not touched by most of the descriptions, because the division of cultivation levels in the world where he lived and the fairy world were different, so it was difficult to understand the meanings of the outside scene, the top and the master. But there is one thing, they are still very clear, the words “ranking in the immortal class” are definitely not something that can be said casually, especially this place belongs to the immortal world.

“That Xinghuo Dafa can make people point directly at the immortal class,” Qi Jinxiu whispered in surprise.

Yu Banshan frowned slightly and said: “And it seems to be an easy-to-obtain exercise that many people know.”

This is unbelievable in the original world. A magical skill that can directly point to the immortal class can definitely cause a bloody storm in the Jianghu, and I don’t know how many sects and families will be destroyed because of it.

But in the fairy world, such magical skills can be obtained at your fingertips, without too much cost

And the sect party has robbed the disciples to such a fierce degree

The two were astonished, and they unconsciously became a little more afraid and longing for the fairy world.

“Jinxiu, let’s go for a walk on the street to see what kind of money they use, and what classics are in the bookstore.” After twenty years in the middle of the mountain, his mind has been sharpened, and he soon calmed down.

Qi Jinxiu came back to his senses, looked at the other party, and said with a low laugh, “Ban Shan, you are still so thoughtful.”

She quietly changed her name.

The two joined hands, stepped into the street, looked east and west, like travelers from far away, only to see that there are many means of transportation on the road, which are far better than wooden cattle and horses, which are both convenient and strange, and the houses on both sides are towering, with four or five floors above They can be found everywhere, each with their own characteristics, different from ordinary people. As for those with strong auras, they are often encountered. Every one of them makes Qi Jinxiu feel thrilled. Any few of them teamed up can sweep away the people beyond the middle of the mountain. Our own martial arts.

This is the fairyland, she sighed again.

After careful observation, Yu Banshan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a little relief: “Fortunately, the fairy world also uses gold and silver.”

When I broke through the air and ascended, although I didn’t prepare anything like it, but as the leader of the martial arts, how can I lack the Adu thing on my body?

With money in their hands, they became confident, and the two focused on searching for the bookstore and Zizhuang. It didn’t take long before they found a “golden house” at the corner of the long street.

Yu Banshan’s demeanor was calm, and he took Qi Jinxiu with him, and walked slowly into the shop, his eyes swept away, and he almost lost his voice, because there were books related to “Xinghuo Dafa” everywhere, such as: Qi Zhu Xinghuo Dafa Lu Zhu Xinghuo Dafa Xinghuo Dafa Nanhuang Detailed Explanation Collection Xinghuo Dafa Sword Revised Edition is too dazzling to enumerate.

The magical skills that can point directly to the immortal class are available everywhere on the street

This is completely beyond the understanding of Yu Banshan’s life in the past few decades. Although he has a strong mind, he is inevitably dumbfounded.

What’s more, the most expensive copy of Qi Zhu Xinghuo Dafa is only two taels of silver, which is so cheap that people suspect it is a fake

Such a dragon-slaying technique, such a secret to becoming a fairy, is only worth one or two taels of silver

When the fairy world does not distinguish between high and low, everyone can practice

Compared with this magical skill, isn’t the secret book of self-cultivation only a few?Ten pennies for these dozens of pennies, the sect guards day and night, and strictly selects talented people to become the heirs

Just thinking about it, Qi Jinxiu felt absurd, his heart was shaking, and he didn’t want to believe it, so he couldn’t help but said: “Shopkeeper, can you read one or two?”

The shopkeeper held the book and said without raising his head: “There are also fake Myriad Realms Tongzhi Talismans that can be learned without any money. Scattered, occasionally, it doesn’t take a lot of hard work, and it’s not complete at all. The original annotated version of Devil Emperor Qi Zhengyan is limited by six doors. It’s not difficult to read one or two chapters. Selling paper money for two taels of silver is the most benevolent.”

He babbled on and on, while Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu were at a loss for terms such as the Universal Knowledge Talisman, Mr. Lu Da, and Devil Emperor Qi Zhengyan, but after living for decades, the general meaning was still clear. The masters of the fairy world are likely to have been in the fairy class long ago, and each commented and explained the “Xinghuo Dafa” in detail.

However, the Taoism annotated by the gods is only sold for two taels of silver.

This is simply, it is impossible to describe my mood at the moment. Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu have the cheek to take out an annotated version of “Spark Dafa” and flip through them at random. You can learn magical skills without money.

Seeing this, the two of them couldn’t take their eyes away. They have learned martial arts for many years, and they can still tell whether a cheat book is good or bad, especially in Banshan, surpassing their predecessors, making a further step forward, and understanding martial arts It’s not that it’s not deep, but its vision is quite picky.

But this “Xinghuo Dafa” directly refers to the essence of martial arts, from the inside to the outside, from the world of oneself to the natural world, touching the laws of the operation of the world, it seems that it can indeed make people rank among the immortals, and the word “magic skills” is well-deserved

Qi Jinxiu’s expression changed after seeing it, and he felt that all his understandings in the past had been defeated, but a wider and more magnificent world appeared in front of him, which was intoxicating, while Yu Banshan was a little elated, and many difficulties encountered in his practice were explained With this miraculous skill, why worry about becoming a fairy?

However, such a fairy technique is only worth two taels of silver

When they thought about this, they felt that what they saw was as absurd as a dream.

“Enough is enough,” the shopkeeper couldn’t help interrupting them.

Qi Jinxiu glanced at Yu Banshan, gritted his silver teeth, took out his money bag, gave the money to the shopkeeper, and bought several cheat books.

If you don’t buy this magical power back, you will definitely not be able to sleep at night

Although what you see in the fairy world is grotesque, but the role of the magic itself is real

With two secret books in hand, Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu walked on the street in silence, as if they had been “denied” for half their lives.

“Magic skills are readily available, and the atmosphere in the fairy world is really extraordinary.” After a long time, Yu Banshan sighed.

Qi Jinxiu took a light breath and said, “This is our chance.”

There was a restaurant in front of them. The two felt a little tired after experiencing the violent ups and downs. They went in, prepared lunch, and took a rest.

The building was quieter than expected, because some people held strange things in their hands, immersed themselves in their studies, seldom made a sound, and there were lights and shadows floating on the wall facing the gate, which turned out to be a fierce battle scene. Fighting against evil spirits has attracted the attention of many diners, and from time to time there are voices of explanation coming from the light and shadow:

“The live broadcast of the battle between the monsters and monsters in the Burial God Desert has come to an end. Next is the South China Sea expedition. Let us experience the charm of the vast ocean together.”

Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu were inexplicably astonished at the sight of blue waves, undulating water waves, and sea monsters hiding below. Thoughts were running in their hearts, and they had many thoughts, but they couldn’t figure it out for a while.

After a long time, Yu Banshan said with emotion: “Thousands of miles are as close as you are, and the sky is in front of you. This is the power of gods.”

He probably figured out what he saw. The things in the sky appeared in front of his eyes, and he could still communicate with each other despite being separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. What is the power of the gods? This is the power of the gods.

“Letter exchange” Qi Jinxiu, who was extremely shocked, laughed at himself.

Yu Banshan’s ears moved slightly, listening to the gossip, he said via voice transmission: “Jinxiu, I listened to their discussion, and this immortal power seems to come from the so-called Talisman of Ten Thousand Realms.”

“Just now the shopkeeper in the bookstore also mentioned the Myriad Realms Talisman,” Qi Jinxiu recalled before.

“After lunch, let’s see where we can buy it.” Yu Banshan suggested.

Qi Jinxiu had no objection, the two of them went up to the second floor and asked for a secluded seat, while waiting for the dishes, they continued to browse through different annotations of Xinghuo Dafa, but changed it to browsing, to grasp the overall situation first.

“Jinxiu, your realm is roughly equivalent to the nine apertures of the fairy world, and I’m just entering the location.” Yu Banshan compared the realm description and made a preliminary judgment.

Different universes have different rules, and the level of ascension is different. When I saw myself in the middle of the mountain, I just entered the location for the first time, and I was a little lost for a while.

The exterior scene has Jiuchongtian, three ladders

“It turns out that Peerless, Grandmaster, and Great Grandmaster are the names of different realms of the location.” Qi Jinxiu turned to one of the pages of the collection edition, where there is a detailed division of realms for beginners to master common sense, “And after the location, it is called Dharma Body. So far Can be ranked in the class of immortals, Taoists call them immortals, and Buddhists call them arhats.”

Yu Banshan put down the book in his hand, moved to Qi Jinxiu’s side, and looked at the realm description together.

“After the human immortals are the earth immortals and heavenly immortals, corresponding to the Bodhisattvas of Buddhism., the Great Bodhisattva or the Great Arhat, and above that is the only legend in all worlds, known as the great power, the supernatural powers, and in Buddhism, he is the Buddha, and the so-called becoming a Buddha and the ancestor refers to this level.” Qi Jinxiu exclaimed .

This is the division of the fairy family

“After that, there will be fortune and the other side, but there is not much description.” Yu Banshan was thinking about the gods, and his mood was agitated for a while.

At this moment, a few more diners arrived, in full bloom, their voices were quite loud, and others could clearly hear them.

“Old Jiu, it’s another year of enrollment, are you going to go to the Weishan School, or go south?” someone asked.

A young man with an unruly temperament said: “I still practice on my own. There are a lot of experience summaries in the World of Universal Knowledge. Why join those sects?”

“The summary of experience is the summary of experience. Everyone is different. They can’t completely copy other people’s paths. They still need master’s guidance.” Being able to act as a backup will get twice the result with half the effort”

Both Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu nodded slightly, their words made sense.

Their attention was shifted there unconsciously.

The young man with a rebellious temperament let out a hey: “You know my ambition to travel thousands of miles to come to this city for what reason? Many people from far away come to settle here every year, and why?”

He suddenly pointed out the window, where there was a Lingxiu mountain peak, steaming in the clouds and mist, it was too beautiful to behold:

“It’s just for chance, it’s for joining this sacred place of immortals, Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain”

Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain were stunned for a while, and the Taoist temple they met last night appeared in their minds at the same time.

It is ordinary, but there is a plaque of “Yuxu Palace”.


That’s the Holy Land of Immortals

The young man continued: “Yunshen doesn’t know where to go, there is no chance, and I can’t reach Yuxu Palace, but I will try every month until I reach the age of 25. Once I am lucky enough to become a disciple of Yuxu, it will be more than a thousand times better than the Weishan School times”

“Yuxu’s head teacher Yuanhuang Immortal Venerable is the first and only self-proven power in the world. If he can win his favor, why not worry about martial arts? His two disciples are now well-known powerhouses in the world.”

“At present, all the stars are returning to restore the old appearance of the real world, showing the ancient atmosphere. If you don’t have high ambitions, how can you be worthy of this world?”

Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu looked at each other blankly.

The only legendary power in the world

The green-robed Taoist that I saw in the dark last night is the legendary Da Neng Yuanhuang Immortal Venerable

If you don’t have a chance, you can’t reach Yuxu Palace

We used to stay in Yuxu Palace, but left without caring

The two suddenly turned their heads to look, and through the window, they saw the mountain peak they had left. They saw that the fog was shrouded in haze, and the road was difficult to see.


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