I Honor

Chapter 1321

Ten Enough

Faced with the golden Buddha’s fluttering finger, Sha Wujing seemed to have returned to Lingshan, listening to the Buddha’s teaching, seeing the flowers blooming and falling, his heart was full of sentiments, he saw all appearances and non-appearances, and understood the illusion of the world , will immediately become a Buddha.

His tall and burly body gradually radiated a clear glazed light, as if he was about to condense into a golden body, just like before.

as before

That’s when this thought jumped out, similar to replaying his experience, he felt a sense of danger in his spiritual sense, and then he suddenly woke up, knowing that he had fallen into the boundless Buddha Dharma of “smiling flowers and smiling” from heart to heart

And the fingers that glowed with golden light and looked like flowers had already reached the center of the eyebrows.

It was too late, but soon, Sha Wujing’s body disintegrated suddenly, turned into countless water lights, condensed a little bit of wish power, danced in the sky, roared and fled, and reunited in another direction to form the body of a divine envoy, which could not be avoided. After Meng Qi’s Zhending Tathagata turned into a blow.

Seeing this, the golden Buddha was not depressed. He smiled at the corner of his mouth, spread his left hand, slightly bent his thumb, stretched his four fingers, and let them hang down naturally.

One after another Buddha’s lights burst out from the palms, some were like nectar from poplar branches, and some turned into giant golden palms, hitting towards Sha Wujing without missing anything.

However, Sha Wujing, who had avoided a smile, regained his powerful means, surrounded his body with a treasured staff, and the space was clear and clear. With the power of others, he derived divine consciousnesses, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas one by one, as if he had obtained a vacuum. The dual protection of the hometown and the pure land of Saha, this body has long been “detached” and is not subject to Purdue

When the nectar descends, the giant palm falls, and the void protected by thousands of gods and Buddhas creates ripples. You can often hear the divine voice chanting, ethereal and erratic, completely blocking this Tathagata palm.

One defense and one attack, the two sides can hardly tell the outcome for a while.

The Aquarius God Envoy fell into the large formation created by a sword, without changing his face, without fear, he poured out the mouth of the vase formed by his hands, and suddenly there was a billow of clear light gushing out, mixed withThe blossoming white lotus, full of supreme and insignificant aura, spreads to the surroundings in an attitude of helping the world and crossing people but repelling the rest.

The lotus blossoms bloomed, and the waves of water disintegrated, but each of them canceled out a sword light, but the clear light was endless, the lotus flower bloomed again after the defeat, and it was not affected at all. The burst fell apart.

This is the power of “vacuum hometown” to cross the river

When the Aquarius God Envoy was about to break out of the sword formation, there was a sudden blur in front of his eyes, and the color of each sword glow changed, all stained with blood yellow, but some were ethereal like water, and some were as deep as condensed, making the clear light sink or slow or fade away. Stagnation.

Just like handing the Jue Dao to the Eighty-Nine Incarnation, Meng Qi put the skeleton of Huang Quan on the swordsman to show the meaning of death and sinking, and enhance the destructive power of the two swords of Zhu Xian. Bottle Angel.

Compared with rolling curtains and treasure vases, the envoy who is in charge of the lamp is in danger. Although he is in charge of the peerless magic weapon, and although he has spread the wandering glass world in ten directions, the purple lightning sword is really strong and overbearing, and the glass world is full of cracks with just a few knives. , can be found everywhere, and that indestructible dao body glowing with light gold seems to be indestructible. The extraordinary places of all kinds of gods, beasts and birds can only be supported by the barrier, which can be broken at any time.

As expected of the Bawang Jue Dao, as worthy of being the envoy of the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu, he secretly sighed, and had a countermeasure in mind.

The last time Su Meng blew out the wandering lamp, he relied on the seal of opening the sky and the derived sword technique to forcefully cut through the darkness without light. Jiu Neng forced the imitation, but the level was still not good enough, most likely it couldn’t break the infinite chaos created by Youzideng.

Things change at any time, and supernatural powers that have not worked in the past may not work this time.

In the blink of an eye, the envoy who held the lamp made a decision, and blew out the wandering lamp in his hand with a whoosh.

Meng Qi’s avatar of eighty-nine profound arts suddenly went dark, no matter how intelligent his eyes were, no matter how unparalleled his spiritual sense was, he still couldn’t sense any movement around him, as if he had fallen into complete darkness, true chaos.


With a thought in his heart, he suddenly raised the Jue Dao and blocked it in front of him, just in time to block the divine light of the nine incarnations that came silently from the envoy in charge of the lamp, the divine light that can reverse the dharma body into the energy of chaos.

Afterwards, relying on the premonition of danger and eighty-nine fortitude, relying on the Overlord’s Sword and the Seventy-two Transformations, he was able to defend against the “absolute darkness” created by Youzideng, even if the attacks of Zhangdeng were everywhere, it was difficult to break.

And the Envoy in charge of the lamp didn’t force too much. After all, it was only the avatar that was trapped, so there was no need to take the risk of being injured to get rid of it. As long as you delay for a while, the avatar will dissipate by itself

Blossoming white lotuses descended from the sky, surrounded by clear light and ups and downs, bringing blissful detachment and a vacuum home full of tranquility, and the Fantian seal photographed by Meng Qi fell into it and gradually disappeared.

Seeing that he was blocking the palm, he realized that the palm lamp, vase and rolling curtain had all stabilized their positions against Su Menghua’s “Three Purities”. Relieved, it’s done.

As long as you hold on for a while, the great supernatural power of turning three cleans into one breath is hard to maintain, the avatar disappears, and the four envoys besiege, I’m afraid they won’t be able to take down Su Meng

At this moment, Meng Qi’s calm voice sounded in his ears:


What is enough?

Meng Qi put his hands in front of him, opened the clay pill, and flew out of the dim and dark Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun, as if the ancient celestial being descended, and said grandly and solemnly:

“That’s enough time to beat you”

The time before the avatar disappears, the deity is enough to defeat you



Can’t I keep your incarnation from disappearing?

The envoy of Fengdian felt humiliation and rage spontaneously in his heart, but immediately examined his thoughts and eliminated the negative emotions amplified by Yuanxin Seal.

Then he saw Meng Qi condescending, Qing Yun spinning, hanging down the dark light, forming seals with his hands, absorbing them, turning them into chaos, and then pushing them out suddenly.

The “Wuji Old Mother’s Incarnation Sutra” is rooted in Wuji seal, today I will let you see what is a complete Wuji seal with a general outline

After stepping into the legend, Meng Qi’s Wuji seal can be regarded as a real achievement

The sound of Feng Tiantai is dull, it shrinks the surrounding space, shakes the sky, and turns into an image of the Nine Heavens, which seems to deduce the surroundings into another world, in contact with the Dao, weaves its own rules, and humanity rules the sky

Pale golden sword light burst out from the depths, revealing Gao Lan’s phantom wearing a flat sky crown and Minghuang robes. He stands tall, holding the Human Emperor Sword in one hand and the Emperor’s Seal in the other. Thick and winding, like the lights of thousands of families.

“Humanity is heaven, and gods and ghosts are enshrined. Today, I am high-level, and in the body of ruling the Great Zhou and the emperor of all directions, I declare to the heavens: Shaoxuan, the descendant of the human emperor, has great merit and virtue, benefits the human race, and is sympathetic to the living beings. Lord, the lord of Ziqi, I hereby seal it.”

The color of the sky changed, and the purple air descended from the air, penetrating into Shaoxuan’s body, causing his aura to suddenly swell, and he could almost feel the scouring of time and the discomfort of being in a sea of ​​suffering.

Countless stars appeared all around, all twinkling, as if bowing their heads.

Although Feng Tiantai has not done his best yet, it has been refined and built for tens of thousands of years.Miraculous, after setting up the altar of the five emperors and five directions, you can confer immortality, but it is only limited to the altar with a radius of thousands of miles, and cannot leave the range of Changle, and it is also difficult to give the person who is conferred the power of heaven and earth beyond the legend.

This is one of Shaoxuan and Xi’e’s confidence to defend Fengtiantai

With a vast aura and the blessings of the stars, Shaoxuan looked at Maitreya, his eyes were shining like clouds, and he had the confidence to fight against him.

“Xi’e, the benevolent family of the Human Emperor, protects the human race with a benevolent heart, overcomes thorns and thorns, and illuminates the world. She should be the Tianzun of the Thunder Department and handle punishment”

Rumbling, as the sound of Gao Lan reverberated, thunder bursts, and lightning danced wildly, illuminating the place.

Countless violet thunderbolts condensed into cloaks, turned into crowns, descended from the sky, and put them on Xi’e, making her majestic.

In just two moments, Shaoxuan and Xi’e reached the level of good fortune, but the accumulated power of humanity and Feng Tiantai’s own miraculous power were almost consumed.

Facing the temporary “Ziwei Star Lord” and “Leibu Tianzun”, the two Bodhisattvas, Fahualin and Damiaoxiang, both felt the heavy pressure. The ethnographic bag sticks out.

This Buddhist supernatural being remembered as the future Buddha is about to show his power

The golden cymbals, a Buddhist utensil in front of his seat that had been infused with incense, could trap Monkey King in the middle of Journey to the West, and after this kind of utensil was broken, K could restore it to intact with a single finger

“Namo Amitabha.”

Maitreya whispered.


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