I Honor

Chapter 1322

Eleven Splendid Mountains and Rivers

“Namo Amitabha.”

Maitreya, who had been smiling all the time, showed a bit of compassion, as if I am not as good as whoever goes to hell, facing the temporary “Ziwei Star Master” Shaoxuan and “Leibu Tianzun” Xi’e, he threw his left hand forward, and the human race bag Then it flew out, changed in the wind, swayed and opened, and the blossoming white lotus inside was the attracting thing, covering all the three worlds in ten directions, and all living beings entered the Buddha’s kingdom.

This thing is made after the day after tomorrow, and it is destined to cross the world.

Seeing this ancient and famous Buddha treasure cover, Shaoxuan flew out one after another bright stars, a total of three hundred and sixty-five stars, forming a circle around him, trying to resist and absorb .

Each of these stars has an ancient meaning, penetrating all worlds, and has its own projections of galaxies from different universes. It is an “ancient star” born with the fairy world. The number is limited, and each one is majestic and powerful.

The starlight is like water, the formation is fortified, and the trend under the cover of the ethnic bag suddenly slows down.

Compared with Cai just now, Shaoxuan’s strength is already superior to the two Bodhisattvas Fahualin and Damiaoxiang. Even facing the human race bag and the future Buddha Maitreya, he does not seem to be inferior in the slightest.

At this moment, Maitreya pointed with his right hand, and his voice was like thunder, grand and solemn:


As soon as this sound came out, there seemed to be invisible golden cymbals on the top of Shaoxuan and Xi’e’s heads and under their feet, coming from infinite heights and infinite distances.


The ancient star projection around Shaoxuan’s body was crushed and collapsed, and he was covered by the human race bag, struggling to support himself at the mouth of the bag, and threw it slowly but firmly into it.

Even in the same realm close to good fortune, Maitreya also showed the power of a great supernatural being, and almost subdued Shaoxuan with a destructive attitude.

Of course, Feng Tiantai is also incomplete, and it is difficult for Shaoxuan to obtain the complete authority of Star Master Ziwei.

On the other side, Xi’e pulled her hands, and the doomsday boat reverberated, entwined with electric light, protecting her, resisting the absorption of the human race bag, but Fahualin and Great Miaoxiang Bodhisattva each exerted their magical powers, and the Buddha’s light was poured out. The Ganges made her stretched out, and it was extremely difficult.

Even if it’s everywhere, you can’t get rid of this situation

Maitreya didn’t care about Shaoxuan and Xi’e, his smile remained undiminished, and he slapped his thigh with his left hand, and the white lotus platform flew forward, surrounded by golden swastikas, lotus petals and Buddhist chants, he stretched out his right hand, turning into a giant palm, grabbed Feng Tiantai, wanted to uproot it and take it back to the Buddha Kingdom.

This palm covers all directions, layers of pure lands are superimposed, countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are lined up, and they recite the name of Maitreya together, so that people have nowhere to escape, and there is no escape.

On the stage, Gao Lan Xuying’s expression was condensed, his eyes were not panic-stricken, the aura of the Emperor’s Sword burst out suddenly, and the pale gold soared into the sky, turning into thirty-six streaks of black and yellow water, flying across the sky like a cloud, and slashed towards the pure land in Maitreya’s palm.

Sensing the advance change of the doomsday, Renhuangjian quietly awakened to the legendary level.

This is another confidence that Gao Lan, Shaoxuan and Xi’e dared to seal the roof.

“Namo Amitabha Buddha.” Maitreya proclaimed the Buddha’s name again, pressed down his fleshy palm, and the pure land Buddha’s light bloomed, unexpectedly suppressing the black and yellow water light with thirty-six merits and holy virtues.

However, when K’s palm continued to descend, the disintegrated black and yellow water light condensed again, turning into a picture of beautiful mountains and rivers, which was just a miniature of the current twenty-seven prefectures of Great Zhou.

They have their own colors, intertwine with each other, vaguely penetrate the earth, and connect their corresponding states.


There were slight shocks in the territory of the Great Zhou, and this picture of the splendid mountains and rivers resonated with the real world.

Maitreya’s palm stopped, and it stopped before he touched it.

Because if you attack this picture of splendid mountains and rivers, it is tantamount to attacking the territory of the Great Zhou, which is tantamount to attacking the core area of ​​the real world, which will inevitably bring about serious backlash.

This is the real world, the core of the heavens and myriad worlds second only to the nine secluded worlds of immortalsIn this place, good fortune and legendary power will be suppressed. If the damage is too great, the backlash can also threaten the existence of ks themselves.

This is the true meaning of the power of all beings to protect, and it is one of Gao Lan’s confidence

If Maitreya is the evil demon of Jiuyou, he can fight to see if the joy of Jiuyou can resist the backlash of the Great Zhou territory. Unfortunately, K is the future Buddha. He wants to build the Buddha Kingdom on the ground. Such actions that caused natural disasters and destruction caused the sambhogakaya to fall immediately, and the Buddhist kingdom fell instantly. Even if there is still the body of the body, it is still unable to maintain the strength of the legendary peak.

So K hesitated.

I didn’t expect that Fengtiantai could condense this beautiful picture of mountains and rivers before it was completely built successfully.

Looking at the cold and indifferent Gao Lan, Maitreya’s pressed right palm seemed to freeze in mid-air, and the smile on his face was a little more sighing.

Suddenly, the surrounding void that separated the two realms suddenly split open, and a golden light came out, cutting towards Gao Lan’s back, and when the picture of Jinxiu Mountains and Rivers resisted Maitreya, before he fell, it enveloped the entire Fengtiantai

This is a golden wing that looks like a sword, glowing with cold light, carrying the aura of eternity, and seized the best opportunity.

In the split void, a pair of golden eyes stared coldly.

“Peng benefactor” Maitreya whispered.

The great sage Peng Demon King of the monster clan who has not yet recovered to the level of good fortune has made a move

No matter the Buddhist sect or the demon clan, they will not watch Feng Tiantai stand up.

Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, kill the emperor

At this moment, a golden light flashed before Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu who were stunned, and saw the golden book bestowed by the head teacher Xianzun flipping rapidly, bursting out with immeasurable light, permeating the power of all living beings and the illusory shadow of money , condensed into a statue of the god of heaven that looks like Meng Qi.

Meng Qi’s Tianzun statue was expressionless. He took a step forward, punched out with his right hand, and the shadow of Qian intertwined with all living beings. Through the void, he penetrated the barrier and hit the golden wing directly, before it could cut it. Before high school.


The golden wings slowly fell, the power of all beings and the illusory shadow of money disintegrated, but they merged into the map of the beautiful mountains and rivers, covering Gao Lan and Feng Tiantai.

“Su Meng…” the Demon King Roc roared in astonishment.

Didn’t the God Envoy of Luo Sect isolate him from the real world and trap him in the projection of the vacuum hometown?

He ordered the unnamed disciples to travel around, just to wait for this blow

The cause of all effects can really deceive the world

“That’s enough time to beat you”

Accompanied by this voice, the envoy of Fengdian saw that Meng Qi made seals with both hands, and pressed the Chaos Wuji which he didn’t know exactly.

Feeling something in his heart, his scalp was numb, he hurriedly used his supernatural powers, flipping through the incarnation scriptures in his hand.

The blossoming white lotus flew out and was swallowed by chaos.

The clear light descended from the vacuum homeland was lingering, swallowed by chaos.

The sleeves are raised, the universe is recreated, and the reborn world is also swallowed by chaos

In just a short moment, the envoy of Fengdian displayed all kinds of supernatural powers, but the Wuji seal that he pressed was not slow at all, and it also distorted his sense of the direction of the void. Judging the speed of time, it seemed that he could only watch the Wuji seal. Knock down, there is no way.

Silently, the protective barrier he built before was also returned to its original form by Wuji Seal, and he could only resist it for a while with all his strength.

I can’t even block his blow

The God Envoy of Fengdian felt depressed and hopeless spontaneously.

No wonder he said this time is enough

The Wuji seal cast by Yuanshi’s real body is really not inferior to the palm of God’s palm cast by the complete Tathagata golden body

He sighed, and stopped struggling, but shook his hands, completely shattering the scriptures he was holding, turning them into gloomy and dark whirlpools.

There was a clear light in the vortex, which seemed to be connected to the depths of the vacuum. A hand that looked like a jade carving slowly protruded out, and the majestic breath directly slowed down the falling Wuji Seal.

This is a divine envoy who has not yet awakened in the future. This is a great supernatural being. Through the channel constructed by Fengdian, a trace of power is revealed through the deep sleep and the two worlds.

This is Luo Jiao’s method of besieging Yuxu Palace

Wusheng old mother is a big shot on the other side, how can she not judge Meng Qi’s strength?

With his palm out, the true spirit that Meng Qi was looking down on seemed to freeze, and he felt the horror of the Great Creator.

Just when he was about to completely burn himself and run Wuji, a melodious sound suddenly sounded in his ears:


The bell rang and echoed in the Three Realms, causing the palm to pause.

Meng Qi stared at the infinite height in astonishment, his inner thoughts fluctuated:

“The Bell Sounds So Familiar”

“It’s Yuxu bell ringing”

“Who rang the real Kunlun ancient bell in Yuxu Palace?”


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