I Honor

Chapter 133

Entering the Mountains (1350 votes plus updates)

“What’s the matter with that thunder?” Meng Qi felt shocked.

Xiaozi frowned Yuanshan, thought for a while and said: “It is rumored that when the demon lord was killed by the seal of heaven, he was also pierced through the body by the thunder spear of the god of the nine heavens. This should be the remaining energy and will of the thunder spear of the god of the nine heavens. One hundred thousand years later, it is still nailing the demon lord’s remnant.”

Hundreds of thousands of years of energy and will last forever Meng Qi really opened his eyes, the road ahead of the martial arts, it seems that the scenery is infinite

He took a deep breath, adjusted his direction, and said in a low voice, “Let’s go.”

The scariest thing in the devil’s tomb is not the demon, but the ubiquitous infestation of devil energy. The operation of his golden bell is getting more and more energy-consuming, as if he is guarding the tempering of evil, blood, killing, emotions, despair, etc. .

This made Meng Qi very strenuous, almost as if he had been distracted to fight when he was cultivating “in front of the door” of Huohu Hangui. If he hadn’t been enlightened, he would have been unable to hold on long ago, and the devilish energy would enter his body, obliterating his own nature.

So, without further ado, the sooner you leave, the better.

Wangshan ran a dead horse, and Meng Qi took Xiaozi for a full hour before arriving at the mountain peak transformed by the demon lord’s remnant body. Fortunately, for some reason, the more you go to this mountain peak, the fewer demons there are. They are all afraid of this place, afraid of this place, and dare not approach it.

When he reached the foot of the mountain, Meng Qi felt even more shocked. This pitch-black mountain was majestic and upright, soaring into the clouds, as if it was supporting the sky and the earth.

Its rocky peaks are scattered, not a single weed grows, sometimes there is dark red blood dripping down, and there is often black mist.

And the huge thunder that pierces the sky and the earth is brilliant purple, shining brightly, masculine and violent, like a spear, nailing the mountain peak.

The Lightning Lightning Snake jumped around, scattered the black mist, and fell on the demons one by one, covering the entire mountain with lightning.

Both have indescribable power. Even if he didn’t target Meng Qi, he still felt terrified and nervous. If it were an ordinary person here, his hands and feet would be weak and his shit would be gone.

Of course, Xiao Zi, who is clearly an ordinary person, was not affected. He just frowned slightly, and hid beside Meng Qi slightly trembling.

“Which way to go?” Meng Qi resisted the oppression brought by that kind of power, pointed to the foot of the mountain and said to Xiao Zi.

It can be seen that there are three other roads up the mountain in the distance, and they are all black air and thunder.

Xiao Zi crisply said: “It’s here, I didn’t know why before. Now I understand, the spirit of Thunder Spear of Nine Firmaments killed most of the demons on this road, and opened up a passage, which is relatively easier. It’s safe, just be careful of those scary guys, anyway, there is a way to get over it.”

She mentioned it deliberately to show her role. In order to prevent the compassionate Master Zhending from temporarily blinding his mind and committing the crime of breaking the precepts.

Crackling, purple electric lights scurrying around, dispersing and isolating the black air, naturally forming a road that can’t be called a road.

For ordinary people, this is obviously difficult to climb, but Meng Qi is excellent in lightness kung fu, carrying Xiao Zi. Still walking on the ground, walking through the electric light.

With one punch, it was as big as it was hard, and the demon in front of him flew upside down, the bones crackled, and the black flesh and blood were everywhere.flying everywhere.

Luo Shengyi withdrew his fist and looked at the dead four-armed demon. The inner qi circulated, and the clothes puffed up to isolate the devilish qi.

His face was extremely heavy, because part of his internal force was sucked away. And running at full strength all the time is a huge burden on the body.

He took out a bottle of elixir, swallowed it, and eased his own difficulties, then took out a yellow talisman and stuck it on his body.

The talisman ignites spontaneously without wind, bringing a little clean breath, helping him resist the infestation of evil energy, and giving his body a rest. As a master who has experienced many reincarnation missions, he has also encountered demons before, so he prepared some Although small items are not helpful in fighting demons, they can relieve a lot of stress.

“Where is this?” He murmured to himself with an unusually heavy face, thinking that the secret path was at the bottom of the Demon Lord’s Temple, and thinking that there was only one place in this world with strong demon energy, he vaguely guessed where he was.

The problem now is that the world is vast, where to go, how to get out of this dangerous place

He looked up at the blood moon in the sky, and suddenly saw four beams of light descending from the sky, including white clouds, wind howling, stars dotted, bright and clean, sword lights dazzling, directly into the mind, lightning and thunder, full of immortality .

With a bang, they landed in the distance, and the ground trembled violently, undulating continuously.

Luo Shengyi didn’t know where to go, but now he quickened his pace without hesitation, and rushed to the place where the four streamers landed.

A startled sky lights up, like a blue sky suddenly appearing, touching people’s hearts, as if there has been a subtle change between the heaven and the earth.

The sword light dissipated, and the long sword was firmly nailed between the eyebrows, penetrating several inches, destroying all vitality.

Pa, the huge demon fell to the ground on his back. He was dressed in black armor and held a black giant sword. He had a strong foul smell and his eyes were wide open.

Between breaths, the demon completely disintegrated, whether it was the body or the armor giant sword, they turned into black air and returned to the mountain peak.

Jiang Zhiwei’s right hand trembled, but he was still able to hold the long sword tightly, his face was pale, and he kept panting. Just now, this demon was almost half a step away from the outside scene. It was the most powerful enemy she encountered in the mountains. Yan Luotie was ineffective, so she had to break out “Sword Out of Self”, and fight quickly to avoid being dragged.

She took out the Baicao Pill and took it, hoping to recover some energy quickly, and then climbed to the top, looking in all directions, looking for Meng Qi and others.

Surrounded by purple thunder snakes, the ubiquitous devil energy was much thinner. Otherwise, Jiang Zhiwei’s current state would not escape the disaster of devil energy invading his body.

Even so, her skin was also stained with traces of black air, which were the remnants of being shredded by the burgeoning sword intent, and Jiang Zhiwei was powerless against them now.

After recovering a little, Jiang Zhiwei took the Baihong Sun Piercing Sword that had been corroded by the filth of demonic energy, jumped up the steep slope, and turned into the rear road. It was not far away at all.

At this moment, four beams of light pierced the sky, intersected with the purple thunder light, and thundered down on the four corners of the mountain.

Jiang Zhiwei turned his head to look, and saw four treasured soldiers, Fengyun Dao and Taihua Sword, each of them was magnificent and intertwined with the principles of law, suppressing the spreading black energy vigorously, and complementing the purple thunder.

She bit her lower lip, her expression mixed with joy and sorrow, as if the four great treasure soldiers had sealed the devil’s tomb. I and others can count as completing the main task and returning, not afraid of being obliterated, but if the four treasure soldiers want to seal the magic tomb, a good fight is necessary, and I have to try my best to recover. I don’t know how the little monk is doing now

In a dark red blood lake, bubbles tumbling. The stench is so bad that the demons in the vicinity dare not approach it.

Qi Zhengyan was covered in red clouds like flowers, half submerged and half floating in the lake, panting and recovering.

He killed many demons, but the more he walked to the peak, the stronger the demons became. It made him have the idea of ​​turning back and leaving, but after being entangled by the demon, he couldn’t escape even if he wanted to. He tried his best and exhausted his life-saving means to escape here. He originally thought that he would die here. Who knew that after being knocked into the blood lake, the evil spirits would not dare to get close.

“Is there something weird about this blood lake?” Qi Zhengyan saw that the demon dared not approach and would not leave, so after recovering a little, he sank the pot to the bottom of the lake, wanting to see what made the demon afraid.

The blood rippled and seeped into the ears and nose, and Qi Zhengyan had opened his eyes. He was not afraid of seeing things under the water, so he looked carefully at the bottom of the lake under the dim light, but found nothing. There were no stones or aquatic plants here, except the pitch-black ground. nothing.

“Strange” After he couldn’t find it everywhere, he had to surface and slowly approach the side with fewer demons, looking for a way to escape.

It’s strange to him. As he approached, those demons backed away slowly, then turned around and fled.

“What’s going on here? Could it be that the water of the blood lake that is stained on my body can also scare the demons?” He was quite surprised, and carefully drilled out of the water, approaching a demon.

The demon suddenly trembled and fled in a hurry.

After trying several times, Qi Zhengyan was finally sure, with a rare smile on his expressionless face: “This lake water is precious.”

He found a bottle of Huanhuajianpai wound medicine, threw away the pills inside, filled a small bottle of lake water for backup, and then ran towards the peak.

Suddenly, he saw four beams of light rushing towards and falling nearby, the breath spread and suppressed the mountain peak.

He thought about it, and finally chose to go to the peak.

The path Xiao Zi chose was indeed safe.Quan, along the way, Meng Qi didn’t encounter any evil spirits, and when he was about to approach the peak, Xiao Zi stopped suddenly.

“Master, be careful, there should be a particularly powerful demon in front.” Xiao Zi and Meng Qi got to know each other a lot during the journey, and they didn’t call them nondescript masters anymore.

“About how powerful it is?” Meng Qi asked cautiously.

Xiao Zi shook her head: “I don’t know, it’s just mentioned in the clues that it is said to be the most powerful demon in the whole mountain, maybe it’s close to the location.”

Meng Qi frowned and said, “Then how come?”

“Don’t worry, that demon is strong enough to be strong, but it is the result of the wounded place of the demon master. His facial features are dull, and he can detect the enemy only by induction. Be careful, and he can sneak past.” Xiao Zi’s words made Meng Qi quietly heave a sigh of relief. I have the magic of phantom, which is a sharp weapon against psychopathy, just be careful and avoid eyes and ears.

So, his brows bulged, his spirit was released, he wrapped himself and Xiao Zi next to him, and pulled her forward cautiously.

Turning around a rock wall, Meng Qi saw a demon standing in front of him. He looked like a human being, but his eyes were blood red, full of cruelty. , the internal organs disappeared, the head collapsed, and the brain was gone.

Even though they were far away, Meng Qi could still feel the terrifying magic power, which was stronger than any enemy he had ever encountered. Of course, the crying old man didn’t count.

He waited patiently, waiting for the demon’s chance to look away.

Just at this moment, the wind and cloud turmoiled, sword energy criss-crossed, and four beams of light descended from the sky, causing a strong shock.

The demon had a ferocious face, jumped a few times, and landed on the edge of the cliff, screaming at the Taihua Sword.

The opportunity was not lost, Meng Qi didn’t think too much about the arrival of the four treasured soldiers, he was mentally wrapped up, and pulled Xiao Zi through the pass very carefully.

After walking another distance, Meng Qi saw a stone gate, which isolated the peak from the road below.

The demonic energy rolled over the stone gate, drawing all kinds of evil seal characters, which made people’s scalp tingle and it was hard to control themselves.

“Behind the door is the peak, as long as you can control your inner emotions, you can push through the stone door.” Xiao Zi whispered.


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