I Honor

Chapter 134

The Devil’s Tomb Collapse (1650 votes plus updates)

“You are late.”

The afterimage of the demon lord waited for eternity, with an immortal will, and it seemed that he wanted to say such an insignificant sentence, which made people puzzled and made Meng Qi very puzzled and surprised.

It seems that as long as someone breaks in, he will say this obsession in his heart, so that the will will disappear and the afterimage will disappear.

Did he say this to himself, or was it the person who waited for eternity but never came, or someone who looked at him here before the boundless years?

If someone has obtained his inheritance in advance, why does his will continue to exist, waiting to say such a sentence

If it was so long ago, he sighed so much to people, why would he not let go of his obsession and keep it to this day?

Countless questions flooded Meng Qi’s mind, and he didn’t know how to explain this weird scene.

As the demon lord’s figure slowly dissipated, the pitch-black mountain suddenly shook violently, the mountain wall slipped, and the rocks cracked, as if encountering a terrible earthquake.

There was a roaring sound from the depths of the pitch-black gravel-covered earth, with constant ups and downs and cracks everywhere. The dark red blood moon dragged a long tail of flames and landed in the distance.


The blood moon fell to the ground, the explosion was violent, and the sky was full of smoke and dust.

The demon howled loudly, but its body dissipated uncontrollably, black flesh fell off, and the snow-white bones withered.

The whole devil’s tomb looked like the end of the world, and it seemed that it was about to fall apart, which made Meng Qi recover from countless questions.

Suddenly, with a movement in his heart, the Red Sun Suppressing Evil Knife swung obliquely, cutting off the mysteries derived from the cleanliness, with a faint charm, and slashed towards Xiao Zi with wonderful traces.

She didn’t know when she unlocked her acupoints, regained her martial arts, with a graceful figure, and the swallow swooped in to attack.

The knife falls, the palm is turned, and the person retreats.

“Xiao Zi” looked at Meng Qi with a smile. Without the slightest bit of guilt, he said: “When did you guess that I am no longer Xiao Zi?”

Meng Qi waved his hands cleanly, with a calm face, neither anger nor fear in his heart, and he said plainly: “I have always been on guard against Gu Xiaosang.”

Regardless of whether it was Xiao Zi or not, the necessary precautions had to be taken, and besides, the devil’s tomb had already begun to collapse. As long as I don’t get killed in seconds, I have a great chance of surviving. If it weren’t for the vitality hidden in it, I wouldn’t push the door in at all.

However, is it because my acupoint acupuncture technique is too poor, or Gu Xiaosang has another magical technique, Shanneng rushes open the acupoints silently?

Gu Xiaosang giggled coquettishly and said, “It’s thanks to the mage who realized the true meaning of Ananda’s breaking the precepts of the saber technique. Otherwise, I would have to take the risk of opening the door by myself. With such a great kindness, I will leave you with a whole corpse.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Qi only felt the aura around him change, collapsing in the direction of Gu Xiaosang, and he couldn’t help but rush forward, and the stone tablet of Long Wen Feng Shu seemed to be pulled by an invisible hand. Soared into the sky and flew towards Gu Xiaosang.

Meng Qi was not greedy for the Heavenly Court Boundary Monument, and devoted himself to dealing with Gu Xiaosang. Although he now has the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle and the Death Dart, the Golden Bell Cover has entered the fifth level, and Ananda broke the precepts of the saber technique. Realized the second formula “falling into the world of mortals”. But the gap with her will not be greater than that after enlightenmentThe gap with An Guoxie is small

Fortunately, I don’t need to defeat her, as long as I hold on for a while, the tomb will completely disintegrate, and the main task will be over-fulfilled, and I will be able to return to the world of reincarnation.

However, in the face of an enemy with such a large gap in strength. Pure defense cannot last long. Only with a desperate heart and using offense instead of defense can the enemy be scrupled. gain time

Regarding this point, Meng Qi thought very clearly, without being stingy or hesitant, he had an extra metal black tube in his left hand, which reflected the thunder light and gave off a cold light.

Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle

Meng Qi aimed at Gu Xiaosang by collapsing his aura, and lightly pressed the trigger button. Immediately, a silver glow filled the sky, like a torrential rain, and rushed towards Gu Xiaosang.

At the same time, he slashed out with the red sun suppressing evil knife in his right hand. Greed, hatred, ignorance, parting of love, resentment and hatred, fear, the suffering of the world, all kinds of past, seem to appear before his eyes.

After realizing “falling into the world of mortals”, Meng Qi’s “duan Qingjing” became even more samadhi, as if with a single knife, the pure Zen forest turned into a boundless sea of ​​suffering, which is difficult to escape, and he does not want to escape

Faced with the double attack of the rainstorm pear blossom needle and “duan Qingjing”, Meng Qi’s strongest ultimate move, Gu Xiaosang still had a slight smile on his flawless face. She continued to spin in front of her, forming a terrifying vortex of air flow, which surrounded the dense silver light.

Then, the vortex dissipated, and the air flow overflowed, flying around with the rainstorm pear blossom needle, and landed clangingly.

After Gu Xiaosang swung his palms together, all the ribbons on the white skirt were lifted up, floating like a celestial being, and there was something ethereal and picturesque nearby, as if a compassionate and sacred voice descended.

“The world of mortals is like a prison, all living beings are suffering, samsara is endless, sorrow is endless, pity me the world, there is a god descending from heaven, there is no old mother, and the homeland is empty”

“No birth mother, a vacuum hometown”

She turned her palm into a finger, and the air flow retracted, collapsing in front of Meng Qi’s knife, creating a strong suction force, as if Meng Qi had taken the initiative to send Jiedao to her finger.

The light condenses, the knife disperses, and Meng Qi even takes a few steps back, only to feel that his whole body’s essence, blood and inner energy are rolling uncontrollably. If it wasn’t for his “Break Clean” and extraordinary moves, he might have turned into a mummy

“I can’t bear to kill you if you can make two great tricks in a row.” Rainstorm Lihua was still in great danger against Gu Xiaosang, so she didn’t take advantage of Meng Qi’s difficult time to attack, and she was taking a breather. At the same time, She caught the Heavenly Court Boundary Monument, and by some means, she saw that the stele rapidly became smaller, and soon it was only the size of a palm, and she took it into her pocket.

The afterimage of the demon master almost disappeared, and the energy of Thunder Spear, the Nine Heavens God, kept expanding and shrinking, as if he couldn’t find the target.

The mountain shook violently, as if it would collapse at any time, and the pitch-black land in the distance had been completely divided by a deep rift.

“But who told Xiao Zi to like you?” Gu Xiaosang looked at Meng Qi who was posing again, and said with a smile, “Let you try everything.”

While speaking, the wind picked up suddenly, and the air currents fluttered. Meng Qi, whose brows were swollen, vaguely felt that there were invisible threads wandering nearby, catching them, and stretching towards him from all directions.

This is her weapon, right? Meng Qi suddenly realized this, and then sank his mind, intending to use the “Luo Hongchen” he had just comprehended to achieve the unexpected effect.

He didn’t use to sacrifice his life before, he just planned to mobilize “Luo Hongchen” now

Looking at the current situation, as long as this knife can interrupt Gu Xiaosang’s attack, he is expected to support until the tomb collapses.

The figure of the demon master completely dissipated, the lightning of the purple thunder spear froze in the air, and his will faded away. Essence began to drain rapidly, Gu Xiaosang took a step forward, the silk flow converged, cutting towards Meng Qi

Meng Qi was about to execute the “Sacrifice of Life” when suddenly a purple light flashed in front of his eyes, and there was a loud bang in his ears, and he was shocked on the spot.

The last trace of energy remaining in “Nine Firmaments Thunder Spear” unexpectedly changed. The thick purple lightning directly slashed at Meng Qi

Gu Xiaosang was stunned, he didn’t dare to rush forward, his footsteps slipped, like dancing on ice, and he retreated.

No matter how much the remaining energy of the Thunder Spear of the Nine Heavens God has dissipated, it is a symbol of the authority of the ancient Thunder God. It has its own mysteries, and if it is not a last resort, it should never be resisted.

Meng Qi was locked on by the last trace of the Nine Heavens God’s Thunder Spear, his soul and body were paralyzed as if struck by lightning, and he had no ability to move at all, so he had to watch helplessly as the purple lightning landed on the back of his hand.


This time the thunder directly exploded in Meng Qi’s body, and he only felt that the related acupoints of the ear orifices were blown away one by one.


Thunder came again. But it lacked the mystery of directly shaking the acupoints, but there were purple lightning around his body, crackling, constantly tempering Meng Qi’s golden bell cover, making the dark golden light come and go, gradually condensing.


As the voice gradually died down, Meng Qi came back to his senses and found that Zidian and Leiming were all gone. And there was a bright purple trace on the back of his hand, shaped like lightning, with a touch of majesty and dignity.

The thunder mark shrinks inward and slowly disappears, but Meng Qi knows that if he pushes it with all his strength, the thunder mark will reappear on the back of his hand again.

“What is this?” Meng Qi was quite stunned. Why did the spirit of Thunder Spear of Nine Heavens God choose him? What is the use of this thunder mark?

Moreover, under the washing of the lightning energy just now, the fifth joint of his golden bell cover is climbing steadily, and he is not far from perfection.

Most importantly. The thunder that seemed to come from above the sky, with an unimaginable soundWonderful, the nine related acupoints of my ear acupoints have been opened, and I only need to condense it later.

Normally speaking, Meng Qi condenses an acupoint into three steps: the stimulation of true energy, the slow opening of the hole, and the condensing according to the law. The first two take the most time. Therefore, he originally planned to spend six to seven months to condense the ear orifices. From the point of view, it can be completed within a month, and the time saved can be tried without the aid of pills, and it can be sharpened normally to make up for hidden dangers.

These thoughts flashed through Meng Qi’s mind, and then subsided immediately, because the enemy couldn’t be distracted.

Gu Xiaosang looked at the scene just now in amazement, with a confused expression and slightly parted lips, revealing a bit of youthful girlishness which is rare.

She came back to her senses, with a smile on her lips: “Okay, everyone is evened, I get the Heavenly Court Boundary Monument, and you get the Spirit of Thunder, so you can die with peace of mind.”

Before the words were finished, because the demon lord’s will disappeared, the spirit of Thunder Spear of Nine Heavens God disappeared, and the entire pitch-black mountain collapsed slowly, and the water waves on the top of the mountain shook, as if something had been broken.

“Little Monk” Jiang Zhiwei raised his sword and appeared in one corner, his face turned pale, and he looked at Meng Qi with a little surprise.

But she came back to her senses immediately, and made Yan Luotie to Gu Xiaosang.

On the other side, Qi Zhengyan, who was covered in blood stains, emerged, with a bit of astonishment on his usually expressionless face.

Chixia turned around, and he looked at Gu Xiaosang cautiously.

For such a situation, Meng Qi thought deeply, maybe coming from different roads, there will be different stone gates, and you will see different views of the peak. This may be an illusion, or it may be the overlapping of different spaces.

But judging from the fact that they all belonged to themselves in the end, this is where the devil’s will and afterimages really exist.

Gu Xiaosang was under siege in an instant, but she was not afraid at all, and said to Jiang Zhiwei with a smile: “You seem to have used the sword to escape from me again, and your condition is not very good.”

She didn’t wait for Jiang Zhiwei’s answer, and then looked at Qi Zhengyan carefully, with a slightly weird expression on her face, “You actually managed to come up alive?”

While speaking, her body gradually became transparent, and the surrounding white lotus blossomed with a delicate fragrance.

After getting the Tianting Boundary Monument, her mission will be considered complete. As for the main line, etc., she has already prepared the deduction for good deeds.

Therefore, with a clear purpose for this trip, she chose to return without hesitation before the battle started.

Meng Qi saw that Jiang Zhiwei was not in good condition, and he was unwilling to fight Gu Xiaosang here, so he just watched her leave and she was almost intact. Although he and Qi Zhengyan had their own unique skills, they were far behind her in strength and consumed the same amount of energy. many.


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