I Honor

Chapter 1389

: The Strange Seal

After a few ups and downs in his thoughts, Meng Qi had already made up his mind, no matter what, he would never go wrong if he tried.

In the current situation, because the Qing Emperor has crossed the sea of ​​suffering and become the only person on the other side of the world, the forces of all parties have to stop. Since the beginning of the last robbery, there has finally been a relatively stable environment, and it seems to last for a long time, until other people on the other side Come back fully awake.

However, one must have the mentality of “preparing for danger in times of peace” in practice and doing things. You can’t relax because of this, lower your requirements on yourself, and prevent various accidents from happening. The origin of the matter is malicious, such as Emperor Zhenwu’s strange state and inexplicable power, there may be variables.

More importantly, Qingdi, who is ups and downs in the sea of ​​suffering, has only one goal, and that is to reach the other shore, and now that he has attained Bodhi, he will inevitably have other “demands”. , Jiuyou and Yincao Jifu will have their own ideas, whether such ideas can coincide with the interests of myself, my eldest brother and others

Although he has the cause and effect of helping K to prove the Tao, it is impossible to control it too broadly, and if human affection is consumed, there will always be a day when the cause and effect will be cleared up.

In the final analysis, Emperor Qing’s thinking is “God’s will, and God’s will has been high and difficult to ask since ancient times. The only thing practitioners in the world can do is to improve themselves as soon as possible, and strive to one day jump out of the chessboard and become “God’s will”

In a flash of light, Meng Qi jumped into the infinite heights, and saw the ancient, magnificent, majestic and far-reaching Yuxu Palace, and the thirty-six ancient wells surrounding it.

A glazed lamp protruded from the eyes, and the “causes of all fruits” combined with Yuxu’s magical calculations were running rapidly. Meng Qi’s eyes were black and white, and finally fixed on one of the ancient wells.

Stepping through this ancient and modern mouth will avoid the “Yuanshi Projection” that already has independent consciousness. Although I am not afraid of K’s with my current state strength, there is no need to do unnecessary fights and killings.

Taking a step forward, Meng Qi plunged into the ancient well. Before his eyes, there was darkness floating, a dark vortex, time and space were chaotic, and terror arose secretly. He didn’t know where it was leading to a mysterious place or an ancient universe.

Just as he pierced through numerous illusory curtains and came to a universe, his body suddenlyHowever, he was drawn into the strange world by Peiran’s irresistible suction, and became one with the sleeping, indescribable innate god

The whole process was as natural as the opening of the world and the end of the era, as if determined by the Dao, and Meng Qi’s miraculous “cause of all effects” could only cooperate.

Of course, it wasn’t that he couldn’t cut off this fusion connection, but that he realized in an instant that this innate god was the “Yuanshi projection” of this world, and after the “Yuanshi Tianzun” disappeared, he still failed to produce independent consciousness. In a state of deep sleep, as long as I step into this universe, I must have contact with K, and naturally absorb K and turn it into my own “imprint of him and me”. If I don’t want to do this, the only way is not to enter this place.

Figures emerged around Meng Qi, and other “other images” such as Brahma came out one after another, and the innate gods just stood out among them.

K is indeed the pioneer of this universe, the beginning of all things, and defeated the other projections from the other side, wiped them all out, gained absolute control of this place, understood all the details of the universe, and carried the weight of heaven and earth.

These information turned into a huge and terrifying torrent, and with the absorption of the “imprint of others”, it poured into Meng Qi’s mind. If he hadn’t proved the legend by himself, he would definitely have his head blown off. He couldn’t bear the astronomical figure. The frenzied flow of information is still the same, and it took him a long time to bring them under his control.

Just after finishing all this, Meng Qi suddenly let out a soft “Huh”.

According to part of the information flow, as well as the dark and starless surroundings, and the slow-moving state of time, one can draw a conclusion that the previous “Yuanshi Projection” and now one’s “other and self imprint” are in a sealed state, so that only Can slightly feel the bits and pieces of the boundless universe, but cannot transmit half of the power

K seems to be shut down in the “little black room” and “Yuanshi projection” in the closed universe leading to the ancient well of Yuxu Palace.

Could it be that some great figure from the other side took advantage of the opportunity of “Yuanshi Tianzun” disappearing into the world, infiltrated the influence, and prepared to gradually seize control, and because the “Yuanshi Projection” was in a deep sleep, it was easily sealed despite its huge power

“Similar universes are isolated from the outside world, their essence is close to the real world, and they are not so easy to penetrate. Before the big men on the other side wake up completely, there is not much they can do.” Meng Qi put away all kinds of emotional thoughts and thought calmly, “That is to say , I have enough chances to stop the other party’s plot, unravel this extremely ingenious seal, and at the same time use this kind of collision to glimpse the real purpose of the other side’s struggle.”

He has already tried the seal, and the essence is not strong, but it is miraculously connected with the whole world. If he wants to break it, he must either find the key or directly destroy this universe, which is quite tricky.

Of course, this seal is to isolate the “Yuanshi projection”, so it cannot prevent Meng Qi from leaving, but every time he steps in, it will be the seal and cannot be bypassed.

Meng Qi sat cross-legged inside the pitch-black seal, a torrent of information flashed in his eyes, and he began to look for when the seal started.

After a while, he found that the seal was rooted in the long river of time in this place, as if it appeared at the opening of the world, until the end of the universe, there was no beginning at all, so he changed direction, looking for the initial bad change or out of control Where does the change come from.

All the details of the past in this universe emerged in Meng Qi’s mind, and most of the future should have been clear because of this, but at a certain joint, a strange variable stood out, disturbing the long river of fate, making the tributaries chaotic, and now it is evolving , it seems that there are some bad possibilities.

Variables are like a little light, shining through Meng Qi’s eyes, and the image of the universe is partially enlarged, from galaxies to galaxies, from galaxies to stars, and from stars to a certain planet.

“It’s over there.” Meng Qi closed his eyes, exuded powerless consciousness, and cast there, to see if he could find the key to unlock the seal.

Although the seal here is ingenious, it has no absolute essential power after all, and it is an external variable, which happens to have more consciousness than the previous “Yuan Shi Projection”, which is not covered by the original, so it can be concealed and infiltrated a little.

The only problem is that such awareness is powerless.

As the consciousness approached, all the information related to this place emerged one by one. Only the part disturbed by variables was hard to perceive. Meng Qi thought for a while, and found the Taoist Gathering who had an extraordinary status but had already sat in the deep mountains and old forests. undecomposed body.

The drizzle was flying, the long street was washed, the sky and the earth were dark, and the dark clouds were dense.

A carriage drove into the capital, stopped at a certain alley, the door opened, and a black-robed Taoist stepped out. He had a clean appearance and no umbrella.

The visitor was none other than Meng Qi who had incarnated as a gathering of Taoists.

In the depths of the palace city, there are many palaces and pavilions. A figure saw the lead cloud forming a swirl, as if forming a gate leading to Jiuyou, and said in a heavy tone:

“Your Majesty, the number of days has changed”

In an ordinary courtyard, there are guards hidden in the dark, and there are more than a dozen people dressed as Taoists or civilians in the wing room.

“Father is so determined to destroy Dao and ruin the concept, so I have no choice but to pretend to agree, otherwise I will be thrown into the sky prison immediately. I am afraid that all Taoist priests and heroes will have to calm down temporarily to avoid the limelight.” A bearded man The man in his thirties sighed.

There is a Taoist next to himBefore he could speak, the room was suddenly quiet, and all eyes looked outside, towards the gate of the courtyard.

A black-robed Taoist was bathing in the rain, approaching like a leisurely stroll, without concealing his behavior

“Gathering Daoist Priests,” a grey-bearded Taoist priest frowned and said in a low voice.

Taoist Yunji and the others looked at each other suspiciously.

This is a senior among the seniors of the Daoist sect. He was born into the world long ago and disappeared without a trace. How could he suddenly appear at this important juncture today?

The lonely man winked and led a few people back into the secret passage of the wing room to hide, while the rest of them opened the door and welcomed them into the courtyard, only to see the handsome Taoist priest in black walking step by step without hesitation.

“But Senior Gathering,” the grey-bearded Taoist asked hastily.

Meng Qi smiled slightly: “The old Taoist watches the sky at night and sees that the Taoist sect is in danger, so he deliberately entered the world and came to help.”

At this time, a Taoist priest with a rosy face and a dignified self frowned and said: “Senior is old, and my skill is probably not as good as it used to be.”

As a master, he could see that Meng Qi’s footsteps were flimsy and he didn’t have any martial arts skills. Was he here to help or to cause trouble?

Meng Qi looked at him with a smile: “Friend Li Chongkang, right? You tossed and turned last night. You wanted to surrender to the court several times, but you stopped by the door. What happened?”

Li Chongkang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was furious: “You are talking nonsense!”

But there was an uncontrollable fear in his heart, and his whole body felt cool. At that time, he did have hesitation, but he didn’t talk to himself or talk to anyone. It seemed that he was just tossing and turning, pacing back and forth, which was quite normal. To be able to express the thoughts hidden in my heart

It’s so inhuman

Li Chongkang, the master of the Cangtian Temple in the capital, can call the wind and rain, and attract thunder and lightning. He once hoped to become the celestial master of the dynasty, but he fell short. Now he secretly raises two concubines, but has no heirs. Unconsciously, all the details about Li Chongkang came to Meng Qi’s mind. In his eyes, the other party has no secrets, and so do all the Taoist knights here.

As the creator god who shoulders the burden of the universe, coming to the mortal world is like walking into a book written by himself, knowing the past secrets and approximate fate of each character, only the variables are unpredictable.

“September of the seventh year, did today’s day get any unusual items?” Ignoring Li Chongkang, Meng Qi asked a strange question.


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