I Honor

Chapter 1390

Stealing Books

“September of the seventh year, did today’s world get any unusual items?”

There was a patter of rain, and the surrounding green bricks were washed away. Moisture got into the noses of Taoist priests and knights, and inexplicable questions echoed in their ears.

Eyes met, looking at each other, each face showed a blank expression, now it is the end of March in the twelfth year of Taikang, who can know or remember what special items were obtained today in July five years ago, especially in that year nothing major happened

Meng Qi first disrupted everyone’s suspicion with a surprise rhetorical question, and then relying on the seniority of Taoists gathered so that everyone present did not dare to do it again, and quietly gained the dominance of the aura in the courtyard, so he just asked about the seven-year-September event, but The result was not satisfactory, and the important node where the variable played a role was annihilated in history

While thinking about it, he was about to continue to ask questions, but he heard a warm and majestic voice from the side room: “The real person is worthy of the Taoist sages, and he was able to detect the abnormality in September of the seventh year of Taikang in the turbulent situation.”

Meng Qi looked over, only to see a man with a beautiful beard walking out at the pace of a dragon and a tiger, and said in a slow tone: “Since the father and the grand master violently attacked and killed Xu Tianshi during the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, I am alone Thinking hard about one thing, why did they, who were only three and four kalpas on the surface, suddenly increase in strength, passed through many barriers, and respectively possessed the realm of six and seven kalpas, so that Xu Tianshi, who was oppressing the world, died tragically on the spot. ”

“After many years of investigation, combined with his father’s act of destroying Dao and promoting Buddha, he finally found clues. In the first half of the seventh year of Taikang, he and the grand master were indeed only capable of three or four kalpas, but in September of that year, An unnamed monk secretly visited the father, and in December, a concubine privately revealed that the father had already reached the level of four kalpas.”

According to Meng Qi’s knowledge, the way of cultivation in this universe is to temper the soul and polish the body. After reaching a certain level, one can usher in a thunder calamity, and every time a thunder calamity is passed, the strength will be greatly improved, especially the seven calamities are a pass. There will be a transformation of the essence, so a few kalpas are often used here to describe the realm of a master.

At the beginning, Xu Tianshi of the Daoist sect used the strength of the Daoist Daoist of the Seven Tribulations to suppress the luck of the Daoist sect and deter the evil spirits in the world. He was the real number one master. Becoming one of the four great heavenly masters of the current dynasty, and developing to the present, it has become a situation of destroying Dao and promoting Buddha.

“It’s really not easy for the Ninth Prince to see that this matter is abnormal.” Meng Qi nodded slightly, as if confirming the description of the bearded man.

It turned out to be an unnamed monk who will be the manifestation of the will

The Nine Kings paused, stopped a foot in front of Meng Qi, and said sincerely: “The real man can be sure that Father got something extraordinary from that unknown monk.”

Meng Qi’s beard and hair were wet, and he smiled with his hands behind his back: “Although the old way is superficial, there is no miscalculation in this matter, and we can even be sure that today’s emperor and the grand master’s strengths will suddenly surpass each other.It is this thing that is the key to the rapid advancement and the ability to hide from fellow Taoists to repeatedly overcome thunder disasters, but it has never been clear what it is. ”

“Gu can try to check it out.” Jiu Wang nodded thoughtfully.

A peerless treasure that can help people advance by leaps and bounds and survive thunder disasters

The conversation between the two was heard by Li Chongkang and others. At first, it was surrounded by clouds, mountains and mist, and they didn’t understand it.

The source of the current situation can be traced back to the seventh year of Taikang

Originally, because of Meng Qi’s vain footsteps, lack of martial arts and mana, they had doubts and suspicions gradually. Maybe it wasn’t that the opponent’s strength was weak, but that he was too advanced, so that he returned to the basics, and he and others couldn’t see the specific situation at all.

It is said that the real person Yunji entered the mountain and passed away in order to survive the seventh thunder disaster and obtain a chance of survival

“Thank you Ninth Prince.” Meng Qi slapped his head and said with a straight face, “Return to Miyagi within half an hour, otherwise you will be suspected.”

Just as the Nine Kings were about to say something, their ears twitched a few times, and then their expression changed slightly: “Thank you for reminding me, Daoist.”

After saying that, he led several followers away in great strides without any hesitation.

Meng Qi turned his head, glanced at Li Chongkang and other Taoist knights, and said with a half-smile: “Dear fellows, remember to return to your residence tonight. If you have important things to take away, relatives and disciples should inform you. Try to hurry before You hour. , don’t approach Nancheng after dark.”

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward, crossed the crowd, and walked straight into the wing room, leaving a sentence echoing:

“The old man will stay here tonight.”

All the people present are the mainstay of the current Daoist forces in the capital. Although after several cleansings, there are no more masters of the fourth calamity or above, but they have all survived the thunder calamity at least once. , those are all extravagant figures who can establish a sect, but now they are so ignored, and when they hear the prophecy of doom, they are shocked, angry and suspicious for a while.

Creaking, the door of the wing room closed, the candle was lit, illuminating the window, and Meng Qi’s figure writing with a pen was reflected.

Taoist Bi Chongde Bi, who was the first to recognize Yunji’s identity, stroked his gray beard, took a step forward and said, “Senior Yunji, what did you say just now?”

“It’s too late today, I’ll ask tomorrow morning.” The old and indifferent voice came out, without emphasizing the tone, but everyone could feel the determination.

Playing tricks and bluffing others, Li Chongkang couldn’t help but curse secretly, and then asked his other companions using his spiritual sense:

“There seems to be something wrong with Yunji. The breath of Lei Jie is no longer there, and the martial arts training is no longer there. I am afraid that what he said may not be done accurately.”

“Never mind him, I’d rather believe what’s there or not.” “Do you think the Ninth Prince also believes in Senior Yunji?” The answers were different, but they were all the same. Believe it.

So everyone split up, rushed back to each house, secretly picked up the relatives and disciples they valued, took away important items, and hid in the place they thought was the safest.

Li Chongkang hid in the private room of a brothel, changed into ordinary clothes, surrounded by several disciples and capable men, and looked at the night view of the capital.

Just after you hour, flames suddenly burst out from the place where the Cangtian Temple was located, and there were sounds of shouting and killing. Not only that, all the hidden or not hidden Taoist temples in the south of the city were ignited, black smoke billowed, and the sound shook the sky. fierce battle.

“Being able to attack multiple places at the same time obviously has been prepared for a long time. If you are still in Nancheng after dark, you are likely to be targeted.” Li Chongkang muttered to himself, with a little cold sweat on his forehead. The real person can really foresee this matter, but after three times of thunder calamity, he who has cultivated the “Tianshu Nine Transformations Dafa” can deduce it vaguely and see no danger.

“Could it be that he really returned to the basics, even better than Xu Tianshi back then?” Li Chongkang was a little trembling.

At this time, Wei Ji, his capable subordinate, heard the words and said: “Don’t worry about the real person. This matter may not be decided directly by everyone. Maybe he has planted spies by the side of today’s emperor or master, so he can know such important news in advance. This scares you real people, so as to dominate the affairs of Daomen.”

“That makes sense.” Li Chongkang nodded heavily, “I am a real person of the Three Tribulations, and I have accomplished Dafa. Even if there are times when I can’t see the depth of an expert, I will definitely not be wrong about whether I have martial arts or whether I have the breath of thunder. Huh , Wei Ji, follow me to spy on Yunji and see what he is up to.”

He raised his sleeve robe, surrounded by the breeze, surrounded himself and Wei Ji, and disappeared into the private room.

After rushing all the way, the two returned to the courtyard in daylight. As soon as they climbed up the courtyard wall, they saw the lights in the wing room. Meng Qi’s figure was holding a thin volume of books and studying them attentively.

“Really, look, even if it is a collection of confidential information, he is old and incompetent in martial arts, so he is easy to forget, why not write it down and review it from time to time.” Wei Ji guessed with some joy.

Li Chongkang took a light breath and said, “Wei Ji, I will bless you with Taoism, so you can find a chance to steal that book.”

Wei Ji is best at spying and stealing.

“Your subordinate obeys.” Wei Ji’s body slid down the wall silently, and before he reached the end, he was covered by Li Chongkang’s Taoism and disappeared.

Both of them were patient, and waited for a full hour before Meng Qi put down the book, blew out the lamp, and returned to the bed to meditate.

Woo, the wind suddenly picked up, blowing the windowThe frame slammed softly, using the movement to cover it up, Wei Ji opened the window latch, and with a swipe of his right hand, as if a rope had been transformed, he quietly grabbed the book out.

Backing away, over the wall, Wei Ji came to Li Chongkang under the tree, and respectfully handed over the book:

“A real person’s eyesight is perfect, but that Yunji is so old and incompetent that he didn’t even notice that I stole the book.”

Li Chongkang showed a smile, nodded his head in praise, and then brought the book to his eyes, only to see four large characters written on the cover:

“The Biography of Li Chongkang”

This Li Chongkang was inexplicably terrified, he opened it instinctively, and read on:

“Li Chongkang, a native of Yuxian County, the capital, was born at the time of Renzi on the Bingyin month and Wuchen day of the Jiazi year”

As soon as he saw this, Li Chongkang frowned. This was actually his real date of birth. Because of his father’s negligence, his ostensible date of birth was earlier than the actual date. At first, he didn’t even know about it. It wasn’t until Dafa became successful and I looked back at myself that I discovered the problem. I kept it secret all the time, and guarded against other people’s curses. Who knew that it was clearly written here.

Read on, the whole story of this matter was explained in detail, without any difference, page by page, Li Chongkang seemed to re-experience his own life, and many vague and forgotten memories resurfaced, some of which have not been clear about the specific situation Mystery has also been explained.

got an explanation

Looking at it, his hands trembled, and sweat fell like raindrops.


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