I Honor

Chapter 1396

: The First of the Three Great Skills of Yuxu Palace

As soon as the magic Buddha Ananda finished speaking, he saw extraordinary splendor flying in the palace city, like thousands of trees and pear blossoms in full bloom, all kinds of colors, surrounded by a small dark seal.

This seal is divided into six sides, the top is the genus of the gods, the bottom is the suffering of the nine secluded, the front is the red dust of the human race, the back is the sad land of the beasts, the left is the monsters, and the right is the sad song of the evil spirits. It is extremely mysterious.

reincarnation seal

In ancient times, Houtu, who was from the other side, pitied the world, took his own body as a cauldron, used the Jiuyou as fire, and used the half-step fruit of his body as material, just now he forged this peerless magic weapon. Since then, there has been reincarnation in the world, and it has always been Treasures at the bottom of the crate

In order not to be sensed by Meng Qi, Ananda put it in the hands of today’s emperor Xiao Xuan.

As soon as the seal of reincarnation appeared, the capital immediately became gloomy and gloomy. Immortals were on top and nine seclusions were on the bottom. Phantoms of human beings, monsters, beasts, demons and other creatures appeared in mid-air, constantly rotating, giving people a sense of mystery, inexplicable horror .

Seeing this situation, Meng Qi didn’t know well, and was about to make a decision, when he saw the virtual form spinning in mid-air freeze on his current figure

With a bang, he only felt that his mind was in chaos, and his heart lake seemed to return to silence. His consciousness and physical body seemed to have left the material and spiritual world, and were pulled into another mysterious and strange world.

The seal of reincarnation began to rotate slowly, and Meng Qi’s figure frozen in mid-air began to distort and change. Even the physical body of the gathered real people and his own consciousness seemed to be piercing through the sea of ​​suffering. Terran.

And this reincarnation-like feeling not only acts on Meng Qi’s “resurrected soul” body, but also follows the secret and hidden connection, pulling the real Meng Qi who is in the seal and is overlooking the vicissitudes of the world.

He blends the deity of the current projection of the primordial universe

In an instant, Meng Qi in the seal felt a sea of ​​bitterness flooding in, drowning himself, his thoughts became sluggish, his review was no longer satisfactory, and the aura of his nature that lived at an infinite height was about to be pulled down by the power of reincarnation

If it is difficult to resist the horror of the reincarnation seal, he will immediately lose the legendary essence, fall into the dust, and go through the illusory reincarnation to become a mortal person or a beast without magic. Devouring fusion, making up for the only loophole in itself.

The “Yuanshi Projection” that seals this place is not for the battle on the other side, but is patiently waiting for Meng Qi to come

A flash of gorgeous purple lighted up, and the world seemed to be turned upside down. The electric light enveloped Meng Qi’s body, spreading to his natural aura, and isolating the power of reincarnation.

Overlord’s sword against the seal of reincarnation

Essence is peerless

The two sides formed a tug-of-war, both awakened to the realm of good fortune, but this is the area where Samsara Yin is good at, and it is further awakened than Jue Dao. It is not a newcomer to good fortune, so it is obviously in the upper hand, and Meng Qi wants to show his strength and run all kinds of things. The cause of the effect, cutting off the connection of reincarnation, is also powerless due to the existence of the seal.

As for this part of the connection in the seal, it belongs to the area where the power of the reincarnation seal is concentrated and exerts its effect, and it must be worn down before it can be broken.

And the part of the consciousness possessed by real people already felt dizzy and difficult to use its power. It was only because Meng Qi himself was in a stalemate with the power of the seal of reincarnation that the twisting and changing situation became slow.

If the current development is maintained, relying on Juedao and his own “cause of all fruits”, Meng Qi is sure to wear away part of the magic of reincarnation after ten breaths, cut off the mysterious connection in the seal, and get out of the predicament.

However, when he saw the calm smile of the Demon Buddha Ananda without a trace of ripples, his heart skipped a beat. If he thought about breaking the flow with a knife after ten breaths and getting out of the predicament, then he would definitely die in one or two days. Suffered a heavy blow after retiring, and was even in a real desperate situation.

Because Mofo doesn’t fight alone

Leaving aside whether his little consciousness revealed through the seal can obtain the power close to the legend, projecting and sealing the sleeping Yuanshi here, just the three words “Yuxu Palace” can judge that K cannot enter by himself, stepping into the ancient well

This is the dojo of the oldest person from the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun

When the Demon Buddha Ananda pretended to be the Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation, he had to wait for the Yuxu Palace to open on its own.

Therefore, there must be someone who has a close relationship with Yuxu Palace to help K enter and seal the “Yuanshi Projection” for K.

At this moment, if I don’t get out of the predicament immediately, the malicious person hiding behind the Demon Buddha will definitely make a move immediately, leaving no retreat for myself

After ten breaths, I’m afraid I’m dead

How to do

Mo Buddha withdrew his hand holding the black box, clasped his palms together, and said mercifully:

“Namo Amitabha Buddha, please enter reincarnation”

The strange light between heaven and earth flourishes, and the impression of reincarnation seems to bear the weight of the universe, and it turns faster with a calm posture.

Immortal world, Jiuyou, human race, monsters, beasts, evil spirits and other scenes pass by one by one

Meng Qi, the evil ghost of the Nine Netherworlds, suddenly felt his heart move, his hands formed seals, Yin and Yang became fish, black and white curled up, condensedCreated a picture of life and death.

Drawn by this, the small amount of consciousness possessed by the real people gathered in him also followed the seal, and he, whose power was originally sealed, suddenly borrowed the death power of the surrounding nine ghosts.

Use the true meaning of life and death comprehended in the “origin of life and death” to affect the death contained in the seal of reincarnation itself

The vitality faded, and the lifeless energy filled. Meng Qi, who had become a gathering of real people, suddenly turned pale, and his aura quickly dissipated. His body, which was originally immortal for thousands of years, also showed signs of decay in an instant.

Without any fear, he stared into Mofo Ananda’s eyes, smiled slightly, and nodded.

Before the Demon Buddha could react in the future, the body of Daoist Yunji died completely, and the consciousness contained in it was also wiped out, and the connection with the deity was cut off.

As soon as the connection was broken, the power of reincarnation immediately became weak. With a flash of the saber in Meng Qi’s hand, he had cut through the darkness and scattered the inexplicable reincarnation.

Then he grabbed the strong man in the dark and stepped forward, escaped from the seal, and left that universe.

Meng Qi didn’t try to enter again, turned his head and jumped out of the ancient well.

Now that I know this is a trap, not a “classroom” where I and the other side’s consciousness will simulate the battle of the universe, then I must take another method to display the top three unique skills of Yuxu Palace:

“Parents Please”

You can also invite seniors

With a flash of his figure, Meng Qi left Yuxu Palace and appeared in the Fusang ancient tree boundary at the end of the East China Sea, where Qing Emperor now resides.

He had just entered the realm, saw the beautiful scenery of returning to the fairyland, and before he had time to ask to see him, the light and shadow in front of his eyes changed, and he had reached the top of the ancient hibiscus tree without noticing it.

A figure stood under the heavy mulberry leaves, wearing a green robe, draped hair, handsome face, gentle as jade, with a pleasing aura like vegetation growing hair, he is the only big man on the other side who can walk in the red world, one of the five ancient emperors Qingdi Taihao

There is no magic around K, he looks like an ordinary mortal.

“This junior pays homage to Emperor Qing. The reason why I came here is because I found the trace of the Seal of Reincarnation.” Meng Qi said straight to the point.

This matter happened in Yuxu Palace, and it was difficult for Qing Emperor to know about it, but when Meng Qi said this, K smiled slightly and said:

“I’ve made it clear, you take this seed and go.”

As soon as he said the key point, K seemed to understand the cause and effect, and a little blue light flew out from K’s sleeve and landed in Meng Qi’s palm, condensing out a green seed full of vitality.

Meng Qi was stunned for a moment, no longer hesitated, and immediately cupped his hands and said:

“Thank you, Senior Qing Emperor.”

After finishing speaking, he escaped from the boundary of the ancient Fusang tree, leaped to an infinite height, and stepped into the Yuxu Palace again.

After passing through the ancient well and entering the universe, Meng Qi returned to the seal, and then threw out the green seed in his hand.

As soon as the seed touched the seal, it immediately took root and sprouted, and even used the seal as nourishment to strengthen itself.

The branches grew rapidly, the leaves grew, and the flowers bloomed. In just a few breaths, the seal disintegrated silently.

Then a blue light flashed, and the grown tree shrank and turned into something like a bodhi tree, which fell into Meng Qi’s palm.

K’s rays of light are floating, like flowing colors, full of vitality, and it is not like a short-lived thing.

Holding this branch, Meng Qi, the creation god here, has directly manifested in the capital above that star.

Of course, Meng Qi knew very well that after he escaped, the Demon Buddha would not dare to stay for a long time, and must have gone away with the seal of reincarnation, unable to stop K, but he could figure out who helped K enter the Yuxu Palace


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