I Honor

Chapter 1397

: The Oldest Universe

In Ankang Square, Meng Qi was condescending, and everything he could see was ruins. The courtyard where Li Chongkang and others were originally had been wiped flat, and the ground was three feet deep, with nothing left. The surrounding buildings remained intact and were not damaged A little spread, the accuracy of the shooter’s control of power can be called terrifying.

After absorbing all kinds of information between heaven and earth, and making up for the gap after leaving for a short time, he confirmed that Li Chongkang, Bi Chongde, and Lu Siquan had all died, as if they had been erased from existence, and even the related causal links had been completely severed. .

The raindrops in the mid-air were disturbing, mixed with electric light fragments slowly drifting away, Meng Qi spread out his right hand, caught a few, and sighed softly:

“Pei Daotong was also silenced”

He seemed to have turned into dust, returned to thunder and lightning, and fell with the rain, everywhere.

With a flash of his figure, Meng Qi penetrated the forbidden law of Miyagi and appeared in the imperial study room. He saw Xiao Xuan who was sitting upright. His eyes were frozen with fear and anger, and his right hand was tightly clenched into a fist.

When the wind suddenly picked up, Xiao Xuan’s Nine Dragon Opera Pearl robe turned into flying ash inch by inch, and his body began to disintegrate from the hair, quickly spread to the head, and rushed to the limbs. Glitter dust.

In the short period of time Meng Qi escaped from this universe, Mofo immediately abandoned the other arrangements and retreated calmly without missing a trace.

As for killing people and concealing specific details, Meng Qi believes that it was not done by Mo Buddha. If it was done by K, why bother to care about the innocent, and make it quite troublesome. With the imprint of reincarnation, I am afraid that he can only see the capital city being completely destroyed , into a deep lake.

Therefore, it is likely that the person who helped K enter Yuxu Palace and seal the “Yuanshi Projection” made a move.to conceal its own existence.

Meng Qi pondered for a while, then his figure flickered, moving a certain palace in Miyagi, where the security was tight, the Nine King Xiao Kun was pacing with his hands behind his back, depressed and depressed.

In order to complete the conspiracy, after Li Chongkang and others confessed to Xiao Kun, today’s emperor did not execute him on the spot or put him in prison, but just detained him and monitored him, just like a normal day-to-day life, so that Meng Qi would not find out the problem from clues.

Suddenly, Xiao Kun’s eyes flickered, and he saw a strange Taoist wearing a hydration suit, but his aura was relatively familiar, which made him feel like a real person.

“Is it Senior Yunji?” Xiao Kun asked in surprise.

Meng Qi nodded slightly: “Things have changed. The mysterious monk saw that the plot had been cracked by the poor, so he didn’t struggle, and just kept his mouth shut and left. Li Chongkang, Taishi Pei and your father were all killed.”

Xiao Kun was obviously stunned, his face fluctuated, he was both happy and surprised, but also melancholy and disappointed. It took a long time before he smiled wryly and said: “Gu never thought that it would be such a development.”

“Master, does the benefactor know what that extraordinary thing is in the imperial study room?” Meng Qi asked the dead horse as if he was a living horse doctor.

Xiao Kun shook his head: “Since Li Chongkang and the others were arrested, Gu has been imprisoned here, and it is difficult to get any news, but if senior wants to know what it is, I believe there is a way, at least the royal study room is often visited by the emperor’s confidantes. ”

Meng Qi pressed his forehead, as if he had imprinted all the scenes in the capital into his mind. None of the important court officials and eunuchs and maids who had entered the imperial study room were spared. What was better than Xiao Xuan and Pei Daotong was that they still had corpses left .

“Everyone who knows has been silenced.” Meng Qi sighed.

Not only have people been silenced, but even the clues of cause and effect have been broken.

Xiao Kun smiled wryly again: “Fortunately, my father is cruel and never let me enter the imperial study.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Meng Qi’s figure in front of him fade away like a dream, and the past was like a dream that lasted five years.

Meng Qi emerged in the vast universe, his body swelled suddenly, and he became huge rapidly, as if he was going to fill the boundless world, and the bright and mighty galaxies surrounded him, showing a crowding state.

He wants to wipe out the remaining changes and bring this universe back into absolute control.

As for the one who helped the Demon Buddha, although the clues were completely interrupted, Meng Qi could still speculate. First of all, the scope was determined to be those who could freely enter and leave the Yuxu Palace, and their strength was at least good fortune. In addition, at least he secretly harbored malice or covetousness towards himself, and when he shot, he only silenced those involved, without affecting innocent people, showing a bit of kindness and compassion, and breaking the causal connection can prove that he is good at this

Putting everything together, the answer is ready to come out. The people who explained the teachings in the past are now the masters of Buddhism, and the ancient Buddha who burns the lamp

K reached consummation earlier than Emperor Qing and the others, and just waiting for the “cause of all fruits” to reach the other shore, involved in the struggle for the road, it would be impossible for him to die.

Of course, it is also ruled out that it is caused by other Yuxu good fortune, accepting himself on the surface, but secretly dissatisfied or wanting the “cause of all effects”. For one thing, he not only covered himself up, but also blamed the other party, and provoked a fight. Similarly, Wu Sheng’s mother was the one who was able to enter and exit Yuxu Palace and had a certain grudge against him.

However, there is no evidence or clues for this, so I can only think about it in my heart, anyway, it is right to put the account on the head of the lamp first, at least K and K’s disciple Dingguang’s malice towards him is clearly revealed

Soon, this universe was completely brought under Meng Qi’s control, but just like the time when “Creator Brahma” was absorbed before, there was still no deeper comprehension.

At that time, I thought that Han Guang absorbed the other two “projections”, which caused me to lose absolute control, so I couldn’t figure out what the people from the other side were fighting for. Who knew there were other factors.

After thinking for a while, Meng Qi took the “branch” that Emperor Qing had received, and entered another ancient well, taking the “Yuan Shi Projection” that had no independent consciousness here into himself.

Eight times in a row, when Meng Qi had nine heavens and earths with absolute control besides the universe created by Brahma, he suddenly felt that the acupoints all over his body sensed inexplicable opportunities and connections, squirmed strangely, and wonderful changes took place. An ancient atmosphere is slowly brewing.

There are nine illusory rivers rolling in front of him, involving the past, present and future of different universes, presenting the secrets of time in Meng Qi’s mind bit by bit. If he hadn’t been able to examine his thoughts, he would have been fascinated and almost assimilated by the way of Zhou Guang.

“It turns out that excluding the projections of other great powers and even big figures, and completely controlling a universe, there are such great benefits. Even if you don’t practice time-related exercises, you can understand them in advance and lay a certain degree of foundation for overcoming the sea of ​​suffering.” Meng Qi secretly sighed, and the experience of returning to the Middle Ages left traces in the past. Zhixushan and his party helped him understand how to peek into the future. The peak of the “seed” is poor.

At the same time, with the help of the subtle changes in the acupoints all over his body, he also understood how special these universes contested by those from the other side are.

They are the first batch of universes derived from the real world after the opening of this era, the oldest universes

The current Universe of Ten Thousand Realms did not come into existence at the same time. To this day, there are still countless universes in existence.Birth and death, there are not many oldest universes that can continue from the beginning of the era to the present, and after your own projection occupies the absolute control of at least nine of the oldest universes, it will reflect itself, allowing the whole body to be improved. Evolving towards them, brewing “ancient breath”.

Under the influence of the ancient aura of the orifice point, Meng Qi only felt that the dharma body was evolving in a subtle way, as if an endless universe was born in his body.

The prototype of the multiverse is further improved

At the same time, these newly born universes naturally corresponded to the outside world, which made Meng Qi’s progress in projecting the myriad worlds to a stage of rapid growth.

Sure enough, there are many benefits

“But these benefits are only for the people below the other side, what are the Yuanshi Tianzun Amitabha Buddhas fighting for?” Meng Qi was puzzled.

The branch given by Emperor Qing in his hand flew out of this world and returned to the ancient Fusang tree.

Temporarily suppressing this doubt, Meng Qi continued the process of absorbing the unconscious “Yuanshi projection” in the ancient well, and the practice of projecting myriad worlds was advancing rapidly.

I don’t know how long it took, when he completed this task and stepped out of the ancient well of Yuxu Palace, there was already a faint ancient aura rippling around him, anyone who saw him would have the feeling that he was the ancient god at the beginning of the era

“I’m afraid these ancient auras have more magical effects, which are worth exploring.” Meng Qi took a step forward and returned to his Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains.

At this moment, the acupoint on his left hand suddenly moved lightly, it seemed that the infiltration of the ancient breath had allowed Gu Xiaosang to refine the innate virtue in advance, and his skills were perfect, and he was about to break through.


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