I Honor

Chapter 1406

: No Coincidence

He might have woken up long ago. For some reason, he has endured the inexplicable fear of Emperor Fengdu until now. Bursts of strange lights rose continuously from his body, black, white, and green. Not to do anything else, he used all the life-saving supernatural powers and treasures as if he didn’t need money.

However, in a contest with an evenly matched opponent, he made such a mistake, was hit by a sword with all his strength, and his own practice was not a unique art that is good at hard resistance, such as eight or nine mysterious kung fu, Feng naturally suffered heavy injuries, and every thought was placed on the ground. In the violent wind and waves created by Jianguang, Zhenwu has obviously recovered his complete spiritual wisdom, and his strength is even better than when he was at the peak before, and he has no secrets. A break to go.

The purple qi is flying brightly, the sword light is divided into strikes, and it is difficult to get rid of it even if Emperor Fengdu has a rapid “reincarnation”. In the end, it gradually disappears into nothingness, only a little bit of obsession reverberates.

The sword energy swept past, and Emperor Zhenwu didn’t let go of even Fengdu’s remaining obsession.

One of the three corpses of Bodhi Ancient Buddha fell

The Qibao Miaoshu shook in place, and Huo Di burst out with immeasurable light, which temporarily separated Zhenwu and the picture scroll, and jumped out of the origin of life and death.

During this process, Gu Xiaosang’s fourth type of vision “Eternal Destination” gradually disappeared, completely ascended to the legendary realm, and ended the refinement at the same time as Meng Qi tacitly agreed.

At this moment, too much is too late, and if the refinement continues, the deepest part of the origin of life and death will be moved, and the two of them may not escape the fate of being assimilated.

Standing in the depths of death, Meng Qi felt that the “abstract concepts” around him could no longer affect him, and the joy in his heart couldn’t help rising.

This time it was really rewarding. Not only did Xiao Sang succeed in proving the legend and creating the fourth type of vision, but he only needed to refine and condense other supernatural powers, bring them into the infinite chaos of the short-cut path, and then combine all the fruits into one. Because of being promoted to the same level as Kai Tianyin, he can immediately set foot on good fortune and become a great supernatural power.

Even if you don’t seek perfection, you can break through now

It’s just that I have always followed the path of being able to embrace the mysteries and myriad changes of all things. How can I give up halfway, and the crucial “cause of all fruits” and “opening the seal of heaven” still need time to improve.

Although the end of the catastrophe is coming fiercely now, and the great supernatural powers have returned one by one, but I can’t get flustered, panic, and cause the lack of foundation. The principle of haste makes waste, don’t rush, make the most suitable choice according to the situation and your own situation.

Anyway, the big shots on the other side won’t be able to come back for a while, and now I am the real headmaster of Yuxu Palace. When I encounter trouble, my brothers and sisters who have the realm of good fortune will help me out, and I will die if I don’t break through. the point.

Joy fermented and filled with emotion, Meng Qi suddenly felt like the experience just now was like a dream.

The plan between Xiao Sang and himself actually got into one of the three corpses of the big man on the other side, not a simple great supernatural being

It was utterly unreal, and at the same time incredibly gratifying and proud.

Of course, if Emperor Zhenwu hadn’t been stimulated by something and woke up early, he and Xiao Sang could at most use the power of the origin of life and death to resist Fengdu Great Emperor’s counterattack, and look for opportunities to escape from this world as soon as the fourth type of vision disappeared. , never thought that he would be able to kill this terrifying supernatural power user.

He still has this self-knowledge.

Because of refining part of the relationship between the origin of life and death, Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang’s eyes were able to penetrate the gradually subdued abstract concepts, and saw Emperor Zhenwu put away the purple and simple Yuanyang ruler, and put away the remnants of Emperor Fengdu. Standing up, his eyes looked over like the deep sea.

Gu Xiaosang stood there, like an orchid in an empty valley, full of indescribable holiness, smiled and said nothing, watched Meng Qi step forward, and bowed his hands in salute: “Thank you, Senior Hei Di, for helping me out.”help. ”

Speaking of this, Meng Qi suddenly became a little apprehensive, and out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the tree of the avenue, which was absorbing the origin of life and death.

This is the item of Tianzun who can destroy the demons, and it is also a very important item in the end of the robbery. Will it be taken back?

Xiaomeng has always been so realistic

Zhenwu chuckled: “You help the old man get rid of his evil thoughts, and I should be the one to say thank you.”

This is a reward for you, I am one of the five ancient emperors and the nine Taoist priests, I will shamelessly ask for it back

After the silent “communication”, Meng Qi quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: “It’s true that things are unpredictable, but the senior has completely awakened at this critical moment. Could it be because of the stimulation of the tree of the great way?”

Emperor Zhenwu looked at him, then at Gu Xiaosang, and sighed with a smile: “The old Taoist has already awakened before he returned to the underworld.”

Speaking of this, he smiled narrowly: “Xiaoyou Su, you can think back on your own, why the sword that the old Taoist slashed at Huang Quan was just right, it meant that the Dao destroys the Dao, but the sword that slashes the Fengdu cuts the Dao to see me.”

Meng Qi was extremely surprised, his thoughts were turning a thousand times, and the details were linked together, as if he understood something.

If that sword hadn’t been “Dao destroys Dao Sheng”, and Emperor Zhenwu was not only driven by the power of Yuanyang ruler, he would not be able to refine the abstract concept of shattering the bones of Huangquan and absorbing the origin of life and death into the wheel of life and death in the heavens. As a backup, it has played a vital role today.

If Emperor Zhenwu had swung “Cut the Dao and see me” when Emperor Zhenwu destroyed Huang Quan’s reincarnation, he would have lost his mind and consciousness long ago, and there is absolutely no reason for him to be spared.

Both of them drew their swords because of the “drawing of Qi”, but one was “the way destroys the way and the way is born”, and the other was “cut the way to see me”, and they just helped themselves, although when acting according to instinct, in terms of probability, there is a chance This kind of development is possible, but it is really too slim, it can almost be described as coincidence, coincidence, etc.

And there will be no coincidences in the incidents involving big shots from the other side

Therefore, Emperor Zhenwu woke up a long time ago. For some reason, he couldn’t bear it. He dug Huangquan, helped himself, and finally killed one of the three corpses of Bodhi Ancient Buddha.

Meng Qi’s many words came to his lips, and finally turned into a sentence: “I didn’t expect that senior could break away from being almost assimilated by Tao on his own. It’s really awe-inspiring.”

Emperor Zhenwu smiled and said: “No, long before Huang Quan reincarnated and returned, some friends stepped here and awakened the old Tao.”

“There are people who have entered the origin of life and death before.” Meng Qi asked in surprise.

Emperor Zhenwu said indifferently: “Although it is extremely difficult to find the origin of life and death, it is not completely impossible, and it does not necessarily have to be guided by the underworld. Buddha has been here, and Emperor Fu has also been here. It is not surprising that others have come before you.” .”

“I don’t know which senior it is,” Meng Qi asked casually.

Emperor Zhenwu smiled without saying a word, and Meng Qi suddenly became cheerful. The joy and pride he had previously had because he had successfully plotted one of the three corpses of the big man on the other side turned into complicated and unspeakable emotions.

This is the truth about the origin of Emperor Fengdu’s defeat and death

Is this “God’s will”?

Emperor Zhenwu put his hands behind his back, stepped away from the depths, and spoke peacefully:

“There is something wrong here, the old way has to find a place to retreat.”

Meng Qi’s heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, “Senior, please help cover up what happened just now.”

Originally, I and Gu Xiaosang had already made preparations. Although the Great Emperor Fengdu could not be left behind, it was hard to keep her resurrection secret, but at least the Golden Emperor did not intervene in the legend, and a solid foundation was laid. As for the future, we can rely on The forces of Yuxu Palace are dealing with the envoys of the Luo Sect for the time being, seeking the support of other big figures from the other side as soon as possible, so as to fight against the returning Golden Emperor, and then they will work hard to attack the other side.

Now that Emperor Fengdu died at the hands of Zhenwu, things have turned around again. It seems that we can try to keep it secret for a while, and if Emperor Zhenwu can land on the other side, he can have more than half of the backstage

Emperor Zhenwu laughed: “Don’t worry Su Xiaoyou, the old way is not a gossip.”

Amidst the laughter, his figure disappeared at the origin of life and death.

Meng Qi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Gu Xiaosang, only to see that she was still ethereal and holy, like a perfect god statue.

“Have you ever thought that Emperor Zhenwu would wake up early?” Meng Qi asked casually.

The corners of Gu Xiaosang’s mouth curled up little by little, the sacredness faded away, and he said with a half-smile:

“Of course I have thought about it.”

“It’s just that if Zhenwu doesn’t wake up, our plan can still succeed. If he has recovered in advance, it is self-evident who he will help based on the karma between you and him. According to instinct, the one to deal with first must be the more threatening Fengdu.”

“If that’s the case, why discuss it?”

Her smile gradually opened, looking forward to her appearance.


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