I Honor

Chapter 1407

Getting Started

It sounds reasonable, but there is always something wrong. Looking at Gu Xiaosang’s smiling face, Meng Qi walked over slowly, his thoughts racing, and he reviewed them one by one to analyze the hidden meaning.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a fragrance, a figure suddenly approached, his elbow touched the softness, Gu Xiaosang had wrapped his hands around his left arm, looking shy and timid, but his eyes were shining like stars, The voice was clear and melodious, with a fake smile and said:

“Sir,This trip is complete, the concubine has proved the legend, we should return home as husband and wife. ”

Meng Qi’s body froze suddenly. He hadn’t expected such a development at all. After some time, he almost forgot what it was.

To his clumsy reaction, Gu Xiaosang lowered her head, as if she was holding back a smile, but suddenly, she felt Meng Qi’s left arm twitch, and she broke free from her surroundings.

When she was a little dazed, a big hand stretched out, grabbed her slender and graceful palm like a jade carving, and interlocked with five fingers like onion segments, and then Meng Qi’s deep voice came from her ear:

“You have proved the legend, and all the past has come to an end. From now on, we will have a brand new future. In this future, I have the old enemy Buddha, you have the enemy Jinhuang, and the people behind us who are currently supporting us The big people on the other side will change their minds at any time, and God’s will is unpredictable, so we will face a future full of crises and changes together.”

“In this process, it’s not that you are attached to me, it’s not that I’m superior to you because I help you cover up the Golden Emperor’s prying eyes, it’s that from the sympathy in the past to the mutual support now, compared to the way you just wrapped your arms , looks like a person, I prefer this kind of interlocking fingers. Hand in hand.”

After finishing speaking, Meng Qi felt a little uneasy, waiting for Gu Xiaosang’s answer to be within the origin. There is no need to scruple about discussing big shots on the other side.

And Gu Xiaosang still hangs his head down, restraining the fluctuation of breath. It’s hard to fathom her thoughts.

Just when Meng Qi wanted to break the silence, Gu Xiaosang said with a smile:

“I can’t think that the stupid Xianggong can say such reasonable words.”

Then, she covered her mouth with her left hand and said with a low smile:

“If you want to hold hands, just say it straight, why bother to hide it in a high-sounding manner”

The two went out hand in hand, escaped from the origin of life and death, and returned to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains.

At this time, Gu Xiaosang once again hid in the universe of Meng Qi’s left hand acupoint. The accumulation of innate virtues contained in her chaotic green lotus seeds has been completely exhausted, and she must rely more on the origin of life and death from refining in her future cultivation, so she has to retreat and stabilize, half a hundred miles away.

Of course, it is more to avoid being discovered by the Golden Emperor. Although in the future, the breakthrough from legend to good fortune cannot be achieved by retreating. Gu Xiaosang will expose himself sooner or later, but Fengdu died, and Zhenwu promised not to disclose the matter. Under such a good situation , It must be how long you can hide it. When striving to be discovered by the Golden Emperor in the future, Gu Xiaosang improved himself even further, while Meng Qi had already set foot in fortune. Become a pivotal pawn under the other side.

Returning to Yuxu Palace, passing through the gatehouse and the main hall, Meng Qi returned to the quiet room, sat upright on the cloud bed, and began to digest and stabilize himself, preparing to refine and sublimate the four elephant seals, the void seal, and the seventy-two transformations. In the endless chaos, lay the most solid foundation for the realm of good fortune.

In the gatehouse, Da Qinggen put down the Universal Knowledge Talisman. He rubbed his torso with a branch in doubt:

“Master seems to be very happy, this trip must be rewarding.”

And Xiaotiangou, who came back for a walk while taking advantage of Xuanbei’s opportunity to give a lecture for the evil spirits and evil spirits in the Pure Land, nodded heavily and said:

“Yes. I have the feeling that my eyes are about to be blinded.”

Woo woo woo, the train of the Mohist institution goes over mountains and ridges. It stopped beside the city at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

The Patriarch of the Sun family straightened his clothes, walked out of the car door with Sun Wu, his expression became serious.

This is the legendary fairyland Kunlun Mountain

This is Yuxu Palace, the Holy Land of Taoism

Suddenly, beams of light came on without warning, Patriarch Sun and Sun Wu were dazzled, and subconsciously raised their hands to cover their faces.

Immediately afterwards, they noticed a group of people surrounding them, and various strange artifacts approaching one after another.

“Patriarch Sun, I am a special interviewer from the Wulin Station. How do you feel about your child being able to enter the Yuxu Palace?”

“I am the host of the face-to-face live broadcast, Sun Wu. On this important day, what do you want to say to the martial arts practitioners all over the world?”

“Excuse me, what does Yuanhuang Xianzun value Sun Wu?”

“I am the person in charge of the video teaching website. I would like to ask Patriarch Sun to share his successful experiences with Xiaoyou Sun. How to train yourself so that you can be accepted as a disciple by Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains.”

At this time, Patriarch Sun and Sun Wu were already in a daze, they never expected to encounter such a situation, and fell into a complete daze.

When the Ten Thousand Worlds Tongzhi Talisman appeared, Patriarch Sun had already entered a relatively mature age, and he was not very accepting of new things in it, so he was limited to browsing important news from various places, practicing martial arts through the Nanhuang teaching website, and encountering such things as interviews , that is completely ignorant, and Sun Wu is young, even if he has the memory and consciousness of his previous life, he has only been in contact with the Universal Knowledge Talisman for a few years. Although he knows the live broadcast and interviews, he never thought that he would become “” main character”.

After a short period of hustle and bustle and the help of the onlookers, one big and one small finally returned to normal. Faced with various problems, Patriarch Sun coughed and said:

“Actually, this old man doesn’t know why Yuanhuang Immortal Venerable respects dogs. He is an old man who sees his head and doesn’t see his end, and his actions are unpredictable. How can I and other mortals be able to guess?”

“As for the feelings of people, the fate of this life must of course depend on one’s own struggle, but the importance of chance must also be considered. Since the dog has been favored by Yuanhuang Immortal Venerable, then he cannot live up to this great opportunity.It must be grasped with hard work”

After some interviews, Patriarch Sun was a little bit intoxicated by it. This feeling of attracting attention and shining in front of others was something he had never experienced before. If the time had not come, Sun Wu was ten years old and had to climb Kunlun Mountain and enter Yuxu The palace is over, and he wants to continue.

Kunlun Mountain was covered with clouds and rosy clouds, shrouded in smog, and the meaning of fairyland vividly appeared on the paper. Patriarch Sun led Sun Wu to stand at the foot of the mountain for a while, sighed, and said with joy and emotion:

“Wu’er, you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself.”

Sun Wu shook the token under Yuxu’s gate, nodded lightly, then said goodbye to his father, and set foot on the road into the mountain, with piles of interviewers and onlookers behind him.

As soon as he took a step forward, he suddenly saw the clouds and mist surging in front of him, rolling away to the sides, completely revealing the beautiful and lush mountain peaks, and the path leads to a secluded place, where there is a simple Taoist temple standing at the place where the mountains are verdant. The sun shines directly, bathed in golden light, which gives people a feeling of ancient and vicissitudes while being magnificent.

Someone behind the “Yuxu Palace” almost groaned.

This is the holy land of the fairy family that Yun Shen does not know

This is the ashram of Su Meng, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty

Sun Wu took a step forward and climbed up under the gaze of eyes. To be continued.

s: The big plot is over, let’s make a transition, the number of words is a bit small


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