I Honor

Chapter 1424

Who is Li Dan

In the world of Journey to the West, Meng Qi’s figure emerges, and he raises his perspective to the level of his natural aura. He sees that the void overlaps, overlaps everywhere, and there is no distance between any two points. Only the illusory river of time flows quietly, day and night. .

In this state, he directly “saw” the fall of the Heavenly Court, the ruined and missing remnants of the Nine Heavens, and saw the traces of the twenty-four heavens disintegrating and wandering, so he threw himself and jumped on top of them, as if to rush out The long river of time has entered the real chaos.

When this feeling became stronger and more real, Meng Qi’s eyes suddenly lit up, and his sight was filled with a misty fairyland, where the sky was sunless and bright, and the sea of ​​clouds under his feet was loose and steady, It makes people seem to be walking outside the sky, and everywhere you can see fairy birds, auspicious animals, spiritual grasses and strange flowers, all of which have been cut off from the world for a long time, as if the age of ancient myths has come to the present.

And in the middle of the fairyland, stands an ordinary palace, with three unidentifiable but understandable words written on it:

“Doushi Palace”

As soon as Meng Qi entered this fairyland, he felt that the illusory avenues condensed at home had nothing to rely on, as if he had come to a “country” that did not recognize them.

This place has its own morality, its own rules, and its own way

“Why did Su Zhangjiao come here?” Just as Meng Qi felt the surroundings and observed a little bit of difference, a boy in a silver robe walked out of the Dousita palace, smiling and clapping his hands together.

Silver Horn King Meng Qi secretly said, smiled back and said:

“It’s been a while since I took over the Yuxu Palace. I should have come to see my uncle Da Dao, but I haven’t been able to become a good fortune, and I have no face to meet my elders, so it has been delayed until today.”

King Yinjiao laughed and said: “Sect Master Su is very polite, the Elder Master has already ordered you, if you come, you should be welcome inside.”

After finishing speaking, he turned half of his body and made a gesture of please.

Meng Qi stepped forward with a smile, and at the same time said politely: “You are a boy under Uncle Daode’s family, and you are much older than me. I have the cheek to call you senior brother.”

King Yinjiao showed a slightly satisfied expression: “Alright, that’s fine, call me Senior Brother Yinjiao, so as not to be confused with Senior Brother Jinjiao.”

During the exchange of pleasantries, the two stepped over the threshold one after another, stepped into the Tushita Palace, passed through many palaces, and came to a room with simple and elegant decoration.

There is only one table in the room, on the table are a few pages of golden books, behind which sits cross-legged an old man in Taoist attire with white hair and childlike face, with a pattern of black and white yin and yang fishes embroidered in front of him, the rest are ordinary, as if Ordinary people are like the laws that everyone takes for granted when the world runs naturally.

This is Meng Qi, one of the oldest people from the other shore, Sanqingli Daode Tianzun Meng Qi restrained all emotions in his heart, respectfully saluted and said: “I pay homage to Master Daode.”

The old man with white hair and childlike face half-opened and half-closed his eyes, and his voice was old and ordinary:

“Since Bai has met, it’s time to go back.”

Meng Qi was stunned for a moment, his thoughts changed, and he opened his mouth tentatively: “Uncle Daode, thank you for giving the Tao Te Ching, and allowing your disciples to pretend to be Li Dan to preach, so that you can understand the truth, cut off the previous life and the next life, and get rid of the control of the Demon Buddha.”

It’s not surprising that there are many people, thank you can never be wrong

At this moment, Daode Tianzun opened his eyes. It was like two mirrors, reflecting the scenes of the heavens and myriad worlds. He could even distinguish the nine seclusions of the fairy world. The black and white yin-yang fish is turning slowly, as if it is about to transform into a deep vortex, leading to another era, another heaven and world.

K opened his mouth slowly, and asked in a low voice:

“Who is Li Dan”

Who is Li Dan? Meng Qi was stunned for a moment, not knowing why. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and laughed:

“I am Li Dan”

“In that case, why thank you?” Daode Tianzun stood up with a flick of his sleeves, and left with his hands behind his back.

Meng Qi didn’t stop him, nor did he chase after him. Instead, he smiled and flicked the five fingers of his right hand leisurely on the back of his left hand. It was as if he had eaten a ginseng fruit. The pores all over his body were open and smooth.

It turns outThis is the case

He got up slowly, walked to the table in front of Daode Tianzun just now, looked down, and saw the few pages of the golden book titled “Eight Nine Xuan Gong”

These should be the legends and the chapters after the realm. Meng Qi nodded slightly, picked it up, penetrated his spiritual sense, and absorbed the content written in Chimingyu script. This kind of script is deduced from the Dao pattern, and it is best at describing high levels. Of course, the chapters on the other side of the eighty-nine Xuangong and the prototype of Daoguo directly use the corresponding Dao patterns to express meaning.

At this time, King Yinjiao stepped into the room and saw Meng Qi reading those few pages of the golden book. He was half puzzled and half puzzled, and said, “When you saw this thing, didn’t you just laugh and destroy it directly without fear of messing yourself up?” The way, take the way of others as the way”

This is the reason why Yang Jian only left the first three pieces of Eighty-Nine Xuangong in Yuxu Palace, and the “Yuanshi Golden Seal” only has the general outline, and the nine seals are all based on his own exploration and comprehension.

Meng Qi withdrew his consciousness, rubbed the golden book with his right hand, shook his head and said with a smile: “If I dare not face my junior brother, I will be inferior. The core of the Yuanshi Gold Medal and the Bajiu Xuangong is to tolerate everything and all possibilities. If you don’t even dare to look at other people’s way, dare not understand it, it’s no different from having a demon in your heart.”

“Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. As long as you keep your heart and understand your own way, it doesn’t matter if you learn from him and not like him.”

After finishing speaking, he really laughed out loud, put away a few pages of the golden book, boldly left Tushita Palace, returned to the real world from thirty-three days away, and returned to his own ashram.

King Yinjiao was dazed when he heard it, and he murmured to himself for a long time: “There is a reason not to look at it, and there is a reason to look at it. Who is right and who is wrong?”

Meng Qi’s figure descended, and he sat on the cloud bed in the quiet room again, with his eyes closed, and the red bright jade text flowed past one by one.

If one’s own practice is not to be tolerant of all possible possibilities in order to return to the original Yuanshi Golden Medal and Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu, then one really can’t look at other people’s ways.

If I hadn’t already condensed the meaning of infinite chaos into an illusory avenue, I wouldn’t have dared to read the last few chapters of the “Eight Nine Mysterious Techniques” that Yang Erlang left in the Tushita Palace.

“Don’t look” is a constant principle, but there are exceptions to everything.

He Mu put away the Lixian Sword and practiced it for many days. Only when he had mastered it for a while did he start thinking about how to go to the Yaozu Starfield.

Although with the return of the powerful and supernatural beings, this star field is not far away. It takes more than half a month to arrive in the mechanism spaceship made by Mo Gong, but the Yaozu star field is no more than the Starry Sky Buddha Kingdom, the “Ancient Heavenly Court” “, Yuxu Xinghai, Lingbao Daoxu and other forces are entrenched. There is no life-and-death conflict between these forces and the human race. In a hostile state, there is no mechanism spaceship that can approach there.

And He Mu himself has not yet been certified as a human immortal, so he cannot enter and leave Qingming, and travel in the starry sky.

“It seems that we can only rely on the power of the Immortal Li Sword.” He Mu firmly believed in the master’s advice, and without much hesitation, he began to make various preparations.


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