I Honor

Chapter 1425

: The Proud Sons of Heaven

A few days passed, and the items that He Mu successively bought arrived at Kunlun Mountain via Yuxu Express.

In today’s world, it is possible to complete the collection of many materials without leaving home. You only need to open the Myriad Worlds Tongzhi Talisman, log in to the mall, select what you want, compare and decide, and wait for the package.

He inspected it, nodded with satisfaction, and put all of them into the mustard ring, then walked out of the courtyard where he lived, and came to the gatehouse, only to see Daqinggen looking up at the sky, absorbing the essence of the purple energy of the morning sun that was refining the cathode and yang, A lot of hard work for ten thousand years is nothing but idle study.

“Senior is so elegant.” He Mu leaned against the door with a smile, subconsciously imitating the master’s ease, and the timing of speaking happened just when Daqingen’s meritorious deeds were completed, not too early or too late.

Daqinggen was so refreshed by the senior’s call, he stroked his blue roots, and said with a smile: “Xiao Mu, you are so leisurely, aren’t you going to travel in the Yaozu star field? Why don’t you see your preparations?”

“The rest of the preparations have been completed through the World of Universal Knowledge. There is only one thing that is not satisfactory, and I still need a little help from the seniors.” He Mu said with a smile. , Take the middle palace directly.

Daqinggen was just when he was full of ambition, first he nodded following the style of his predecessors, then came to his senses, and said in a panic: “Help me a little concierge, what can I do?”

Won’t you hit my savings plan?

During this period of time, due to some unreasonable reasons and the cheap disposal of things that he didn’t want in the past, he barely survived the crisis of chopping his hands again, and planned to invest the remaining Yuanhuang coins in improving his own strength.

He Mu didn’t even enter the door, just stood there, smiled and said: “The most troublesome thing to travel to the Yaozu star field is to conceal your breath, otherwise a human race with strong vitality will be like the stars in the dark night, it must be very eye-catching , so this junior thinks about collecting materials. Ask Master to help you refine the magic weapon, as a trust. It can change the breath and pretend to be a monster.”

“Of course, the most critical factor in the materials required for this magic weapon is the aura of the tyrannical monster race.”

Daqinggen suddenly said: “You want to borrow my breath”

“No, this junior wants to use Brother Xiaotiangou to irrigate the soil that has been contaminated with its breath after the senior.” He Mutu saw it poorly and said with a smile.

The branches of Daqing root danced wildly, and hurriedly said: “No, no, IHow can you collect such dirty things?”

“Some time ago, someone anonymously auctioned similar items in the Wanjie Mall. I don’t know if the senior knows his identity.” He Mu pretended to sigh, “It’s a pity that the younger generation was slow, and the Yuanhuang coins prepared were not spent.”

Daqinggen’s face changed, his eyes rolled, and finally he said in a low voice: “They are all under Yuxu’s sect. If you are sincere, Xiaomu, I will give up this old face and ask Xiaotiangou for you.”

“Don’t worry, there will be no shortage of Yuanhuang coins,” He Mu replied firmly without revealing.

Daqinggen pretended to go out for a walk. When he came back, he handed He Mu a piece of black mud the size of a bowl cover. Although the evil spirit was weak, it had the potential to soar into the sky.

He Mu understood. According to the market price, I transferred Yuanhuang coins to Daqinggen, and finally said: “Don’t worry, senior, I got this thing by digging three feet nearby.”

Daqinggen heaved a long sigh of relief, if this matter spreads out, how can he be the concierge of Yuxu?

After collecting the materials, He Mu walked through the courtyard and came to the quiet room where Meng Qi was retreating. Before he could ask for an interview, he heard the voice of the master as if from thirty-three days away:

“Your reason for coming. The teacher has already made it clear, just put the materials in front of the door.”

Master’s supernatural powers became more and more unfathomable after he became a good fortune. He Mu restrained his smile. Zhuang Zhong took out the materials one by one and placed them neatly at the door of the quiet room.

suddenly. The black mud jumped up by itself, bursting out with purple flames from the inside out, and the rest of the materials were poured in one by one, melting one after another like colorful liquids flowing in mid-air.


A ray of purple electricity struck down, and in the middle of the mass of liquid, countless talisman and seal patterns formed naturally, and the squid and suan rose up.

Qing Guang converges, and there is already a simple jade pendant with dragon flying in the front and phoenix dancing in the back.

At the same time, Meng Qi’s voice descended again:

“Wearing this secret treasure on the body can change the breath of the human race into a monster. It can last for half a year. It is said that if you don’t pay attention, you can also hide it.”

Master can easily fabricate such magical artifacts, and the great supernatural powers are indeed great supernatural powers. He Mu secretly sighed, respectfully worshiped and thanked Master, and caught the secret treasure in the shape of a jade pendant.

After doing the sacrifices, he was fully prepared. He first left Kunlun Mountain and went deep into the grassland. Then he borrowed a stream of red, green, yellow, white, black and five-colored sword energy from the Li Xianjian to surround himself, and rushed to the sky in the light of light. .

Passing through layers of strong winds, He Mu’s vision suddenly dimmed. In front of his eyes, he saw the boundless black sky. Sun-like stars hung in the distance one by one, emitting pure white and dazzling rays of light. All kinds of curses and poisonous lights around Ferocious, if it weren’t for the body protection of the divine weapon sword light, he felt that he couldn’t resist it for too long.

Being in the starry sky, what he saw was completely different from what he saw when he looked up from the earth. It took He Mu a little effort to deduce the celestial phenomena before he could discern the direction. The sword light was like a shooting star, piercing the sky and heading towards the Yaozu star field.

Ten days later, his eyes suddenly became brighter. A strange star appeared in his sight. It was not spherical or round, but rather like a vast ocean spreading out in the darkness. The water was green and bubbled, as if it had a radius of one billion Thousands of miles of poison pool.

Due to the existence of it and the nearby stars, the nearby void is pulled and bent, and the seemingly smooth darkness is full of dangers, as if shrouded in layers of curtains.

He Mu knew that there might be legendary monster saints like the stars, and that was where their caves were, so he restrained his breath and planned to sneak in with an inconspicuous posture.

At this moment, the curtains formed by the void changes in the darkness in front of him were lifted layer by layer, and a majestic building boat comparable to a mountain peak was drilled out, and waves of monster energy permeated from it, forming a fog that surrounded the surroundings.

Just as He Mu was about to avoid it, a magnetic and pleasant female voice came from afar from the boat:

“Which clan is the same way ahead?”

He Mu’s expression remained unchanged, and the voice transmission replied: “The Tunri tribe.”

“It turns out that I am a friend of the Tiangu clan, but I am a fantasizing Tianfeng clan. We meet each other on the right and left, and we are destined to meet each other. Why don’t we go on a boat and talk about it?” The female voice strongly invited with a gesture that could not be refused.

He Mu pondered for a moment. Decided to just wait and see what happened when he was new here, so he nodded slightly and said:

“It’s better to obey than to respect.”

The sword light descended. Passing through the fog and layers of forbidden methods, it landed on the deck of the building ship. The figure of He Mu manifested.

As far as he could see, there were monster warriors with human bodies and animal heads, and beautiful and soft maids with a little monster characteristics, such as fox tails, bird wings and cat ears. They surrounded a woman in a crimson dress. A girl with a noble and elegant temperament is natural. The beauty of appearance is far better than the rest.

Beside the girl, there are two men and a woman, whose identities are obviously different from other monsters. They all have attendants and maids, and their aura is also tyrannical, but the girl is still the core.

“You carry a magic weapon, I wonder if you are a descendant of a demon god from the Tengu clan?” The girl in the crimson dress asked with a solemn smile.

Sure enough, it was the divine weapon’s aura that caused the trouble. Fortunately, they couldn’t see that it was a fairy level He Mu was not surprised. He replied calmly: “I got this magical weapon by chance, and it is not a descendant of a demon god.”

The girl in front of her spoke elegantly, unlike most of the monsters who were rude and illiterate. obvious parentage

Before the girl could answer, the tall and thin man with golden robes and cyan hair beside him said in a deep voice: “Jiuli, it’s just that a guy with no background got a magical weapon by chance, look at its breath,I’m afraid he hasn’t awakened his innate supernatural powers yet, why should he be so polite? There is no need to invite him to join the exploration. ”

Exploring He Mu’s heart moved slightly, and he pretended to be puzzled and looked at Jiuli, a girl from the Phoenix family.

She has not yet condensed her demon body, and her realm should be on par with her.

Jiuli maintained an elegant smile and said, “Spiritual weapons are the spirits of heaven and earth, and those who are virtuous and lucky live in them. This friend got one by chance, which is enough to prove that he has great luck. It is necessary for us to explore. Helps tremendously.”

Without waiting for the other three to speak, she pointed directly at the man in the golden robe with green hair and said, “This is Ao Qin from the True Dragon Clan. He is a descendant of the Little Sage of the North Pole. Respect.”

Since their return, the demon race has compared the ranks and titles of the human race in detail, and re-divided the Dharma Body. The demon king is equal to the human immortal, and the great demon is compared to the earth immortal. The demon god and the heavenly immortal belong to the same category. The legendary power of the monster race is called the little saint, which fully reveals the simplicity and rudeness of the monster race’s essence.

The little sage of the North Pole is a real dragon of the North Pole who became enlightened. When he escaped into the deep sleep of the starry sky, he moved away the sacred mountain of the North Pole to create stars. kind.

Ao Qin didn’t seem to dare to ignore Jiuli, with a sullen face, he nodded slightly, as a greeting.

Legend has it that the descendants of Da Neng, it’s no wonder that the pomp and score are so grand. He Mu suddenly returned the gift.

“This is Gu Yue from Red Bone Tiger Mountain, a descendant of Withered Bone Vulcan.” Jiu Li pointed to the man with scarlet hair and the character Wang between his brows.

Withered Bones Vulcan has never heard of the monster clan powerhouse He Mu, who does not seem to be legendary or above It is only the demon god.

Gu Yue glanced at He Mu with an attitude of looking down, and he said hello.

“This is Fairy Jinlin from Xianyue Lake, the daughter of Emperor Dragon Fish.” Jiu Li continued to introduce.

The charming girl with a wreath on her head and a little bit of gold in her white skirt seemed to have a close personal relationship with Jiuli, standing very close to each other. At this moment, she nodded with a smile, and also seemed to not pay much attention to He Mu.

Jiuli finally said: “I’m Jiuli from the Phoenix family of Fantasia, I don’t know how to call my friends.”

At this time, Fairy Jinlin interjected: “Jiu Li is the direct daughter of Little Sage Hui Guang, a pure blood of the five virtues.”

There was a look of pride between her brows and eyes.

It can make the descendants of the little sage of the North Pole not dare to offend, and he really came from an extraordinary background. Could it be that the little sage of light is the strongest demon god that Master had dealt with before? He replied sternly: “It turns out that I am a descendant of the little saints and demon gods. I am ashamed of myself, just call me Yueluo.”

Jiu Li nodded and said: “Our trip is for an ancient ruined mansion. According to my reading of the classics, I suspect that it was left by the Nine-headed Great Sage who fell in Lingshan, and was accidentally brought into the starry sky by a certain little sage. Sitting, drifting in the depths of the universe, because of the approaching of the end of the kalpa, the qi was pulled, and then returned to the vicinity.” To be continued.


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