I Honor

Chapter 1539

Helping others Su Xiaomeng

The wine glass was put down, and the water splashed slightly. Gao Lan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were a little hotter and more excited.

The pride in my bones is no match for the one in my heart after all

“How to use it?” Gao Lan tried his best to control his tone, but his voice unknowingly became hoarse and slightly trembling.

Because it is the Moonlight Treasure Box, so if you want to recite the Prajna Paramita, it means that the moon Meng Qi will not be cheap in the end, and gently nods his head and answers: “Just push it with the power of the Tao.”It doesn’t matter if you don’t rush, it’s a communicator anyway, what works is your own strength

Gao Lan held the Moonlight Treasure Box with both hands, and hesitated for a moment, not because he didn’t want to, but because he was afraid of being close to his hometown. After hundreds of years, when he saw her again, what should he say and how would Yiren respond?

He took a deep breath, and a line of words appeared in his mind:

“In the twenty-seventh year of Yongxi, June sixteenth, four quarters of the child hour”

This is a date that he will never forget in his life, and this is his unforgettable memory.

The moonlight treasure box is like the moonlight shining brightly through the palace, making Gao Lan’s figure blurry and illusory, and is immediately engulfed by the surging illusory waves.

In the twenty-seventh year of Yongxi, on June 16, at four quarters of a child, there was heavy rain in Changle, and dark clouds overwhelmed the city.

Papapapa, the Milky Way toppled over, the rain hit the ground, splashed white mist, and formed a curtain. The surroundings were dark and vast, and there were constant sounds of clanging weapons, sometimes lightning was triggered, and flames soared into the sky. It erupted, and a sword light illuminated the surrounding area, illuminating the slowly flowing blood on the ground and the corpses and wounded who fell on the ground one after another.

The elegant and fairy-like woman struggled to support herself, with palms flying out of her hands, as if she had grown a thousand arms, each holding her seal to block the sword fight, her body was full of blood, some came from others, some belonged to herself, it was okay It was easy to survive this strong attack, but there were still many enemies looming in the surrounding darkness.

“It seems that today’s dream is going to be broken here.” Yan Ran sighed in his heart, he had already foreseen his own ending, and lost his fighting spirit for a moment, leaving only one obsession, to live until he sees him one last time

At this moment, a bolt of lightning was triggered and struck down from the sky, illuminating the entire city, making Yan Ran dazed by it, as if it was the last brilliance in his life.

A sword light came out of the darkness and pierced her vest silently. When the slight pain came, Yan Ran woke up suddenly, but he couldn’t dodge it.

It’s a pity I couldn’t wait for him

Suddenly, the sword light stopped, just when the sword tip entered the skin, the surrounding noise and chaos disappeared strangely, and it was as quiet and peaceful as a moonlit night.

Yan Ran raised his head subconsciously, and saw a man wearing a gown robe and a flat sky crown. His majestic body blocked the wind and rain, and blocked all the chaos.

That handsome and flawless face was so familiar, and the burning and excited gaze seemed to come back from a dream, hiding self-blame, gratitude and gratitude, but there was a little more inexplicable pain and pity.

Countless emotions surged in Yan Ran’s heart, making her vision blurred. Many words came to her lips, but she only uttered one sentence:

“You seem to have aged ten years overnight”

In the past, Gao Lan was full of vigor and majesty, but now he is mature and restrained, with a little more wind and frost in his eyebrows and eyes.

Gao Lan’s eye sockets turned red immediately, his lips moved a few times and said:

“Yeah, I haven’t seen you overnight, it’s like more than ten years.”

More than ten years, this is a gaze that has been delayed for hundreds of years

He stretched out his right hand and encircled Yan Ran’s waist domineeringly. Around him, solidified figures exploded, with flesh and blood flying like fireworks.

Yan Ran was caught off guard, sweet and surprised at the same time, and was immediately carried away by Gao Lan, but looked down at another Gao Lan, who rushed towards Gao Lan like a lunatic

“He you…” Yan Ran was surprised and suspicious, at a loss.

“Hmph, don’t worry about that idiot.” Gao Lan pointed his fingers, and the cause and effect were all in Yan Ran’s heart. In a flash of light, he came to an infinite height, saw the majestic and immutable palace, and saw the “Yuxu” hanging quietly. Palace” plaque.

He clings to Yan Ran’s hands, his eyes are full of heroic tenderness, he can indulge in people’s hearts, and he said softly:

“wait for me here.”

Yan Ran understood what was going on, nodded with tears in her eyes, and said softly but firmly:

“I will”

Qinghui rose, Gao Lan’s figure disappeared, and there was a fake Yan Ran’s corpse in Changle City. The lunatic Gao Lan hugged her, sang wildly and cried, and bloodbathed Changle.

An ancient glazed lamp shines, and the line of cause and effect is cut off. The Nine Heavens Xuannv at the current node has new memories and sighs in a low voice. Emperor Gao Miao looked at each other from a distance.

Yan Ran trembled for a while, calmed down his emotions, and looked back, the gate of Yuxu Palace had been opened at some point, deep and quiet, with the feeling of an ancient Buddha with a blue lamp.

She gave a salute, slowly stepped over the threshold, and entered a side hall. In front of her was the statue of Yuanshi Tianzun, and under the statue was an ancient lamp. Various major events in the world floated among the flickering flames.

At this juncture, Gao Lan’s figure reappeared, and Meng Qi was no longer on the opposite side. Looking up, he saw the gate of the Yuxu Palace on the infinite height slowly opened, and a haunted figure walked out.

Yan Ran had a feeling, raised his head, and the surroundings were immediately connected, as if there were lightning and thunder, as if hundreds of years had passed in one fell swoop.

In front of the seat of Tianzun, a solitary lamp, after a hundred years of hard work, will finally have its present day

The boat of doom crossed the void, sailed into Xuanbei’s pure land of Ksitigarbha, and stopped at the top of Mount Sumeru, but Meng Qi didn’t refine it right away.

Although he can speed up time and shorten the long refining process to a few months, a few days, a few moments, or even a few breaths, things with this kind of progression must wait for an opportunity, so that they canHe intercepted the timing and general trend for his own use to achieve the desired effect, and during the years of waiting, Meng Qi was not idle.

In the fairy world of the East China Sea, the new Thrushcross Villa, the back mountain is the same as before, with exotic flowers all over, the thatched cottage is dark, and a tomb stands quietly.

Mr. Lu Da devoted himself to carving the wooden statue, not being distracted by the addition of a heavenly figure in a black robe and ancient crown in front of him. He didn’t put down what he was doing until the knife fell just now, and looked at Meng Qi with a smile: “Last time At the time of the tide of the water, the old man thought back to those days, at that time, who would have thought that the young man who stared blankly at the old man’s sculpture would become a Taoist celestial being.”

“In one’s life, one’s encounters are always unspeakable. At that time, thanks to the seniors who taught me a little life experience.” Meng Qi sat cross-legged casually, looking at the Frost Fairy who finally became a dharma body and lived to this day in the Thrushcross Villa, and the life extension pill. Qu Jiuniang and other original members of the Immortal Trail, who had enjoyed a good time for more than a hundred years, said softly, “Yan Ran is resurrected.”

The six realms have been disbanded long ago, and reincarnation has ceased.

“Really?” After a brief pause, Mr. Lu Da had already glimpsed the secret, and realized that what Meng Qi said was true.

“At the beginning, the senior refused the temptation of the Demon Buddha, saying that he would finish it. Now that the era is coming to an end, I want to see Mrs. Madam again, and face the future that may not have a future together.” Meng Qi asked with a smile.

At this point, he can no longer expect Mr. Lu Da to go further, time is not waiting for me, so he starts to help the old man make friends to understand his wishes, and then calmly face the coming of the end.

Mr. Lu Da looked at the tomb with soft eyes, and said with a smile: “This old man is not pedantic, nor is Mr. Ye a fan of dragons. As long as he does not violate the bottom line of his heart, this is a good thing. I really wish for it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something. Looking back at the back mountain path, he saw a hundred flowers blooming there, colorful, surrounded by a beautiful woman in a palace dress. She smiled slightly, her eyes were gentle, everything was like in a dream

Mr. Lu Da couldn’t help being crazy.

The most is that gentle smile, haunted to this day

In the past, at the moment Mr. Lu Da’s wife passed away, Meng Qi took her to Yuxu Palace, gave her elixir and life-prolonging things, and used the illusion of Taoism to hide from the sky, so as to prevent Mr. Lu Da’s cultivation from appearing. Change.

After doing similar things, Meng Qi looked back at Gu.

This time, it’s my turn, to meet the brand of Yuanshi Tianzun who has been avoiding before.

Knowing that Wusheng Old Mother’s successor is likely to come from the secrets left by Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun, if you don’t explore or touch these things, it’s like committing suicide

In the age of mythology, did Yuanshi Tianzun only have his imprint left to maintain the progress of history, and what would happen when his product of subtraction and emptiness met the imprint of K?

Is there a chance to open the root of time again, reunite Fengshen, Journey to the West and the real world, restore the true colors of the long river of time, and let the whereabouts of the two celestial beings appear?

As for the reincarnation of the Overlord’s Brand, we still have to wait for the next era. There are not many years left in the end of the world.


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