I Honor

Chapter 1540

In the nothingness, a long sparkling river flows quietly, with countless tributaries, so many people have passed away, and the glory of the past is all buried upstream, like a lost city under the sea.

Meng Qi returned to the sky shortly before his fall, and his figure appeared outside the Yuxu Palace at an infinite height, and he immediately felt the ancient, solemn, majestic and deep aura in the palace.

The head of the Three Purities, the first Tianzun of Taoism, the breath of Yuanshi Tianzun

I have received K’s inheritance, benefited from K, and inherited K’s name, but I have never met him until today

Bang Dang, the sound of the door opening echoed in the dark and deep palace. Meng Qi walked calmly, along the familiar road, and walked slowly towards the Yuqing Palace. They turned a blind eye to Meng Qi’s arrival, as if they didn’t notice it at all, it was as weird as living in a picture scroll.

Not long after, Meng Qi came to the gate of Yuqing Palace, saw the cloud bed above, saw the perfect, clear, and flawless precious light, and saw the majestic and profound, middle-aged ancient Tianzun , holding the purple, white and pale gold Three Jewels Ruyi in K’s palm, floating and floating around his body is a phantom that seems to be virtual and real, there is Brahma who created the world, and there is the god of ignorance and blindness, all of which defeated other projections from the other side in the oldest universe and occupied The absolutely dominant Yuanshi “he and I”, they seem to support the inexplicable “boat” together, so that the Yuanshi Tianzun sitting cross-legged in it is more and more separated from the heavens and worlds, pure and untainted.

The four gazes met in mid-air, and Meng Qi looked directly at the most powerful and oldest Celestial Venerable.

At this moment, the Three Treasures in Yuanshi Tianzun’s palm flew up like a wish, and slowly flew towards its current node owner, and the ancient and majestic figure instantly blurred and disappeared like a dream bubble

The Yuanshi Tianzun in this period of history just disappeared before Meng Qi’s eyes.

The Three Treasures fell as desired, and Meng Qi stretched out his hand to hold them. He felt warm and peaceful, cleansing his mind, and it was real. It was in stark contrast to the illusory figure of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Thoughtful, he walked slowly to the cloud bed, turned around and sat down solemnly, showing the bright and pure round light behind his head like the Yuanshi Tianzun just now, and part of the “Yuanshi projection” absorbed in the oldest universe.

After a while, Baihe boy entered the room, but he was not surprised when he saw Meng Qi, and he saluted respectfully:

“TeacherWhat is the master’s order?”

As far as K is concerned, the person sitting upright in the Yuqing Palace seems to have never changed from the beginning to the end, even if the breath and appearance are no longer different

Meng Qi knew it well, and said peacefully:

“Pass down my dharma decree, and the disciples of Yuxu’s sect have recently closed their doors and practiced quietly.”

until heaven falls

This is also what Yuanshi Tianzun said in history

As the product of Yuanshi Tianzun’s subtraction and emptiness, he went back to the past, and as soon as he saw the imprint left by K, he naturally completed the replacement from this period of history to the current node

K’s proximity to Daoguo is indeed better than Daode Tianzun and Amitabha Buddha.

“I would like to abide by the decree of Master Zhangjiao.” Boy Baihe retired respectfully.

Watching his back disappear in front of the Yuqing Palace, Meng Qi sighed in a low voice, the closer he got to Daoguo, the harder it was to say.

However, I also understand why the ancients such as Yuanshi Tianzun and Amitabha Buddha competed for the dominance of the oldest universe in this era and completely suppressed each other, because these universes and “others and me” whose essence has been improved can be like a root in a torrent. A pillar, holding up the deity, allowing him to be subtly separated from the heavens and worlds and the real world, making him more clean and untainted, and it is better to reduce and seek emptiness.

“I haven’t seen the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty”, Meng Qi’s thoughts were ups and downs, looking at the white clouds and dogs, the historical changes, and a new calculation in his heart:

Since every time I see a Yuanshi brand, it will be replaced naturally, and it is difficult to see more clues, so it is better to see the brand left by Lingbao Tianzun, K will never disappear, there are always clues to spy on.

And the mystery of the whereabouts of the two Tianzun was originally a problem.

Thinking about moving, Meng Qi had already arrived outside the Biyou Palace on Jinao Island. Since the Battle of the Conferred Gods, this world has become quiet and cold without the noise of thousands of immortals coming to court. Even children are rarely seen in this world.

The gate of Biyou Palace was open, and there was no one there, and the gatekeeper was nowhere to be seen, giving Meng Qi the feeling that the other party had expected that he would come, so he opened the middle gate wide and waited empty-handed.

Could it be that the Lingbao Tianzun in this period of history was also played by the Golden Emperor?

In other words, the Golden Emperor is the product of Lingbao Tianzun’s reduction and emptiness, but in that case, after k becomes an ancient person, Lingbao Tianzun should have transcended and proved the fruit of Taoism, what are k’s still arguing about?

As the other side, Meng Qi walked with his hands behind his back without any fear, walked through the familiar gate of Biyou Palace, and walked all the way to the front of the Hall of Shangqing.

The breath and traces of Lingbao Tianzun remain in this palace, but the inside is empty and there is no figure.

When Meng Qi stepped into the hall, he opened his eyes, watching the remaining breath, distinguishing the clues.

At this time, a boy came out from the side hall, looked at Meng Qi, was slightly puzzled but still respectful and said:

“Master Headmaster has left the customs”

Master Teacher Meng Qi’s heart skipped a beat, his eyes narrowed, and he said in a calm and low voice:

“Pass down my decree and call Sanxiao to come.”

This is to regard oneself as Lingbao Tianzun

And Lingbao Tianzun, like Dao Zun, didn’t even leave a mark

The boy didn’t dare to be negligent, and hurriedly said: “I will obey the decree of Master Zhangjiao.”

After a while, the three Yunxiao sisters came from the Heavenly Court and stepped into the Shangqing Hall. They looked at Meng Qi, but they were not shocked at all, but they just saluted with some doubts: “I pay my respects to the teacher in charge.

Seeing the head teacher Meng Qi with deep eyes, he said calmly:

“The heaven will change, you should prepare early.”

Things changed beyond Meng Qi’s deduction, and weird and unspeakable things happened, so he didn’t stop there. After pondering for a while, he went back in time again and came to the time before the Battle of Conferred Gods.

Outside the Biyou Palace, there are mountains and waters, auspicious clouds, enveloping the peaks, forming a world of its own. Countless gods, gods and monsters escape from all directions and fall to various valleys and peaks. With a sentence of Dao Lun sound.

Where the pavilion is located, a round of perfect and flawless precious light containing all kinds of principles and countless possibilities hangs high, bright and clean, setting off a vague figure, it is the Lingbao Tianzun that Meng Qi has seen in the past.

Like an ordinary fairy who came to listen to the sermon, Meng Qi sat casually in cross lotus, raised his eyes to look at Biyou Palace, made eye contact with Lingbao Tianzun, and saw those high desert and deep, chaotic eyes.

Hey, there is no “emptiness”, and the different encounters of different ages have not disappeared. Meng Qi feels that he seems to have grasped some clues.

After thinking about it, he escaped and came to the Yuxu Palace of this era, intending to see the brand of Yuanshi again.

On Kunlun Mountain, the Yuxu Palace was ancient and deep. Meng Qi walked through the gate without any hindrance. After passing through many obstacles, he came to the Yuqing Palace and saw the ancient Celestial Venerable holding the Three Treasures Ruyi in his hand.

No accident, as soon as the two met, the three treasures flew up by themselves, and the figure of Yuanshi Tianzun disappeared. Meng Qi only felt that history was added to him, and he took on the role of “Yuanshi” from this moment until the fall of the heaven

In other words, he is also the one who “plays” Yuanshi Tianzun in the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

“There’s no problem here.” Meng Qi was thoughtful, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Biyou Palace.

Hey, he froze suddenly.

The bright and clean precious light and the figure of Lingbao Tianzun hanging above Biyou Palace disappeared, only the sound of Dao Lun reverberated, making the worshiping gods and monsters mesmerized and intoxicated.


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