I Honor

Chapter 1541

Forty-Twodeep water

Meng Qi was sitting in the Palace of Yuqing, his eyes reflected the ten thousand immortals coming to court, the Biyou Palace where there was no one to teach, where there were many figures and the atmosphere was noisy, except for the lack of Lingbao Tianzun, only a few traces remained. The sound echoed endlessly.

When I see Lingbao Tianzun first, k’s brand will not disappear or be replaced, which shows that I am not a product of k’s subtraction and seeking, at least not directly related to it. On the contrary, once I meet the brand of Yuanshi Tianzun , then immediately there will be dream bubbles and natural replacements, which is perfectly in line with the fact that he inherited the title of Yuanshi Tianzun and became the cause of all fruits in the world, which is the situation of Yuanshi Tianzun doing the reduction and emptiness.

But when he replaced the brand of Yuanshi Tianzun, the brand of Lingbao Tianzun in the same period of history disappeared. Combined with the previous inference, it may be ready to emerge

Since I am not directly the product of Lingbao Tianzun’s reduction and seeking, the disappearance of the K brand is obviously because of Yuanshi Tianzun, and the two have a certain degree of weird connection

Of course, it does not mean that Yuanshi Tianzun merged or assimilated Lingbao Tianzun, because as long as they are integrated, the essence is the same, and I am the only one. If I see Lingbao Tianzun first, it will also cause the disappearance and replacement of the other party’s brand.

At this time, all the relevant things that he knew in the past flowed through Meng Qi’s mind one by one:

In the battle of falling from heaven, Yuanshi Tianzun faced Jianmu and sighed that “the matter of Dao and fruit is not fake”;

After the whereabouts of Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun became a mystery, they fought in Qingweitian. If this is not a forged trace of the Golden Emperor, it means that the Ks are still fighting for something;

Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Daode Tianzun are all born on the other side, born at the same time, first there is Sanqing and then there is heaven;

K stands for from nothing to being, the foundation of existence and from being to nothing, and together they just cover everything, leaving nothing behind, neither increasing nor decreasing;

Yuanshi Tianzun extracts the time of conferring the gods to cover up the whereabouts of Lingbao Tianzun, and Daode Tianzun intercepts Journey to the West to hide the traces of Yuanshi Tianzun

Does this mean that the “Tao” has transformed into the Three Purities, and each of the Ks is one aspect of the “Tao”, and they are verified by each other, and they are the fruit of the Tao and the complete “Tao”. The “Tao” symbolized has obtained the perfect and flawless prototype of the Tao, and because of the influence of each other, it is difficult to take the last step. The three cleans must be together to achieve the Tao

Knowing this clearly, Yuanshi Tianzun will say “not fake foreign things”, and will have a secret fight with Lingbao Tianzun to compete for the follow-up dominance, and to end the past causes and effects such as the battle of the gods. Before Jianmuguo, the three Qings were each seeking the way, and because of the dispute over the way, they were sometimes friends and sometimes enemies, and there were many grievances, which led to the appearance of the other side.

According to this conjecture, things like the appearance of Biyou Palace on Kunlun Mountain can be perfectly explained.

In the same way, the purpose of covering up the whereabouts of Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun is to cover up their current state and avoid being targeted and jointly destroyed by the rest of the other side.

When I break free from the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore, it is a done deal, and the other shores can only find other ways to stop it.

“No wonder there is a feeling that Lingbao Tianzun has changed his state and exists in the world in a strange way.” Meng Qi looked at Biyou Palace and sighed in his heart.

At this time, Western Ultimate Bliss, Bodhi Wisdom Pure Land, Demon Emperor’s Palace, Newborn Nine Nethers, Vacuum Homeland, Reappearance of Immortal Realm and Fusang Ancient Tree Realm all cast their deep eyes on the “empty” Biyou Palace.

At the present point, K can naturally get a glimpse of the general situation

Across the Biyou Palace, Meng Qi looked at the bright and clear moon through the diffuse fairy energy, and his eyes met the golden emperor Gao Miao’s indifferent eyes, without waves, as calm as ice.

The Golden Emperor should have known it a long time ago. K’s recent consecutive defeats and continuous weakening are all following K’s script, so he must have a corresponding backup

This enlightenment accurately flashed in Meng Qi’s mind, and he had a better understanding of the past struggles.

If the Golden Emperor doesn’t motivate him to slash his own path, then he who cultivates Wuji Seal and Kaitian Seal can achieve the prototype of Dao Fruit in the shortest time, step into the ranks of the ancients, and interpret the great supernatural powers of the Three Purities in One Qi. To achieve consummation, there is no need to assimilate Medicine Master Wang Buddha and the golden body of the Holy Buddha to have the weak realm of the other side, so that the trinity of Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun will be detached, and this era will no longer have hope.

That knife is really the knife that I have been looking forward to since K laid out Xiaosang

Withdrawing his gaze, Meng Qi turned to look at the Tushita Palace beyond the 33rd Heaven, as if he could see the old man in Taoist robes who closed his eyes and meditated.

“Tianzun of morality is the foundation of the existence of the world. K cannot escape from the world like Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun, and exists in a strange state. He must wait until the end of the era when the world will not exist before he can leave freely and join hands with k to transcend, so in Before that, k needs to complete the subtraction and emptyness, and make me the ancient”

“At the current level, this plan is no longer enough to cover the flames. What do the three Tianzun have to do?”

It is conceivable that every step of my next improvement will be crazily blocked by Amitabha Buddha, Bodhi Ancient Buddha, Inanimate Mother, Heavenly Emperor, Demon Buddha, and even the Demon Emperor.

Fortunately, the road of self-destruction with a single knife, the promotion is slow, and it is difficult to improve if it is not a big opportunity, otherwise it will become the target of public criticism at this moment

Did the Golden Emperor have it before?A similar plan or a follow-up, when he has another chance and is about to cut out the third weak incarnation of the other side, which becomes the embryonic form of Daoguo, the incident of Sanqing suddenly breaks out, gathering the power of all the other side, just like dealing with the emperor of heaven Surround yourself, in that case, even if Xiao Sang lands on the other side, he will be helpless, and will be restricted by other ancients, making it difficult to threaten K in the slightest.

It’s really a chain of links, it’s a perfect strategy.

It wouldn’t be too bad to debunk this upfront.

All kinds of situations were clearly reflected in Meng Qi’s mind, and he was even more eager to know what kind of backhand the Golden Emperor prepared with the help of the Secret of the Three Purities. From these aspects, K was a more terrifying enemy than the Demon Buddha.

And if you want to pry into this point, you must figure out the secret of Sanqing, and you must reintegrate Fengshen and Journey to the West into the real world

To do this kind of thing, only the oldest person who can go back to the beginning of the world can do it. In today’s world, only the Taoist God and Amitabha Buddha

Only ks have the ability to open the source of time at the moment of creation

And in this matter, the rest of the other shores can’t even provide assistance, because the Ks can’t go back to before the creation of the world, that is to say, the ks can jointly stop the moral Tianzun after the creation of the world, but they can’t affect the opponent before the creation of the world.

The realm advantage between the other side is reflected in this kind of place

In normal battles and confrontations, the realms of the Beyonders are often not reflected too clearly, because going back in time erases the gap between the end of the era and restarting in the past, and the effect against the same Beyonders is not very good, unless they are willing to die together and no longer open up the world. Similarly, because there are too many means to make up for the combat power, just like Meng Qi himself, although he is not the prototype of the Dao Fruit, but after having two weak incarnations of the other side, he is able to overwhelm the ancient man and lose the Zhuxian Sword Formation. The Golden Emperor is not a problem, but at this time and this kind of thing, the level is just a little bit worse, and it is difficult to jump over and touch it no matter how you jump Q.

“Amitabha definitely wants to integrate Fengshen and Journey to the West to see all the secrets, but would Uncle Daode be willing?” Meng Qi could only shake his head and smile, and his figure flashed outside the gate of Tushita Palace.

For some things, it is better to ask directly.


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