I Honor

Chapter 1542

The time has come

Outside Tushita Palace, there are Lingquan waterfalls, exotic flowers and plants, fairy birds flying slowly, and spirit beasts moving slowly, creating a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Boy Jinjiao and Boy Yinjiao had been waiting outside the palace gate for a long time. When they saw Meng Qi’s figure appear, they respectfully saluted and said:

“Greetings to Master Teacher, my master asked me to pass on a message to you: when the time comes, we will be one.”

At this moment, for the two boys, it was before the Battle of the Conferred Gods, and the person who came to the door was naturally Yuqing Zixu Gaomiao Taishang Yuanhuang Daojun, who was the original Yuanshi Tianzun, the head of the Sanqing, and the first of the nine.

When the time comes, what kind of time will the reunion be? At the moment before the end of the era, Meng Qi showed no emotion, and nodded slightly. The Daode Tianzun had already talked about this part, and it was useless to ask again.

However, he did not turn around and leave, returning to the current node, but stood in front of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn Boys with a smile, as if waiting for something.

At this time, the Golden Horn boy took out two things from his bosom, and handed them over respectfully:

“My lord ordered that these two treasures be handed over to the teacher in charge.”

These two things, one is the Sword of Immortal Execution, which flickers fiercely with misty green lights, and the other is the array of red, green, black and white intertwined, filled with the meaning of the end

Sure enough, Meng Qi was not surprised, and reached out to take it.

Then he found that the imprint of the previous owner in the Zhuxian Sword and the array had been wiped clean, without any residue.

His fingers groped the cold and sharp sword, his figure suddenly blurred, and disappeared in front of Jinjiao and Yinjiao boys like a dream, and returned to the Yuxu Palace at the current node. The cave of Chi Jingzi, Yuding Daoist and Daoxing Xianzun.

These four great supernatural beings woke up from the meditation one after another, opened their eyes, opened their mouths to spit out the clouds, which turned into streamers of different colors, with many fuzzy dao patterns floating up and down, each forming a sword light, and throwing them towards Yuxu Palace.

This is the harvest of hundreds of thousands of years of K who have mastered the four major swords of killing and trapping. It is the corresponding sword scripture mastered from the sword

Meng Qi’s eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and in front of him was a red, blue, black, black, black and white image of the Jade Immortals formation whizzing across. From time to time, blue, green, pure white, pitch black, or red sword lights would burst out, interweaving into an illusory Jade Immortals sword formation.

Four sword lights flew from the Jiuhua Mountain and other stars outside the region. He stretched out his right hand, which was dark and dark. He grabbed it with the palm of his hand and pressed it to the center of his eyebrows.

The light shone everywhere, the sword scriptures were completely assimilated by Meng Qi, and even the illusory Sword Formation of Zhu Xian was sucked by him and swallowed into his “belly”.

A gust of fresh air rushed out of his head, turning into three, one is the pure and smiling Zhending Tathagata, the other is the unrestrained and leisurely Daoist Qingyuan, and the rest is the colder and colder Sumeng Tianzun, his The breath gradually became more and more like an end.

Su Meng Tianzun was born after Meng Qi learned the one-qi transformation of the three cleans, and cut it out with his own sword skills. It is the “Jie Tian Dao Body” that combines the Four Swords of Jade Immortals. Now he wants to complete the sword scriptures and the mysteries of the formation diagram of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals , slowly adjust this incarnation to be based on Lingbao Taoism.

However, relying on the skills alone, even if it is perfect, it is still only the incarnation of the pinnacle of good fortune, and it is impossible to cross the sky and become the weak other side, helping Meng Qi to wear the shacklesWith the burden to achieve the embryonic form of Dao fruit.

“Is it necessary to refine the Four Swords of Jade Immortals into Sumeng Tianzun?” Meng Qi was thinking about possible methods, but the other three swords of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals are in the hands of Qingdi and Amitabha respectively, and the former may be exchanged, after all K has only returned to the original level. This era can at most reach the level of the ancients, and the latter, involving the dispute over the Dao, will cut off the possibility of transcending this era once it is handed over. There is almost no extravagant hope.

Is there any other way, such as devouring and assimilating the monsters of the Heavenly Dao, directly perfecting the Jietian Dao body, and promoting it to the weak other side, which will make the Taoist and Yuanshi Tianzun achieve the ultimate reduction and emptiness, but the Lingbao Tianzun is obviously inferior I feel of course, it’s the same for me, all of them have proved the embryonic form of Taoism, become an ancient person, whether the incarnation is Jietian Taoist body or Lingbao real body, there is no difference in essence.

Will Taoist Sanqing have other preparations? Is it based on the opportunity of the end of the era?

While practicing, Meng Qi was thinking about possibilities, deriving changes beyond the current tributaries of the future.

Whether Yuanshi, Daode and Lingbao are supernatural or not is not what I care about. What I care about is whether I can use this to make a fuss, benefit myself and Xiao Sang, and even find a chance to eradicate the Demon Buddha and the Golden Emperor

Surrounded by darkness, he seemed to be hiding in the depths of the chaos, his expression was indifferent, and he could not see the slightest wave.

Years are like water, time goes by, and in the blink of an eye, more than 30 years have passed. Even if Yang Jian holds the Wuji Xinghuang Banner in the center of the world to guard the Western Regions, and the Taoist Seven Killers holds the Minghai Sword to isolate the East China Sea from the extreme south, the natural disasters in the real world are still visible to the naked eye. The speed is increasing, the extreme north is melting, and the sea level is rising. Many islands and mainland coasts that used to be prosperous have disappeared under the cover of blue.

Demon Buddha Ananda sat at the bottom of the Nine Serenities, his eyes were smiling, and he did not know who was making eye contact.

Suddenly, he patted his knee lightly and said leisurely:

“The time has come”


Jiuyou boiled instantly, the Gobi of the Western Regions and the extreme south of the East China Sea seemed to erupt like two huge volcanoes, spewing out pitch-black flames and gloomy mist, bringing a doomsday-like scene.

“The time has come.” In Yuxu Palace, Meng Qi slowly opened his eyes, and the inside was as deep and quiet as if it was the beginning of everything.

He grasped his right hand out of thin air, and the Ksitigarbha Pure Land where Xuan Bei was located shrank suddenly, and got into the indestructible doomsday boat. Bursts of golden flames rose up, burning glass, and the strange light soared to the sky, pulling the doomsday in the real world breath.

Time flies, a breath of thousands of years, in the blink of an eye, it has subsided, the boat of doom has become extremely huge, spanning hundreds of millions of kalpas from end to end, covered with a layer of light golden glaze, and the empty space is full of pure lotus flowers, both after death The meaning of home, and the sense of transcendence.

Xuan Bei sat in full lotus on the golden lotus platform on the deck, surrounded by ghosts in a daze. At first glance, there are countless rooms in the ship, not just trillions, which can hold all living beings and all species.

“Nanwu Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” Xuan Bei recited in a low voice.

He knew that this “treasure raft for crossing the world” hadn’t been completed yet, and he had to wait for something else.


There were bursts of thunder in the sky, shadows danced, and lightning and streaming fire fell from time to time, which were blocked by the power of Qingguang Bailian or humanity.

Seeing this scene, the sentient beings on the remaining islands in the East China Sea prayed for the protection of the Emperor even more. In the territory of the original Great Zhou, the believers became more and more devout, hoping that the Holy Mother of the White Lotus would save the world.

Sensing this change in the heavenly way, Gu Xiaosang in Yuxu Palace suddenly got up, descended to the lower realm, and became one with the Holy Mother of the White Lotus, never to be separated from each other.

She made seals with her hands, the treasure was solemn, ethereal and holy, and said with a slight smile:

“The opportunity has come”

The doomsday is approaching, and all living beings look forward to the Lord of Savior, which is the opportunity for them to break free from the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore

Opportunities must not be missed, they will never come again, they should be broken, and they will not be disturbed

But before going back to the past, peeping into the future, and retreating for many years, the accumulation is already sufficient

In the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, Bodhi Pure Land, Vacuum Hometown, and Jiuyou Immortal Realm, a line of aloof eyes watched over.


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