I Honor

Chapter 163

: The Legacy of the Demon Saint

Following the voice, Zhenguan turned his head and saw Meng Qi and Zhenhui. A cold smile appeared on his fleshless face: “It turns out that he is Junior Brother Zhending. I never expected to meet an old friend in another country. Don’t come here without any problems, okay?”

He walked straight towards Meng Qi, a layer of thin black scales appeared on his face and the back of his hands, like a poisonous snake in the shape of a human, with a demonic aura that overwhelmed his soul.

Meng Qi had already been tempered by the demonic energy in the stupa, so he didn’t lose his mind at this time, he pulled out the saber with a bang, and opened his hands with “Duan Qingjing”, keeping his energy and spirit introverted.

“Amitabha Buddha, anger and poison have entered the body, and it will never be restored. Donor, please calm down.” The young monk Hongneng proclaimed a Buddha’s chant, his clear and clear voice echoed in the small temple, and went straight to the bottom of his heart.

Zhenguan paused in his steps, looked at Meng Qi who looked normal but felt extremely dangerous, and Hong Neng who saw Chen’s benevolence, thought about his strength, and silently sat across from him with the package.

Meng Qi didn’t make a move either. Just now when Zhenguan was full of demonic power, his aura was terrifying. Even if it wasn’t as good as An Guoxie and Yuan Mengzhi, it was not far behind. Judging from the confrontation of qi and machine, the strength was probably around eight orifices, and there was no thunderstorm. The upper limit of one’s own life.

Therefore, although Meng Qi really wanted to know how Zhenguan hooked up with the ghosts and goblins in the back mountain, the origin of the secret path, and whether he had anything to do with senior brother Zhenchang, he still restrained his impulse, so as not to lose both Gu Changqing and Zhen. With Hui by his side, Meng Qi felt that he was not afraid of losing his strength completely, but that might not be able to grasp the true view. If he was seriously injured and encountered a horse bandit who “didn’t know the truth” for the time being, the problem would become serious.

How could his strength grow so fast? Meng Qi was secretly surprised. He had the adventures and exchanges in the world of reincarnation, but he had only opened his four orifices up to now. Now. He almost has the strength of the eight orifices. Could it be that this is the gain of transforming into a half-demon body as the master said? eight orifices.

Zhenhui peeked at Zhenguan, looking curious but afraid to ask, looking at Meng Qi from time to time, expecting the “omnipotent” brother to speak.

“Amitabha, all living beings are empty, and the donor is entangled in killing karma. Why bother to add sins?” Hong Neng proclaimed the Buddha’s name again, looking at the package that Zhenguan was carrying with solemn and compassionate eyes.

Zhenguan let out a hey, and opened the package with a slightly dazed expression, revealing two heads that had been marinated by lime inside. Of the seventy-two heads reported here, only eighteen have been removed. There are still fifty-four more.”

“Amitabha, when is it time to repay the grievances, sins and sins, the donor has fallen intoAsura bitter sea. Why don’t you let go of your obsessions and follow the poor monk to build a Buddhist temple in this barren land, accumulating merits and virtues in order to be liberated in the next life.” Hong Neng sighed and fulfilled the responsibility of enlightenment.

Meng Qi frowned slightly, the Helian Mountain Seventy-Two Bandits, crying for the grandson of the old man “Lidi Yan Luo” You Huanduo said that it was thanks to them that Zhen Guan became an orphan. It’s no wonder that I will meet him again in the vast sea, it is really that he must come here.

Hearing Hongneng’s advice, Zhenguan laughed loudly: “These words, Master should tell them when they killed my parents, yesterday’s cause, today’s fruit, this is the teaching of the Buddha.”

“Today’s cause is tomorrow’s fruit. Cause and effect are entangled, and it is difficult to be free. Don’t you understand?” Hong Neng shouted suddenly, as if Hong Zhong was ringing in unison. Butcher’s knife, free from cause and effect, instantly become a Buddha”

When it comes to debating scriptures, Zhenguan is no match for Hongneng. Qiangzi argued a few more words, but was speechless, so he stopped talking and looked at the ground dumbly.

Hongneng spread lotus flowers with his tongue, but he failed to save the true contemplation and repented. He was also a little discouraged for a while, closed his eyes and twirled the rosary.

Seeing his performance like this, Meng Qi couldn’t stop laughing secretly. Hongneng’s performance before made him feel like he was facing an eminent monk. Hong Neng, who is in his twenties, still lacks the demeanor of not being surprised by favor or humiliation, and that everything is empty. This expression of discouragement is in line with his age

He took a deep breath, and subconsciously pretended to be elegant and indifferent in front of Hongneng: “Amitabha, brother Zhenguan, when I saw you leaving the secret road in the past, I was timid for a while and didn’t dare to go up to greet you. to be here again.”

He started talking.

Zhenguan sneered and said: “I was kicked out of the temple. I have no dharma name for a long time, and I have resumed my lay name. However, you can call me whatever you want. Speaking of it, it is also thanks to you, Junior Brother Zhending. If it weren’t for you , how could I have an adventure and have the power of revenge?”

He did not reveal what his lay name was.

“You had an adventure the night you were expelled from the monastery.” Meng Qi asked this question casually.

Zhenguan laughed and said, “Do you think I will tell you?”

“The so-called adventure is only in the body of a half-demon. There are huge hidden dangers. What’s the point?” Meng Qi wasn’t discouraged at all. As for the hidden dangers, he speculated and exaggerated.

Zhenguan’s face suddenly became gloomy: “For the monks you can cultivate, of course, it is meaningless, but for me, it is the only choice for revenge. Even if I fall into hell, even if I suffer day and night, I will not regret it.”

“When the Xiangliu clan’s demonic aura fills the body, every time at 2 o’clock in the noon, there will be a pain of ten thousand poisons devouring the body. In winter, the whole body will be powerless and will be slaughtered by others, and there will never be hope for the way of heaven and man.” Hong Neng unfolded again. Eyes, sincerely persuaded, “If the benefactor converts to my Buddha again and builds a Buddhist temple with me in this barren land, I will teach you the method to help you get rid of evil spirits and return to the right way.”

Xiang Liu, isn’t this the hydra god in the myths and legends of my previous life? Meng Qi thought in a little stunned, but after thinking about it, even Bodhidharma has it, so it’s not a big deal.

Zhenguan said with a half-smile: “When I get my revenge, I will follow the mage again, so that I can practice Buddha and accumulate virtue and eliminate my sins. It shouldn’t be too late.”

“Amitabha, sin, sin.” After all, Hongneng was not very young, so he was speechless when asked.

Zhenguan ignored him and turned to look at Meng Qi: “I heard that brother Zhenchang committed suicide for stealing Buddhist scriptures from the Jingang Temple. It is true.”

The Shaolin Temple notified the various sects, and the matter has already spread widely.

“Do you think I’ll tell you?” Meng Qi replied in the original words, and the real things are inseparable from his own relationship. It seems that there is some connection between Zhenguan and real things. Still don’t say too much, so as not to cause accidents.

“I’ve heard about it near Mount Helian, what can’t I say?” Zhenguan asked expressionlessly.

Meng Qi felt more and more strange, if you have nothing to do with Zhenchang, why do you keep catching on to this question? So he pondered for a while and said: “Senior Brother Zhenyong was found stealing scriptures, and Senior Brother Zhenchang was pulled out. He saw that there was no hope of escape. , and committed suicide.”

“Suicide” Zhenguan repeated the word in a low voice, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.

“Amitabha. There are no demons here, please come in, two benefactors.” Hong Neng spoke to the outside of the temple again.

Meng Qi was amazed at Hongneng’s sensing power. He had already opened his four senses, but in such a sandstorm, he couldn’t sense outside things, but he could

However, why are monsters again? Apart from the stupa, I have encountered the most monsters in my life today.

Although it is said that there are many big monsters hidden in the depths of the vast sea. Some dangerous and dense places are the residences of monster races, but this is not a deep place. Wait, the landforms of Tanhan are complex. It is said that there is a dangerous place

Zhenhui looked at the door with piercing eyes again, and whispered: “Brother, could it be a fox demon? Brother Gu, Hongxiu Tianxiang night reading is very suitable for you.”

He has no thoughts of his own. Purely a child’s curiosity.

Um, have I already started telling him the story of Liaozhai? Meng Qi thought a little bit vaguely.

The temple door was pushed open with a creak, and a man and a woman walked in. No matter men, women, young or old, their eyes will almost always be attracted by that girl. She is sixteen or seventeen years old, she is beautiful and beautiful, her mouth is naturally slightly pouting, and she is very red.In terms of appearance, Meng Qi saw that only Jiang Zhiwei and Gu Xiaosang could compare with her. In terms of attractiveness, Jiang Zhiwei and Gu Xiaosang, who are bold and straightforward, Gu Xiaosang, who is a spirit, is half a step behind her. Of course, everyone has their own tastes, and Meng Qi is not too fond of it.

Really a fox demon? The corner of Meng Qi’s mouth twitched.

The “human” old man was gray-haired and bookish, but when he saw Meng Qi and the others, he looked like he wanted to eat people.

“Uncle Wen, the mage allowed us to temporarily avoid the sandstorm, so we have to do our best.” The girl said in a crisp voice.

Uncle Wen nodded, turned his head to look at Zhenguan: “Which venerable from the Xiangliu clan poured out the body for you?”

“It’s the Nine Yuan Demon Lord.” Facing the orthodox demon clan, Zhenguan’s demon spirit was suppressed, and he seemed quite respectful.

“Jiuyuan Yaozun was not suppressed in the back mountain of Shaolin? You are from Shaolin?” The girl asked with a pair of star eyes full of curiosity on her face.

Zhenguan replied honestly: “Yes, your honor is from Tianhaiyuan”

“Are you going to join us in Tianhaiyuan?” The girl smiled and did not answer the question.

Wen Bo coughed: “There are too many people talking, let’s talk about it when we find a chance.”

Even if the sound transmission is secret, there is still the danger of being eavesdropped, especially the young monk at the top, I can’t see through it.

The girl let out a groan, and sat down unhappily. After a while, she became lively again, looked at Meng Qi and the others, and asked Zhenguan: “There are also monks among them. Could it be that they are also from Shaolin?”

Of course Zhenguan would not hide it for Meng Qi and Zhenhui, pointing to them and said: “The two of them are direct descendants of Shaolin.”

Hearing Zhenchang’s news, he naturally also heard about Xuan Bei bringing the two descendants to King Kong Temple to question him.

The girl from “Shaolin Legacy” showed her white teeth slightly, and looked at Meng Qi with a charming smile, “You carry a sword and hold a sword, but you have learned Ananda’s saber-breaking and Dharma’s swordsmanship.”

There is no reason for this guy to guess so well. Meng Qi slandered. Although the only Shaolin location-level saber technique is Ananda’s breaking the precepts, there are still many saber techniques in the awakening stage, not to mention swordsmanship. Guess Ananda’s saber-breaking and Bodhidharma’s swordsmanship, don’t tell me I look very powerful

Naturally, Meng Qi would not answer this kind of question, but he forgot about Zhenhui next to him, and he answered honestly: “Senior brother has never learned swordsmanship, long swords are just spoils of war, but Ananda knows how to break the precepts and swordsmanship.”

Monks don’t tell lies.

The girl’s complexion changed immediately, she stood up and shouted sharply:

“The decree of the demon sage, those who practice Ananda’s saber art will be punished by the demon”

I’ll go, I’ll provoke someone, and Meng Qi will be full of injustice.

For some reason, the scene when he obtained the true meaning of Ananda’s breaking the precepts and swordsmanship suddenly flashed through his mind. At that time, there was an inaccessible small hole under the words “love, kindness, kindness, and don’t enter this door”. The flame is burning, and next to it is engraved in petty words:

“The unlucky ones, kill”


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