I Honor

Chapter 164


The corner of Meng Qi’s mouth twitched, and only one thought echoed in his mind, it’s none of my business

But he didn’t dare to be negligent, because the girl’s demonic aura was quite terrifying, and what was even more frightening was that although the old servant named “Wen Bo” had a weak demonic aura, he gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, no less than Yuan Meng’s. Zhi and An Guoxie even surpassed each other

Meng Qi raised the Red Sun Suppressing Evil Knife with his right hand, his mind was calm, the most proficient and deepest “Duan Qing” knife was restrained, ready to go.

At the same time, seeing the fluffy fiery red tails raised from the back of the girl dressed in white and snow, which did not add ferociousness, but made it more alluring, Meng Qi inexplicably thought that it was indeed a fox.

However, this little fox seems to be a bit “pedantic”. Just now he used “the way of being a guest” to dissuade Wen Bo from “eating people”. In order to show that he is frank and upright, open and aboveboard.

Still quite a little fox with personality.

Gu Changqing drew his long sword out of its sheath, and his body trembled uncontrollably under the pressure of the evil spirit. Zhenhui smiled and held a flower with his right hand, calm and peaceful, but it didn’t affect him very much. Strength is also of no help to the current fight.

The five fiery red tails fluttered gently on the back of the girl in white, and her hands were as white as jade. Her body was like a phantom, and her nails were like swords. But Wen Bo stepped in front of her with just one step, and with his right palm, the black wind rolled up. , the faces of innocent people stood out, they didn’t show any pain or resistance, instead they rushed towards Meng Qi and the others excitedly, excitedly and joyfully.

It’s a tiger demon

Meng Qi was about to cut out “Duan Qing Jing” when a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The young and mysterious monk Hong Neng blocked the two sides. He folded his hands together and whispered the Buddha’s name: “Amitabha, the poison of hatred has entered the body, and it will never be restored.” , and ask the two benefactors to stop. Let the poor monk explain one or two.”

He came over so fast that Meng Qi had no choice but to take a step to the side and prepare to strike again, otherwise he would directly cut him, but Wen Bo and the little fox had no intention of stopping at all. After that, he patted or grabbed, and hit Hongneng directly.

“If I attain Bodhi, the conflicts in the world will subside, and sentient beings will no longer suffer.The pain of the sea. all over the other side

In this ethereal voice, Meng Qi’s eyes widened suddenly, and his right hand, which was about to draw the saber, froze on the handle of the saber, because the ghosts pierced through Hongneng, and jumped directly on the Buddha statue, without a trace. Harvest, because Wenbo’s right hand, the little fox’s claw, hit Hongneng like a dream bubble. passed through without hindrance

However, Hongneng did not disappear like a phantom, and kept reciting the scriptures in a low voice. No matter what he saw, heard or felt, he was a living person

until now. Meng Qicai found that his own state was also quite strange. He had a wonderful feeling that he seemed to be in this world but not in this world. Everything in the world was so harmonious, as if he had become a part of their operation.

He tilted his head slightly. Looking at Gu Changqing and Zhenhui, their expressions were blank, and they seemed to have a similar understanding.

The little fox retracted its paws in a daze. Looking at Hongneng in a daze, Uncle Wen was startled and suspicious, he protected her behind him, not daring to make a move, Zhenguan was even more stunned, he wanted to help the Yaozu, but he forgot to get up.

“You, you, you” the little fox seemed to remember something, and pointed at Hongneng stammeringly, “So far away, so far away, you are so far away”

So close to the end of the world Meng Qi looked at Hongneng in astonishment, could he be the descendant of the mysterious Lanke Temple?

Hong Neng looked at the little fox with a peaceful expression: “Amitabha, if there is no destiny, the benefactor is so far away, please let go of the murderous thoughts in your heart.”

“Hmph, don’t think that I don’t know what mystery you’re showing off, and it’s not a great mystery.” The little fox pouted and said angrily, but she didn’t do anything more, because once “so close to the world”, she Can’t hurt Hongneng and the people around him, unless there is a big monster at the peak of the location or the level of the body forcibly interfering with the movement of the heaven and the earth.

Hongneng didn’t see the slightest bit of anger, and said with a smile: “Yes, yes, it’s not some great mystery.”

The little fox became more and more angry: “Duplicate guy, don’t think I’m just talking casually, hum, if you want to deal with me, I can kill you accordingly”

Uh, does this shocking “so close to the world” have to rely on not wanting to kill and being angry Meng Qi held the handle of the knife and thought thoughtfully, this is the exact opposite of Duan Qing and Luo Hongchen.

“Amitabha, the poor monk will not deal with the benefactor, he will only chant sutras to the benefactor to dispel the killing intent in the benefactor’s heart.” Hong Neng’s smile was indifferent.

“Hmph, I want to think about how to become a predestined person.” The little fox sat aside angrily, and Wen Bo also retreated.

Hong Neng turned his head to signal Meng Qi and others to return to their seats, sat down cross-legged on the same spot, and recited the Diamond Sutra: “So I heard it.”

The sutra sound was calm and distant, echoing in the small temple, dispelling the killing intent and resentment.

Seeing this situation, Meng Qi put his knife back into its sheath, and calmly adjusted his breath. Uncle Wen was extremely dangerous. If he could not risk his life, who would be willing to risk his life?

After an unknown amount of time, the sandstorm outside gradually subsided.

“All promising dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such.” Hongneng’s chanting sounds seemed to turn the entire small temple into a peaceful and pure land.

The little fox kept his ears plugged, and seeing the doomsday scene outside disappeared, he stood up with a bang, paced his feet, and said coquettishly: “Don’t listen to your monk’s nagging, it’s so annoying, like a one, one Hundred, no, five hundred mosquitoes”

After finishing speaking, she walked out of the temple gate angrily, followed by Uncle Wen, but when she left, she turned her head and gave Meng Qi a deep look, which made Meng Qi’s scalp tingle.

Zhen Guan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly chased him out.

“Amitabha, the poor monk’s kindness for a while made my junior a little bit more distressed.” Hong Neng looked at Meng Qi with a smile.

Meng Qi shook his head: “If there is destiny, we will meet eventually. If it were me, I would lend a helping hand to those who lost their way.”

This is the evil fate of dog blood, and it’s not my own Meng Qi slandered inwardly.

Hongneng looked pleased: “Brother Zhending has a compassionate heart, and he will surely prove the way of Bodhisattva in the future.”

“Brother Hongneng, you are the descendant of Lanke Temple.” Meng Qi restrained his worries about Uncle Wen and asked straight to the point.

Hong Neng nodded honestly: “Since we met, it is fate, and Lanke Temple is definitely a place that cannot be mentioned.”

He is acquiescing.

“Senior Brother Hongneng, the distance just now is so mysterious, could it be that this is the reason for the mystery of Lanke Temple?” Zhenhui asked excitedly and curiously.

The good Meng Qi gave a secret compliment. Some questions, I am a mature person, I am too embarrassed to ask, but with my junior brother around, he will automatically and consciously ask questions, and I just need to smile and wait for the answer.

Hong Neng looked calm and authentic: “Lanke Temple is not mysterious, but it is taking another path of detachment. If there is a destiny, you will know it in the future.”

Meng Qi heard that he was not willing to reveal more meanings in his words for the time being, nodded lightly, and stopped asking any more questions, but in his heart he was guessing what detachment method Lanke Temple had adopted.

Shinto doesn’t see them spread the way of incense, merit, and ambition. It’s somewhat possible. Hongneng said just now that he made a great vow in front of the Buddha and built a Buddhist temple in a barren land to obtain merit. It is impossible for the Tao to have the mystery of “so close to the end of the world”, it shouldn’t be like this

Meng Qi suddenly felt that he was very interested in Buddhism and the classics of Buddhism.I don’t know much about it, and I’m just a fake monk. If it weren’t for this, I might be able to see the root of the mysterious path of Lanke Temple from the Buddhist scriptures.

After being silent for a moment, Gu Changqing suddenly frowned and said, “These two monsters should be monsters in a dangerous place. If we go to sweat again, it will be extremely dangerous.”

This is exactly what Meng Qi was worried about just now: “It’s not just that it’s dangerous to go greedy and sweat. I suspect that no matter where you go out of the temple gate, you will meet Wen Bo and the little fox in a short time.”

The inexplicable demon saint’s bequest made Meng Qi very resentful, but there was nothing he could do about it, it was said to be a bequest, and he could still vent his anger on the dead

This is really the karma of countless lifetimes falling on me. Meng Qi just thought of this, and suddenly thought of Ananda’s last move of breaking the precepts, which is also the most terrifying move. “The knife is mysterious and mysterious, except forcibly defusing it with a much higher realm or having a corresponding special method of defense, otherwise the enemy will be cut off with one knife, and everything will die. This is the embodiment of the Buddhist theory of cause and effect in martial arts.

However, after the enemy dies, the person who slashed the knife will stick to the opponent’s biggest karma. If the karma is not resolved or eliminated, there will be no place for death when the karma breaks out.

“I don’t have a clue about this saber yet, so it somehow stuck to this cause and effect.” Meng Qi was quite helpless.

Hearing the exchange between the senior brother and Brother Gu, Zhenhui said quickly: “Uncle Wen seems to be half-stepping on location.”

That’s right, Meng Qi’s biggest headache is this. Is it necessary to wait in the Buddhist temple until the thunderstorm appears or the master and elders find it? But this is the Gobi desert, not a large oasis. The former may not be there in a few years, and the latter, he has nothing There is no doubt that he will be “recaptured” by Shaolin again.

Hong Neng proclaimed the Buddha’s name and said: “The cause and effect caused by the poor monk will naturally be resolved by the poor monk. Brother Zhending, the poor monk sent you to the Greedy Sweat Oasis. Now is not the era of monsters messing up the land. If the monsters in Tianhaiyuan don’t want to be The various martial arts sects are besieging, and they will not rashly attack human cities.”

“Thank you, brother.” Meng Qi said honestly, while looking at Hongneng suspiciously, “Tianhaiyuan”

“After the demons messed up the land, the human emperor dominated the world, and the evil ghosts retreated. Since then, they have hid in various secret realms, which are known as Xanadu. Therefore, there are places where demon races such as Tianhaiyuan, Yaoshengyuan, Jiudongyuan, and Qitianyuan gather. Among them, Tianhaiyuan It is dominated by the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Clan, and it is located in the Tanhan Dangerous Land, which is a secret place that can be moved.” Hong Neng knows this well, after all, he is a disciple who travels normally down the mountain.

Meng Qi nodded with knowledge again: “Brother, let’s go now.”

There is a world so close, but I am not afraid of monsters.

“Okay.” Hong Neng pinched the rosary and slowly got up.


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