I Honor

Chapter 202

: The Roadblocker

After entering the city and the post house, Lu Guan waited for the emperor to summon him, while Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu found an excuse to visit their old friends and went to the street hand in hand.

Meng Qi recalled the fight with the evil king before, and was full of ambitions, planning to practice his own Heavenly Sword, when he suddenly heard Ruan Yushu casually say: “The knife just now is one of Ananda’s saber-breaking skills.”

“Yes.” Meng Qi didn’t hide anything, and wanted to hear the evaluation of his sword skills from the direct descendants of the Ruan family in Langya.

Ruan Yushu walked through the crowded streets, without looking sideways, calm and calm: “Very strong, Thunder Saber Mad Monk really has a reputation for nothing.”

“Hehe.” Meng Qi could only answer like this. It is not easy to correct other people’s prejudices. Fortunately, I didn’t use the golden bell before, otherwise Mang King Kong would be worthy of the name.

The streets of the capital intersect vertically and horizontally, forming a chessboard shape. The Xiaoxiang Building is far away from the post house. Meng Qi and his two spent half an hour asking for directions along the way.

Just when he was thinking about how to inquire about Luo Shengyi and his party, Luo Shengyi’s hearty and bold voice came from his ears: “Xiaomeng’s name has been spread all over the capital, and there are indeed no worthy men under his fame.”

He and Ge Huai’en stood by the steps of the restaurant, as if waiting for a special trip.

“You guys” Meng Qi was a little puzzled.

Luo Shengyi smiled and said: “There are many people here, let’s go in and talk about it.”

Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu nodded, and silently followed Luo Shengyi and Ge Huai’en through the lobby of the restaurant, across the small bridge and flowing water, to an elegant and quiet courtyard behind.

“As soon as you entered the city, I got a reminder from the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.” After closing the door and carefully inspecting the surroundings, Luo Shengyi opened his mouth to explain.

Collaboration tasks should be like this Meng Qi suddenly thought.

At this moment, the indifferent and lofty voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded again: “The main task 2 is started, help Lu Guan regain the trust of the emperor, call on the generals, and reward four hundred good deeds for success. Failure will deduct corresponding good deeds.”

“Regaining the emperor’s trust.” Meng Qi frowned slightly, and looked at Luo Shengyi, “Brother Luo, your main mission should be related to this, right?”

Luo Shengyi nodded lightly, pointing to the table full of wine and food: “Talk while eating.”

Meng Qi didn’t shy away from Luo Shengyi and Ge Huai’en, carefully checked the safety of the food and drink, and looked at the entrance of Ruan Yushu, before eating with confidence.

“The Xilu are victorious, stationed in the upper reaches of the Pei River, and sent envoys to negotiate. The conditions are harsh, and the emperor has a stroke and is unconscious.” Luo Shengyi said calmly, “Our main task is one Gaining the trust of a certain prince and temporarily stopping the peace talks, now it seems that if we can help the prince we support ascend to the throne, the second main task can be successfully completed.”

Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully: “I don’t know which prince you support.”

This is indeed the solution.

“The third prince, and only he is willing to accept us.” Luo Shengyi said indifferently, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

Ge Huai’en sat quietly aside. He didn’t interrupt, and he was well-mannered, while Ruan Yushu concentrated on the food, with an elegant posture. Looking at the wind and clouds, Luo Shengyi couldn’t help being stunned.”How is the power of the third prince?” Meng Qi heard Xiange’s understanding, and probably understood that the third prince was the weakest side, otherwise he would not have accepted Luo Shengyi and others of unknown origin.

Luo Shengyi played with the wine glass: “Not too strong but not weak either. At least the Daoist Xiyue who is in the subtle realm supports him, and there are others in the same realm, but I don’t know who it is.”

“Where’s his competitor?” Meng Qi could still restrain his foodie nature when he was serious. Unlike the guy next to him.

Luo Shengyi put down his wine glass: “The prince is orthodox, with a national teacher behind him, a Ruyi monk, and many courtiers. The fourth prince is a disciple of the Sword Emperor. He is quite popular in the Jianghu. The seventh prince is the most trusted by the emperor. He is full of poems and books, and is skilled in bowing and horses, but he has no foundation in the world. Originally, the left minister of the political affairs hall wanted to belong to him because of the emperor’s relationship. alienated him.”

“However, now he seems to be aware of his shortcomings. He is a courtier and a master undercover. I suspect that the Demon Queen has secretly entered the capital and lives in the Seventh Prince’s Mansion.”

Meng Qi pondered for a while and said, “How capable are the masters in this world to influence the situation?”

“I once tried a trick with a person who was suspected to be the Queen of the Devil, and barely escaped. Apart from not being able to trigger changes in the sky, her strength and realm are already close to half a step outside. This kind of person, if there is no master in the imperial city or the court, can completely Control the political situation, and anyone who refuses to accept it can be assassinated.” Luo Shengyi let out a sigh of relief, obviously the short fight with the suspected demon queen made him a little scared.

He went on to say: “However, the Confucianism of this family is strong, and there are no exceptions to the rites, music, archery, and imperial books. Those who can be called great Confucians are not weak. Daoist Master Le, the national teacher, they all insist on the distinction between sons, concubines, elders and children, reject heretics, and despise those who abuse force. If they want to assassinate the emperor and prince, even the devil queen sword emperor, they have to plan for a long time and find an opportunity.”

“Since this is the case, the crown prince has the highest possibility of succeeding to the throne, and almost no one can stop him.” Meng Qi frowned.

Luo Shengyi smiled confidently: “The emperor has been in power for many years, and as he gets older, he is wary of the crown prince. He is very displeased and has repeatedly suppressed him. If it wasn’t for the protection of the state teacher, the crown prince might have been abolished. So, if With the emperor’s will, the other princes have the same possibility of ascending the throne, but after the emperor fell into a coma, the right minister, who was usually only loyal to the emperor, stayed overnight in the Taiji Hall, and did not give anyone a chance to tamper with the will.”

“It won’t be clear for a while. I will take you to see the third prince tomorrow. You are now famous, and he will definitely attach great importance to it.”

Meng Qi has a slight objection to this matter. It is not necessary for the third prince to succeed in order for Lu Guan to be reused. The situation in the northwest is corrupt. As long as he can get rid of those who have enemies with him in the court, the new emperor will probably use him. However, if the matter is so simple , the Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation will not give four hundred good deeds.

“Okay.” He thought for a while, and decided to meet the third prince to see his character, bearing, talent, etc. before saying, “Where is Cao Zhan?”

Just now he wondered why only Luo Shengyi and Ge Huai’en were there, Cao Zhan was gone, and he didn’t receive a reminder that a newcomer had died.

“He has the trust of the third prince, and he is ready for orders at any time.” Luo Shengyi said without changing his expression. As far as he is concerned, no matter what Cao Zhan wants to do, as long as it doesn’t hinder him, he doesn’t need to care. The evil king fought against each other, what is the seal of immortality, what is his strength?”

He obviously also has the third sub-quest, so he is quite concerned about the strength of the evil king and the uniqueness of the seal of immortality, and he judged from Meng Qi’s repeated shots that he and him are in a relationship, and whoever is careless will lose. The comparison of strengths also applies to oneself.

Meng Qi thought about it for a while, and he didn’t hide it, nor did he boast: “If I fight head-on, I’ll use my best strength, and I can only save my life.”

In the confrontation on the great river, although Xie Jun took advantage of the power of the river, the power of the building and the shadows to put himself at a disadvantage in the confrontation of energy and energy, he also shot down from the sky, not being steady on the ground, and not changing effectively. Injured by his own “Evil Tribulation”, and because he was surprised by “Luo Hongchen”, he chose to withdraw cautiously. If he fought again, facing the Immortal Seal, his chances of winning were very low, unless the thunderclouds gathered that day.

Meng Qi was quite familiar with the seal of immortality. He knew that it was a first-class method of absorbing energy, transforming energy, and releasing energy. If one did not master the technique of highly concentrated true energy, it would be difficult to hurt the evil monarch. The sharpness and specificity of “robbing”.

In this respect, Yan Luotie is stronger than Ananda’s breaking the precepts saber technique, because the first two moves of Ananda’s breaking the precepts saber technique diverge from the power of the saber, deceiving people’s eyes and ears, and mainly focus on the sword of the soul, while Yan Luotie can see from the light of the sword that it is pure Concise, if arranged properly, there is no chance of winning. Of course, it is very difficult to kill the evil king who has mastered the seal of immortality and magic magic.

If I fight against the evil king again, I will have to use the golden bell cover, Ananda’s broken sword technique, Yan Luotie, and Dugu Nine Swords. The style of painting that I finally corrected is wrong again. The person next to me will definitely say, um Mang King Kong lived up to his reputation, Meng Qi looked out the window, feeling a little “sad”.

“In other words, you are tied at a disadvantage. If we join forces, we may be able to kill the evil king.” Luo Shengyi denied this judgment before he finished speaking, “It is said that the seal of immortality is very special, and it is not afraid of group battles.” .”

“Yes, I’ve heard this rumor too.” Of course Meng Qi couldn’t say that he had a very deep understanding of the Immortal Seal.

and greetingAfter a few words, after dinner, Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu bid farewell and left, making an appointment to meet up here tomorrow morning to meet the Third Prince.

It was already late at this time, and many streets were very quiet. Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu walked side by side, and finally couldn’t suppress his curiosity: “Apart from playing the piano to assist and kill people, don’t you have any means to face the enemy head-on?”

Ruan Yushu glanced at him, then played the guqin lightly.

The sound of clang was piercing, and a zither string bounced like a sharp long sword.

“That’s it.” Meng Qi was very happy when his curiosity was satisfied.

Ruan Yushu pressed down the strings, tied them up again, and continued to move forward indifferently.

The two stepped onto the stone bridge and walked slowly. Suddenly, at some point in front of them, there was an old man with white hair.

He was sitting on the stone steps, with his back to Meng Qi, leaning on a long sword in front of him, his whole person seemed to be in the middle of nothingness, which gave people a very strange feeling.

Meng Qi’s expression suddenly became solemn, and he drew out his long sword, blocking Ruan Yushu behind him.

“I heard that Xiaomeng’s swordsmanship of Shocking God Sword is tyrannical, only attacking but not defending. I want to try it.” The old man stood up slowly, and his momentum changed. Like a long sword drawn out of its sheath, its sharpness pierced Meng Qi’s heart. To be continued. . :

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