I Honor

Chapter 203

: The Way of the Sword (ask for a recommendation ticket on Monday)

After standing up, Meng Qicai found that the old man was tall and tall, even though he was old, he looked burly and majestic. He turned around, revealing a face full of weather and frost damage. There were spots of old people and deep wrinkles, but he was bright and beautiful. God’s eyes were not cloudy like normal at this age, but were so clear that they could reflect the figures of Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu.

His hand that drew out the long sword was also steady without any trembling, as if he was repeating the thousands of hammering movements, and the screenshots of each moment were exactly the same except for the distance, which was shocking.

Sensing this, Meng Qi’s expression became more and more dignified. This is the strongest enemy he has faced since his success in martial arts, An Guoxie and You Huanduo. The realms are very different, there is no such feeling that every action is in line with the law, and there is a sense of harmony between movement and stillness.

Meng Qi vaguely realized that this old man was only a layer of window paper away from opening the entrance between the brows, and after opening it, he would be able to connect the inner and outer heavens and earth immediately.

I don’t know if it’s the national teacher or the sword emperor

He took a deep breath and forced himself to gather his energy and mind. If he hadn’t felt the old man’s killing intent, he would have exploded with all his strength in Luo Hongchen, Yan Luotie, Sacrificial Art, and Breaking the Purity Order, seeking a chance to save his life and escape.

Even so, he didn’t dare to be careless. It’s easy for this kind of person to hide his killing intent.

Meng Qi held the sword in his right hand, and shook his left hand beside the hilt, signaling Ruan Yushu to jump off the stone bridge immediately after he did it himself, dive into the river, and run for his life first.

Facing an enemy of this level, I can’t get distracted at all

Ruan Yushu remained expressionless, neither surprised nor afraid, and he didn’t know what the rules were.

The old man walked forward slowly, slashing out the long sword at will, the move seemed simple. But it seems to be constantly changing, and the flaws are erratic, and they can’t be caught at all.

Meng Qi put all his heart and soul into this sword, and the words and phrases about the final style and the sword-breaking style ebbed and flowed in his mind, breaking down and combining them.

it’s here

Meng Qi fought back without retreating, and stabbed with the long sword in an ordinary way, landing seven inches to the left of the old man’s sword.

The ever-changing sword moves collapsed, but suddenly the yin and yang split, the long sword swiped left and right very quickly, and the yin and yang clashed. A vortex was born steeply, trapping Meng Qi’s long sword

It is the real flaw of the trap, the only flaw is actually a trap

Meng Qi suppressed his astonishment, and with a flick of his wrist, the long sword swirled along the vortex, piercing through at double the speed, and piercing straight into the old man’s chest.

But at this time, the tip of the old man’s sword was placed on the side of Meng Qi’s forward thrust. Passed the long sword, as if he automatically slammed his wrist into it

another trap

Meng Qi leaned forward, forcibly changed his move, and swung his long sword. Flashing the tip of the sword, it pointed at the old man’s throat.

The old man took his time and turned slightly to the side, letting Meng Qi’s long sword fall through the air. But the sword in his hand remained unchanged, still standing there, and Meng Qi was actively sending his chest and abdomen up.

real trap

Meng Qi had countless thoughts in his mind. In the end, he retracted his sword and avoided it.

The old man was indomitable, and when he stretched out his long sword, countless changes occurred, as if forming a spider web, layer after layer, with holes connecting traps, and traps connecting holes, making people dazzled.

Meng Qi saw several obvious flaws, but he didn’t dare to draw his sword lightly, for fear of falling into the trap just like before, and maybe even this sword was part of the net after the trap just now

He had a strong feeling that each of his swords seemed to come from the heart, but in fact he was affected by various changes and situations, and he made the response the old man hoped for. Under his guidance, he fell into the trap and fell into Sky net

Meng Qi tried his best to break the move, but felt that the net of the old man’s swordsmanship was getting tighter and tighter, as if his struggle made him even more trapped.

Cold sweat gradually came out on his forehead. Even when facing an evil king, he can detect the enemy with true energy, know the enemy mentally, know what his next move will be from his muscle reaction, true energy movement, etc., and his Dugu Nine Swords It’s not so embarrassing, it seems to be led by someoneNose, even if it broke the opponent’s sword move, it fell into a more dangerous situation.

But at this moment, when he was not sure, Meng Qi didn’t dare to completely go against his own judged move, so that he would open the door wide open and take the initiative to give away the head.


With the gurgling water and the sound of the zither, Meng Qi’s impetuousness suddenly disappeared, and the general formula and the broken sword style words reappeared, and the bits and pieces he had accumulated over the past few days flooded into his heart.

In his eyes, the endless changes of sword moves disappeared, no longer lingering in his mind, what he saw, what he saw, was the simplest chopping, stabbing, smashing, smashing, picking, bit by bit, filling his vision.

And no matter how they are combined and how they change, they will always follow some basic principles, and they will never change.

Meng Qi realized something in his heart, and his spirit was drawn, and he laid his long sword across his chest.


The shadows of swords all over the sky disappeared, and the two swords collided for the first time since the fight.

Meng Qi was overjoyed, and was about to fight back, but the old man stood up with his sword drawn, neither angry nor happy, and said:

“You have returned your sword to defend.”

Meng Qiru was struck by lightning, and he froze on the spot. What he understood was also in the opponent’s sword trap

He laid out many traps, and used each real and only flaw to induce him, just to let himself return his sword to defend a move

If he really attacked with all his strength, what would happen to him?

I’m afraid I can only hold the golden bell cover and use Luo Hongchen, Yan Luotie, Sacrifice Jue, and Duan Qing to attack in a round, looking for opportunities to escape, showing the demeanor of Thunder Saber Mad Monk and Mang King Kong.

“This is one of the essence of the old man’s swordsmanship. If you can block it, it means that you have already been exposed to the swordsmanship and have some insights. Considering your age, it is indeed shocking. When the old man was your age, he had just touched the true qi and the sword. The level of the land that the law can control at will.” The old man put his long sword back in its sheath and stood with his hands behind his back.

Meng Qi felt a little better. It turned out that if he didn’t understand a little bit of the principles of swordsmanship, he might not even be able to return the sword to defend and lose.

The old man did not mention the purpose of blocking the way, and still talked about swordsmanship: “There are no more than two kinds of swordsmanship, one is from the complex to the simpler, and the other is from the simple to the complex. It is easy to divide and kill the opponent’s sword moves, and the latter evolves all kinds of methods, exhausting changes, and calculating layer by layer, making people exhausted and hard to escape.”

“The two are not different paths, but the yin and yang aspects of the way of swordsmanship, and they complement each other.”

He looked at Meng Qi with clear eyes: “But no matter from complex to simple, or from simple to complex, the matter of swordsmanship is ultimately based on me, not others. This old man cherishes talents, so I would like to remind you. ”

Immediately, a flash of lightning seemed to flash in Meng Qi’s mind, illuminating all the accumulations and dispelling layers of shadows.

He retracted the sword and returned it to its sheath, and saluted: “Thank you for your guidance, senior.”

This is not only beneficial to the digestion and absorption of Dugu Nine Swords, but also beneficial to the misguided path of his own swordsmanship, and it also gives him a different perspective on “Heavenly Sword”.

The old man looked to the side, didn’t care about Meng Qi’s salute, and said with some emotion: “You are very talented, but the realm of swordsmanship still needs to be improved step by step. For example, the old man only picked up the long sword eight years ago. Emperor’s title.”

Sure enough, Sword Emperor Meng Qi was not surprised, and asked very curiously: “Senior, you gave up your sword earlier.”

“No, it’s just that I forgot about the sword at that time.” The Sword Emperor said flatly, “There is no sword in my heart, but I have a sword in my hand; I don’t have a sword in my hand, but I have a sword in my heart. I don’t stick to the real thing. Flowers, trees, everything is everything. My long sword; the sword is me, I am the sword; the sword I have forgotten one by one After passing through these, the old man picked up this sword again, it is still it, so far, I finally understand the way of the sword.”

Meng Qi’s heart moved, and he blurted out: “When you see mountains, they are mountains; when you see water, they are water; when you see mountains, they are not mountains; when you see water, they are not water; when you see mountains, they are still mountains, and when you see water, they are still water.”

The Sword Emperor nodded lightly: “It’s good to understand, but this kind of thing can only be considered an introduction if you really understand it.”

He turned around, walked slowly, shrunk to an inch, and disappeared into the darkness, leaving only one sentence:

“Tell Lu Guan that whoever becomes the emperor has to get rid of the captives, and he must be used. Just wait patiently and don’t rush to attach.”

Phew, Meng Qi let out a long breath, thankfully the Sword Emperor was not hostile, otherwise he and Ruan Yushu would be in trouble.

“It’s best to be neutral for now.” Ruan Yushu who was standing quietly beside him suddenly said.

Meng Qi glanced at her, feeling a little moved. She didn’t choose to escape by herself just now: “Yes, this is also my idea. Luo Shengyi’s desire to help the third prince is his business, and has nothing to do with me.”

On this kind of matter, Luo Shengyi made a straightforward decision without any discussion, which really made Meng Qi unhappy.

However, his choice was not due to displeasure, but to judge the situation. His goal was to worship the general Lu Guan, not which prince would succeed him.

Therefore, no matter how unhappy he is, it will not affect him when he goes to see the third prince tomorrow. At least he has to observe the prince face to face, so as to provide a basis for the final decision in the future.

“None of us have any experience in court, so we have to ask Lu Guan.” Ruan Yushu said coldly.

“That’s right.” Meng Qi nodded slightly. He had to ask an “expert” about this kind of thing, and he had never experienced this at all.

In the post house, after listening to Meng Qi’s report of the current situation of the capital and the message from the Sword Emperor, Lu Guan smiled wryly and said: “There is nothing but illusory iron on Lu’s body.The army’s aspirations, what to use to intervene in the battle for the throne, I will seek to see the right minister as soon as possible, to be a hardcore imperial party, and whoever succeeds the general will support whoever. ”

He pondered for a while and said: “Actually, I don’t have to be used by anyone who ascends to the throne. If any prince has reached a peace negotiation with Xilu in private and the situation eases, I’m afraid I’ll have to leave it idle again. I just hope not to give up too much.”

Meng Qi frowned slightly. That’s right. Under normal circumstances, the battle for the throne would be a matter of a few princes and the forces behind it. But now, the Western Captive Chen Bing from the upper reaches of the Pei River will go south at any time, and their choices will also affect the change of the throne.

The envoys for the Xilu peace talks had already entered the capital, and who was he secretly colluding with? Meng Qi got up abruptly, and decided to check the situation at night. To be continued. .

s: Things are very busy, the update is a little late, but it is almost over, and the outbreak will start on Wednesday.

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