I Honor

Chapter 208

Three Messages

Meng Qi turned his head and looked at the slightly cramped Jing Shao and the foreign youth on his back: “If you want to meet Lu Shuai and get a good match, just follow me.”

After finishing speaking, he didn’t wait for the two of them to reply, and walked down the stone bridge on his own, making a gesture of not forcing.

“Meng, Hero Meng, I can trust you.” Young Master Jing hurriedly followed, and said blahly: “My name is Changsun Jing, and I will surely become famous all over the world in the future.”

He originally wanted to address Meng Senior, but seeing Meng Qi’s very young face, he couldn’t say anything after all, and calling him Shaoxia seemed inappropriate for his current strength and status.

Meng Qi’s face twitched, and he looked ahead indifferently, without saying a word.

“He is my friend Batu, from the Jiang tribe, and one of the eighteen allied armies of the Western Captives,” Changsun Jing said non-stop.

“We’ll talk after seeing Shuai Lu.” Meng Qi maintained his image of a cold-faced and arrogant swordsman, and this place was not suitable for staying and talking for a long time.

Changsun Jing restrained his escape from the dead and the excitement of seeing his idol for the first time, nodded heavily, and stopped talking.

The night was cold and there was no extra noise. Meng Qi felt “scared” when he went back to the experience just now. If he hadn’t seen the Sword Emperor before and imitated his sword-drawing posture, I don’t know if he would be able to scare away Ruyi Monk and Ghost King. Even so, the changes in people’s hearts are all in the subtleties. If you are not careful, you have to copy the knife hard, the golden bell cover is fully opened, the muscles are knotted, the clothes are tight, and the strength of the Ruyi monk and the ghost king are all extraordinary. , when the battle was in full swing, the wig was probably knocked off, the picture is so beautiful, I dare not even think about it

The division of the world, the world, the subtleties, and enlightenment is relatively general. In essence, it belongs to the combination of cultivating the body, tempering the mind, and comprehending the heaven and the earth. The strength of Ruyi monk and ghost king is slightly equal to the two secrets of nine orifices, vitality, and energy. He is a master of Kai, but due to the large gap in the quality of his skills, he is much worse than Anguoxie and You, which he has encountered before, and is probably equivalent to Yuanmengzhi.

The exercises in the main world also require tempering the mind, comprehending the heaven and the earth, and also pay attention to the struggle between qi and machine. Mental confrontation, soul-to-heart fighting, but these three nine-orifice masters that Meng Qi had fought head-on had never shown up:

When An Guoxie fought against him for the first time, he hadn’t even realized it yet. He probably never thought about mental confrontation at all, just like when he carried Hua Lun on his back, “killing one person in ten steps”, how could it be a waste of time? Qi machines compete, and when the temple explodes. An Guoxie was caught off guard from the beginning to the end, and died tragically on the spot before he really recovered.

Yuan Mengzhi was even worse, he had already put himselfPushing the aura to the peak, just waiting for the aura to be suppressed, who knows that he was stunned by his Ananda breaking the precepts sword technique, and was struck to death by the sky thunder.

You Huan mostly bullied himself who had been “abolished” of martial arts, and also didn’t need to fight with energy. He couldn’t find a chance to regain his strength, and finally died under Jiang Zhiwei’s sword.

Therefore, Ruyi Monk and Ghost King are the kind of Nine-Aperture masters who don’t have a good inheritance, in this kind of weather. Anyone who can force the powerful and progressive Meng Qi to use all his means can lead to a tie.

As the two attacked, Meng Qi could only rely on the golden bell cover to protect his body, using his sword skills fully, and forcibly blocked him for a period of time. Give Changsun Jing and Batu a chance to escape, so that news will spread in the capital tomorrow. “Shocking Sword” Xiao Meng turned out to be Mang King Kong

The Fierce Saber also opened its nine orifices, but its heart was broken by the Living Buddha, and it lost its confidence to go further and compete with real masters. Its strength could not be displayed five times out of ten, and its combat power was estimated to be only 50% of its heyday. A normal master who is slightly stronger than Baqiao.

He was able to fight against Meng Qi who didn’t use sword intent, but when he met Meng Qi who had made some progress in his cultivation of the sky sword, he used the complete movement changes of “Luo Hongchen” with the help of a kind of sword essence that he had initially mastered. Cutting the “heart” was his nemesis, and he ran away in a frenzy.

And Xie Jun is a rare master in Jiuqiao. He has a special seal of immortality, and all kinds of supernatural powers are almost half a step away. He can almost fight against the Queen and others. Save your life, unless you make great progress in your saber, sword, or skill, or the sixth pass of the golden bell cover is completed.

A girl holding a piano turned out from the alley in front, dressed in a lady’s dress, plain white, cool and refined, she followed behind Meng Qi skillfully and naturally.

With a sudden thought in Meng Qi’s mind, he said through voice transmission: “Miss Ruan, when you encounter such a situation in the future and don’t need you to pretend to be the Sword Emperor or someone else, can you play me a song to strengthen your momentum?”

Haha, if she agrees, I will be a man with my own background music in the future.

Think about it, how touching it is to show up with your hands behind your back in a song that is windy and cold.

“Okay.” Ruan Yushu’s expression remained unchanged.

Meng Qi was overjoyed, but struggled and hesitated in his heart: “Whose background music is better? How about asking Ruan Yushu to recite another poem?”

Ruan Yushu plucked the strings of the qin suddenly, and there was a powerful clang sound: “This way”

“No” This is the background music for Mang King Kong and Thunder Saber Monk, it’s not that I, Meng Qi, firmly refused.

Ruan Yushu caressed the strings, ding ding dong dong, hiding his lingering and emotional thoughts: “This way”

“No” too girly

Meng Qi was about to describe his needs in detail, when he suddenly saw the corners of Ruan Yushu’s mouth slightly raised, and suddenly realized that the previous two pieces of music were definitely chosen by her on purpose, and she thought that her style of painting was wrong

Fortunately, she is not from the earth, otherwise, when she appears on the stage, “The boundless end of the world is my love, you are my little apple” is likely to sound behind her. At that time, with such background music and “poem number”, she will fight with the enemy Hand-to-hand combat, the golden bell is fully opened, and the wig falls

Meng Qi shuddered, and decided not to provoke Ruan Yushu: “Forget it, I’m just talking casually.”

Ruan Yushu nodded noncommittal, still cold.

Danger was lurking, and the few people walked very fast, and it didn’t take long for them to return to the post house.

After meeting with Lu Guan, Changsun Jing said eagerly: “Shuai Lu, the peace talks are fraudulent. The Xilu is delaying time to solve the internal troubles. Once they are resolved, no matter what step they talk about, they will go directly south to herd horses in the Central Plains.”

“It’s really not in line with their style to stop the Western barbarians before their power is exhausted.” Lu Guan nodded as expected, “However, the imperial court is also buying time to rectify the troops and re-establish the defense line.”

He paused and said, “I don’t know what internal trouble it is.”

The injured Batu leaned on the back of his chair and said, “We are not one body. We are composed of relatively independent tribes. Among them, the Yu tribe is the strongest, with seven or eight tribes attached to it. It engulfs us and invades the Central Plains. However, including us Jiang Among them, several tribes admire the Central Plains and have deep conflicts with the remaining tribes.”

“After reaching the upper reaches of the Pei River, several of our tribes finally decided to part ways and return to the west on our own. As a result, many leaders were murdered, causing chaos. We protected the young master and went south to seek support from the Central Plains.”

Meng Qi was not yet good at analyzing such a situation. Quietly listening and studying, while Ruan Yushu took the leftover snacks and gnawed them in small bites.

“How strong is the young master’s appeal?” Lu Guan’s question went straight to the core.

Batu solemnly said: “The young master has the blood of the Tianshen family. As long as he shows up in front of the army, most of the people of our Jiang tribe and other tribes will obey. In fact, they also want to rebel now, but in the words of the Central Plains Generally speaking, the dragons have no leader. They can only be slowly suppressed and digested by the rest of the clan.”

“Your young master is in the capital,” Lu Guanping asked calmly, showing the demeanor of a famous general.

Batu nodded heavily: “Yes, the young master is hiding in a safe and hidden place. We came out to inquire about the news. To see which prince to defect to, we met Lie Dao. Marshal Lu, Young Master Jing and I both believe in your character. I also believe in Hero Meng, so I will take you to see the young master.”

“No rush.” ​​Lu Guan was not at all excited or urgent, “I don’t know how many experts are spying on you secretly. Luring us will only harm your family.Young master, when Lu X meets the right minister tomorrow, ask him to do it himself. ”

For the time being, the emperor in a coma is the one who really has the decision-making power, but the country cannot be without a master for a day. In a few days, the right minister must find out the will and ask the new master to succeed him. Of course, the current crown prince Supervise the country.

Lu Guan’s calm attitude infected Batu and Changsun Jing, and their expressions immediately relaxed.

“There are two other pieces of news. It is said that the master of the Yu Clan is the disciple of a strong man from the Demon Sect. During this eastward invasion, many people from the Demon Sect were active.” Changsun Jing recalled another incident.

“If it’s a conspiracy by the Devil’s Sect, we have to reconsider the matter of the Devil’s Empress and the Evil Monarch entering the capital, perhaps not just supporting the Seventh Prince,” Lu Guan mused.

In the room, there were only Meng Qi, Ruan Yushu, Lu Guan, Hu Taoist, Changsun Jing, and Batu, so this kind of thing could be said directly.

“Another piece of news,” Meng Qi said coldly.

He felt that if he continued to pretend like this for a long time, he would lose his facial nerves.

Batu said uncertainly: “The rest of the clan sent envoys to talk about peace. Apart from delaying time, it seems to be related to the Demon Sect. What kind of treasure are you looking for?”

“The devil’s treasure is sitting in the capital!” Daoist Hu turned pale with shock.

Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu had never heard of Mozun, so they could only wait for Taoist Tiger to explain.

“Daozhang, do you know what the demon’s treasure is?” Changsun Jing also had little knowledge.

Taoist Tiger sighed: “Mozun is the previous great master of the Demon Sect. He brought the split Demon Sect back into unity. His strength is still slightly higher than that of the Demon Empress and the National Teacher. It is said that he has touched the unity of heaven and man, and the shattering of the void. Realm, known as the strongest master of the Demon Sect outside of the Demon Sect Patriarch.”

“However, when he was at its peak, when the Demon Sect was revived, when we all thought he would break through the void at the most glorious moment of his life, he suddenly saw through the world of mortals, abandoned his great career, became a monk, and disappeared from the rivers and lakes. According to his age, he should have passed away for many years.”

“At that time, the Demon Queen was still young and could not suppress the Demon Sect, and the Demon Sect returned to chaos. When she also became a great master, the Demon Sect produced the evil king, the ghost king, the Yin master and other top masters in the world, so that she could unify the Demon Sect again. His ambitions were thwarted, especially the evil king, who was chased and killed by the queen several times, and he was still unharmed, almost comparable to a grand master.”

“As for the treasure of the Demon Lord, I am not a member of the Demon Sect, so I don’t know much about it, and I don’t know.”

Meng Qi gritted his teeth when he heard that, he is now particularly sensitive to seeing through the world, becoming a monk and so on.

Batu thought for a while and said, “My young master seems to know something about the whereabouts of the Demon Lord.”

“Don’t talk too much, we can talk about it after Lu has met the prime minister.” Lu Guan was afraid that the wall has ears, so he stopped talking.

After leaving the room, the moonlight was like frost, Changsun Jing rubbed his hands together and said: “Hero Meng, I didn’t expect that your sword skills are also very good. I have always boasted that I am a genius in sword skills, but today I know that my sword skills are still far behind. ”

“You’re not very old, and you didn’t have any reputation before. You must have not studied martial arts for a long time.” Taoist Tiger said with a smile.

Changsun Jing pondered for a moment, nodded and said, “I was originally a beggar, and I got a secret book by accident, and only then did I cultivate superior true energy. The sword skills were all discovered by myself in actual combat.”

“Let’s take a look.” Meng Qi said suddenly. To be continued. .

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