I Honor

Chapter 209

: Longitudinal Theory

Changsun Jing was taken aback for a moment, but immediately rejoiced, he drew out his long knife and slashed at the big tree in the yard. The knife was fierce and full of bloody killing aura. It looked like the knife technique he had explored through bloody battles.

He slashed fiercely, and it seemed that a battlefield with constant shouts and killings had evolved within a square inch, filled with blood and heavy dust.

The Taoist Tiger stared at him slightly, and sighed in his heart, how come he keeps encountering such evildoers recently, Xiaomeng’s strength has “jumped up” faster than he imagined, and he is used to being shocked, and Changsun Jing is not old. Great, it seems that you have only practiced martial arts for a few years, how come your true essence is pure, and your saber skills are self-contained

No wonder he boasted of a swordsman genius

Meng Qi nodded lightly, his saber skills were okay, although because he didn’t have his master’s instruction, he didn’t practice advanced saber skills, so there were many flaws, such as lack of refinement, lack of changes, but the combination of the moves and the momentum can be considered mighty and fierce.

Suddenly, Changsun Jing lightened his saber, from hard to soft, and slashed lightly, just like the most special Confucian commander in the army.

That’s right, he also knows how to combine strength and softness. Meng Qi secretly praised again.

Changsun Jing finished practicing his saber technique and put the saber back into its sheath. He looked calm, but he couldn’t help but peek at Meng Qi: “I also ask Hero Meng for advice.”

“Take one point for this knife.” Meng Qi swung out the evil robbery with the knife in the sheath, the same brutal bloody killing, the same fierceness and ferocity, but because of the style and strength of the move, it was a little more inward, and it felt more heavy, as if Thousands of troops and horses flowed continuously, wave after wave, and it was difficult to resist. Chang Sun Jing, who was watching, almost felt breathless.

Meng Qi repeatedly talked and practiced, pointing out twenty-seven points in Changsun Jing’s saber technique that needed to be revised. Some of these were omissions caused by the weak foundation of the saber technique, and some were problems peeped out of the broken saber style.

Changsun Jing’s eyes lit up, he thought about it, and Jiujiu just cupped his hands and said, “Thank you, Mr. Meng, for your guidance. It turns out that my blood-killing knife technique can be so powerful.”

“Your saber technique talent is good, but you have lost the foundation. Although you are less restrained, you can use your imagination to your best.It will not be rigid and old-fashioned, but the basics and the omission of details are indispensable. “Meng Qi pointed out with the attitude of a senior, still concise and to the point.

Changsun Jing said thoughtfully: “I once looked for the entry-level knife manual, but found that none of them are as strong as my blood-killing knife.”

Meng Qi inserted the long knife back into his waist, and said coldly and indifferently: “Sometimes the sword and sword skills are the same as Go. Go has a set pattern, and the sword and sword have moves. Often you cut it with one knife. I can guess it.” What is your next change, prepare in advance. People at this stage are mainly memorized, and they can probably deal with common moves. When they go further, they can freely combine moves, change them, and guess the opponent’s moves to achieve victory. the goal of.”

“Regardless of the moves, they are all composed of the most basic chopping, chopping and swinging movements. They have been honed over time, and what taboos and advantages they have are all clear at a glance in the entry knife manual.”

“You lack the regularity of getting started. You don’t know taboos, and repeating the path of denying and tempering before, the moves you create appear to be quite careless. In the eyes of masters, this kind of saber technique is full of flaws and can be easily broken.”

“No wonder I have the feeling that my sword skills have reached a bottleneck recently and I can’t improve,” Changsun Jing suddenly said.

Meng Qi put his hands behind his back. Looking at the big tree with fallen leaves: “When the changes in the moves are clear to the mind, I will explore the few invariable laws contained in the ever-changing, from complex to simple, and the more invariable laws you master, the more you will be able to interpret changes. Only then can it be handy, throw away unnecessary shackles, and make the best of changes, from simple to complex.”

“The two aspects complement each other and cannot be neglected. If there is no comprehension from the complex to the simple, what can be used to enter the complex at a higher level, and if there is no more understanding of swordsmanship and swordsmanship after the simple to complex, how can we be able to do it?” Simplify even more deeply”

Changsun Jing listened very attentively. This was the first time someone told him the great principles in this area. The Taoist Tiger also became very attentive. He only felt that Meng Qi had summed up his years of thinking in just a few words. , and the following words seemed to clear away a layer of fog in front of his eyes, and he had a new perspective and view on swordsmanship and moves.

“Hero Meng, after going from complex to simple, and from simple to complex, what level will each reach?” Changsun Jing asked curiously.

Meng Qi forced himself to hold back a graceful smile, and said indifferently: “You perform the blood-killing saber technique again.”

Changsun Jing pulled out his long knife in doubt, and slashed down fiercely again.

“Prick the right wrist.” Meng Qi spoke faster.

Changsun Jing heard that the saber technique changed from hard to soft, and the downward chop became a slanted arc.

“Pick up.” Meng Qi uttered two simple words.

Changsun Jing was taken aback for a moment, and the real scene of the fight seemed to appear in his mind. The opponent’s sword was raised, front high and back low, just avoiding his own long knife, threatening his chest and abdomen.

He dodged sideways and slashed horizontally with the saber, full of the cruelty of dying together.

“Cut off the left leg.” Meng Qi said three words this time.

Changsun Jing’s face changed slightly. If the opponent cut his left leg with a long sword, he would be able to hit him before his own sword unfolded, and also avoided the danger of dying together.

He thought for a while, and changed his move again.

In this way, while he was performing the saber technique, Meng Qi pointed at the opening with his mouth instead of the sword, while Taoist Tiger, Batu and Ruan Yushu watched quietly.

Gradually, Chang Sun Jing spent more and more time thinking about it, taking several breaths for every cut. In actual combat, he would have been knocked to the ground long ago, but Meng Qi was just demonstrating, not urging him.

After a while, Changsun Jing sighed and withdrew his long knife: “Hero Meng, I lost.”

His forehead was densely covered with sweat, his spirits were listless, and he was more tired than a real battle with others.

He is full of longing and hope: “It turns out that this is the realm of changing from complicated to simple. I feel that my sword technique has been restored to the simplest combination of changes in your eyes. There is no secret at all. Even my next You can see what moves you will make.”

“After the transition from simple to complex, the changes are constant, and the traps of flaws are difficult to distinguish. Facing this kind of swordsmanship, you will feel trapped in a net, and you can’t break free. As for who is stronger between simple and complex, it depends on whose skill is deeper. The realm is higher.”

Meng Qi didn’t talk about the problem of changing from complicated to simple, but instead said, “If you encounter an enemy who knows how to change moves, you can completely violate the few constant laws of swordsmanship and saber technique. It goes against common sense, but it also means they can’t predict your next move. It’s no trick.”

As long as the sword is still being drawn, no matter what, there is a move, not no move in the absolute sense.

“Wu Zhao” Zhang Sun Jing and Hu Daoren were all thoughtful when they heard this.

“If you want to have no moves, you must initially grasp the few invariable laws contained in the moves. Otherwise, if you mess around, it will really be a child dancing wildly. The enemy will not be confused at all. You can be knocked down with one move, and you will also be defeated by the enemy. It’s easy to unconsciously bring in the same rules. People can still see through and guess.” Meng Qi walked up to the big tree with a cold tone and a deep back.

“What about after no move?” Zhang Sunjing asked boldly.

Meng Qi didn’t think too clearly, so he took advantage of this to sort out his thoughts, and slowly said: “Back to the tricks, and thoroughly grasp the unchanging laws and essence in the ever-changing, it is the pinnacle of magic if you can grasp it easily The moves may be quaint, ingenious or clumsy, or complicated,To attract people into the game, or maybe not. Unexpectedly, in the eyes of this kind of master, the definition of no move has been lost again, and moves are only divided into applicable and inapplicable moves. ”

“What about after that?” Chang Sun Jing was fascinated.

“After that,” Meng Qi’s voice became emotional. “The sword in the heart. Whether you have a sword or forget the sword, it is to temper your soul after all. Sympathize with your own sword, and naturally communicate with the world. The moves really start to get close to the essence, close to the mystery of the world, but in the end, you still have to return to the sword. Essence, back to those few questions, what is a sword, why is it a sword, what position does it occupy in its own life and martial arts, and what does it represent in the laws and principles of the operation of heaven and earth? Different people have different answers. It is the beginning of one’s own way of swordsmanship.”

“After stepping out, the inner and outer heavens and the earth meet, and the long sword meets nature. Once a sword is released, the law is inherent. It can break the clouds and qi, and it can split the yellow spring. The mountains are hard to stop, and the sea is not hidden.”

Although the half-step exterior scene is more difficult than the exterior scene, after all, opening the door of life and death, and building a bridge between heaven and earth are closely related to the mysterious and dangerous ancestral orifice between eyebrows. If you are not careful, you will become an idiot or die directly. There is also a certain need for your own heart and understanding , but the location is not easy.

It has requirements on its own xinxing, which is related to its own understanding of the nature of the world. If there are good exercises, good resources, the relative requirements for xinxing and understanding are not high, and if it is like a warrior in this world, it has neither opened the eyebrows. The tricky method can only be like a phantom, and there is no detailed way to connect the inner and outer worlds. To succeed, the state of mind and natural perception must reach a very high level, which is almost equivalent to the state of the real outdoor scene. Break through the porch, connect the inside and the outside, and step into the exterior scene from the nine orifices in one step.

Therefore, the sword emperor’s mind and perception realm are obviously higher than his physical realm and actual combat power.

Changsun Jing, Batu, and Taoist Hu were all fascinated by what they heard. Whether it is true or not, Xiao Meng, a great master, at least described a bright and grand picture scroll to himself and others, a picture scroll that is reasonable

“Afterwards, this process may have to be repeated again: moves that follow the laws of heaven and earth, no moves that violate the laws of law, and free moves that you really master.” Meng Qi thought freely, and he actually didn’t know much about the location.

“You don’t need to think about it later, I just said it casually, you can understand the previous one.” Meng Qi turned around and asked plainly.

Grandson Jing solemnly saluted: “I will re-study the entry-level knife manual, Hero Meng, I have benefited a lot from your words, and I will not dare to refuse to follow your orders in the future.”

He was born a beggar, which is a rare courtesy.

“When your saber technique reaches a certain level, I will compete with you again.” Meng Qi thought amusedly, hoping that by then he would have mastered the essence of the Heavenly Saber.

Meng Qi gained a lot from the sword emperor’s advice, so he had the idea of ​​giving advice to his eldest grandson Jing.

Since what happened just now was rather big, Meng Qi believed that the national teacher, the sword emperor, the devil queen, etc. had all noticed this, and under their restraint, nothing would happen tonight.

This point is also Lu Guan’s judgment, so he is relieved to let them talk with the right minister tomorrow.

Back in his courtyard and into the living room, Meng Qi finally didn’t have to pretend to be cold-faced and cold-mouthed anymore. He stretched his waist, rubbed his face, and said to Ruan Yushu, “I’ve been thinking about what excuse I’ll use to see the Third Prince tomorrow. Don’t worry now, tomorrow I will visit the four princes one by one to see how they behave and how they treat Xilu.”

“Yeah.” Ruan Yushu carried the guqin and walked to his room.

Meng Qi was quite puzzled: “What’s your excuse for not being curious?”

“Anyway, I’m not going.” Ruan Yushu left a light and fluffy sentence.

“Hehe,” Meng Qi said with a “smile”. To be continued. . :

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