I Honor

Chapter 210

Different Attitudes

The next day, Meng Qi, armed with a saber and a sword, escorted Lu Guan, Batu and others to the outside of the palace city, where he saw several masters waiting.

“Shuai Lu, there is a right minister guarding the palace, so there should be no danger.” Meng Qi said sternly.

Lu Guan nodded lightly: “Your Prime Minister will definitely accompany us to find the young master of the Jiang Clan, so you don’t have to wait here, you can do whatever you want.”

Meng Qi pretended to murmur and said: “Shuai Lu, the peace talk has a lot to do with fraud. I want to inform the four princes one by one so that they can make plans early.”

Lu Guan froze for a moment, then thoughtfully said: “Go.”

He doesn’t have the martial arts, connections and status of the right minister Wang Derang, and if he wants to maintain absolute neutrality, he will only provoke the common disgust of the four princes

Therefore, a scrutiny attitude will help to dispel this emotion. As long as there is still hope of winning over, most princes will not hate and turn their faces, and most importantly, I don’t know which prince wants to have peace talks with Xilu in private, adding As for Dabao’s bargaining chips, I don’t know if he knows that the peace talks are fraudulent. All these need to be tested one or two times, and the present excuse is just right.

After Meng Qi watched them enter the palace, he walked towards Wanghou Fang along the left side of the palace with no expression on his face.

He didn’t have a specific plan to see who he would see first, but he planned to go along the road and meet the mansion of whichever mansion he encountered first.

After entering Wanghou Fang, Meng Qi first saw the Seventh Prince’s Mansion not far away, so he was lukewarm and ordinary.He walked over and explained his purpose.

The concierge was very polite, and he didn’t have the vulgar custom of collecting money to make things difficult, so he hurried in to report.

This made Meng Qi slightly taken aback. The Seventh Prince was considered highly by the old emperor. He was indeed no ordinary person. At least he did a good job in training and controlling his subordinates. It can be seen from the small to the big.

Not long after, the concierge led Meng Qi to a flower hall, where a young man in casual clothes and with a tie in his hair was leaning leisurely on a recliner. Make friends.

He has an elegant demeanor and doesn’t get up. Looking at Meng Qi who came in with a smile, he said, “Same as the Shocking Sword Xiaomeng I imagined, cold and sharp, a natural swordsman, but more elegant and graceful than I expected.”

Thank you for such compliments, Meng Qi accepted them all: “Seventh prince, the peace talks are deceitful.”

There were many guards with bulging temples in the flower hall, and Meng Qi could also feel the prying eyes.

The Seventh Prince let out a hey, but was still lying down. Holding the lid of the teacup with his right hand: “Whether I cheat or not has nothing to do with me. I am not the one who can make decisions. To be honest, I am a person who cares about reputation. In the eyes of my father and in the word of mouth of Shilin, I am very good.” , the matter of cutting land and asking for peace. I can’t do it.”

“Seventh Prince, you have won the hearts of the people for what you do, and you have many supporters in the court. You have a strong influence on the peace talks.” Meng Qi unceremoniously exposed his modesty.

However, he does not claim to be a widow, but appears to be approachable and convincing.

The Seventh Prince laughed and said: “As expected of Xiaomeng, the Shocking God Sword, the sword technique is only offensive but not defensive, and the same is true with words, which makes it difficult for me to parry.”

He smiled and sighed suddenly: “If the father is sober for another year, your words will be right. At that time, I will be in great power, and the throne will be better than mine. Now, many courtiers who are loyal to me Started to alienate me, and there are limited masters who can win over.”

“But I can’t quit. Since this game has started, I am not eligible to quit, because I am no longer alone.”

The sun shines on the Seventh Prince through the window of the flower hall, the golden spots are flowing, bright and brilliant, but there is a hint of sadness and melancholy.

Looking at this elegant young man lying down to meet guests, Meng Qi didn’t say much, but just said: “Seventh Prince, who do you think wants peace talks?”

He actually talked about the throne and the fight for the throne in front of a stranger like himself. I don’t know if it was because of the shallowness of the city, or if he was acting deliberately, trying to mislead.

The Seventh Prince looked at Meng Qi with a half-smile, “If you let me say it, it would be the third brother and the fourth brother.”

“Hmm.” The cold-faced swordsman Meng Qi waited for an explanation.

“Xilu Dahan Maodun is the master of the rest of the clan. He is indeed a disciple of the Yin master of the Demon Sect, but this does not mean that they and the Central Plains Demon Sect are natural allies. There is an incompatible contradiction between the Yin masters who are united in power, and it is impossible to join forces.” The seventh prince said casually.

Meng Qi thought to himself while clearing himself up.

The Seventh Prince continued: “Eldest brother has been on the throne for nearly twenty years. No matter how much the father suppresses him, he still has a force that cannot be underestimated. Under my father’s intentional cultivation, there are loyal members in the court and army. Three Brother and fourth brother are too far apart in this respect, relying entirely on the support of the masters of the rivers and lakes, it is surprising that if they go to the Great Treasure, they must cleanse the influence of my brother and me, so that we can sit securely.”

“To fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside. Naturally, they don’t want to start a war with the captives now, and they definitely want peace talks.”

“Even if you fight against the outside world, you can secure the inside, take advantage of the situation, and take advantage of the situation.” Meng Qi replied noncommittally.

The Seventh Prince smiled, and then said: “Everyone in the world has heard that I colluded with the Demon Sect, I wonder if you have heard about it, Xiaomeng?”

“Yes.” Meng Qi cherished words like gold.

The Seventh Prince shook his head: “The world is ruled by hundreds of officials, all of whom come from Confucianism. They regard the Demon Sect as an evil heretic, and wish to uproot it. If I seek the support of the Demon Sect, I will give up thinking about it immediately, and there will be no one to ascend the throne.” possible.”

Farming first, and then cultivating his own set of civil servants, instead of the current Confucian Meng Qi, his thoughts diverged and he secretly slandered.

“It makes sense.” He replied solemnly.

The Seventh Prince said a few more words, and served tea to the guests without mentioning the matter of winning over Meng Qi and Lu Guan.

After leaving the Seventh Prince’s Mansion and walking forward for a while, Meng Qi saw the Fourth Prince’s Mansion. The concierge had a straight back and a long sword in his hand, looking fierce and fierce.

Running a government is like running an army Meng Qi suddenly came up with this idea.

The fourth prince’s concierge spoke seriously and had a cold attitude, but before he went in to report, a housekeeper came out to invite Meng Qi into the mansion.

“My lord has admired Hero Meng’s swordsmanship for a long time. Hearing that Hero entered the workshop, he asked me to wait at the door early.” The housekeeper said flatteringly.

The four princes all have princes.

Meng Qi nodded lightly: “The Fourth Prince is a disciple of the Sword Emperor, and his sword skills should not be inferior to mine.”

After that, he fell silent, maintaining the appearance of a stern swordsman, and was led into the study.

The fourth prince’s study room is huge. One side is full of military books and other things, and all kinds of swords are hung on the other side.

He turned to Meng Qi, pointed to a sword and said: “Tengxiang sword, the sword is three feet three inches long, made of meteorites, it is unstoppable, cuts iron like mud, my teacher used it when he was young, and it is powerful. ”

“The Chiyue Sword, the sword is three feet long. The color of the sword is dark red, like the moon falling into a pool of blood, the middle person is drunk, it was used by the leftist mad drunken sword in the past.”

It was as if he had met a confidant, and he couldn’t wait to share his collection with Meng Qi, with great interest.

Naturally, Meng Qi was not stingy with his preferences, his eyes were shining brightly, and he couldn’t help but take them all away. What a good deed this is!

“Iron wood sword. My teacher forgot the saber in front of the sword.” The fourth prince turned his head, looked at Meng Qi, and sighed, “I am also obsessed with swordsmanship. But I am entangled in mundane things, and I can’t get rid of it. I can only watch you march into the sword. It’s been so many years, it’s the first time that the master praised a swordsman.”

He regards Meng Qi as his comrade, and he also refers to himself as me.

Hearing the emotion of the fourth prince, Meng Qi suddenly felt bad. He drank solemnly: ”

Huangtu hegemony, may be killed by the glory and wealth, may be killed by the mundane affairs, may be killed if you are really obsessed with the way of swordsmanship, and those who block the way, you must be killed one by one.”

A series of questioning made the fourth prince’s body tremble a bit. He used to describe him as majestic, but now he showed a trace of paleness.

He was silent for a while, and said with a wry smile: “No wonder Xiaomeng you can have such swordsmanship at such a young age. The sentence above the stone bridge that you are not worthy of my sword really makes my blood boil, but it is a pity that I don’t have such a firm sword heart like you.”

He sighed: “The captives invaded, and the people were poisoned. I only want to raise 100,000 troops to save the people from fire and water.”

“The peace talks are fraudulent, Fourth Prince, do you know that?” Meng Qi didn’t answer.

The fourth prince nodded: “I already know why you came, and I will do my best to stop the peace talks.”

“I don’t know which prince wants peace talks.” Meng Qi asked the same question.

The fourth prince pondered for a while: “Elder Brother Jian Guo, if he doesn’t want to talk about peace, it won’t be the current situation, but he may not know that there is fraud in the peace talk.”

Meng Qi didn’t ask any more questions, and after exchanging his sword skills experience for a while, he said goodbye and left.

After walking quite a distance, the Prince’s Mansion appeared before Meng Qi’s eyes.

The concierge of the Prince’s Mansion had a haughty look on his face, asking for bribes unabashedly.

Meng Qi looked at him coldly, and the phantom strengthened his momentum without saying a word.

The concierge soon felt his scalp numb and sweat profusely from Meng Qi’s cold eyes. He gritted his teeth and turned to go in to report.

Not long after, he came out again, and said with a little satisfaction: “His Royal Highness does not want to see you, saying that he already knows.”

“Very good.” Meng Qi was calm in his heart, turned around and left, not seeing was also an attitude.

At the other end of Wanghou Fang, the residence of the Third Prince is located here.

As soon as Meng Qi stepped up the steps, he saw the door open, and Cao Zhan came out with a shrewd face, and said with a smile on his face: “You are really famous in the capital now, the prince has been waiting for you early in the morning.”

Seeing his brocade robe and jade belt, Meng Qi smiled: “You’re doing well, too.”

“It’s okay.” Cao Zhan said with a smile, “The lord has recruited a lot of masters. Naturally, people who are familiar with the practical affairs of the world will need to take care of them, and I happen to be good at this. I did a good job and was rewarded with a secret weapon.”

“Not bad.” Meng Qi boasted sincerely. When he was on his first reincarnation mission, how could Cao Zhan be so prosperous and get the secret weapon without any effort.

Along the way, Cao Zhan tried his best to win the relationship between the two parties and please Meng Qi. He knew that this companion was now very famous and had a very important status. Moreover, he was better at swordsmanship due to his reputation.

After passing through the courtyard and hall, Meng Qi saw a man in his thirties dressed as a prince greeted him with his shoes upside down as soon as he entered the study, with an extremely enthusiastic attitude:

“Xiao Meng, you are finally here”

He has a bit of a relationship with the seventh prince, but his tone is warm and his posture is full, making people feel that he is very valued.

Luo Shengyi stood behind the third prince, with a peaceful expression and a slight smile, not at all annoyed by Meng Qi going to see the other princes; Ge Huai’en was not here, and might be arranged to do other things. To be continued. . :

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