I Honor

Chapter 296


Meng Qi gritted his teeth, nodded heavily, and said directly, “Senior Brother Qi, be careful in everything.”

It’s only been half an hour since Jiang Zhiwei took the Great Returning Pill. If he starts now, his hope is less than 10%. Qi Zhengyan lures away the monster zombie, because the other party has no intelligence, and there is at least a 30% chance of escaping. With Jiang Zhiwei recovering his strength, The chances of joining forces to launch an attack are quite high, and it is also a way to survive in a desperate situation, so Meng Qi did not stop it after careful consideration.

Of course, the premise is that there are no other monsters on the road that Qi Zhengyan is walking on. Judging from the current scene, it is not bad.

“Lead it to the left.” Benbo Erba pointed at Qi Zhengyan and said, which made Meng Qi and the others itch with hatred.

After the fork in the road, you can vaguely see the mountain road going up. Obviously, it is the first choice to go deep into the Lingshan, find the Buddhist temple, and find the treasure. Therefore, Ben Boerba asked Qi Zhengyan to lead the monster zombie to the left path.

Qi Zhengyan breathed out twice, lifted the dragon-patterned red gold sword, and approached the monster zombie cautiously. The further he walked, the stronger the mixed feeling of monster energy and death energy became, which made people tremble and feel inexplicably horrified.

Fortunately, Longwei surrounded him and effectively suppressed this deterrence, so that Qi Zhengyan could move freely, and every time he took a step forward, the heartbeats of Meng Qi and the others would speed up by a fraction, silently praying to God for good luck.

As Qi Zhengyan approached a ten-foot range, the monster zombie moved, its empty eyes glowed red, the surrounding monsters swelled and swelled, and its hands turned into bear paws.

With a bang, white mist filled the air, and Qi Zhengyan cast “White Cloud Smoke” to cover himself, concealing his breath, and flashed past the monster zombie, and ran to the left path.

He had just passed by and touched the demonic aura, the zombie suddenly let out a bloodthirsty and ferocious cry, subconsciously punched out his left fist, and the black air condensedGathering, the wind is everywhere, and the power is amazing.

Qi Zhengyan swayed red clouds from his body, opening like a lotus flower, and spun around his body to avoid the blow.

At the same time, he ran forward frantically and changed direction.

The black air brushed against him, was driven away by Meixia, hit the ground, smoke and dust flew up, and a deep pit appeared, from a distance, it was hard to see the bottom.

Qi Zhengyan staggered, spat out a mouthful of blood, and ran away without slowing down. The monster zombie let out roars, took big strides, and chased after him closely.

It wasn’t until this moment that Meng Qi let out a sigh of relief. If it wasn’t for the fact that monster zombies have no intelligence and rely on instinct to punch, Qi Zhengyan wouldn’t have dodged the punch just now, and then used Mei Xiadang to lure him away. It was really dangerous

When both Qi Zhengyan and the monster zombie disappeared at the end of the path on the left, Ben Boerba hurriedly urged Meng Qi and others to move forward.

When passing the fork in the road, Meng Qi glanced sideways at the scene separated by the black crack and the storm on the left, and said to himself: “Brother Qi, good luck, maybe you are the only one who can go back alive.”

Even if Jiang Zhiwei recovers, since she lacks her right hand, the hope of killing Ben Boerba is not too high, so she can only try her best to grasp it.

After crossing the forked road, Meng Qi and the others set foot on the mountain road and headed towards the height of Lingshan Mountain.

The hurricane sometimes hit his face, and sometimes hit his back. Qi Zhengyan’s ears and mouth were filled with the sound of the wind, as if he had been blown into his nose by the wind.

But he didn’t care about it, just avoided the black gaps, ran with all his strength, and used them to block the monster zombies behind. After a while, the wise monster zombies were gradually thrown away, and they were about to get rid of it.

At this moment, Qi Zhengyan stopped in his tracks, and despair appeared on his expressionless zombie face, because in front of him was a cliff, bottomless and densely covered with black gaps, if he fell, he would die.

When he escaped, he made choices at several forks in the road, but unexpectedly, the choice turned out to be a dead end in the end

“This is God’s arrangement, this is my destiny.” He looked back at the monster zombies who were chasing closer and closer in a daze.

With ordinary background and ordinary aptitude, he is an inconspicuous disciple in the sect. Looking at those brothers and sisters with outstanding talents, the seniors and sisters are rewarded, their strength improves, they become famous and sought after by everyone, are you willing?

After years of suffering, living in poverty, it took many years to reluctantly open up and become the most inconspicuous lower class in the rivers and lakes, are you willing?

Trivial things, all kinds of troubles, not enough money, wife complains, but unable to break through, can only be ordinary, pin your hopes on your children, and have no relationship with yourself, are you willing?

Finally, there is a chance of reincarnation, and I have obtained magic skills, medicines and weapons that I could not have dreamed of in the past. My strength has increased rapidly, and I have almost entered the list of people. , go to a dead end and die here, are you willing?

The sound echoed, torturing the heart, and a certain persistence in the past gradually collapsed.

no i’m not happy

If it is arranged by God, I will kill the blue sky If fate is destined, I will reverse the cause and effect

Qi Zhengyan’s eyes were bloodshot.

Both sides of the mountain road were full of dark gaps and dragon-like storms, and the rocks in Buddha’s Pure Land were blown like flour. Meng Qi and others avoided the void crack in the middle of the road and climbed up.

Seeing that he was about to reach a flat place, Meng Qi stopped because there was a giant snake coiled there, almost as high as a hill.

This giant snake is equally deadly and demonic, with a yellowish putrid liquid flowing on its surface, its bones exposed, and traces of black air flowing.

“Dangshan Monarch” Ben Boerba actually recognized this giant snake.

It was good friends with its former master Nine-Headed Insect, and it was only one step away from condensing the real body of the Heavenly Snake. Later, it entered Lingshan with Nine-Headed Insect, and then disappeared, unexpectedly dying here.

As for the cause of death, Dangshan Jun had rotted to such an extent that Ben Boerba couldn’t tell.

“It also turned into a lingering dead thing.” Meng Qi was a half-hearted monk after all, and realized that this giant snake, like the monster just now, had also turned into a corpse.

But Lingshan is a pure land, not a place where Yin Qi gathers. Some monsters turn into zombies after death because of their special skills.

Could it be that the Great War changed the laws of heaven and earth here?

“You, go and draw it away.” Seeing Dangshanjun, Ben Boer’s legs were weak, how could he have the courage to fight it, and Dangshanjun’s accompanying treasure soldiers were not by his side, even if he went through the risk of life and death to kill him completely It also doesn’t make sense, so he pointed at Luo Shengyi and asked him to come forward.

It was only half an hour since Jiang Zhiwei took the elixir, and with Qi Zhengyan’s precedent, Luo Shengyi’s strength has also recovered a lot. Simply luring the monster away is better than waiting to join forces to kill Ben Boerba, so he pondered After a moment, he signaled Meng Qi not to act in a hurry, and stood up.

It is better to lure monsters now than to lure monsters later, and if you go further in, you may encounter monsters at the Demon King Arhat level

Seeing that Luo Shengyi had made his own decision, Meng Qi didn’t say much, wishing him good luck secretly.

Luo Shengyi’s qinggong is not outstanding, and he doesn’t have “Baiyunyan” and “Meixiadang”, so he moves more carefully.

When he got close, he picked up a stone and flicked it towards the back of Dangshan Jun. Because of the enveloping energy, the sound of breaking the air was inaudible.It passed Dangshanjun high and landed on the ground with a bang.

Dangshanjun moved suddenly, his eyes were like two lanterns, the red glow was frightening, his head turned to the back, and he spat out a mouthful of venom, which made the stone rot into water, and even a hole appeared on the ground.

Seizing this opportunity, Luo Shengyi galloped past it, as fast as a startled horse, and went straight to the road on the right.

Dangshanjun loosened his coiled body and filled the road. The sound of [email protected] kept chasing Luo Shengyi, and it took a while to see its tail leave.

“Let’s go quickly” Ben Boerba seized the opportunity, and with a wave, he led the remaining three people and rushed across the pass.

Luo Shengyi ran wildly all the way, and changed direction when he encountered a fork in the road. When he found a hidden gap, he directly hid in it, held his breath, and restrained his breath.

Dangshan Monarch’s lantern-like red eyes approached, Luo Shengyi directly closed his breath, because the nine orifices were opened and the internal circulation was formed, he could hold his breath for a long time.

The huge snake head swayed out of the gap, Luo Shengyi’s heart almost stopped beating, and then it dangled past, lost its intelligence, and its sensitivity to things dropped greatly.

It wasn’t until Dang Shanjun left that Luo Shengyi let out a long breath, he was really lucky, it was like this last time in the death mission, and it will be like this next time, as long as he hides here and waits for his return with peace of mind.

Suddenly, a chill came from behind, and Luo Shengyi rushed forward without thinking, only to see a white-haired monster coming out from the depths of the gap, with exposed teeth and roaring.

Luo Shengyi rolled on the spot and was about to turn over and run away, but he found that the white-haired monster blocked his way back, and on the other side he could still see the tail of Dangtiger

no luck, no luck

I am a casual cultivator with no family or sect. I struggled hard and went through hardships. I finally got to where I am today. I am famous on the list and read all over the world. How could I die here?

How can this make me happy

Repeated reincarnation tasks, repeated difficulties and obstacles, compared with the disciples of the high school, my own resources and qualifications are much worse, so I have to be cautious, desperate, and self-centered, but all the rewards are worthless. become empty today

I can not be reconciled

Luo Shengyi shouted inwardly, staring at the white-haired monster with both eyes, burning with fighting spirit, and swung his right fist with all his strength.

This punch was as strong as it was strong, thick and majestic, like a mountain pressing down, it suddenly made the white-haired monster bend its legs.


Two fists collided, strong wind overflowed, the white-haired monster took a step back, and Luo Shengyi’s right fist was broken.

When he had a chance, he habitually punched his left fist, forcing the white-haired monster away, and rushed away, but his body was empty, without any strength left, and his left fist was as soft as a lover’s coquetry.

His injury has not healed, his strength has not recovered, and he can only reach the level just now

Baimao roared angrily, without dodging or dodging, he threw himself on Luo Shengyi’s body, and his teeth dug into his neck.

The stabbing pain came, his thoughts drifted away, and it gradually became dark. There was only one voice echoing in Luo Shengyi’s heart:

“I can not be reconciled”

There was complete silence all around.

Wangshan ran dead horses, and after many Buddhist temples came into view, Meng Qi and others walked forward for more than half an hour, before actually encountering a half-collapsed Buddhist temple, only the Daxiong Hall was still standing.

“Go in and search.” Ben Bo Erba’s eyes lit up, instructing Jiang Zhiwei.

Jiang Zhiwei walked out silently, made eye contact with Meng Qi, and nodded slightly.

The injury has healed, you can start r1152

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