I Honor

Chapter 297


Meng Qi took a deep breath, and tightened his right hand holding “Qingyu”. His five fingers were hard, and his palm was slightly sweaty, just like using a knife on the first day. At the moment of life and death, no matter how good the psychological quality is, it is inevitable to be nervous. There is no room for change, monsters like Benboerba, their ferocity often overshadows their rationality.

But if you don’t fight, you’re pinning your hopes on illusory luck, praying that there will be no monsters in the Buddhist temple, and praying that there will be no monsters before returning. The vitality is completely out of your control, and if you fight for the front line, although the hope is not great, But that bit of vitality is what I can work hard to pursue, it can be touched, and I will die without regret

Jiang Zhiwei staggered towards the Daxiong Palace, holding the sword in his left hand, with a calm mind, waiting for Meng Qi to strike first.

She believed that Meng Qi would definitely attack her before she stepped into the Daxiong Palace, because if there were monsters inside, wouldn’t it be a waste of the medicinal power of the Daxiong Pill

Ruan Yushu’s expression was cold, but the five fingers of his left hand, which were blocked by the Guqin, were quietly digging at the edges.

Ben Boerba held the plaque of “Da Leiyin Temple” between his arms, and carried the steel fork, all his energy was at the entrance of the Daxiong Hall, for fear that some terrible monster would appear inside.

Jiang Zhiwei gradually approached Meng Qi who was standing in front of him, and Meng Qi closed his eyes and opened them again, his hand holding the knife was extremely firm.

But at this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly came from the entrance of the Daxiong Palace, like a mountain like a mountain, like a great sun falling, like a bright moon falling from the sky, pressing down on the wide space near the Buddhist temple to shake suddenly, making Meng Qi tremble , as if carrying a heavy burden, it is difficult to move.

This is when Meng Qi’s thinking became slow. When he saw a monk in a tattered cassock coming out, heHis skin is dark gold, his face is like dead wood, his chest is exposed, he has no birth and no suffering, and he has cut off all afflictions.

Every time he took a step, there was a sway in the void, as if it was about to collapse, and the golden lotus was with him, but it was stained with a trace of black air, and there was no Buddhist singing to accompany him.

Jiang Zhiwei was also immobilized by the monk’s aura, as if bound in all directions. Ruan Yushu was not strong enough, and broke his right arm. The injury was not healed, and he was trembling slightly at this moment.

Ben Bo’erba’s eyes protruded, and his face was full of fear: “Luo, Luohan!”


Meng Qi turned pale with shock, is this the feeling of the Dharma Body?

The arhat’s golden body was gray and lifeless, making the dark gold seem to have faded, hiding countless gaps, his eyes were dull, and his face was rigid. There was no essential difference from the two monster zombies before.

How could it be like this that the Arhat, who had lost all his troubles and enjoyed the cleanliness, was transformed into a dead body? What happened to Lingshan?

He wanted to retreat, out of the range of this arhat’s aura, but under the pressure, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn’t move no matter what.

Not only him, Ben Bo Erba, the monster who still has half a step of location strength left, is also trembling.

The power of the dharma body is so terrifying that it makes Ben Boerba powerless to resist without taking action

Luo Han’s face was haggard and his eyes were cold, as if everything was dead. As the distance between him and Meng Qi got closer, this feeling became more and more obvious, which made Meng Qi’s heart beat faster, boom boom boom boom boom boom , almost jumped out of the throat.

Dead Arhat is definitely not a good man and a believer

Ben Boerba screamed in fright, suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly threw the plaque of “Da Leiyin Temple” to Luohan, hoping that the Buddha’s thing would be useful

Isn’t it said that Buddhism is the best at saving ghosts and souls?

The plaque flew towards Arhat, but there was no abnormal phenomenon, because Ben Boerba threw it hastily and was not accurate enough, it landed in front of Arhat with a bang.

Arhat took half a step, then stopped suddenly, looking at the plaque on the ground, his dull eyes showed some doubts, and the bloody feeling on his body faded a little.

But this change was short-lived. He was about to step over the plaque and walk towards Meng Qi at the front. Their aura of life was disgusting and must be extinguished

Meng Qi took a deep breath, thinking of Luohan’s reaction when he saw the “Da Leiyin Temple” plaque, which was a Buddhist object, he decided to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After all, he couldn’t escape, and he couldn’t beat him.

There are dim bronze rays of light blooming all over his body, and his breath is weak, but it is the meaning of authentic Buddhism. Although the golden bell cover has been broken, it only has no defensive effect, not all internal meridians have been interrupted, and it is difficult to even operate.

Feeling this breath, the golden body Arhat stopped again, and stopped at the edge of the “Da Leiyin Temple” plaque, his cold and dull eyes softened a lot.

Considering that he was unable to use Ananda’s saber-breaking technique, and considering the roar of “Ananda” that filled the mountains and plains before, Meng Qi decided not to use a sword to show his Buddhist identity, but to chant a mantra.

Rebirth Mantra “Rebirth in the Pure Land Mantra” “Pull out all karmic obstacles to be reborn in the Pure Land Dharani”

This is one of the little mantras Meng Qixue learned in the morning class. He recited it very skillfully and never forgot it.

“Namo Amitabha Ye” has a dark gold body and a compassionate face. He sincerely hopes that this arhat will get rid of his shackles and enter the pure land as soon as possible, so that he can be safe.

Strange to say, the arhat closed his eyes and murmured sutras, which was also the mantra of the past life.

The sound of “Rebirth Mantra” reverberated, and the Zen light of the Arhat’s golden body rippled, and the dark and dilapidated Buddhist temple gradually raised the meaning of purity.


Under such guidance, the four characters “Da Leiyin Temple” bloomed with Buddha’s light, the glass is clear and clean, great light, great fearlessness, and great liberation.

Arhat’s numb expression softened, he took a step forward, and sat cross-legged on the plaque of “Da Leiyin Temple”, his body surface was gray and dead and dark, and underneath was a pure dark gold body

A glazed pure fire jumped out of his body, ignited the golden body, ignited the dead air and the black breath, and burned silently.

Gradually, the flames wrapped the name Arhat and the “Da Leiyin Temple” plaque, and bursts of Zen sounds came out, as if this was liberation and Nirvana.

“Namo Amitabha Night” Meng Qi was still reciting the mantra, his voice blended with Zen singing, and a smile appeared on Luohan’s face, showing compassion, relief, and not borrowing.

When the flames covered him, Meng Qi saw two lines of blood and tears flowing from his eyes.

What is the reason why Luohan has tears?

The flame rose and rushed straight to Xiaohan, illuminating the entire Buddhist temple brightly and cleanly.

When the flames receded, the plaque of Daleiyin Temple and the golden arhat were all burned out, leaving only a relic like colorful glass, looking at it with peace of mind.

The swaying of the space and the heavy restraints all disappeared. Meng Qi and others regained their freedom of movement. It was like a dream before. If it wasn’t for the rolling of the relics, I’m afraid it would be doubtful.

“Get out of the way” Seeing the relic on the ground, Ben Boerba’s eyes lit up, and he overtook Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei in two or three steps, and tried to take it away.


Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei looked at each other, and they both noticed the joy in each other’s eyes. Originally, the two planned to fight violently and fight head-on, but now Ben Bo’erba was blinded by greed and gave the unexpectedopportunity

Not to be missed

If this knife cuts out, if you can’t kill Ben Boerba, we will be the ones who die, no accidents

And if you don’t do it, there is still hope for the return

Do you want to fight for the front line, pursue hope with action and hard work, or linger on and just pray for luck?

The answer was already in Meng Qi’s mind, he would rather die than beg for mercy from God


Ananda broke the precepts and the saber mentality was running, Meng Qi’s heart was like a flat lake, without any waves, forgetting death, forgetting danger, no victory and no defeat, only the burning will to fight because of the desire to survive

Yes, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled to die here, there are still many unfulfilled wishes

But it was precisely because he was not reconciled that he had to use the knife

You can’t wait for others to save you, just wait for luck to favor you

This knife is a knife of unwillingness and a knife of fighting for life, even if you die, you will have no regrets

The long knife was cut out, and whispers flew like Meng Qi’s heart.

The saber descended from the sky like a long dragon, absorbing all the vitality and air flow nearby, and turned into a fierce and domineering saber, Zidian soared into the air, covering the front.

The long knife was retracted, and it was cut again. It was exactly the same as before, without the slightest difference. It was like a replica. Jiang Zhiwei couldn’t help but pursed her lips when she saw it.

One cut, two cuts, three cuts, Meng Qi made a total of nine cuts, and a thunder exploded out of thin air, shaking Ben Bo Erba’s body.

The purple thunders are like snakes, one after another, like a wheel rolling forward, with the domineering and fierceness of coercing the world and punishing the heavens, it crushes Ben Boerba.

Ben Boerba was delighted to harvest an Arhat relic, and suddenly felt a tremor from the heart, just like the feeling he had when he witnessed the master of the Nine-Headed Insect crossing the Dao Tribulation.


No, sneak attack

He swung the steel fork back to block the long knife, twisted his body, and rolled in waves to protect himself.


The violent thunder strikes, shaking the sky, Ben Boerba takes a step back, and is hit hard by the nine purple thunders on the protective wave.

Water splashed everywhere, electric snakes flew wildly, and a ray of thunder light traveled through the waves, directly opening up the waves of Ben Boerba’s body protection, splitting the black scales on his body to burnt yellow.

If Ben Bo Erba was still at the level of the location, Meng Qi’s “wild thunder and shock” might not be able to break through his defense, but at this moment, he only has half the strength of the location, and Meng Qi raised the knife and fell, and the lightning was chaotic. Jumping, broke through the waves, and chopped on the scales.


“Qingyu” collided with Benbo’erba’s black scales, and pieces of fish scales fell off, drawing a shallow wound, and blood gushed out.

He dared to do something and was not afraid that I would kill him, Ben Bo Erba was furious, anyway, he had harvested the Arhat relic, so he decided to ignore it and kill Meng Qi.

As soon as it had an idea, its eyes suddenly lit up, and its sight was filled with the light of the sword, as if there was only one sword between heaven and earth.

Why did she regain her strength?

Ben Boerba was frightened and angry, fearful and terrified, he swung the steel fork with all his strength, trying to block the long sword, and at the same time condensed drops of water between his eyebrows.

As soon as its protective wave was pierced, Jiang Zhiwei had already made a move, taking advantage of the vacancy, so that it had no time to recover, and reorganized its defenses. The timing was extremely precise


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