I Honor

Chapter 298

: Blue Lantern

Holding the sword in her left hand, Jiang Zhiwei changed the inner world with the sword intent of “Sword Out of Self”, which resonated with the outer world, and prompted the “Yan Luo Tie”, which is much simpler than the move of “Sword Out of Self”, almost clumsy in changing , which the unskilled left hand can afford.

She has no waves in her mind, reflecting the subtle changes. She has no other thoughts except to cut off the things in front of her eyes and remove all obstacles.

Once the sword is out, there is no retreat, there is no return, although it is strong and easy to break, it is unyielding

The sword light is bright and dazzling, like a flying fairy in the sky, ethereal and beautiful, without self or appearance, but it is pure and pure, with condensed dead energy, like the trial of life by heaven and earth.

Ben Boerba felt a chill in his heart, felt the threat of death like never before, his eyes were so protruding that he was about to pop out, but just after the “kuanglei” passed, and the waves divided, he could barely swing out the steel fork, trying to swing away. long sword.


The sound of metal clashing far away, Meng Qi’s heart sank and was blocked

His spirit was exhausted again, his body was exhausted, and only his true energy remained at its peak. If Jiang Zhiwei couldn’t kill Ben Boerba or completely injure him, things would slide irreversibly into the abyss.

The sword light dissipated, Jiang Zhiwei was not used to using the sword with his left hand after all, and his speed slowed down for an instant, and was swung by the steel fork a little, failing to hit the vital point between the eyebrows, killing Benboerba Yuanshen, but only piercing into Benboerba’s right forehead , pierced through the hard skull, stuck there.

The sword energy was bursting out, piercing through the bones, Jiang Zhiwei did not give up, she wanted to use this method to kill Ben Boerba

Ah Benbo Erba screamed, extremely stern, bloody tears flowed from his eyes, his mouth opened, blood spurted out, and all the fragments of the demon pill that had been swallowed before were shot out.

At this point, it can’t have any reluctance

A few black demon pills turned into streamers and hit Jiang Zhiwei. Jiang Zhiwei clenched her teeth, not dodging or dodging, and continued to burst out the sword energy, penetrating through the bones. Destroy the brains of Benbo Erba.Seeing that the fragments of the demon pill were about to hit Jiang Zhiwei’s left chest, suddenly, a hand stretched out and blocked it. With flesh and blood, he helped Jiang Zhiwei stop the fatal blow. Munch

With a few swishes, the demon pill pierced through Meng Qi’s left hand, which was not protected by the golden bell cover, and beat it to a bloody mess. However, with the help of blocking and the imprint of immortality, they were all at the end of their strength. They only knocked Jiang Zhiwei upside down and flew out, but failed to penetrate the body or the heart.

Jiang Zhiwei’s sword is there. Holding the sword very tightly, when flying backwards, the Baihong Guanri sword was pulled out from Benboerba’s head, leaving a hideous wound that pierced through the bone.

The demon pill was completely damaged, and Benbo Erba’s strength dropped again, and he was no longer able to borrow the power of heaven and earth, and his head was injured. The injury is extremely serious, it is already in a daze, and it can only hold on with its strong monster power and tyrannical monster body.

but it’s not dead

“Hahahaha.” It raised its head and laughed wildly, blood flowed from its forehead unstoppably, staining its face red, like a demon. Ferocious and terrible.

“want to kill me”

“It depends on you”

“My Majesty wants to make you regret that you are still alive”

It seemed to be frantically waving its steel fork and rushing towards Meng Qi in front of him.

Meng Qi’s head throbbed, and he wished he could bang his head against the wall. His spirit was exhausted, and it was difficult for him to grasp the complex moves. You can only speak softly, use strength against strength, fierceness against fierceness, and fight for your life with Benboerba.


He shouted violently, bursting with true energy, he slashed Huashan Mountain with his knife, and slashed on the steel fork.


Both of them took a step back, Meng Qi swayed slightly, slightly inferior.

Jiang Zhiwei struggled hard, but her chest and abdomen were seriously injured, making it difficult to get up for a while.

“Die!” Ben Bo Erba stabbed the steel fork forcefully, his eyes were red, blood and tears flowed horizontally and horizontally, and his face was covered with blood.

“Kill” Meng Qi did not back down, he slashed horizontally with his long saber, with the dominance of thunder and the fierceness of the sword, he slashed towards the steel fork.


The two backed away again, and Meng Qi spurted out a stream of blood. He relied on the seal of immortality to turn death into life, and kept his true energy full, but it was still a bit inferior to Ben Boerba.

Suddenly, a melodious piano sound resounded in Meng Qi’s heart, as if sweet rain had come, it would clear his mind, like a green spring gushing out.

Ruan Yushu sat cross-legged on the ground, put the guqin aside, did not move his left hand, his face was as cold as dust, and the silent sound of the qin spread into Meng Qi’s heart.

He was born with a qin heart, so he can practice the secret technique of the Ruan family “heart qin”, using the heart as the qin and the seven emotions as the strings, playing with sincerity, making a silent fairy sound, and attracting the resonance of the other heart

Every time he played a note, Ruan Yushu’s face turned pale. The “Xinqin” was exhausted, and she couldn’t bear it normally, and she was still seriously injured.

Meng Qi only felt that his true energy was surging, his spirit recovered a little, his strength increased by one level, and he suddenly shouted:


The long knife swung out, like a thunderstorm falling from the sky, overwhelming people with power.

Ben Bo Erba made a wrong step, and the steel fork crossed the railing, and also yelled: “Death!”


Qingyu collided with the steel fork again, and the sound echoed far away, but this time, Meng Qi did not retreat, and Ben Boerba retreated three steps in a row

“Kill” Meng Qi used his agility and chased after him, his sword like a mad dragon.


Meng Qi slashed fiercely, but Ben Boerba could only support himself with all his might.

Ruan Yushu spurted blood from his nostrils, unable to support his mental strength, he threw his head back and passed out.

But after this ebb and flow, Benbo Erba’s monster power is no longer comparable to Meng Qi, who has always maintained his true energy and long physical strength. There are cracks

Meng Qi’s hatred was high and his fighting spirit was boiling. All the last purple thunder energy in his dantian gushed out. He could not use the violent thunder to shake the sky, but to strengthen the power of this saber.

“Die to me”

He yelled violently, shaking the Buddhist temple, and the long knife slashed down, like rigidity and softness, like yin and yang, in a state of chaos, yin and yang are intertwined, it is difficult to distinguish.

The triad of yin and yang, what is the origin and what is the transformation

Ben Boerba stabbed out with the steel fork, and touched Qingyu, but felt that the opponent’s long knife was weak and soft, and was swung away at once.

“Die to me”

Yin and yang intertwine, until yang turns to yang, until soft and rigid. After swinging the steel fork, the long knife charged forward and slashed towards Ben Boerba’s head with a fierce posture. The target was the wound.

“Die to me”

The voice reverberated, the knife was fierce, and Meng Qi was like the God of Thunder from the Nine Heavens. Strands of purple lightning burst out from the palm of his hand, circling Qingyu.

The crisis of death penetrated into his heart, and Ben Boerba suddenly woke up, and blurted out: “Forgive me!”


The long knife cut on its head. Like a golden stone, it can only chop off pieces of fish scales, but the purple thunder crazily poured into the wound, and danced wildly in Benboerba’s head.

clap clap

There are purple electric snakes coming out of its eyes, nostrils, ears and other places, as if it is breathing light smoke.

clap clap

The demon power collapsed and erupted from within, and streaks of black energy gushed out from the surface of Benbo Erba’s body.

Ding ding ding, the soft words in Meng Qi’s hands were completely shattered, turning into pieces of silver light and falling to the ground.

Ben Bo Erba’s face was frozen with a begging expression, leaving traces of madness. There was a burning smell, and the complexion seemed to be darker.

Its eyes were completely lifeless, and it fell down in front of Meng Qi with a plop., There was no more sound, only the clang and crisp sound of the steel fork falling far away.

Finally, Meng Qi was overjoyed and relieved when he died. It was only then that I realized that I was weak all over, my legs went limp, and I fell to the ground.

Spread out the big characters, looking up at the sky, the blue bricks are cold, but Meng Qi feels safe and happy, that’s what it should be like to escape from the dead

But he did not indulge in this state of mind. Because Ruan Yushu and Jiang Zhiwei were unconscious and seriously injured, waiting for their own rescue.

Relying on the support of his true energy, he tried his best to stand up. Seeing that Jiang Zhiwei had sealed the acupoints, crossed his legs and adjusted his breath, he first walked to Ruan Yushu’s side. He lifted her up, pressed his palms on her vest, channeled his inner strength, and protected his heart veins.

Ruan Yushu’s body was hot and cold, swinging. After waking up after a while, Meng Qi hurriedly said, “It’s okay, take out the healing elixir.”

The pills they took outside have already been consumed.

Ruan Yushu was weak, so he told Meng Qi the formula and asked him to take it from the mustard ring by himself.

Meng Qi read it silently, keeping it in mind, then opened the mustard seed ring, and took out the healing elixir left by Fu Zhenzhen.

But Ruan Yushu didn’t open his mouth. He looked at Meng Qi with big black and white eyes, and said forcefully, “Dried dragon fish.”

Meng Qi was embarrassed for a moment, thinking about eating snacks at this moment.

He looked persuasive: “Take the medicine first, and then eat the dried dragon fish when the injury is stable.”

“Eat the dried dragon fish first.” Ruan Yushu looked at Meng Qi persistently, without taking a step back.

“Okay.” Meng Qi wiped off his cold sweat, found the dried dragon fish, fed it into Ruan Yushu’s mouth, and then gave her a healing elixir, using his true energy to help catalyze it.

After a while, the medicine dissipated, Ruan Yushu’s injury stabilized, and he adjusted his breath, Meng Qi took the medicine to Jiang Zhiwei.

“It’s finally resolved.” Jiang Zhiwei adjusted his breath for a while before, but the injury did not worsen. After taking the elixir, he let out a long breath with a sincere and bright smile on his face. It was really not easy.

Meng Qi was also delighted: “Unexpectedly, we could kill a scene monster.”

After a pause, he showed a worried expression: “I don’t know how Brother Qi and Lao Luo are doing.”

He didn’t know where Qi Zhengyan and the others fled to, and there was no way to find them in the depths of the dangerous Lingshan Mountain.

“I hope they’re okay.” Thinking of this, Jiang Zhiwei’s face was equally gloomy.

“Well, auspicious people have their own celestial features.” Meng Qi picked up Jiang Zhiwei and walked towards Ruan Yushu, and then also helped Ruan Yushu to go inside the Daxiong Palace.

“The Arhat who turned into a dead body came out of it. With its power, there should be no other monsters in the main hall. If you are outside, you will easily encounter zombies passing by, but inside the hall, you will be safe.” Meng Qi explained One sentence.

Neither Jiang Zhiwei nor Ruan Yushu had any objections. When they passed by Benboerba, the three of them stopped, bent down and put its steel fork, fallen fish scales and the glazed relic left by Arhat into the mustard ring.

As for Benbo Erba’s chain mail, purple gold crown, etc., Meng Qi was unable to take them off for the time being, so he could only come back after resting, but besides this, he didn’t bring anything else with him.

Looking at Ben Bo Erba’s body, Ruan Yushu suddenly sighed, and said with regret: “It’s all burnt.”

What are you thinking about? Meng Qi was speechless. He led them into the Daxiong Palace, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

On the incense table, green lights are like beans, warm and peaceful, making this place in stark contrast to the dark and cold outside world.

This blue lamp is full of cracks, and the flame is dim, but it has not been extinguished after hundreds of years.

Suddenly, there were slight footsteps outside the hall, as if someone was approaching.

Meng Qi was startled and stunned. With the current situation of the three of them, how could they have the ability to defend against the enemy?

He asked Ruan Yushu and Jiang Zhiwei to lean against the beams, and pulled out “Ziwu” by himself, not intending to stand still and die.

When people from outside the hall came in, Meng Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed:

“Brother Qi”

It was Qi Zhengyan who came


Today is also the third watch, asking for a monthly ticket


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