I Honor

Chapter 326

Unexpected clues

In Huanghua Lane, Carpenter Li walked to the house with a load of woodcarvings.

“Young master, who are you looking for?” Carpenter Li saw a handsome young man in a black suit at the door.

Meng Qi smiled: “I want to pick a wood carving.”

“Okay.” Carpenter Li was quite on guard, and didn’t directly invite Meng Qi into the house to pick it up. He put down the burden at the door, pointed to the bamboo basket, “Your master, you can do whatever you want.”

Meng Qi picked out the wood carvings, and asked casually, “Are there any two wood carvings that are exactly the same?”

“It’s impossible, there will always be small differences when engraving.” Carpenter Li smiled politely.

“It makes sense.” Meng Qi hinted, and took out the wood carving in his arms, “Have you ever recognized it?”

Meng Qi’s plan is to use “changing the sky and hitting the earth” to evoke relevant memories of Carpenter Li

Normally speaking, with Meng Qi’s level of cultivation, not to mention the incomplete memories of reincarnation in previous lives, even the memories of this life must be combined with the cleansing technique to wake up the most painful, unforgettable, and obsessive parts. .

But the woodcarving was only bought yesterday, and it was only about twelve o’clock, and the relevant impressions of Mr. Li did not fade much. In the sea of ​​deep memory, that is, the sea of ​​subconscious mind, they are still on the surface and are easy to wake up.

And there are wood carvingsAs a proof itself, it can directly correspond to the relevant fragments

There are no identical woodcarvings. Carpenter Li already has a feeling when he is carving, but it is not important and does not need to be remembered, so he can’t tell them apart. But subconsciously, they are actually different. As long as they don’t exceed three days, there is a certain hope that they will be identified. , and for this kind of low-level craftsmen, they don’t buy too many wooden blocks at a time, so as to prevent the carving from being sold and taking up money, they often only buy one or two days’ worth at a time.

Of course, there is the most important point, Carpenter Li does not know martial arts, and his mental defense is very weak

But Meng Qi didn’t force it, and used it on the premise that it would not damage Carpenter Li’s soul and body.

Carpenter Li was about to speak when he suddenly felt that the dark sky was dark and then bright. He stood on the street and greeted the coming and going guests. Such a life is not fundamentally different from every day in the past.

Suddenly, his eyes focused on a wooden sculpture, and he always felt that it was a bit special, different from others of the same kind.

As soon as the idea came to mind, I felt a shadow covering the booth, and I picked up this wood carving with one hand.

Meng Qi, who performed the techniques of “changing the sky and hitting the ground” and “impressing the heart with the heart”, held his breath because there were a little ink marks on the edge of the hand

The ink on the edge of the note with “Crazy Saber” Su Meng was slightly blurred, as if the person who wrote it touched it.

“How many coppers?” A male voice rang in Carpenter Li’s ears, and he raised his head, ready to answer.

Meng Qi concentrated his attention, waiting for the answer.

Carpenter Li’s gaze gradually stopped on the face of the person in front of him, with slanted eyes and broom eyebrows, the young man

This is Jiang Tabo

Meng Qi was almost unable to stabilize his mood, and was almost beaten back by the heaven and earth. It turned out that it was Jiang Tabo who was framed, and he also used his death to frame his own Jiang Tabo, Jiang Hengchuan’s cousin.

Thoughts popped up one after another, and Meng Qi suddenly found answers to several questions. The people behind the scenes said that Jiang Tabo was kidnapped. Why did Jiang Hengchuan arrive in Maoling? He was only detained by the casino, and he had collected all the money to come out intact; It is clear that Jiang Hengchuan invested in the store in secret and lived near Jiang Tabo, why was he still discovered by the people behind the scenes and lured away at a critical moment; why did Jiang Tabo’s frozen expression at that time be disbelief rather than horror

But he’s dead, the thread is still broken

Craftsman Li glanced at the person next to Jiang Tabo. He was about forty years old, wearing a brocade robe, with the air of a long-standing man. There was an inconspicuous tumor on the corner of his eyebrow. He stood very close to Jiang Tabo. eye contact.

His vision gradually blurred, and Carpenter Li shuddered, only to see that the sky was still dark, and the smoke from the kitchen made it night, everything was as usual, but there was no one in front of him.

“No, it can’t be a ghost encounter.” Carpenter Li was frightened out of his wits. Suddenly, he saw a dime of silver in the basket, and he was surprised and happy. After confirming that it was real money, he only hoped that such ghosts would come often.

Meng Qi walked out of Huanghua Lane and went directly to Guanjin Garden. He didn’t know who Jiang Tabo’s acquaintances were, but Jiang Hengchuan should know some of them.

As it was getting late, Jiang Hengchuan was still searching the vicinity of Tingfeng Xiaozhu, looking for the person who was hiding in reverse from the trajectory of the stones described by Meng Qi.

“Su Shaoxia, have a clue?” Jiang Hengchuan asked a little excitedly when he sensed Meng Qi’s approach.

Meng Qi nodded: “I went to Huanghua Lane again, and with some tricks, I finally helped Carpenter Li recall the situation at that time.”

Carpenter Li may have almost no memories, so he was not silenced. Who would have guessed that Meng Qi would change the world?

Even if you are a reincarnation, how many people can find it from the vast sea of ​​exercises?

It is neither high nor low, but its function is special.

“Who is it?” Jiang Hengchuan was slightly surprised and asked repeatedly.

Meng Qi carefully described what he saw.

Jiang Hengchuan shook his body slightly, his face became gloomy: “I just think it’s too coincidental, no wonder, no wonder”

This is a kind of hatred and helplessness that hates iron but not steel.

“Brother Jiang, I wonder if I know that middle-aged man?” Meng Qi returned to the topic.

Jiang Hengchuan took a deep breath, his face returned to normal, and his every move was natural: “Although I have only seen it once or twice, but I will not admit my mistake, the Xiangzhu Chu Guan of the Dajiang Gang, a gambler on the wave.”

“Dajiang Gang” Meng Qi took a light breath.

Jiang Hengchuan pondered for a while and said: “This matter is related to the Dajiang Gang, and the people behind the scenes have a precedent of framing. We can’t act rashly, we must invite the Qing Ribbon or Silver Badge to arrest the head, and we must cooperate with the head or deputy head of the branch of the Dajiang Gang Let’s go together in the light of day.”

“That’s right.” Meng Qi agreed.

This is no better than investigating Jiang Tabo himself. His background is not obvious, and he has the identity of Qingshou headhunter, so there will be no situation where grievances cannot be washed away. This is the incense master of the Dajiang Gang, the top power in the world. Let’s talk about a few people who don’t belong to their own gang.

It happened that Jiang Hengchuan made friends with Yu Yinzhang and Dai Qingshou of the six gates of Maoling through yesterday’s incident. The two went out together, walked through the bustling street, resisted the yamen, explained the whole story, and invited Dai Fei Dai Qingshou.

Then Dai Qingshou came forward and invited Chen Yasong, the deputy head of the Maoling branch of the Dajiang Gang, and the four of them rushed to Chu Guan’s house together.

“I didn’t expect someone to make trouble in Maoling. If I knew who it was, I would definitelyMake him look good.” Dai Fei Dai Qingshou is a bold man, as he walked, he cursed the people behind the scenes.

Chen Yasong, the deputy head of the Maoling branch of the Dajiang Gang, was also on location for half a step, and he was familiar with Dai Fei, and he said, “The undercurrent started a few months ago, who are you looking good at?”

He has a fair complexion, like a middle-aged gentleman.

“Isn’t there no clue?” Dai Fei turned his head and looked at Meng Qi, “Could it be that Su Shaoxia is good at divination, so that he can also ask for clues who are worthy of their reputation?”

Meng Qi laughed and said, “It’s just a trick, it’s not worth mentioning.”

Hey, there’s no way to talk to me

Although Jiang Hengchuan remained calm, he didn’t speak a word all the way, feeling a little impatient.

The four of them walked very fast, and after a while, they saw Chu Guan’s courtyard, which was quiet and silent.

“Something’s wrong, maybe it’s too quiet?” Meng Qi’s face was serious.

Chen Yasong shook his head: “Mrs. Chu Guan is serving the elders in her hometown. Her sons and daughters are all married. He also likes to gamble. There is only one dumb servant in the family, so there is no need to worry.”

“Don’t be careless.” Dai Fei took this opportunity to hurt Chen Yasong, quickened his pace, climbed over the wall, and entered Chu Guan’s courtyard, followed by Meng Qi and the other three.

As soon as they landed, there was a hoarse scream, and the four of them didn’t make eye contact, and at the same time quickened their pace.

Meng Qi was quite astonished. He waited for someone to come so quickly, and there was no news about it. How could something happen?

Dai Fei waved his palm from a distance, and the wind blew up, and the door rushed open, revealing the bloody scene in the hall:

The old servant fell to the ground with a sword in his chest, and he died long ago. Chu Guan, who had an inconspicuous tumor on the corner of his brow, was sitting on the grand teacher’s chair, holding the sword in both hands, and thrusting it backwards into his chest, blood flowed all over his body.

He looked at Meng Qi and the others with hatred in his eyes, and screamed:

“Wenqu Xingjun will avenge me”

The voice stopped abruptly, he bit off his tongue, and under the double injuries, he died immediately, Meng Qi and others were in no hurry.

Wenqu Xingjun’s shrill scream echoed in Meng Qi’s ears all the time, as if it was signaling something.

The faces of the four of them became gloomy at the same time, and they searched carefully, but found no clues.

“Wenqu Xingjun, if there is no such person in the Jianghu, is it the resurrection of the ancient gods?” Dai Fei said bitterly, Chen Yasong and Jiang Hengchuan were also puzzled.

Meng Qi does know the origin of Wenqu Xingjun, but no matter what, Wenqu Xingjun is just a code name. He must have a clear identity in Maoling. Who is he?

Because Meng Qi deliberately didn’t talk about this matter, the four of them discussed for a while without any clue, and decided to report the matter to the Shendu headquarters and the Dajiang Gang main altar to see if they could find any clues.

The four of them left without talking for a whole night. After Meng Qi woke up, thinking that things had turned into a dead end again, he felt a burst of irritability.

He took a deep breath, walked out of the courtyard, and took a walk in the coolness of the morning.

Before he knew it, he came to the alley with dragon locust trees, and saw the gray-haired old man come out with a small stool, holding a block of wood and a carving knife in his hand, once again concentrating on his work.

Concentrated and pious, he acts as if the matter in his hands is the most important thing in the world, and he is completely focused on it. Every time he cuts the knife, it is like carving his own life.

Quiet, serene, serene, with an indescribable feeling, Meng Qi calmed down his restlessness again, and watched with his legs crossed.

“Brother, I have something to do.” After some time, the old man finished carving a piece of wood and looked up at Meng Qi.

Meng Qi didn’t leave directly this time, he pondered for a while, and said, “Old man, Xiao Keguan, you are focused on carving, and you feel something in your heart, so you stop and watch.”

I had a similar feeling twice. According to so many novels I have read, this is the rhythm of encountering an expert.

will it be true

Meng Qiluo looked forward to it, as if he was discovering the little joys in life.

“Where, where, the old lady is stupid, so I have to concentrate.” The old man laughed at himself.

Meng Qi twitched his face, thought for a while, and changed the subject: “Old man, from your accent, you don’t look like a local.”

“That’s right.” The old man sighed, “Come here in January, and leave after watching the Jinshui tide.”

“Old man Jinshui Dachao is an elegant man.” Meng Qi smiled.

The look of the half-century old man became gentle, looking at the wooden statue of a woman in palace attire in his hand: “My wife loves the Jinshui tide the most before her. Since her death, the old man has come here to watch the tide every year.” r1152



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